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为寻求快速、有效检测羊泰勒虫的PCR方法,本试验建立了检测羊泰勒虫18SrRNA基因和表面蛋白基因的两种常规PCR方法和一种检测18SrRNA基因的半套式PCR方法,并从其敏感性和临床样本检出率等方面进行了比较。结果显示:上述方法检测羊泰勒虫基因组DNA的最小检测量分别为1.6fg/μL、16fg/μL和0.016fg/μL;检测临床样本阳性检出率分别为31.37%(16/51)、17.64%(9/51)和45.10%(23/51)。3种方法中,检测18SrRNA基因的半套式PCR方法敏感性和临床样本检出率最高,其次为检测18SrRNA基因的常规PCR方法,最后为检测表面蛋白基因的常规PCR方法。结果说明,所建立的半套式PCR方法是一种较好的羊泰勒虫检测方法。  相似文献   

为了建立1种快速简便的羊泰勒虫检测方法,试验根据羊泰勒虫MPSP基因设计2组引物,建立羊泰勒虫环介导等温扩增(LAMP)检测方法,利用该方法分别检测羊泰勒虫、瑟氏泰勒虫、卵形巴贝斯虫、附红细胞体的DNA。结果:LAMP方法检测羊泰勒虫的结果为阳性,其他虫体均为阴性,具有较好的特异性;对羊泰勒虫DNA最低检测量为1.9×10-9 ng/μL,是PCR方法的100倍。分别利用LAMP、PCR检测30份疑似羊泰勒虫感染病例,LAMP方法阳性检出率为20%(6/30),PCR方法阳性检出率为16.67%(5/30),LAMP方法准确率高于PCR方法。结论:建立的羊泰勒虫可视化LAMP检测方法特异性好、准确率高,可作为羊泰勒虫病诊断的检测方法。  相似文献   

为了建立一种特异、敏感、快速检测羊泰勒虫方法,以羊泰勒虫主要表面蛋白(MPSP)基因设计引物,建立羊泰勒虫套式PCR检测方法。结果表明,该方法只能扩增出羊泰勒虫,而对照组羊巴贝斯虫、羊无浆体和弓形虫基因组DNA均未扩出目的条带。该方法敏感性是普通PCR的1 000倍,其最低检测到1拷贝数的MPSP基因。对采自吉林珲春地区30份羊血液样本检测发现,套式PCR阳性率为46.6%(14/30),高于普通PCR(40.00%,12/30)和血液涂片染色(23.33%,7/30),三者阳性符合率为100%。结果表明,所建立的套式PCR可用于羊泰勒虫病的诊断和流行病学调查。  相似文献   

为建立特异、敏感、快速的羊泰勒虫病诊断方法。根据Gen Bank已报道的羊泰勒虫表面蛋白基因(AY274329)设计合成了1对引物,通过条件优化,建立了羊泰勒虫病二温式PCR诊断方法。该方法能扩增出335 bp的羊泰勒虫特异性基因片段,测序结果与已知基因序列同源性为100%。对羊泰勒虫基因组DNA的最小检测量为16 fg/μL,与新孢子虫、弓形虫、巴贝斯虫和瑟氏泰勒虫均无交叉反应。与普通PCR相比,二温式-PCR在敏感性方面无显著差异,但其反复升温降温时间消耗短。结果表明,二温式PCR诊断方法具有较高的特异性和敏感性,可用于羊泰勒虫病的快速诊断和流行病学调查。  相似文献   

为分析羊泰勒虫吉林省分离株的18S rRNA基因序列,根据羊泰勒虫18S rRNA基因的保守区序列设计1对引物,对吉林省的绵羊血液基因组DNA进行PCR扩增,结果扩增出长度为459 bp的基因片段,并成功地将该基因克隆到pMD18-T载体。将经纯化、筛选及酶切鉴定和PCR鉴定为阳性的重组质粒进行测序,与已发表的羊泰勒虫基因序列进行比较。序列分析显示,羊泰勒虫吉林省分离株与羊泰勒虫China 1的同源性为100%。  相似文献   

为寻求一种快速灵敏的环形泰勒虫病PCR检测方法,基于环形泰勒虫裂殖体表面蛋白(Theirelia annulata surface protein,TaSP)基因序列保守区设计特异性引物,通过PCR技术扩增出该基因长为393 bp的高免疫原性区片段。用该引物对环形泰勒虫、中华泰勒虫、瑟式泰勒虫、尤氏泰勒虫、吕氏泰勒虫、绵羊泰勒虫、马泰勒虫、驽巴贝斯虫、牛巴贝斯虫基因组模板进行特异性试验,对环形泰勒虫基因组模板进行梯度稀释后扩增,以确定试验的敏感性,同时用本试验建立的方法与常规显微镜镜检方法对150份血清样品进行检测。特异性试验结果显示,在被检测的9个样本中,只有环形泰勒虫基因组模板中扩增出了符合大小的特异核苷酸片段;敏感性试验结果表明,PCR对环形泰勒虫的扩增效率可达到10-10;通过对150份血清样品的检测,并与血涂片方法进行比较,结果显示PCR方法具有特异性强、敏感度高等特点,适用于牛环形泰勒虫病的检测。  相似文献   

为筛选出检测牛瑟氏泰勒虫更为特异、敏感的PCR方法,本试验以牛瑟氏泰勒虫p23和p33基因、HSP70基因及18S rRNA基因为靶基因进行PCR检测,并从其敏感性、特异性和临床样本检出率等方面进行了比较。结果显示,4种靶基因引物对牛瑟氏泰勒虫的检测均有较高的特异性,当牛瑟氏泰勒虫基因组DNA浓度为127 ng/μL时,p23、p33、HSP70及18S rRNA4种基因的最小检测量分别为1×105、1×105、1×104和1×106copies/μL;检测临床样本阳性检出率分别为30.19%(16/53)、39.62%(21/53)、47.17%(25/53)和54.72%(29/53)。表明以18SrRNA基因为靶基因的PCR方法从敏感性和临床检出率上明显优于其他3种基因。  相似文献   

马泰勒虫病PCR检测方法的建立和应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为寻求一种快速、有效的马泰勒虫 (Theileria equi,T.equi) PCR检测方法。基于马泰勒虫18S rRNA基因序列,在其V4高变区设计特异性引物Te-18F、Te-18R,通过PCR技术获得了531 bp的核酸片段。用该引物对马泰勒虫、马泰勒虫和驽巴贝斯虫混合样本、驽巴贝斯虫、尤氏泰勒虫、中华泰勒虫、环形泰勒虫、绵羊泰勒虫、吕氏泰勒虫和瑟氏泰勒虫基因组模板进行特异性试验。同时对马泰勒虫基因组模板进行不同浓度稀释后扩增,以便于确定试验的敏感性。用本试验建立的方法与常规显微镜镜检方法对45份马属动物血样进行检测。特异性试验显示,在被检测的9个样本中,只有马泰勒虫及马泰勒虫和驽巴贝斯虫混合模板中扩增出了符合大小的特异核酸片段。驽巴贝斯虫、尤氏泰勒虫、中华泰勒虫、环形泰勒虫、绵羊泰勒虫、吕氏泰勒虫和瑟氏泰勒虫的扩增结果均为阴性。灵敏度试验结果表明,PCR对马泰勒虫的扩增效率可达到10-13。对本试验建立的PCR检测马泰勒虫方法评估结果显示,PCR对马泰勒虫的检出率为17.78%(8/45),显微镜镜检结果只有8.89%(4/45)两者的符合率为100%。本试验建立的马泰勒虫PCR检测方法不失,为一种好的检测方法。  相似文献   

本试验根据GenBank上登录的牛瑟氏泰勒虫ITS基因序列(AY661522.1),应用Primer Premier 5.0和Oligo 6.31软件设计合成1对特异性引物,以牛瑟氏泰勒虫DNA为模板,建立了牛瑟氏泰勒虫ITS基因PCR诊断方法。该方法扩增片段大小为1020 bp,与参考序列的同源性为98%;建立的PCR方法与猪附红细胞体、犬新孢子虫和弓形虫均无交叉反应,最低DNA检出量为1.5 pg/μL;通过对60份临床样品的检测,并与血涂片方法进行比较,结果显示PCR方法具有特异、敏感等特点,适用于牛瑟氏泰勒虫的检测。  相似文献   

为建立一种更加准确、敏感的猪附红细胞体检测方法,本试验根据猪附红细胞体特异的DNA序列(AJ504999)设计2对巢式PCR引物,建立了巢式PCR检测方法。筛选该检测方法的最佳反应条件,并进行了特异性、敏感性及临床样本检测试验。结果表明,建立的巢式PCR对猪附红细胞体基因组DNA能扩增出特异性片段,而对弓形虫、链球菌、牛瑟氏泰勒虫、牛附红细胞体基因组DNA扩增反应结果均为阴性;DNA最低检测量为0.124 fg/μL;通过对55份临床样本的检测,该巢式PCR较常规PCR的阳性检出率高23.7%。本试验为猪附红细胞体病的诊断提供了一种更为特异、敏感的检测技术。  相似文献   

Theileria parva is the causative agent of Corridor disease in cattle in South Africa. The African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) is the reservoir host, and, as these animals are important for eco-tourism in South Africa, it is compulsory to test and certify them disease free prior to translocation. A T. parva-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test based on the small subunit ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) gene is one of the tests used for the diagnosis of the parasite in buffalo and cattle in South Africa. However, because of the high similarity between the 18S rRNA gene sequences of T. parva and Theileria sp. (buffalo), the latter is also amplified by the real-time PCR primers, although it is not detected by the T. parva-specific hybridization probes. Preliminary sequencing studies have revealed a small number of sequence differences within the 18S rRNA gene in both species but the extent of this sequence variation is unknown. The aim of the current study was to sequence the 18S rRNA genes of T. parva and Theileria sp. (buffalo), and to determine whether all identified genotypes can be correctly detected by the real-time PCR assay. The reverse line blot (RLB) hybridization assay was used to identify T. parva and Theileria sp. (buffalo) positive samples from buffalo blood samples originating from the Kruger National Park, Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park, and a private game ranch in the Hoedspruit area. T. parva and Theileria sp. (buffalo) were identified in 42% and 28%, respectively, of 252 samples, mainly as mixed infections. The full-length 18S rRNA gene of selected samples was amplified, cloned and sequenced. From a total of 20 sequences obtained, 10 grouped with previously published T. parva sequences from GenBank while 10 sequences grouped with a previously published Theileria sp. (buffalo) sequence. All these formed a monophyletic group with known pathogenic Theileria species. Our phylogenetic analyses confirm the distinction between Theileria sp. (buffalo) and T. parva and indicate the existence of a single group of T. parva and two Theileria sp. (buffalo) 18S rRNA gene variants in the African buffalo. Despite the observed variation in the full-length parasite 18S rRNA gene sequences, the area in the V4 hypervariable region where the RLB and real-time PCR hybridization probes were developed was relatively conserved. The T. parva specific real-time PCR assay was able to successfully detect all T. parva variants and, although amplicons were obtained from Theileria sp. (buffalo) DNA, none of the Theileria sp. (buffalo) 18S rRNA sequence variants were detected by the T. parva-specific hybridization probes.  相似文献   

猪附红细胞体PCR检测方法的建立和初步应用   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
基于猪附红细胞体广东株16S rRNA基因的序列特点,设计合成种特异性引物,建立了猪附红细胞体PCR检测方法。该方法能特异性扩增523bp的猪附红细胞体16SrRNA基因片段,而对猪丹毒杆菌G4T10株、猪链球菌STl71株、多杀性巴氏杆菌E0630株、猪胸膜肺炎放线杆菌、猪肺炎支原体、鸡毒支原体和猫血巴尔通氏体CA株的基因组DNA没有扩增带出现。对猪附红细胞体基因组DNA的最小检测量为160pg。通过对38份临床样品的检测,8份为猪附红细胞体感染阳性,其余为阴性。结果表明,建立的PCR检测方法具有极高的敏感性和特异性,可用于急性猪附红细胞体病和临床健康带菌猪的诊断。  相似文献   

本研究根据GenBank上发表的牛瑟氏泰勒虫18S rRNA基因的核苷酸序列设计并合成1对特异性引物,对寄生于牛体内的瑟氏泰勒虫基因组DNA进行扩增,得到1 356 bp的18S rRNA基因片段,测序后blast分析表明该虫种属牛瑟氏泰勒虫。将该基因片段序列与GenBank中8种已知泰勒虫的相应序列进行比较分析,建立系统发育树。结果表明,牛瑟氏泰勒虫吉林分离株与水牛泰勒虫亲缘关系最近,与小泰勒虫亲缘关系较远。这一结果说明宿主因素对泰勒虫的基因型影响较大。  相似文献   

In this study, a pair of oligonucleotide primers were designed according to the nucleotide sequence of the small subunit ribosomal RNA (ssu rRNA) gene of Babesia ovis isolated from sheep in eastern Turkey. The primers were used to detect parasite DNA from blood samples of B. ovis-infected sheep and goats by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A 549-bp DNA fragment was specifically amplified from blood samples from sheep and goats, naturally infected with B. ovis. No PCR products resulted from Babesia motasi, T. ovis, Theileria sp. OT1, Theileria sp. OT3, T. lestoquardi, B. canis, B. microti,T. annulata or normal sheep leucocytes DNA using these specific primers. B. ovis-infected erythrocytes with 1% parasitemia were subjected to 10-fold serial dilutions (from 10(-1) to 10(-9)) using an uninfected sheep erythrocytes, and DNA was extracted from each diluted sample for testing the sensitivity of the PCR. The PCR was sensitive enough to detect parasite DNA from the dilution of 10(-5) with 0.00001% parasitemia. This is more sensitive than examining 200 fields under light microscopy. In addition, 98 field samples collected from small ruminanats in eastern Turkey were tested for B. ovis infection. Four samples were positive Babesia spp. in blood smears, 21 samples were positive for B. ovis DNA by PCR. These results indicate that the PCR provides a useful diagnostic tool for the detection of B. ovis infection in sheep and goats.  相似文献   

Ge Y  Pan W  Yin H 《Veterinary parasitology》2012,186(3-4):466-469
Theileriosis is an important tick-borne hemoprotozoan disease, which can cause severe economic loss in animal husbandry. In this paper, one hundred peripheral blood samples of goats and sheep from southeastern China were examined for the Theileria infection. A region of Theileria 18S rRNA gene was amplified by nested PCR in 26 samples. All the nested PCR amplicons were cloned and sequenced. Alignment analysis has shown that these sequences are highly homologus to each other with identities from 99.2% to 100%. Blast the sequences against NCBI database indicated 99% homology with Theileria sp. China 1 (Theileria luwenshuni). Phylogenetic tree has also shown that the newly identified Theileria are in the same clade with T. luwenshuni. The results have revealed a relatively high prevalence of Theileria in some areas of southeastern China and little genetic diversity in these infections.  相似文献   

套式PCR扩增山羊吕氏泰勒虫18S rRNA基因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
泰勒虫是一种危害动物的重要血液寄生性原虫,常寄生于牛、羊、骆驼和其他野生动物,在中国的东北、西北等地较为流行。采集安徽定远县某山羊场疑似焦虫病的山羊血样,首先采用血涂片法检查,再用Blood DNA&Tissue kit提取血液基因组,参照Kim和Wei的方法设计2对引物用于泰勒虫18S rRNA基因的扩增,并对该方法进行敏感性和特异性分析。结果显示:血涂片检查明显可见红细胞内有典型的虫体,大小为0.6~2μm,初步怀疑为泰勒虫(Theileria);PCR扩增可扩增出359 bp大小目的片段,与预期结果相一致;基因序列同源性表明,该泰勒虫分离株基因与已报道泰勒虫毒株(JQ926740.1)核苷酸同源性最高,可达99.72%;在遗传进化方面,所分离的泰勒虫和吕氏泰勒虫(Theileria luwenshuni)Nanjingdong(JQ926740.1)最接近,而且在一个分支上。本试验所建立的套式PCR具有良好的特异性,且敏感性较高,最低测出量是3.8 fg/μL。本次分离的羊血液原虫为吕氏泰勒虫。  相似文献   

为快速检测并准确鉴别奶牛隐孢子虫种,以隐孢子虫18S rRNA基因的特殊区域为基础,设计内、外引物,并根据软件分析确定相应的内切酶EcoT141,采用Nested PCR-RFLP方法进行虫种种型鉴别分析。在Nested PCR两次PCR反应中,以微小隐孢子虫(Cryptos poridium parvum,C.p)和安氏隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidium andersoni,C.an)卵囊提取的DNA为模板,均能扩增出长约800bp和500bp的明亮条带,且特异性强,其他虫种不能扩增出条带,该方法最低可检测到5个卵囊/g粪便;对于由内引物扩增出的500bp的条带,C.an的PCR产物能被内切酶EcoT141酶切,酶切后的片段分别为416bp和92bp,C.p的PCR产物不能被此酶酶切。用所建立的Nested PCR-RFLP法对上海奶牛389头和进口奶牛200头的共计589份粪样进行检测,Nested PCR的结果表明上海奶牛和进口奶牛的隐孢子虫阳性率分别为19.02%和3.5%,RFLP的结果表明上海奶牛感染的主要是Cp和C.an,进口奶牛感染的主要是C.p。研究结果表明,本研究建立的检测奶牛粪便中的隐孢子虫的NestedPCR-RFLP法,可用于奶牛隐孢子虫流行病学调查并有效鉴别奶牛隐孢子虫种。  相似文献   

The prevalence of hematozoan infections (Hepatozoon canis and Babesia sp., particularly Babesia canis vogeli) in canids from Venezuela, Thailand and Spain was studied by amplification and sequencing of the 18S rRNA gene. H. canis infections caused simultaneously by two different isolates were confirmed by RFLP analysis in samples from all the geographic regions studied. In Venezuela, blood samples from 134 dogs were surveyed. Babesia infections were found in 2.24% of the dogs. Comparison of sequences of the 18S rRNA gene indicated that protozoan isolates were genetically identical to B. canis vogeli from Japan and Brazil. H. canis infected 44.77 per cent of the dogs. A representative sample of Venezuelan H. canis isolates (21.6% of PCR-positives) was sequenced. Many of them showed 18S rRNA gene sequences identical to H. canis Spain 2, albeit two less frequent genotypes were found in the sample studied. In Thailand, 20 dogs were analyzed. No infections caused by Babesia were diagnosed, whereas 30 per cent of the dogs were positive to hematozoan infection. Two protozoa isolates showing 99.7-100% identity to H. canis Spain 2 were found. In Spain, 250 dogs were studied. B. canis vogeli infected 0.01% of the animals. The sequence of the 18S rRNA gene in Spanish isolates of this protozoa was closely related to those previously deposited in GenBank (> 99% identity). Finally, 20 red foxes were screened for hematozoans employing semi-nested PCR and primers designed to detect Babesia/Theileria. Fifty percent of the foxes were positive to Theileria annae. In addition, it was found that the PCR assay was able as well to detect Hepatozoon infections. Thirty five percent of the foxes were infected with two different H. canis isolates showing 99.8-100% identity to Curupira 1 from Brazil.  相似文献   

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