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花生缺铁黄化的敏感时期及耐低铁品种的筛选指标   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用盆栽试验,系统研究了石灰性土壤上16个花生品种在各个生育时期新叶的黄化度、叶绿素值、活性铁含量的差异及其动态变化。结果表明,缺铁胁迫下花生耐低铁和铁敏感品种间叶片的黄化程度存在着显著差异,大多数铁敏感品种在出苗后50~65 d时黄化度最高。供试16个品种顶部新展开叶片的叶绿素值(SPAD值)和活性铁含量在整个生育期的变幅分别为4.5~34.6和8.0~36.3 mg/kg, FW,随生长时间的延长两者均呈高―低―高的动态变化趋势。在生长前期,耐低铁品种新叶的叶绿素值和活性铁含量均显著高于铁敏感品种;开花期是花生对缺铁胁迫最为敏感的时期,此阶段黄化现象最严重、各品种新叶的叶绿素值和活性铁含量最低。相关分析表明,在生长前期叶绿素值与黄化度、活性铁及荚果产量之间均呈极显著的相关关系。新叶叶绿素值可作为花生耐低铁品种筛选的一可靠指标。  相似文献   

Iron (Fe)-deficiency chlorosis causes considerable yield losses in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) when susceptible genotypes are grown in calcareous soils with high pH. The most feasible method for alleviating Fe deficiency is the selection of suitable cultivars resistant to Fe deficiency chlorosis. ICC 6119 (desi type), which is Fe-deficient chlorosis, was crossed with CA 2969 and Sierra (kabuli types), resistant to Fe deficiency chlorosis. Inheritance of resistance to Fe deficiency in chickpea revealed that the resistance was controlled by a single dominant gene in these genotypes crossed. A negative selection for resistance to Fe deficiency chlorosis will be effective after segregating generations.  相似文献   

  【目的】  石灰性土壤高pH和高重碳酸盐含量严重影响土壤中有效铁含量,导致作物缺铁黄化、减产,铁高效玉米品种的推广应用是实现石灰性土壤玉米高产稳产的重要途径。 本研究探讨不同铁效率玉米品种适应低铁胁迫的根系特征与铁积累差异,旨在为铁高效玉米品种的推广应用提供科学依据。  【方法】  试验以铁高效玉米品种正红2号 (ZH2)、正大619 (ZD619) 和铁低效玉米品种川单418 (CD418)、先玉508 (XY508) 为材料,设置极低铁处理 (Fe0,Fe浓度为0 μmol/L)、低铁处理 (Fe10,Fe浓度为10 μmol/L) 和正常供铁 (Fe100,Fe浓度为100 μmol/L) 3个处理,通过砂培试验,研究不同铁效率玉米品种适应低铁胁迫的根系形态特征、干物质重、铁积累及铁吸收利用差异。  【结果】  低铁胁迫下,玉米幼苗的根干重、单株干重、铁积累量、根系相对铁吸收效率均显著降低,而根冠比与铁素生理效率均显著升高,且随胁迫程度的增加变幅加大;总根长、根表面积、根体积和根直径则表现出明显的品种差异,与正常铁处理 (Fe100)相比,低铁处理下铁低效品种的总根长、根表面积和根体积显著降低,根直径显著增加,而铁高效品种的总根长和根表面积差异不显著,根体积显著增加,根直径在极低铁处理(Fe0)下显著降低,低铁处理 (Fe10)下差异不显著;铁高效品种总根长、根表面积、根体积、根干重、单株干物重、铁积累量和根系铁吸收效率的降幅及根冠比的增幅均明显低于铁低效品种,而铁生理效率的增幅高于铁低效品种。相关性分析结果表明,玉米幼苗铁积累量与总根长、根表面积、根体积和根干重均呈显著正相关,而与根冠比呈负相关,其中与总根长 (R2 = 0.8546) 和根表面积 (R2 = 0.8983) 相关性最强。  【结论】  与铁低效玉米品种相比,铁高效玉米品种低铁胁迫下具有较优的总根长、根表面积及较高的根系铁吸收效率与铁生理效率,促进了其对铁的高效吸收与利用,提高了其对低铁环境的适应能力。  相似文献   

Some Kentucky bluegrass (KBG; Poa pratensis L.) is susceptible to iron (Fe)-deficiency chlorosis. Under Fe-deficiency stress, phytosiderophore is produced and released by the roots of many grasses to solubilize soil Fe and enhance uptake. In other species, quantifying phytosiderophore screens for Fe-deficiency resistant cultivars. A hydroponic study was conducted at 1 and 10 μM solution Fe to variously stress ‘Baron’, ‘Award’, ‘Limousine’, and ‘Rugby II’ KBG cultivars. One μM Fe solution produced more Fe-deficiency stress in all cultivars compared to 10 μM, resulting in greater chlorosis and phytosiderophore release but reduced shoot and root Fe concentrations and shoot weight. Of the four cultivars, Baron was the most susceptible to Fe deficiency and exhibited severe Fe chlorosis and low shoot Fe but, surprisingly, produced the most phytosiderophore. These results imply that Fe-deficiency susceptibility in KBG may be less related to phytosiderophore release and more related to inefficient uptake or utilization mechanisms.  相似文献   

Identifying cultivars resistant to iron (Fe) deficiency chlorosis so prevalent in calcareous soils is a more economical solution than fertilizer application in field crops. The current method of screening for resistance using chlorosis ratings in field trials is time consuming and highly variable. Root Fe reduction successfully separated cultivars or rootstocks, varying widely in resistance, of soybean (Glycine max L.), peach (Prunus persica L.), and grape (Vitis spp.), but was unsuccessful in sub‐clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.). Dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) exhibits Fe deficiency chlorosis in calcareous soils and initiates Fe reduction by the roots in response to such stress. The resistance of 24 dry bean cultivars to Fe deficiency chlorosis was assessed by measuring and summing daily Fe reduction by the roots. The cultivars were grown both hydroponically in an environmental chamber in low Fe solutions (0.05 mg‐L‐1) and at three field sites in both 1995 and 1996. A significant relationship (P<0.01) between field chlorosis scores made 36 days after planting and root Fe reduction summations was observed for all sites in 1995 and 1996 (r = ‐0.42 to ‐0.71). The variability of chlorosis scores among sites, especially in 1996, points out the difficulty of using field chlorosis scores for screening. These results indicate that measurements of root Fe reduction can be used to predict resistance to Fe deficiency chlorosis in dry bean. Successful implementation of this technique should reduce if not eliminate field trials for screening resistance to Fe deficiency chlorosis.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe)-deficiency chlorosis is a common constraint when soybean (Glycine max L.) is grown on calcareous soils. Considerable differences exist among soybean genotypes for susceptibility to Fe chlorosis. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of iron-ethylenediamine di-o-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (Fe-EDDHA) for three soybean genotypes (A3237, Black hack, and Wells), field studies were conducted for the years 2001 and 2002 in a calcareous soil. Although, available Fe of the studied soils was either lower than critical level or in marginal range, application of Fe-EDDHA did not result in a significant increase in soybean yield probably, due to the antagonistic relationships between Fe and manganese (Mn). It appears that Fe soil test as the only criterion for Fe fertilizers recommendation is not appropriate and soil test for Mn is also recommended. Significant quadratic equations were obtained between chlorophyll meter readings (CMR) in growth stage 3 (GS3) with seed yield (SY) of A3237 and Black hack. However, SY of Wells showed close relationships with CMR in growth stage 4 (GS4). A tentative conclusion is that the chlorophyll meter is a reliable and non-destructive tool for the prediction of SY for the studied soybean genotypes in GS3 or GS4.

Due to the fact that use of Fe fertilizer might cause nutritional disorder, use of Fe-efficient genotypes remains as an effective and economic sound practice. However, positive responses to Fe-chelate treatments are expected for genotypes with shoot Fe: Mn ratio less than 0.4 when both nutrients are in the sufficiency range. Obviously, such a requirement limits the utilization of Fe-chelate to post-emergence fertilization.  相似文献   

Growing Fe-efficient genotype(s) could be considered as a preferred genetic approach to tackle the widespread constraint of Fe-deficiency-/lime-induced chlorosis in crop grown on alkaline soil. This study aimed to investigate morphological and physiological traits linked to expression of Fe deficiency among four corn (Zea mays) including sweet (Z. mays sacchrata cvs. H403 and H404) and grain (Z. mays indentata cvs. H500 and H700) hybrids grown in nutrient solution using two Fe concentrations (5 and 50 µM Fe-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (Fe-EDTA)). Significant variation was found among studied hybrids in their tolerance to Fe-deficiency stress. Sweet corn hybrids were more sensitive to Fe deficiency as compared with grain corn hybrids and greater reduction was observed in their shoot dry matter at the 5 µM Fe-EDTA treatment. The greatest decrease in plant height, leaf area, and root and shoot dry matter weight under Fe-deficiency condition was found for H403 hybrid. No significant correlation was found between shoot and root Fe concentration with crop tolerance to Fe deficiency. Furthermore, different response of corn hybrids to Fe deficiency is an important factor, which has to be considered in Fe fertilizer recommendation as well as breeding programs.  相似文献   

This study was to investigate peanut response to application of nitric oxide (NO) at different growth stages and the effects of NO application on peanut yield and quality in calcareous soil. Sodium nitroprusside (SNP, a NO donor) solution was poured into calcareous soil at sowing, seedling, flowering, and podding stages, respectively, or at each aforesaid critical stage. Results showed that NO application increased the content of active Fe and leaf chlorophyll, which improved the photosynthesis of peanut; enhanced the ability of resistance to oxidative stress by decreased the accumulation of O2??, H2O2, and MDA and increased the activity of antioxidant enzymes. Nitric oxide increased the content of soil available Fe and root FCR activity, which can promote peanut absorb more Fe from the calcareous soil. What's more, peanut plants may pump a large amount of H+ from root cell membrane to consume in neutralization of HCO3?, and decrease the pH in apoplast, cytoplasm, and xylem, finally balance the mineral elements (Fe, Ca, Mg, Zn, and Cu) uptake and distribution. These results indicated that NO could improve peanut growth and development, increase peanut yield and quality. Furthermore, the application of NO at sowing or seedling stage did the most obvious effect on alleviating chlorosis of peanut in calcareous soil.  相似文献   

【目的】新疆生产建设兵团采用膜下滴灌技术后,水稻缺铁黄化现象较为严重,研究该条件下水稻对缺铁反应的基因型差异,可为耐缺铁性水稻基因型的筛选和分类提供可靠的理论依据。 【方法】以六个水稻基因型为研究材料,采用膜下滴灌技术管理。在水稻幼苗期、分蘖期和成熟期随机采样,测定不同基因型水稻的分蘖数、生物量、产量以及铁含量,利用隶属函数分析和聚类分析研究了水稻在全生育期对缺铁胁迫反应的基因型差异。 【结果】水稻在幼苗期、分蘖期和成熟期对缺铁的反应存在基因型差异。在幼苗期水稻基因型 T-04 和 T-05 的叶片活性铁含量显著低于其他基因型;T-201 在幼苗期叶片活性铁、地上部铁的分配,分蘖期叶片铁含量和地上部干物质均较高;在分蘖期 T-04 铁的转移能力最小,但是 T-04 的分蘖数较高;在成熟期 T-04 的有效分蘖与其他基因型差异不显著,T-04 的产量处于中等水平,但是其籽粒铁的收获指数低于其他基因型水稻。聚类分析显示耐缺铁水稻基因型 T-43 的各指标高于其他基因型。 【结论】在水稻的幼苗期和分蘖期叶片铁的有效利用和自身铁的转移保证了水稻的生长和较高有效穗数,根据全生育期水稻铁营养效率和产量的基因型差异初步确定 T-43 耐缺铁能力较强,T-04 为对缺铁敏感的水稻基因型。  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) deficiency in small grains grown on calcareous soils results in reduced yields, is difficult and expensive to treat with fertilizer, and is complicated to overcome by genetic field screening due to heterogeneous soil and environmental conditions. Recently, phytosiderophore release has been linked to ability of species and genotypes to resist Fe‐deficiency chlorosis. We propose a laboratory technique to measure phytosiderophore release by Fe‐deficient oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes as a selection method for Fe‐deficiency chlorosis resistance in oat. Plants were grown in Fe‐limiting nutrient solution and phytosiderophore release was measured on 11 days. Summations of daily phytosiderophore release by 17 oat genotypes correlate well with Fe‐deficiency chlorosis scores in the field (r = ‐0.70, p = 0.01). The proposed method consistently identified the genotypes most susceptible to Fe deficiency but did not clearly separate the moderately susceptible genotypes. In these latter genotypes, other factors such as active uptake sites, root growth rate, utilization of acquired Fe, or soil interactions may be modifying factors to phytosiderophore in Fe efficiency. Quantification of phytosiderophore provides a useful selection criterion for oat by eliminating the most inefficient types and with refinement, may become a powerful tool for identifying Fe efficiency in grass crops.  相似文献   


Iron-deficiency chlorosis (IDC) and soybean cyst nematode (SCN) result in yield and income losses for soybean growers in the U.S. Breeding programs are identifying soybean genotypes with resistance to IDC using calcareous soils infested with SCN, where SCN might interfere with evaluation. Our first objective was to examine whether associations could be established for chlorosis symptoms with SCN infestation of soybean grown on SCN-infested calcareous soils. Two breeding populations, their parents, and five SCN-susceptible, IDC-control genotypes (IDC controls) were evaluated for IDC symptoms on SCN-infested calcareous soils in 2000 and 2001. In general, no significant correlations were detected between chlorosis expression and SCN infestation in either year, although a negative correlation (r = ?0.93, p ≤ 0.05) was observed for the IDC controls in 2001. For our second objective, we examined the relationship between genotype resistance to SCN and IDC. Although IDC controls were all equally susceptible to SCN and chlorosis observed in the field and nutrient solution was similar, SCN-resistant genotypes expressed resistance to IDC in the field, but severe susceptibility to IDC in nutrient solution. Our third objective was to investigate the value of calcareous soil properties to predict IDC in soybean grown on SCN-infested calcareous soils. For one breeding population in 2001, positive correlations (p ≤ 0.05) were detected for chlorosis with calcium carbonate (r = 0.62) and electrical conductivity (r = 0.59), and a negative correlation (r = –0.41) with soil Fe-DTPA-TEA. No significant correlations were observed for the remaining genotypes. Our study indicated that associations between IDC, SCN, and calcareous soil properties are dependent on genotype and environment. In addition, our study demonstrated a potential association between plant health and SCN reproduction in SCN-susceptible genotypes, the possibility that SCNresistant genotypes may be sensitive to iron availability, and the importance of genotype on the detection of associations between IDC expression and SCN infestation.  相似文献   

To assess the role of salicylic acid (SA) supplied with 5 approaches in alleviating chlorosis induced by iron (Fe) deficiency in peanut plants growing on calcareous soil, SA was supplied as soil incorporation, making slow-release particles, seed soaking, irrigation and foliar application. SA application, particularly, SA supplied by slow release particles, dramatically increased growth parameters, yield and quality of peanut, and increased Fe concentration in peanut grain. Meanwhile, SA application increased the H+-ATPase activity, reduced pH of soil, increased Fe3+-Chelate Reductase (FCR) activity in roots, and increased Fe concentration in roots. Furthermore, SA increased active Fe content and increased chlorophyll content. In addition, SA improved enzymes activities containing superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT), and protected Fe deficiency induced oxidative stress. Therefore, SA has a good effect on alleviating chlorosis induced by Fe deficiency on calcareous soil. However, in the 5 SA supplied approaches, foliar application and making slow release particles were more effective.  相似文献   

A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted with peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L., Fabceae) to evaluate iron compound fertilizers for improving within-plant iron content and correcting chlorosis caused by iron deficiency. Peanuts were planted in containers with calcareous soil fertilized with three different granular iron nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) fertilizers (ferrous sulphate (FeSO4)–NPK, Fe–ethylendiamine di (o-hydroxyphenylacetic) (EDDHA)–NPK and Fe–citrate–NPK). Iron nutrition, plant biomass, seed yield and quality of peanuts were significantly affected by the application of Fe–citrate–NPK and Fe–EDDHA–NPK to the soil. Iron concentrations in tissues were significantly greater for plants grown with Fe–citrate–NPK and Fe–EDDHA–NPK. The active iron concentration in the youngest leaves of peanuts was linearly related to the leaf chlorophyll (via soil and plant analyzer development measurements) recorded 50 and 80 days after planting. However, no significant differences between Fe–citrate–NPK and Fe–EDDHA–NPK were observed. Despite the large amount of total iron bound and dry matter, FeSO4–NPK was less effective than Fe–citrate–NPK and Fe–EDDHA–NPK to improve iron uptake. The results showed that application of Fe–citrate–NPK was as effective as application of Fe–EDDHA–NPK in remediating leaf iron chlorosis in peanut pot-grown in calcareous soil. The study suggested that Fe–citrate–NPK should be considered as a potential tool for correcting peanut iron deficiency in calcareous soil.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) deficiency is a difficult nutrient problem particularly in crop plants grown on calcareous soils. Recently, phytosiderophore (PS) release has been linked to the ability of graminaceous species and genotypes to withstand Fe-deficiency chlorosis. So enhancing PS release is a critical step to improve iron efficiency of plants grown on iron stressed soils. The effects of alien cytoplasm on PS release in spring wheat were studied by analyzing PS release from twenty wheat genotypes, including two spring wheat 881 and 352-35, and their 18 alloplasmic lines with the participation of cytoplasms from the Aegilops and Triticum species. Different genotypes were grown in iron sufficient and deficient nutrient solution under controlled environmental conditions. PS release rates were determined at two or three days intervals after onset of iron deficiency symptoms by the measurement of iron mobilizing capacity of root exudates from freshly precipitated FeIII hydroxide. High amounts of phytosiderophores were released from roots of all wheat genotypes without iron supplied, and the amount progressively increased with the development of iron deficiency chlorosis. The results revealed that (1) the release rate of phytosiderophores from roots of common wheat could be considerably influenced by alien cytoplasms. Some alien cytoplasms exerted positive effects, some ones did negative effects, and the other ones had no significant effects. (2) the same alien cytoplasm could affect similarly or oppositely the phytosiderophores release from different wheat. (3) some alien cytoplasms, such as Chinese Spring, Ae. speltoides Tausch and Ae. cylindrica Host showed promising and potential in improving the rate of phytosiderophore release in common wheat. These cytoplasms which showed the desired effect should be given priority in interspecific and intergeneric hybridization to develop and reconstruct the needed wheat cultivars.  相似文献   


Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is susceptible to iron (Fe) chlorosis, however, plant analysis diagnostic criteria are lacking for determining the intensity of chlorosis in this crop. As total Fe content is a misleading index of Fe nutritional status of plants, determination of physiologically active Fe fraction (Fe2+) is suggested for the purpose. In a nutrient indexing survey of the chlorosis‐affected peanut crop grown in the rainfed Potohar plateau of Pakistan, o‐phenanthroline extractable Fe2+ concentration in plants decreased with increasing severity of chlorosis and thus proved an effective technique for determining the intensity of Fe chlorosis. Green plants contained 40.1 to 67.3 mg Fe2+/kg, mildly chlorotic 32.1 to 40.0 mg Fe2+/kg, moderately chlorotic 28.0 to 32.0 mg Fe2+/kg, and severely chlorotic <28.0 mg Fe2+/kg. The minimum Fe2+ requirement in green plants was estimated to be 40 mg/kg on dry weight basis. In rainfed field experiments on a calcareous Typic Hapludalfs soil, foliar sprays of 1% solution of sequestrene (NaFeEDDHA) proved superior to the foliar sprays of 0.5% FeSO4.7H2O in correcting Fe chlorosis in two cultivars of peanut. Maximum increase in pod yield with sequestrene was 42% in cv. BARD‐92 and 27% in cv. BARD‐699 over the respective control yields. Ferrous concentration in plants increased with both the Fe sources, however, a substantial increase was recorded only with sequestrene. As peanut is a low‐input high‐risk rainfed crop, correction of Fe chlorosis by using sequestrene may not be economically feasible. Thus, development and/or screening of peanut varieties tolerant to Fe chlorosis is suggested by employing Fe2+ analysis technique.  相似文献   

ZHENG Yi  ZHANG Fu-Suo 《土壤圈》2000,10(4):333-338
A three-compartments rhizobox was designed and used to study the low-molecular-weight organic acids in root exudates and the root apoplastic iron of “lime-induced chlorosis“ peanut grown on a clacareous soil in realtion to different soil moistrue conditions.Results showed that chlorosis of peanuts developed under condition of high soil mositure level(250 g kg^-1),while peanuts grew well and chlorosis did not develop when soil moisture was managed to a normal level(150 g kg^-1).The malic acid maleic acid and succinic acid contents of chlorotic peanut increased by 108.723,0.029,and 22.446ug cm^-1 ,respectively,compared with healthy peanuts.The content of citric acid and fumaric acid also increased in root exudates of chlorotic peanuts.On Days 28 and 42 of peanut growth,the accumulation of root apoplastic iron in chlorotic peanuts was higher than that of healthy peanuts.From Day 28 to Day 42,the mobilization percentages of chlorotic peanuts and healthy peanuts to root apoplastic iron were almost the smae,being 52.4% and 52.8%,respectively,indicating that the chlorosis might be caused by the inactivation of iron within peanut plant grown on a calcareous soil under soil moisture conditions.  相似文献   

Susceptible Trifolium plants often exhibit symptoms of iron (Fe)‐deficiency chlorosis when grown on high pH, calcareous soils. A greenhouse method was developed to screen seedlings for Fe‐deficiency chlorosis. ‘Yuchi’ arrowleaf (T. vesiculosum Savi.) and ‘Dixie’ crimson (I. incarnatum L.) clover seedlings were grown in “Super Cell”; Cone‐tainers in six calcareous Texas soils differing in Fe and selected other chemical characteristics. At the fourth trifoliolate leaf stage, chlorosis was induced by saturating the soil for a minimum of 2 weeks. The soils differed in their capacity to induce chlorosis in both clovers. Yuchi was more susceptible than Dixie, showing a higher percentage of chlorosis in five of the six soils. The results indicate that this screening method would be a useful tool for studying Fe‐deficiency chlorosis in Trifolium spp.  相似文献   


Plant growth is frequently limited by Fe‐related chlorosis on calcareous soils and by mineral toxicities on strongly acid soils and mine spoils. Better adapted varieties are needed for both soil situations, which are not always economically correctable. In a search for such geraplasm, 4 species (20 accessions) of Eragrostis were grown in greenhouse pots of a calcareous soil at pH 7.3. Two species were also compared on acid mine spoil at pH 3.5 and 4.7.

Species, and accessions within species, differed significantly in tolerance to the calcareous soil, as measured by susceptibility to chlorosis and yield of plant tops. The range in top yield was 11‐fold for accessions of Eragrostis capensis, 3‐fold for Eragrostis lehmanniana, and 1.7‐fold for Eragrostis superba. Eragrostis plana (P.I. 364340) was more tolerant to acid mine spoil (pH 3.5) but less tolerant to calcareous soil (pH 7.3) than Eragrostis superba (P.I. 364833).

Chlorosis and poor growth of certain accessions on calcareous soil (pH 7.3) were not explained by specific mineral deficiencies or toxicities. However, the tops of chlorosis‐susceptible accessions had lower ratios of Fe/Mn, Fe/Zn, and Fe/Cu than those of chlorosis‐resistant accessions. This imbalance is believed to interfere with Fe metabolism in plant tops.

Results suggested that superior strains of Eragrostis species can be selected for adaptation to calcareous or acid soils and that certain accessions characterized in these studies can be useful in studying the physiological mechanisms of mineral stress resistance in plants.  相似文献   

Previous pot cropping and laboratory incubation experiments were consistent with field observations showing that temporary flooding before cropping can increase the availability of soil Fe to plants. To study the effect of temporary flooding on changes in soil Fe phytoavailability we used 24 highly calcareous, Fe chlorosis–inducing soils to carry out a pot experiment where peanut and chickpea were successively grown after flooding for 30 d. At the end of the cropping experiment, the preflooded soil samples exhibited higher concentrations of acid oxalate‐, citrate/ascorbate‐ and diethylenetriaminepentacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Fe (Feox, Feca, and FeDTPA, respectively) than the control (nonflooded) samples. Also, Feox and Feca exhibited no change by effect of reflooding of the cropped soils or three wetting–drying cycles in freeze‐dried slurries of soils previously incubated anaerobically for several weeks. Leaf chlorophyll concentration (LCC) in both peanut and chickpea was greatly increased by preflooding. The best predictor for LCC was Feox, followed by Feca and FeDTPA. The LCC–soil Fe relationships found suggest that the Fe species extracted by oxalate and citrate/ascorbate from preflooded soils were more phytoavailable than those extracted from control soils. However, the increased phytoavailability of extractable Fe forms was seemingly limited to the first crop (peanut). Flooding dramatically increased FeDTPA; however, high FeDTPA levels did not result in high LCC values, particularly in the second crop. Therefore, this test is a poor predictor of the severity of Fe chlorosis in preflooded soils.  相似文献   

The effects of Zn‐stress on pH of the nutrient medium and the occurrence of Zn deficiency symptoms were examined in 12 cotton and 10 peanut cultivars widely grown in several parts of India. It was found that many of the cotton cultivars were able to reduce the pH, but however unable to recover from Zn deficiency. In contrast, all the peanut cultivars tested did not develop Zn‐chlorosis when subjected to Zn‐stress, although the pH reduction was less significant. The study with these crop cultivars revealed that Zn‐stress tolerance response was not related to pH changes in general. The mechanism by which the peanut cultivars made Zn available and thus averted the onset of Zn‐chlorosis was therefore not adaptive to the changes in pH. This feature appeared to be different from the pattern of correlative pH reduction and recovery from Fe‐chlorosis observed in several Fe‐stress tolerant crop cultivars.  相似文献   

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