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根据GenBank中报道的猪细小病毒基因组序列,利用PCR引物设计软件,设计并合成了1对引物,通过对PCR反应条件的优化,成功地扩增出了511bp的目的片段,建立了PCR检测PPV的方法。利用该方法对120份临床样品进行检测,共检测到4份阳性样品,并成功地分离到2株PPV,1#病毒分离株理化特性鉴定表明其符合PPV的特性。  相似文献   

为了建立检测J亚群禽白血病病毒(ALV-J)的方法,试验采用Real-time RT-PCR,通过1对ALV-J特异性引物对ALV-J山东分离株(命名为ALV-JSD株)进行特异性、敏感性和重复性试验;然后用ALV-JSD株感染1日龄SPF鸡,感染8周后剖检取各组织,用已建立的方法检测ALV-LSD株的感染情况。结果表明:特异性试验中只有以ALV-JSD株cDNA为模板的反应管中能够检测到扩增曲线;敏感性试验测得反应灵敏度达到3.01×1010 copies/μL,比普通PCR灵敏100多倍;对人工感染鸡的不同组织样品进行3次重复检测,病毒检出率为100%;经重复性和实际临床样本检验证实,该方法稳定、可靠,为ALV-J的早期快速诊断建立了特异、灵敏、廉价的定量检测方法。  相似文献   

利用鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)多克隆抗体构建的免疫磁珠富集IBV,对Gen Bank中896株IBV S1基因序列及其多变区进行分析,根据IBV强毒株和弱毒疫苗株序列差异设计引物,建立了一种基于免疫磁珠富集IBV后检测S1基因多变区的多重RT-PCR方法。结果表明:该方法能扩增出强毒株约710 bp的通用片段和约350 bp的特异片段,弱毒疫苗株能扩增出约710 bp的通用片段和约210 bp的特异片段,能鉴别出强毒株和弱毒疫苗株。免疫磁珠富集IBV后比不富集病毒用RT-PCR方法检测敏感性提高100倍。该方法为IBV检测提供了新的技术支持。  相似文献   

为了对水貂阿留申病毒(ADV)进行快速、准确地鉴定,试验根据基因库中ADV的NS1基因核苷酸序列,设计合成了一对特异性引物,经过反应条件的优化,建立了水貂阿留申病的PCR检测方法,对阳性病料进行特异性核酸扩增及产物测序,并对水貂肠炎细小病毒(MEV)、犬瘟热病毒(CDV)等病原核酸进行扩增检测该方法的特异性;用10倍系列稀释的ADV进行扩增检测敏感性;用该方法检测临床样品并与对流免疫电泳法进行了比较。结果表明:ADV阳性样品有明显目的条带(365 bp)出现,MEV、CDV均无特异条带出现,最低能检测到的病毒核酸量为2.53 ng/μL;临床样品检测表明PCR检出率为90%,对流免疫电泳法检出率为83%。  相似文献   

番鸭细小病毒与鸭圆环病毒二重PCR方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据基因库中鸭圆环病毒和番鸭细小病毒的基因序列,分别设计了两对特异性引物,通过对二重PCR扩增条件的优化,研究建立了可同时鉴别检测鸭圆环病毒和番鸭细小病毒的二重PCR方法。用该方法对同一样品中鸭圆环病毒和番鸭细小病毒的模板进行PCR扩增,结果均得到了与实验设计相符的351bp(鸭圆环病毒)和474bp(番鸭细小病毒)的扩增条带,而对鸭Ⅰ型肝炎病毒、鹅细小病毒、鸭副黏病毒、鸭瘟病毒和禽流感病毒等病原体的检测全为阴性。敏感性测定结果表明:该二重PCR技术最低能检出100fg的鸭圆环病毒和番鸭细小病毒DNA模板。研究建立的鸭圆环病毒和番鸭细小病毒的二重PCR方法,具有快速、敏感、特异、定量和重复性好等优点,可用于临床上鸭圆环病毒和番鸭细小病毒感染的检测。  相似文献   

PCR试剂盒在早期诊断犬细小病毒感染中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用PCR技术研制犬细小病毒的PCR诊断试剂盒.使用该试剂盒能特异地扩增含犬细小病毒的样品.同血凝试验(HA)及ELISA方法比较,对109份样品进行检测,显示该PCR试剂盒具有特异、灵敏等优点.适合于对早期感染细小病毒的宠物犬进行诊断,能提高临床诊断符合率,及时确定医疗方案.  相似文献   

根据传染性喉气管炎病毒(ILTV)TK基因序列,设计、合成1对引物,应用PCR技术对ILTV以色列疫苗株、河南分离株(ILTV-CG和ILTV-XY)进行PCR扩增,均能扩增出预期大小的目的片段,测序分析和酶切分析证实了PCR产物的特异性,而对其它禽病原体的扩增均为阴性。PCR检测ILTV DNA的最小检测量为21 pg。应用PCR检测人工接种后不同〖JP2〗天数采集的鸡的结膜拭子,接种后第2~5 d均能检测到ILTV。该方法可用于鸡传染性喉气管炎病的诊断和临诊样品检测。  相似文献   

通过比对分析GenBank上登录的多株番鸭细小病毒(Muscovy duck parvovirus,MDPV)和鹅细小病毒(Goose parvovirus)全基因序列,选取两种病毒间相似性较低的区域设计合成了2对特异性引物,建立了能快速鉴别诊断MDPV的套式PCR方法。该法仅能特异地扩增MDPV,敏感性达到62copies/uL,比普通PCR高1000倍。运用该方法对分离的12份临床样品进行检测,结果检测出2份MDPV。本试验所建立的套式PCR方法可用于MDPV感染的临床诊断和流行病学调查。  相似文献   

根据传染性喉气管炎病毒(ILTV)TK基因序列,设计、合成1对引物,应用PCR技术对ILTV以色列疫苗株、河南分离株(ILTV-CG和ILTV-XY)进行PCR扩增,均能扩增出预期大小的目的片段,测序分析和酶切分析证实了PCR产物的特异性,而对其它禽病原体的扩增均为阴性。PCR检测ILTV DNA的最小检测量为21 pg。应用PCR检测人工接种后不同〖JP2〗天数采集的鸡的结膜拭子,接种后第2~5 d均能检测到ILTV。该方法可用于鸡传染性喉气管炎病的诊断和临诊样品检测。  相似文献   

采用LUX荧光核酸扩增技术原理,以水泡性口炎病毒(VSV)NJ、IND型NS基因为模板分别设计并合成单标记LUX荧光引物,建立血清型特异的VSV荧光RT—PCR检测方法。试验表明,两种型特异的LUX荧光RT-PCR能分别特异地鉴定VSV血清型,对口蹄疫、猪水泡病等病毒以及对照细胞、健康动物组织RNA样品的检测结果均为阴性。对比检测试验表明,LUX荧光RT—PCR的检测敏感性比常规RT-PCR提高达10倍以上,对VSV细胞增殖病毒液的检测灵敏度可达1 TCID50。对人工感染豚鼠样品以及临床样品的检测试验证实,该LUX荧光RT—PCR可有效检测到人工感染动物组织以及进口牛临床样品中的水泡性口炎病毒,并能鉴定感染病毒血清型。所报道的检测方法,包括样品核酸提取、LUX荧光RT—PCR以及熔解曲线分析,可在3h内完成。  相似文献   

Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA) is a naturally occurring contagious lung neoplasia caused by jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV). Although no specific circulating antibodies against the virus can be detected in infected sheep, JSRV proviral DNA sequences can be found in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) in clinically affected and in a proportion of in contact animals. In this study, existing hemi-nested PCR procedure is compared with a new one-step PCR technique that was developed to minimise potential DNA contamination and reduce sample and reagent handling. Different blood preparations were assessed and the best results were achieved on DNA prepared from buffy coat. The sensitivity of this PCR was lower in JSRV infected sheep without lesions of OPA than in clinically affected sheep, which indicate that this PCR may not be not fully appropriate for screening of individual sheep, but rather to provide results at flock level. This PCR is the only currently available blood test for detection of JSRV infected sheep and may be useful in epidemiological studies and in control programmes of OPA.  相似文献   

鸡贫血病病毒套式PCR检测方法的建立及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鸡贫血病病毒不仅引起鸡的传染性贫血 ,而且也是引起鸡免疫抑制病的主要病原。本研究首次在国内建立了鸡贫血病病毒的套式PCR检测方法。试验证明此方法具有高度的特异性和敏感性 ,以鸡马立克氏病毒、鸡网状内皮组织增生病毒、鸡传染性法氏囊病毒、正常MDCC_MSB1细胞DNA作为模板扩增时均未出现可见带 ,在检测鸡的各种组织病料时均未出现假阳性结果 ,该法比一次性PCR的敏感性高约 1 0 0 0倍 ,能检测到约一个拷贝的鸡贫血病病毒DNA ,而一次性PCR只能检测到3.6× 1 0 3 个拷贝。此方法已成功地应用于临床试验。对于鸡贫血病毒的许多鸡胚分离物和细胞分离物 ,一次性PCR不能扩增出可见电泳条带 ,而套式PCR都能扩增出特异的DNA片段 ,从而说明 ,套式PCR的敏感性大大高于一次性PCR ,可消除一次性PCR产生的假阴性结果  相似文献   

Viral isolation, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), dot blot hybridization (DBH), and indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA) were used for the diagnosis of lumpy skin disease in clinically infected, fevered, and apparently normal dairy cows. Lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV) was isolated from skin biopsies and blood samples collected from clinically infected cows in percentages of 72% and 20%, respectively. The virus recovered from blood samples collected from fevered cows in percentage of 33.3%. Both PCR and DBH detected viral DNA in 100% of skin biopsies collected from clinically infected cows whereas the detection rates in blood samples collected from clinically infected animals were 100% and 84% using PCR and DBH, respectively. Viral DNA was detected in blood samples collected from fevered cows using PCR and DBH in percentages of 77.8% and 66.6%, respectively. Only 19.1% of blood samples collected from in-contact cows was positive for both of PCR and DBH. Detection rates of antibodies against LSDV using iELISA in serum samples collected from clinically infected and fevered cows were 56% and 11.1%, respectively, whereas all in-contact cows had no antibodies against the virus.  相似文献   

本研究针对牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒(Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus,IBRV)高度保守的gC基因设计单标记并具有自身荧光淬灭功能的LUX^TM引物,建立L刚新型实时荧光PCR方法用于快速检测IBRV。该方法对四株IBRV细胞培养物的检测均呈典型阳性反应,而对其它动物疱疹病毒以及健康牛组织DNA和细胞对照的检测结果为阴性,检测时间包括核酸提取仅需1h~2h。试验表明,LUX^TM荧光PCR法对IBRV细胞增殖病毒液的检测敏感性可达0.04TCID50,比病毒分离敏感性至少提高10倍;对10倍系列稀释的纯化IBRV核酸样品,L刚荧光PCR的检测敏感性比常规PCR可提高10^3倍。将病毒液添加到健康牛精液和血液样品中,该荧光PCR可检测到牛冻存精液中40TCID50牛抗凝全血、血清和临床精液中0.04TCID50的病毒,说明对临床样品的检测有效。本研究所建立的LUXTM荧光PCR方法快速敏感,适合应用于活牛及其遗传物质的进出口检疫、养牛业疾病防控等领域对IBRV的快速检测。  相似文献   

Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a disease of cattle, primarily in Africa and Madagascar and rarely in the Middle East. It is caused by a capripoxvirus that belongs to the family Poxviridae. The disease is of economic importance in endemic areas. Effective control of LSD requires accurate and rapid laboratory techniques to confirm a tentative clinical diagnosis. Comparative studies on different diagnostic tests used at different stages of the disease have not been done. The aim of this study was to compare several of these tests. Six seronegative bulls, between 11 and 20 months of age, were infected intravenously and kept in an insect-free facility. The course of the infection was monitored. During a 3-month period blood samples and skin biopsies were collected for virus isolation and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Skin biopsies were also examined using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The incubation period in infected animals varied from 4-5 days. The length of the viraemic period did not correlate with the severity of clinical disease. Viraemia was detected from 1-12 days using virus isolation and from 4-11 days using the PCR, which is longer than has previously been reported. Virus was isolated from skin biopsies until Day 39 post infection (p.i.) and PCR could demonstrate viral DNA until Day 92 p.i. Transmission electron microscopy of negatively stained skin biopsies detected LSD virus only in one of the four bulls that developed skin lesions until Day 33 p.i. The PCR was a fast and sensitive method to demonstrate viral DNA in blood and skin samples. It could detect viral nucleic acid in skin lesions 53 days longer than virus isolation. Virus isolation from blood and skin samples was sensitive and reliable, but as a single test it may be too time-consuming to use although this depends on how rapidly the diagnosis must be confirmed. In conclusion, this study showed the PCR to be superior in detecting LSD virus from blood and skin samples. However, virus isolation is still required when the infectivity of the LSD virus is to be determined.  相似文献   

鸭瘟病毒强毒株在急性人工感染成年鸭病例体内分布规律   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
5 6只 3月龄四川麻鸭经皮下接种鸭瘟病毒 (DPV)强毒 SC1株 ,成功建立了 DPV感染的急性病理模型 ,并应用PCR方法检测了不同时间 DPV在感染鸭体各组织器官的分布情况。结果表明 ,接种 2 h后 ,即能够从脑、肝、脾、法氏囊、胸腺中检出 DPV DNA;12 h,可从心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺脏、肾脏、十二指肠、直肠、法氏囊、胸腺、胰腺、脑、胸肌、食管、腺胃、血液、舌、口腔分泌物、皮肤、骨髓和粪便等检测到 DPV的 DNA。检出时间最早和检出率最高的组织器官为肝脏和脑组织。本试验为阐明 DPV的致病机理和应用 PCR方法检测感染鸭体组织中的 DPV提供了重要的实验数据。  相似文献   

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) proviral DNA was detected by the polymerase chain reaction method (PCR). PCR products were detected by gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. The P-10, P-15 and P-24 regions of the gag gene of FIV were chosen as the target sequences for amplification, and three primer pairs were prepared. The PCR products subjected to amplification with each primer pair were found to possess sites of digestion by a restriction enzyme, as hypothesized. They did not react with feline leukemia virus (FeLV)-infected or feline syncytium-forming virus (FeSFV)-infected cell-derived DNA, and specifically amplified FIV-infected cell-derived DNA. FIV proviral DNA was detected by the PCR method with either primer pair (one-step amplification: single PCR) in DNA derived from peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from 7 of 12 FIV antibody-positive cats. When PCR products in each of the 12 cats were subjected to a second amplification using the same primer pair (two-step amplification: double PCR), FIV proviral DNA was detected in all of the cats. When PBL samples collected from three cats that were negative and three that were positive in the single PCR were cultured for a few weeks in the presence of interleukin 2, FIV proviral DNA was detected in all six cats by the single PCR method. The results suggest that either the use of cultured PBL as the sample or the performance of the double PCR method enables simple and specific detection of FIV proviral DNA in PBL.  相似文献   

伪狂犬病毒荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据猪伪狂犬病毒gD基因的序列,设计和合成了一对特异的可用于检测伪狂犬病毒的PeR引物和一条Taqman荧光探针,采用LightCycle 480荧光定量PCR仪,建立了一种可实时定量检测猪伪狂犬病毒的荧光定量PCR技术。该方法的线性范围为1.0×10^1-1.0×10^10拷贝,灵敏度可达2拷贝,比常规PCR高100倍。该方法检测时间短,速度快,仪器的运行时间仅为1h,特异性明显高于常规PCR。对15株猪伪狂犬病毒进行了检测,结果均为阳性;与猪细小病毒和鸭瘟病毒无非特异性反应。与病毒分离培养和常规PeR相比较,该方法具有快速、灵敏、特异、定量、重复性好的优点,可望用于,临床上伪狂犬病的检测和病毒分布的研究等。  相似文献   

Although it is assumed that fecal shedding of feline leukemia virus (FeLV) constitutes a transmission potential, no study has been performed showing that feces of infected cats can be a source of infection. In this study, we investigated fecal viral shedding of FeLV and its role in viral pathogenesis with the goal to improve infection control. FeLV RNA and DNA levels were determined in rectal swabs of experimentally infected cats by real-time PCR, and the results were correlated with proviral and viral loads in whole blood and plasma, respectively, and plasma p27 levels. All antigenemic cats shed FeLV RNA and DNA in feces. To determine whether the viral RNA detected was infectious, virus isolation from feces was also performed. Infectious virus was isolated from feces of antigenemic cats, and these results perfectly correlated with the isolation of virus from plasma. Na?ve cats exposed to these feces seroconverted, showing that infection through feces took place, but remained negative for the presence of FeLV provirus and p27 in blood, an outcome so far not described. Some of the organs collected after euthanasia were provirus positive at low copy numbers. From these results it is concluded that fecal shedding of FeLV plays a role in transmission, but it is probably of secondary importance in viral pathogenesis. Nevertheless, sharing of litter pans by susceptible and viremic cats could increase the environmental infectious pressure and appropriate measures should be taken to avoid unnecessary viral exposure.  相似文献   

为了建立鉴别绵羊痘病毒(SPPV)、山羊痘病毒(GTPV)和羊口疮病毒(ORFV)的多重PCR检测方法,针对GenBank中3种病毒的基因组序列,合成了3对引物,通过优化多重PCR反应条件,建立了鉴别检测3种病毒的多重PCR方法。特异性试验表明,应用该方法可分别扩增出3种病毒对应的目的片段,对大肠埃希菌、沙门菌、猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)、猪细小病毒(PPV)、Vero细胞、正常羊组织的DNA和灭菌双蒸水均无扩增;敏感性试验表明,该方法最低检测量分别为30.46pg/μL的绵羊痘病毒、28.9pg/μL的山羊痘病毒和26.94pg/μL的羊口疮病毒基因组DNA;应用本方法对85份临床病料进行检测,结果与其他已建立的单项PCR检测方法结果一致,说明该方法可以用于临床上SPPV、GTPV和ORFV的鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

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