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通过田间试验对16个花生品种在石灰性土壤上的耐低铁性进行了评价。不同花生品种耐低铁能力存在显著的基因型差异,这种差异表现在生长过程中叶片活性铁含量、叶绿素含量以及最终的荚果产量上。溶液培养试验结果表明,根系Fe3+还原力提高是抗缺铁花生品种适应缺铁胁迫的主要机制,抗缺铁品种铁还原力高峰出现期早于铁敏感品种,且峰值远高于铁敏感品种。同时缺铁胁迫下介质pH值、新叶过氧化氢酶活性也存在显著的基因型差异。  相似文献   

包膜缓释铁肥防治花生缺铁黄化的效果研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用盆栽试验方法,研究了包膜缓释铁肥防治花生黄化的效果。结果表明,施用包膜缓释铁肥后,花生产量处理间差异达极显著水平,并影响花生体内活性铁和叶片中叶绿素含量。花生荚果产量与苗期新叶活性铁、叶绿素含量和开花下针期活性铁和叶绿素含量呈显著或极显著正相关。  相似文献   

不同铁制剂与施用方法对矫正花生缺铁黄化症的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了在盆栽和田间小区试验条件下,叶面和土壤施用铁肥以及土施酸化肥料对纠正花生缺铁黄化症的作用效果。在盆栽条件下,叶面喷施黄腐酸铁(FeFA)、土施硫酸亚铁及酸化肥料都可以提高花生新叶中活性铁以及叶绿素含量,促进花生植株的生长;在田间小区栽培条件下,叶面喷施FeFA可以提高花生的叶绿素含量,尿素与FeFA结合使用的作用效果大于单喷FeFA。土施硫酸亚铁在花生生长前期提高了花生叶绿素含量,后期作用不明显。叶面喷施与土施铁肥都可以增加花生产量,土施铁肥的作用效果不如叶面喷施效果明显,酸化肥料对提高花生叶绿素含量及产量没有明显效果。  相似文献   

不同铁制剂与施用方法对矫正花生缺铁黄化症的效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了在盆栽和田间小区试验条件下,叶面和土壤施用铁肥以及土施酸化肥料对纠正花生缺铁黄化症的作用效果。在盆栽条件下,叶面喷施黄腐酸铁(FeFA)、土施硫酸亚铁及酸化肥料都可以提高花生新叶中活性铁以及叶绿素含量,促进花生植株的生长;在田问小区栽培条件下,叶面喷施FeFA可以提高花生的叶绿素含量,尿素与FeFA结合使用的作用效果大于单喷FeEA。土施硫酸亚铁在花生生长前期提高了花生叶绿素含量,后期作用不明显。叶面喷施与土施铁肥都可以增加花生产量,土施铁肥的作用效果不如叶面喷施效果明显,酸化肥料对提高花生叶绿素含量及产量没有明显效果。  相似文献   

玉米花生间作对花生铁营养的影响   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
采用根箱隔网盆栽方法模拟研究了玉米/花生间作对花生吸收利用铁营养的影响。用30m尼龙网将聚氯乙烯制作的根箱分为根室和外室,模拟了玉米单作、花生单作、玉米/花生间作三种情况。结果表明,间作对花生的铁营养状况有很大的影响。当花生与玉米间作时,花生地上部不表现缺铁现象;而花生单作则表现出严重的新叶缺铁黄化现象。间作花生新叶的全铁含量是单作的1.8倍,单作新叶活性铁含量仅是间作的47.2%,叶绿素含量是间作的25.3%。间作显著促进了花生对铁的吸收,使花生不同的部位的含铁量高于单作,从而提高了花生的光合速率;同时间作花生对铁的利用效率明显增加,花生子粒中铁的吸收量是单作的两倍多。  相似文献   

小麦与花生间作改善花生铁营养的效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用砂-土联合培养根箱试验装置,模拟田间试验研究石灰性土壤小麦与花生间作改善花生Fe营养的效应结果表明,石灰性土壤高pH和高CaCO3是导致花生缺Fe黄化的主要原因。叶片已发生黄化的花生与小麦间作可明显改善花生缺Fe症状,间作16d后花生根际土壤有效铁含量、花生新叶叶绿素和活性Fe含量均显著提高。小麦与花生间作对改善花生Fe营养的效应可能与缺Fe小麦根分泌的Fe载体对土壤中Fe活化有关。  相似文献   

酸性根际肥对石灰性土壤pH和铁有效性的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
在无植物栽培的条件下通过肥料在土壤中的扩散试验研究酸性根际肥对石灰性土壤 pH值、有效铁含量的影响 ,利用盆栽试验验证对石灰性土壤上花生缺铁失绿黄化症的矫正效果。结果表明 ,酸性根际肥 (pH 1.0~ 2 .0 )中的酸在土壤中扩散的影响半径可达 6cm ,但对土壤pH降低作用最显著的是在距肥料 2cm内 ;在施肥 2 8d内 ,距肥料 2cm处 ,土壤 pH值降低了 0 .9个单位 ,土壤铁有效性 (DTPA浸提量 )增加了 5 .9mg kg ;施用酸性根际肥可使花生叶绿素SPAD值与叶片活性铁含量显著提高 ,克服了花生缺铁黄化症状 ,使施肥区 (肥料周围 2cm内 )土壤pH值显著降低 ,并显著提高了该区土壤铁的有效性和花生对土壤Fe的吸收量。  相似文献   

选用山东省花生主产区的代表性石灰性土壤,通过土培试验的方法,研究了3种不同形态铁的波尔多液营养保护剂BNPP-NFe、BNPP-EFe、BNPP-RFe和美国铜基杀菌剂Kocide 4种可湿性粉剂矫治花生缺铁黄化症,以及对花生生长效应的影响。结果表明,与CK(喷清水)相比,喷施BNPP-NFe后,花生叶绿素、活性铁、全铁含量都有显著提高,并且BNPP-NFe、BNPP-EFe和BNPP-RFe处理的产量比CK分别提高92%~115%、67%~98%以及90%~94%。BNPP-NFe处理与Kocide处理相比,花生叶片活性铁和全铁含量差异显著,分别提高77.12%~139%以及29.01%~120%,产量提高27.5%~37.6%。3种不同的波尔多液营养保护剂以BNPP-NFe效果最好,且优于美国Kocide产品。  相似文献   

缺铁胁迫对草莓幼苗光合特性及细胞器铁含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探讨缺铁胁迫对草莓(Fragaria ananassa Duch.)幼苗的光合特性及细胞器铁含量的影响,本研究选取4个草莓品种(红颜、 章姬、 甜查理、 童子一号)幼苗,采用溶液培养方法,设置Fe(Ⅱ)-EDTA浓度为0 mol/L、 110-4 mol/L两组处理,分别于处理后0、 4、 8、 12、 16 d对其叶绿素含量(SPAD)、 光合速率(Pn)、 叶绿体铁含量、 根系线粒体铁含量以及叶片铁含量、 根系铁含量、 生物量进行分析。结果表明,缺铁胁迫显著降低草莓幼苗叶绿素含量、 光合速率、 叶绿体铁含量、 叶片铁含量、 根系铁含量、 生物量,并且不同品种间差异达显著水平(P0.05);缺铁胁迫对根系细胞线粒体铁含量影响较小。草莓的叶绿体铁含量与叶片铁含量、 叶片净光合速率和生物量呈极显著正相关(r=0.93**, r=0.87**, r= 0.72**), 根系线粒体铁含量与叶片铁含量、 叶片净光合速率和生物量呈极显著正相关或显著正相关(r= 0.83**, r= 0.72**, r= 0.52*)。本试验条件下,供试草莓品种红颜受缺铁胁迫的影响大于其他3个品种。  相似文献   

【目的】新疆生产建设兵团采用膜下滴灌技术后,水稻缺铁黄化现象较为严重,研究该条件下水稻对缺铁反应的基因型差异,可为耐缺铁性水稻基因型的筛选和分类提供可靠的理论依据。 【方法】以六个水稻基因型为研究材料,采用膜下滴灌技术管理。在水稻幼苗期、分蘖期和成熟期随机采样,测定不同基因型水稻的分蘖数、生物量、产量以及铁含量,利用隶属函数分析和聚类分析研究了水稻在全生育期对缺铁胁迫反应的基因型差异。 【结果】水稻在幼苗期、分蘖期和成熟期对缺铁的反应存在基因型差异。在幼苗期水稻基因型 T-04 和 T-05 的叶片活性铁含量显著低于其他基因型;T-201 在幼苗期叶片活性铁、地上部铁的分配,分蘖期叶片铁含量和地上部干物质均较高;在分蘖期 T-04 铁的转移能力最小,但是 T-04 的分蘖数较高;在成熟期 T-04 的有效分蘖与其他基因型差异不显著,T-04 的产量处于中等水平,但是其籽粒铁的收获指数低于其他基因型水稻。聚类分析显示耐缺铁水稻基因型 T-43 的各指标高于其他基因型。 【结论】在水稻的幼苗期和分蘖期叶片铁的有效利用和自身铁的转移保证了水稻的生长和较高有效穗数,根据全生育期水稻铁营养效率和产量的基因型差异初步确定 T-43 耐缺铁能力较强,T-04 为对缺铁敏感的水稻基因型。  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) deficiency has been a widespread problem in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) grown on calcareous soils of northern China and has resulted in significant yield losses. Field observations showed considerable variability in visual chlorosis symptoms among peanut cultivars in the same soil. The objective of this study was to confirm the genetic differences in resistance to Fe-deficiency chlorosis in peanut and to identify feasible indicators for screening Fe-efficient genotypes. Resistance to Fe chlorosis of sixteen peanut cultivars grown on calcareous soil was evaluated in the field and physiological responses to Fe-deficiency stress were studied in nutrient solution. There were significant differences in resistance to Fe-deficiency chlorosis among the sixteen peanut cultivars tested, which was identified with SPAD readings, active Fe concentrations in young leaves in the early growth stages, and the pod yield. For Fe-resistant peanut cultivars, Fe-reduction capacity and quality of releasing hydrogen ions from roots increased under Fe-deficiency stress. Highly correlated relationships were observed between the summation of root Fe reduction and field chlorosis scores for sixteen cultivars (r2 = 0.79). It was concluded that Fe-reduction capacity was a better physiological indicator for screening Fe-efficient peanut genotypes of the mechanisms measured.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted with iron chlorosis affected low-chill peach cultivars such as ‘Shaharanpur Prabhat’, ‘Shan-e-Punjab’, and ‘Pratap’ to examine the recovery upon foliar application of three iron sources namely iron (Fe)-sulfate, Fe-citrate and Fe ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). All the iron sources significantly increased the SPAD meter value, physiologically active (Fe2+) iron and total iron content of the leaves over control. However, highest values were noted with foliar spray of 1.0% Fe-sulfate. The low-chill peach cultivar ‘Saharanpur Prabhat’ responded best with iron resupply treatment. Significant correlations (at P ≤ 0.01) were obtained between SPAD meter readings with both physiologically active iron (Fe2+) and total iron content of leaves in all peach cultivars. Among the sources, the correlations between SPAD meter readings, physiologically active iron (Fe2+) and total iron contents were significant at P ≤ 0.01 for only Fe-sulfate and Fe-citrate. The regression analysis showed that the SPAD meter reading accounted 78.2 to 88.0% variation in physiologically active iron (Fe2+) and 65.0 to 73.7% variation in the total iron content in the low-chill peach cultivars. The SPAD readings could be used for management of iron chlorosis in peach orchard.  相似文献   


In higher plants, it is well known that the retranslocation of iron from old leaves to young leaves is difficult; as a result, iron deficiency leads to interveinal chlorosis, particularly in the young leaves. However, in the case of barley, young chlorotic leaves can grow under conditions of long-term iron deficiency. Previously, we have reported that the distribution and retranslocation characteristics of iron in barley may be better adapted to iron deficiency than those in rice. Furthermore, barley maintained a relatively high chlorophyll index (SPAD value) even when its iron content was not higher than that of rice. In this study, we aimed to predict the chemical form of iron that contributes to the physiologically available iron in barley leaves. To examine the correlation between plant growth and the SPAD value with the amount of fractionated iron, we cultured plant materials in a culture solution containing various iron concentrations. We compared these correlations among barley, rice and sorghum and among three barley cultivars. To compensate for the amount of mugineic acid phytosiderophores (MAs) in the culture solution, we cultured different plant species in the same container. The results revealed that the amount of soluble iron associated with the high-molecular-weight substances (MW >10,000) correlated with the SPAD value of the young barley leaves and the R2 value (determination coefficient) of barley was higher than the values of rice and sorghum.  相似文献   

为探讨品种与氮肥形态对花生叶片活性铁含量和SPAD值及荚果产量的影响,选择远杂9102和驻花1号两个品种为主处理,以全部施用铵态氮肥、铵态氮肥与硝态氮肥各半、全部硝态氮肥为副处理的裂区设计进行田间试验。结果表明,远杂9102和驻花1号均以铵态氮肥与硝态氮肥各半处理的产量最高,但远杂9102的产量显著高于驻花1号,提高8.2%。在花针期、结荚期随着铵态氮肥比例的增加,远杂9102叶片活性铁含量均呈降低趋势,而驻花1号叶片活性铁含量在花针期和结荚期均呈增加趋势;新叶SPAD值均呈增加趋势。综合分析,以远杂9102品种和铵态氮肥与硝态氮肥各半组合的花生产量最高。  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) is an essential trace element in all eukaryotes. In higher plants, Fe deficiency causes interveinal chlorosis in young leaves. However, in barley and rice, both of which are “Strategy II” plants, the degree and the pattern of Fe-deficiency symptoms differ. In the present study, barley and rice plants were grown in the same container, i.e., by “coculturing,” to compensate for the amount of mugineic acids in rice in the nutrient solution. We examined the differential availability of Fe for distribution and retranslocation in shoots between barley and rice without considering the difference in the iron acquisition ability, which is affected by the differential mugineic acid secretion between barley and rice. Although the Fe concentration of young barley leaves had decreased under the coculture conditions, the SPAD value was similar to that in monocultured barley. In contrast, although there was an increase in the Fe concentration of the young leaves of cocultured rice, the SPAD value decreased, as in the case of monocultured rice. Rice accumulated Fe in old leaves, whereas in barley Fe was efficiently distributed to young leaves. Therefore, the SPAD value of the second leaf in rice remained constantly high. The Fe concentration of the second leaf in barley decreased under Fe-deficient coculture conditions, the SPAD value decreased and the senescence of the second leaf become accelerated. 59Fe pulse-labeling experiments suggested that in barley Fe was more efficiently retranslocated from old leaves to young leaves than that in rice. As a result, the level of Fe present in the fraction with a molecular weight lower than the 10,000/water-soluble Fe ratio was higher in the old leaves of barley than in the old leaves of rice under Fe-deficient conditions. Based on the results obtained, we suggest that the distribution and retranslocation characteristics of internal Fe in barley may be well adapted to Fe deficiency.  相似文献   

Comparison of Iron Availability in Leaves of Barley and Rice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Iron (Fe) is an essential trace element in all eukaryotes. In higher plants, Fe deficiency causes interveinal chlorosis in young leaves. However, in barley and rice, both of which are "Strategy II" plants, the degree and the pattern of Fe-deficiency symptoms differ. In the present study, barley and rice plants were grown in the same container, i.e., by "coculturing," to compensate for the amount of mugineic acids in rice in the nutrient solution. We examined the differential availability of Fe for distribution and retranslocation in shoots between barley and rice without considering the difference in the iron acquisition ability, which is affected by the differential mugineic acid secretion between barley and rice. Although the Fe concentration of young barley leaves had decreased under the coculture conditions, the SPAD value was similar to that in monocultured barley. In contrast, although there was an increase in the Fe concentration of the young leaves of cocultured rice, the SPAD value decreased, as in the case of monocultured rice. Rice accumulated Fe in old leaves, whereas in barley Fe was efficiently distributed to young leaves. Therefore, the SPAD value of the second leaf in rice remained constantly high. The Fe concentration of the second leaf in barley decreased under Fe-deficient coculture conditions, the SPAD value decreased and the senescence of the second leaf become accelerated. 59Fe pulse-labeling experiments suggested that in barley Fe was more efficiently retranslocated from old leaves to young leaves than that in rice. As a result, the level of Fe present in the fraction with a molecular weight lower than the 10,000/water-soluble Fe ratio was higher in the old leaves of barley than in the old leaves of rice under Fe-deficient conditions. Based on the results obtained, we suggest that the distribution and retranslocation characteristics of internal Fe in barley may be well adapted to Fe deficiency.  相似文献   

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