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灭菌土壤玉米一花生混作对花生铁营养的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
盆栽试验研究灭菌土壤玉米 花生混作对花生植株Fe营养与根际土壤有效铁的影响结果表明 ,玉米 花生混作可显著提高花生新叶叶绿素及活性铁含量 ,下针初期可增加花生地上部全Fe含量和根际土壤活性铁含量 ,混作在改善花生Fe营养过程中始终起主导作用 ;而灭菌土壤处理则仅在花生生长早期有利于改善其Fe营养状况  相似文献   

猕猴桃黄化病营养诊断与土壤养分相关性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西北地区以石灰性土壤为主,土壤微量元素有效性较低,种植猕猴桃易出现黄化现象.采集正常和黄化猕猴桃叶片及其树冠下土壤样品进行营养诊断分析.结果表明,除Ca外,黄化叶片中N、P、K、Cu、Fe含量均较低,与正常叶片含量相比差异达极显著,其中Cu和Fe分别为正常叶片的66.85%与65.61%.铁是叶绿素合成的必需元素,表明黄化原因与缺铁有关.正常和黄化树体下土层各养分测定值差异不显著;说明植株叶片养分缺乏是植株根系吸收养分受阻,与土壤养分丰缺无关.需要通过改善土壤的其他条件(如pH,水分,通气状况等)或叶面喷肥来促进树体吸收.  相似文献   

酸性根际肥对石灰性土壤pH和铁有效性的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
在无植物栽培的条件下通过肥料在土壤中的扩散试验研究酸性根际肥对石灰性土壤 pH值、有效铁含量的影响 ,利用盆栽试验验证对石灰性土壤上花生缺铁失绿黄化症的矫正效果。结果表明 ,酸性根际肥 (pH 1.0~ 2 .0 )中的酸在土壤中扩散的影响半径可达 6cm ,但对土壤pH降低作用最显著的是在距肥料 2cm内 ;在施肥 2 8d内 ,距肥料 2cm处 ,土壤 pH值降低了 0 .9个单位 ,土壤铁有效性 (DTPA浸提量 )增加了 5 .9mg kg ;施用酸性根际肥可使花生叶绿素SPAD值与叶片活性铁含量显著提高 ,克服了花生缺铁黄化症状 ,使施肥区 (肥料周围 2cm内 )土壤pH值显著降低 ,并显著提高了该区土壤铁的有效性和花生对土壤Fe的吸收量。  相似文献   

不同铁营养状况下间作小麦对花生吸收Cd的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用温室土壤盆栽实验,研究不同铁营养条件下间作小麦对2个品种花生吸收积累Cd的影响。结果表明,铁营养状况对白沙1016和花育20生物量的影响不显著。两品种花生根际土壤有效Cd含量在间作不缺铁时最高,分别为0.27,0.31mg/kg。单作时,白沙1016和花育20地上和根系Cd含量均高于间作处理,但差异不显著;而间作时,缺铁的白沙1016、花育20在根系Cd含量与不缺铁处理相比显著降低,分别减少了39.0%和34.3%。土壤铁营养对单作花生植株Cd迁移率影响较小;间作条件下,与不缺铁处理相比,土壤缺铁导致Cd的迁移率显著提高,白沙1016、花育20的Cd迁移率分别增加了1.1倍和0.6倍。间作时小麦根际Cd含量低于单作,并且在缺铁条件下,与花育20间作时小麦根系Cd含量最少为7.92mg/kg。单作时花生Cd的积累量均小于小麦;竞争吸收Cd的能力表现为白沙1016小麦花育20;缺铁间作模式下作物Cd的积累量最少。同时,小麦和花生间作模式可以减少2种作物对Cd的积累,从而可降低人类摄取重金属Cd的风险。  相似文献   

石灰性土壤中高碳酸钙(CaCO3)含量是引起作物缺Zn的重要原因之一.本研究设置了由低到高的土壤CaCO3含量梯度,以探讨CaCO3对土壤有效Zn含量、两种基因型小麦(远丰998,中育6号)生长发育及Zn、Fe营养的影响.结果表明,与不施Zn相比,施Zn使土壤有效Zn含量增加了3.22倍; 高含量CaCO3使土壤有效Zn含量有所降低,新施入的有效态Zn仅有1.3%被小麦吸收,大部分则转化为无效态Zn;CaCO3含量达到111.8 g/kg时,可明显抑制小麦对Fe的吸收,进一步提高CacO3含量抑制作用有所减弱;两种小麦基因型生长存在明显的差异,中育6号的根冠比和分蘖数都显著高于远丰998;施zn可显著增加小麦Zn含量和吸收量, CaCO3含量达到111.8 g/kg可显著降低小麦根的Zn含量,对其他部分影响不明显;此外,施Zn可增加叶片的Fe含量和转运率.  相似文献   

盆栽试验模拟研究结果表明,当花生单作时,花生新叶出现严重的缺铁黄化症状,而与玉米混作时,铁营养明显地改善。与单作相比,花生新叶叶绿素含量明显提高,总吸铁量增加19.4%,根瘤吸铁量提高32.72%,根瘤干重增加25.89%,单株固氮酶活性和单位根瘤固氮酶活性分别增加447.06%和408.69%,这说明,在石灰性土壤上,玉米—花生混作对花生铁营养的改善及对花生根瘤固氮起了重要的作用。  相似文献   

夏越  沈仁芳  马建锋  车景 《土壤》2023,55(6):1207-1215
锰是植物生长发育所必需的微量营养元素,缺锰会导致植株矮小,叶片黄化,发育不良等,严重时可致植株死亡。水稻和小麦是我国主要的粮食作物,但种植在有效锰含量不同的土壤中;水稻主要种植在锰有效性高的南方酸性土壤中,小麦主要种植在有效锰含量低的北方石灰性土壤中。为探究水稻和小麦响应缺锰的差异及其机理,本研究采用水培法比较了水稻和小麦苗期在缺锰和加锰处理条件下的生长情况以及植株各部位元素含量和分配情况,并采用绝对定量法比较了小麦和水稻中锰转运基因的表达水平。研究结果表明,与供锰充足的植株相比,缺锰三周严重抑制水稻的生长,而不影响小麦的生长;在缺锰条件下,小麦根到地上部的转运率比供锰充足时提高了16.4%;相反,水稻体内锰从根到地上部的转运率降低了7.5%;苗期小麦根中TaNRAMP2的绝对表达量是水稻OsNRAMP2的3.8-5.1倍。这些结果表明,小麦比水稻更耐缺锰胁迫,这可能与NRAMP2在小麦中的高表达有关。  相似文献   

玉米花生间作对花生铁营养的影响   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
采用根箱隔网盆栽方法模拟研究了玉米/花生间作对花生吸收利用铁营养的影响。用30m尼龙网将聚氯乙烯制作的根箱分为根室和外室,模拟了玉米单作、花生单作、玉米/花生间作三种情况。结果表明,间作对花生的铁营养状况有很大的影响。当花生与玉米间作时,花生地上部不表现缺铁现象;而花生单作则表现出严重的新叶缺铁黄化现象。间作花生新叶的全铁含量是单作的1.8倍,单作新叶活性铁含量仅是间作的47.2%,叶绿素含量是间作的25.3%。间作显著促进了花生对铁的吸收,使花生不同的部位的含铁量高于单作,从而提高了花生的光合速率;同时间作花生对铁的利用效率明显增加,花生子粒中铁的吸收量是单作的两倍多。  相似文献   

通过14 C示踪技术研究间作条件下玉米根系分泌物改善花生铁营养的作用。结果表明 ,玉米根系的分泌物可穿越尼龙网而到达间作花生的根际 ,同正常间作的花生一样 ,与单作相比 ,两种间作花生的铁营养状况得到了明显的改善 ,玉米光合作用固定的碳可通过根系分泌物进入花生根际并转移到花生的根系和地上部 ,玉米根系分泌物可活化土壤难溶性铁而提高土壤有效铁含量 ,这部分活化的铁可被花生吸收和利用  相似文献   

小麦蚕豆间作对红壤有效磷的影响及其与根际pH值的关系   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
在云南红壤上采用田间小区试验,通过测定分蘖~拔节期、孕穗~抽穗期、灌浆~乳熟期不同土层深度小麦根际土壤有效磷(available phosphorus)含量和根际pH值,比较研究了小麦蚕豆间作对小麦根际土壤有效磷含量和pH值的影响,探讨了间作小麦根际pH与根际土壤有效磷之间的相互作用.结果表明,与小麦单作相比,小麦蚕豆间作显著地促进了小麦产量的提高.同时,小麦蚕豆间作促进了小麦根际土壤有效磷含量的提高,分蘖~拔节期、孕穗~抽穗期0-10 cm、10-20 cm土层单、间作差异显著;间作显著降低了分蘖~拔节期10-20 cm土层、孕穗~抽穗期0-10 cm、10-20 cm、20-30 cm土层小麦根际土壤pH.分蘖~拔节期、灌浆~乳熟期,单、间作小麦根际土壤有效磷含量与根际pH呈负相关关系.试验表明,在红壤上间作小麦根际土壤有效磷含量的提高与间作降低根际pH有密切关系.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(10-11):2093-2110

Field observations have indicated that Fe deficiency chlorosis symptoms in peanut are more severe and widespread in monoculture than intercropped with maize in calcareous soils of northern China. Here we report a pot experiment that investigated the mechanisms underlying the marked improvement in Fe nutrition of peanut grown in mixture with maize. Iron deficiency chlorosis occurred in the young leaves of peanut in monoculture and was particularly obvious at the flowering stage, while the young leaves of peanut grown in mixture with maize remained green throughout the experiment. The chlorophyll and HCl‐extractable Fe concentrations in young leaves of peanut grown in mixture were much higher than those in monoculture, indicating that maize may have markedly improved the peanut Fe nutrition. Growth in mixture was associated with greatly altered root morphology and microbial populations in the rhizosphere of peanut. Visual observation of peanut roots in monoculture showed that they were larger in diameter and shorter than those in mixture. Moreover, peanut roots in mixture with maize produced more lateral roots and had increased root length compared with plants in monoculture. Peanut grown together with maize showed obvious rhizodermal transfer cells in the subapical root zone, but cells with cell wall ingrowths were poorly developed in peanut in monoculture. Mixed culture resulted in a significantly decreased abundance of bacteria in the rhizosphere of peanut compared with monoculture, and electron microscope observations indicated that this was associated with a thicker mucigel layer on the root surface of peanut in mixture with maize. Several root morphological and rhizosphere microbial factors may thus have contributed to the improvement in Fe nutrition of peanut in mixed culture.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) deficiency is a serious agricultural problem, especially in calcareous soils, which are distributed worldwide. Poplar trees are an important biomass plant, and overcoming Fe deficiency in poplars will increase biomass productivity worldwide. The poplar Fe-deficiency response and the genes involved in poplar Fe homeostasis remain largely unknown. To identify these genes and processes, we cultivated poplar plants under Fe-deficient conditions, both in calcareous soil and hydroponically, and analyzed their growth rates, leaf Soil and Plant Analyzer Development (SPAD) values, and metal concentrations. The data clearly showed that poplars have notable growth defects in both calcareous soil and a Fe-deficient hydroponic culture. They exhibited serious chlorosis of young leaves after 3 weeks of Fe-deficient hydroponic culture. The Fe concentrations in old leaves with high SPAD values were markedly lower in Fe-deficient poplars, suggesting that poplars may have good translocation capability from old to new leaves. The Zn concentration in new leaves increased in Fe-deficient poplars. The pH of the hydroponic solution decreased in the Fe-deficient culture compared to the Fe-sufficient culture. This finding shows that poplars may be able to adjust the pH of a culture solution to better take up Fe. We also analyzed the expression of Fe homeostasis-related genes in the roots and leaves of Fe-sufficient and Fe-deficient poplars. Our results demonstrate that PtIRT1, PtNAS2, PtFRO2, PtFRO5, and PtFIT were induced in Fe-deficient roots. PtYSL2 and PtNAS4 were induced in Fe-deficient leaves. PtYSL3 was induced in both Fe-deficient leaves and roots. These genes may be involved in the Fe uptake and/or translocation mechanisms in poplars under Fe-deficient conditions. Our results will increase a better understanding of the Fe-deficiency response of poplars and hence improve the breeding of Fe-deficiency-tolerant poplars for improved biomass production, the greening of high pH soils, and combatting global warming.  相似文献   

选用山东省花生主产区的代表性石灰性土壤,通过土培试验的方法,研究了3种不同形态铁的波尔多液营养保护剂BNPP-NFe、BNPP-EFe、BNPP-RFe和美国铜基杀菌剂Kocide 4种可湿性粉剂矫治花生缺铁黄化症,以及对花生生长效应的影响。结果表明,与CK(喷清水)相比,喷施BNPP-NFe后,花生叶绿素、活性铁、全铁含量都有显著提高,并且BNPP-NFe、BNPP-EFe和BNPP-RFe处理的产量比CK分别提高92%~115%、67%~98%以及90%~94%。BNPP-NFe处理与Kocide处理相比,花生叶片活性铁和全铁含量差异显著,分别提高77.12%~139%以及29.01%~120%,产量提高27.5%~37.6%。3种不同的波尔多液营养保护剂以BNPP-NFe效果最好,且优于美国Kocide产品。  相似文献   

A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted with peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L., Fabceae) to evaluate iron compound fertilizers for improving within-plant iron content and correcting chlorosis caused by iron deficiency. Peanuts were planted in containers with calcareous soil fertilized with three different granular iron nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) fertilizers (ferrous sulphate (FeSO4)–NPK, Fe–ethylendiamine di (o-hydroxyphenylacetic) (EDDHA)–NPK and Fe–citrate–NPK). Iron nutrition, plant biomass, seed yield and quality of peanuts were significantly affected by the application of Fe–citrate–NPK and Fe–EDDHA–NPK to the soil. Iron concentrations in tissues were significantly greater for plants grown with Fe–citrate–NPK and Fe–EDDHA–NPK. The active iron concentration in the youngest leaves of peanuts was linearly related to the leaf chlorophyll (via soil and plant analyzer development measurements) recorded 50 and 80 days after planting. However, no significant differences between Fe–citrate–NPK and Fe–EDDHA–NPK were observed. Despite the large amount of total iron bound and dry matter, FeSO4–NPK was less effective than Fe–citrate–NPK and Fe–EDDHA–NPK to improve iron uptake. The results showed that application of Fe–citrate–NPK was as effective as application of Fe–EDDHA–NPK in remediating leaf iron chlorosis in peanut pot-grown in calcareous soil. The study suggested that Fe–citrate–NPK should be considered as a potential tool for correcting peanut iron deficiency in calcareous soil.  相似文献   


A glasshouse study employing a split-root technique was conducted to investigate the influence of intercropping with maize (Zea mays L.) in a calcareous soil on N2 fixation by peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) at early stages of growth. In this intercropping system, competitive interactions between maize and peanut for N and improvement of Fe uptake were likely to be important factors affecting N2 fixation of peanut. The experiment was comprised of three treatments which included treatment I: peanut monocropping; treatment II: maize/peanut intercropping (the major and the minor compartments with low N, 50 mg kg?1); treatment III: maize/peanut intercropping (the major compartment with low N, 50 mg kg?1 and the minor compartment with high, N 200 mg kg?1). The minor compartment of treatment III was fertilized with 200 mg kg?1 N for reducing or eliminating the competition of N coming from intercropping maize. Intercropping with maize corrected Fe chlorosis of peanut by significantly increasing plant Fe concentration and uptake. Compared with the monocropping treatment, iron uptake increased from intercropping treatment II and III by 22 and 24% per plant, 30 and 29% shoots, 38 and 60% nodules. Iron uptake by the root nodules was especially enhanced in the intercropping system. In contrast, intercropping with maize had little effect on NO3 ?1-N concentrations in the soil rhizosphere of peanut or on N concentrations and uptake by peanut compared with plants in monoculture. The results indicate that the improvement in Fe nutrition was an important factor promoting N2 fixation by peanut in the intercropping system at the flowering stage of peanut growth, and that competition for N by intercropped maize had little effect on N2 fixation by peanut under the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe)-deficiency chlorosis causes considerable yield losses in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) when susceptible genotypes are grown in calcareous soils with high pH. The most feasible method for alleviating Fe deficiency is the selection of suitable cultivars resistant to Fe deficiency chlorosis. ICC 6119 (desi type), which is Fe-deficient chlorosis, was crossed with CA 2969 and Sierra (kabuli types), resistant to Fe deficiency chlorosis. Inheritance of resistance to Fe deficiency in chickpea revealed that the resistance was controlled by a single dominant gene in these genotypes crossed. A negative selection for resistance to Fe deficiency chlorosis will be effective after segregating generations.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) deficiency has been a widespread problem in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) grown on calcareous soils of northern China and has resulted in significant yield losses. Field observations showed considerable variability in visual chlorosis symptoms among peanut cultivars in the same soil. The objective of this study was to confirm the genetic differences in resistance to Fe-deficiency chlorosis in peanut and to identify feasible indicators for screening Fe-efficient genotypes. Resistance to Fe chlorosis of sixteen peanut cultivars grown on calcareous soil was evaluated in the field and physiological responses to Fe-deficiency stress were studied in nutrient solution. There were significant differences in resistance to Fe-deficiency chlorosis among the sixteen peanut cultivars tested, which was identified with SPAD readings, active Fe concentrations in young leaves in the early growth stages, and the pod yield. For Fe-resistant peanut cultivars, Fe-reduction capacity and quality of releasing hydrogen ions from roots increased under Fe-deficiency stress. Highly correlated relationships were observed between the summation of root Fe reduction and field chlorosis scores for sixteen cultivars (r2 = 0.79). It was concluded that Fe-reduction capacity was a better physiological indicator for screening Fe-efficient peanut genotypes of the mechanisms measured.  相似文献   

花生缺铁黄化的敏感时期及耐低铁品种的筛选指标   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用盆栽试验,系统研究了石灰性土壤上16个花生品种在各个生育时期新叶的黄化度、叶绿素值、活性铁含量的差异及其动态变化。结果表明,缺铁胁迫下花生耐低铁和铁敏感品种间叶片的黄化程度存在着显著差异,大多数铁敏感品种在出苗后50~65 d时黄化度最高。供试16个品种顶部新展开叶片的叶绿素值(SPAD值)和活性铁含量在整个生育期的变幅分别为4.5~34.6和8.0~36.3 mg/kg, FW,随生长时间的延长两者均呈高―低―高的动态变化趋势。在生长前期,耐低铁品种新叶的叶绿素值和活性铁含量均显著高于铁敏感品种;开花期是花生对缺铁胁迫最为敏感的时期,此阶段黄化现象最严重、各品种新叶的叶绿素值和活性铁含量最低。相关分析表明,在生长前期叶绿素值与黄化度、活性铁及荚果产量之间均呈极显著的相关关系。新叶叶绿素值可作为花生耐低铁品种筛选的一可靠指标。  相似文献   

玉米花生混作对花生根系还原力和花生铁营养的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用自行设计的立培一营养液联合体系培养装置.研究了混作对花生根系还原力和铁营养状况的影响。向营养液中供给难溶性的氢氧化铁后,在不同的时间内测定花生根系的还原力及新叶中铁的含量。结果表明,在3~9天中单作花生还原力明显高于混作花生,12~15天期间单作花生还原力迅速下降并低于相应的混作花生;而混作花生在6~15无中缓慢上升,并在较长时间内维持了较高的还原力。花生新叶活性铁含量测定结果表明,在加入难溶性氢氧化铁后第3天,单作、混作花生新叶活性铁含量无明显的差异,而至第9天、第15天时,单作花生活性铁含量低于混作花生。玉米与花生混作对改善花生营养状况具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

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