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设计合成两对覆盖PCV2基因组奎长的引物,对PCV2分离株S2、P11、L进行全基因测序。将所测序列与GenBank上已公布的PCV2毒株序列进行同泺性比较,并绘制系统发育进化树。结果显示。所测毒株与其它地城的24株PCV2分离株的基因组序列同源性很高。3个分离株之问的奎基因核苷酸同源性在95.4%-99.3%。序列分析表明欧洲分离株和美洲分离株分别构成PCV2的两个夫的分支:欧洲系和美洲系。S2、P11属于欧洲系,L属于美洲系。  相似文献   

采用RT-PCR方法,对来自重庆合川、长寿、綦江、大足、开县等5个区县的5个猪场的PRRS病料进行了ORF7基因的扩增,并克隆、测序和序列比对。结果发现,这5株与美洲型代表毒株VR-2332的核苷酸序列同源性为98.5%,其推导的氨基酸序列同源性为92.6%;与已发表的ORF7序列CQ0703、JX0602、HB0602比对,核苷酸同源性为99.6%,其推导的氨基酸同源性为98.0%;与疫苗株RespPRRSMLV核苷酸同源性为98.6%,氨基酸同源性为94.3%,与欧洲型代表株LV株ORF7基因序列差异较大,核苷酸同源性仅有56.6%,而且推导的氨基酸数比LV株少5个,二者同源性仅为58.1%。结果表明5个区县流行的PRRSV与VR-2332和RespPRRSMLV亲缘关系很近,均为美洲型毒株。  相似文献   

本课题组于2012年从中国东部的虹鳟鱼养殖场分离得到了严重威胁我国鲑鳟鱼养殖的传染性造血器官坏死病毒(IHNV)IHNV-Sn1203病毒株。根据GenBank中收录的IHNV病毒株的序列设计引物,将IHNV-Sn1203基因组序列分成5个片段进行RT-PCR克隆,最终得到完整的IHNV-Sn1203基因组序列。利用Lasergene和MEGA 5.0软件分析了IHNV-Sn1203株的全基因组序列、基因组编码蛋白、基因组末端和未翻译序列、以及病毒基因同源性和系统发育。结果发现,IHNV-Sn1203基因组全长11131nts,共编码6个病毒蛋白,大小分别为核蛋白(N)1176nts、磷蛋白(P)693nts、基质蛋白(M)588nts、表面糖蛋白(G)1527nts、聚合酶蛋白(L)5961nts和非结构蛋白(NV)336nts。IHNV-Sn1203株各基因间均具有保守的基因终止序列(Gene end,GE)、基因间序列(Intergenic regions,IG)、基因起始序列(Gene star,GS)及Kozak序列,以确保病毒基因的转录和翻译效率。系统进化分析发现,IHNV分为E、U、M、L和J共5个基因型,其中IHNV-Sn1203株与中国其他IHNV株具有显著的亲缘关系,属于J基因型中的J Nagano亚型。由G基因的进化分析发现,J基因型的病毒与U基因型亲缘关系最近,推测IHNV病毒最初可能通过进口鱼卵的方式由U基因型引入,随时间的推移逐渐进化为J基因型。  相似文献   

为研究Ⅱ型草鱼呼肠孤病毒(grass carp reovirus,GCRV)不同分离株毒力强弱及生物学特性的差异,该研究从患病和健康草鱼体内分离到Ⅱ型GCRV各一株,分别命名为ZH180804和CQ180701,并从细胞培养特性、致病性、基因组带型、基因序列差异、遗传进化关系等方面进行比较分析。结果显示,ZH180804对草鱼和稀有鲫的致死率分别为80%和100%, CQ180701对草鱼和稀有鲫的致死率分别为0和10%,初步表明ZH180804为强毒株,CQ180701为弱毒株,且弱毒株感染过的草鱼对强毒株的攻击感染具有较好的免疫保护;2株分离株在草鱼鳔细胞(GSB)、稀有鲫卵细胞(GRE)及稀有鲫尾鳍细胞(GRF)中均能增殖但不产生致细胞病变效应(CPE),且ZH180804株的增殖量是CQ180701株的1 000倍以上;十二烷基硫酸钠聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)结果显示,2株分离株基因组带型相似,但S7、S8、S9、S10与S11节段的分布存在一定的差异;2株病毒的S7与S11节段的基因序列同源性分别为98%和99%。基于S7与S11节段编码的氨基酸序列构建的遗传进化树显示,2株分离株聚在同一个分支上,具有较近的亲缘关系。研究表明,从患病和健康的草鱼中分离的2株Ⅱ型GCRV有较多共性,但其复制能力、致病性等方面存在较大差异。  相似文献   

根据GenBank中报道的NDV融合蛋白基因(F)序列,设计了一对特异性引物,用该引物对所分离的LN-SN株进行了RT-PCR扩增;将扩增得到的PCR片段纯化后与pGEM-T连接得到重组质粒pGEM-F,用于核苷酸序列测定。结果该基因ORF长1662bp,编码553个氨基酸;将LN-SN毒株与GenBank中已报道的NDV毒株进行比较,F基因核苷酸序列的同源性在83.1%~98.9%之间,推导的F蛋白氨基酸序列的同源性在88.1%~99.5%之间。  相似文献   

目的 研究广东佛山地区鸭圆环病毒(DuCV)流行毒株的遗传变异情况。方法 采用常规PCR方法,对采自广东佛山的3份阳性鸭组织样品中扩增Rep基因部分片段和Cap基因,进行核苷酸序列测序,并将Rep基因部分片段、Cap基因推导的氨基酸序列与30株参考序列进行同源性比较和遗传变化分析。结果 3份阳性样品分别扩增出相应的基因片段;Rep基因部分片段、Cap基因推导的氨基酸序列进化树和同源性分析显示,3株DuCV流行株与台湾株(AY3947213)在同一进化支,均属于DuCV-2型,与同分支的参考毒株相似性分别为97.2%~100%和96.9%~100%,2个基因型中Rep基因同源性高于Cap基因;氨基酸序列的变异分析表明,与中国台湾株(AY3947213)相比较,Rep部分氨基酸和Cap氨基酸分别发生相同位置的氨基酸置换和单独突变,Cap氨基酸突变位点多于Rep氨基酸。结论 研究测得的3株DuCV流行株均属于DuCV-2型,在广东地区有一定范围的流行,且CAP蛋白的变异程度高于REP蛋白,为鸭圆环病毒感染的监控和诊断提供了依据。  相似文献   

<正>猪蓝耳病是养猪业的主要疫病之一,目前已证实至少存在2种完全不同类型的病毒,即欧洲型(1型,代表株为LV株)和美洲型(2型,代表株为VR-2332株),两型在氨基酸序列上存在显著差异。有专家指出:"最近对分离的毒株序列进行分析后证明,蓝耳病病毒的某些关键基因已有较大的变异,与2006年的JXA1株相比在GP5基因和蛋白上已有较大的不同"。对蓝耳病的防控难在病毒的高度变异及不同毒株疫苗之间交叉保护能力差,每个  相似文献   

柯飞  桂朗  李涛  张奇亚 《水产学报》2021,45(9):1491-1499
从自然感染、濒死的克氏原螯虾中分离出的白斑病毒株(Cambarus clarkii whispovirus,WSSV-Cc或Cc株)是一株基因组较小的新毒株。为寻找白斑病毒进化过程在基因组中留下的印迹,进行了显微和超微观察、基因组架构与系统发育分析及相关基因扩增等研究。选择Cc株74L、86L、87R、88R、92R和95R的6个基因,与8个白斑病毒株的同源基因所编码蛋白序列构建进化树,结果可分为克氏原螯虾病毒(Cc株、CN02株、Pc株)和海水对虾病毒(CN株、CN01株、CN03株、CN04株、TW株和KR株) 2支。再对不同毒株的同源蛋白进行多重序列比对,显示Cc-87R是与海水对虾病毒株同源蛋白差异显著、缺失跨膜区(TMD)及其相邻287 aa序列、但仍有完整PI3K_rbd结构域的病毒膜蛋白。进一步设计和使用87R-F/87R-R和238-F/87R-R两对引物,分别以淡水小龙虾病毒Cc株和海水对虾病毒CN株的基因组为模板进行核酸扩增,结果从Cc株模板中扩增到大小为709 bp,含Cc-87R全部序列的核酸片段;而从CN株的模板中却扩增到大小分别为1 600和4 810 bp,仅含Cc-87R部分序列的核酸片段,为Cc-87R是Cc株基因组中一个序列结构独特的印迹提供了实验证据。这一发现将有助于克氏原螯虾白斑病毒病原的检测及其流行趋势预警。  相似文献   

针对我国东北地区获得高免新城疫(NewcastleDisease,ND)抗体鸡群仍然发生新城疫(ND)的情况,应用分子流行病学技术,对所分离的18株鸡源新城疫病毒(NewcastleDiseaseVirus,NDV)和1株鸽源NDV进行系统发育进化分析。将NDV分离株通过差速离心纯化,以SDS-蛋白酶K(或Trizol法)提取病毒RNA,RT-PCR扩增其融合蛋白(F)基因532bp或280bp关键片断,经回收克隆到pMD18-T载体上进行核苷酸序列测定(GenBank序列号:AY208680-AY208698)。核苷酸和氨基酸序列进行同源性比较,结果表明各毒株之间核苷酸同源性为83.1%~100%,氨基酸同源性为85.5%~100%;系统发育进化树分析显示,其中JL-12、HLJ-3为弱毒株,与疫苗株V4同属于基因Ⅰ型;其余17株均为强毒株,其中HLJ-4、JL-14为Ⅵ型,其余15株均为基因Ⅶ型,由此可见东北地区目前新城疫的流行是由3种不同基因型的NDV毒珠(Ⅰ型、Ⅵ型、Ⅶ型)所发,但以基因Ⅶ型为主,这与我国其他地区和世界上其他国家ND的流行情况趋于一致。  相似文献   

根据GenBank中报道的NDV融合蛋白基因(F)序列,设计了一对特异性引物,用谜引物对所分离的LN—SN株进行了RT-PCR扩增;将扩增得到的PCR片段纯化后与pGEM—T连接得到重组质粒pGEM-F,用于核苷酸序列测定。结果谊基因ORF长1662bp,编码553个氨基酸;将LN—SN毒株与GenBank中已报道的NDV毒株进行比较,F基因核苷酸序列的同源性在83.1%-98.9%之间。推导的F蛋白氨基酸序列的同源性在88.1%-99.5%之间。  相似文献   

Aeromonas hydrophila is an opportunistic pathogen and the leading cause of fatal haemorrhagic septicaemia in fish and shellfish. Doxycycline, one of the second generation tetracyclines, has been used in fish farming to fight against infectious diseases caused by A. hydrophila due to its broad‐spectrum antimicrobial activity and lower cost. However, progressive increase in resistance of Aeromonas strains to doxycycline aroused serious concern. In this report, drug‐resistant A. hydrophilaAH10 strains were induced and selected by using a consecutive batch culture system in Mueller‐Hinton Broth (MHB) supplemented with varying concentrations of doxycycline. Five isolates (AH101‐105) were obtained from the bacterial culture induced by 25 μg/ml doxycycline for drug‐resistance analysis. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) values of all five isolates were 50 times higher than that of the parental strain AH10. All of them also displayed high‐level resistance to sulphonamides and amides. We sequenced five isolates and performed comparative genomic analysis of these draft genomes with nine A. hydrophila complete genomes from GenBank. Results showed that the pan‐genome of 14 strains contains 4,730 genes, 3,056 genes of which present in all strains. The drug‐resistance genes also showed significant difference in these genomes, which indicated dangers of indiscriminate use of antibiotics in aquaculture and the necessity of understanding the variation of antibiotic resistance of A. hydrophila. Pan‐genome analysis further revealed that no specific SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) or InDel (insertion and deletion variation) was identified in any functional gene locus among the genomes of AH10 mutated strains, in contrast, significant CNVs (copy number variations) and SV (structure variations) for gene groups were identified in all the mutant genomes.  相似文献   

Vibrio anguillarum serovars associated with vibriosis in fish   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract. A total of 517 Vibrio anguillarum strains isolated from discased fish together with 14 V. anguillarum serogroup O2 and V. ordalii type strains were serotyped using the European scrotyping system. Marked species differences were recorded. In isolates from salmonids serovar O1 (70.2%) and O2 (20.2%) were dominantwhilst a minor proportion belonged to other serogroups or were non-typeable. Figures for turbot were similar to those from salmonids. In 32 isolates from sea bass, sea bream and mullet, most strains belonged to serogroup O1. while one was O2a. one O7, and the rest non-typeable In cod serovar O2 was dominant while only a minor proportion belonged to other serogroups or were non-typeable. The ecl isolates belonged equally to serovars O2 and O3. All O2 strain were subtyped with absorbed O2a and O2b antisera. O2a was dominant in all fish species. but in cod. the relative number of O2b isolates was considerably higher than in other fish species. The applicability of the European serotyping system is discussed and compared with other serotyping systems.  相似文献   

PCV2可严重导致猪群产生免疫抑制,从而容易继发和并发其它传染病的发生;也可加重其它传染病的临床表现和病理过程,PCV感染可能干扰正常的免疫功能。猪圆环病毒属于单股DNA圆环病毒科,该科的共同特征为20面体对称,无囊膜,核酸为负链,是单股环状DNA,是迄今为止发现的最小的动物病毒。其中PCV1基因组大小为1759bp,包含7个阅读框;PCV2基因组大小为1767~1768bp,包含11个阅读框;目前诊断PCV的方法大致可分为两类:一类为血清学方法,另一类为病原学方法,本病尚无疫苗可用,目前主要采取综合防制措施对本病的防控。  相似文献   

Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS), caused by the novirhabdovirus viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV), causes significant economic problems to European rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), production. The virus isolates can be divided into four distinct genotypes with additional subgroups. The main source of outbreaks in European rainbow trout farming is sublineage Ia isolates. Recently, this group of isolates has been further subdivided in to two subclades of which the Ia‐2 consists of isolates occurring mainly in Continental Europe outside of Denmark. In this study, we sequenced the full‐length G‐gene sequences of 24 VHSV isolates that caused VHS outbreaks in Polish trout farms between 2005 and 2009. All these isolates were identified as genotype Ia‐2; they divided however into two genetically distinct subgroups, that we name Pol I and Pol II. The Pol I isolates mainly caused outbreaks in the southern part of Poland, while Pol II isolates predominantly were sampled in the north of Poland, although it seems that they have been transmitted to other parts of the country. Molecular epidemiology was used for characterization of transmission pathways. This study shows that a main cause of virus transmission appears to be movement of fish. At least in Polish circumstances trading practices appear to have significant impact on spreading of VHSV infection.  相似文献   

Abstract. Six monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) produced against the infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) N1 strain were used in a dot-blot assay to examine reference strains of the nine proposed serotypes and a representative selection of 81 Norwegian aquatic birnavirus isolates. These isolates had earlier been serotyped by use of a panel of 11 MAbs produced against other strains of IPNV. Correlations between the reaction patterns of the two panels of MAbs were found. All reference strains and field isolates shared two epitopes, one on VP2 and one on VP3. Seventy-seven of the field isolates reacted identically with the N1 strain (positive with all six MAbs). The Sp type strain was positive with five of the MAbs and was different from all the field strains. The other reference strains (WB, VR299, Ab, Ja, Te, He, C1, C2 and C3) were positive with two to four of the MAbs. Together with previously published data, these findings indicate that most Norwegian isolates are closely related to, or identical with, the N1 strain and belong to the Sp serotype. No correlation between the health status of Atlantic salmon and antigenicity of the isolates was found. Testing of the reference strains in ELISA revealed some discrepancies with the dot-blot results.  相似文献   

The infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) is capable of causing a significant disease in Atlantic salmon, which has resulted in considerable financial losses for salmon farmers around the world. Since the first detection of ISAV in Canada in 1996, it has been a high priority for aquatic animal health management and surveillance programmes have led to the identification of many genetically distinct ISAV isolates of variable virulence. In this study, we evaluated the virulence of three ISAV isolates detected in Atlantic Canada in 2012 by doing in vivo‐controlled disease challenges with two sources of Atlantic salmon. We measured viral loads in fish tissues during the course of infection. Sequences of the full viral RNA genomes of these three ISAV isolates were obtained and compared to a high‐virulence and previously characterized isolate detected in the Bay of Fundy in 2004, as well as a newly identified ISAV NA‐HPR0 isolate. All three ISAV isolates studied were shown to be of low to mid‐virulence with fish from source A having a lower mortality rate than fish from source B. Viral load estimation using an RT‐qPCR assay targeting viral segment 8 showed a high degree of similarity between tissues. Through genomic comparison, we identified various amino acid substitutions unique to some isolates, including a stop codon in the segment 8 ORF2 not previously reported in ISAV, present in the isolate with the lowest observed virulence.  相似文献   

In this study, we report the sequencing of the whole genome [including the 5' and 3' non-coding regions (NCR) of both segments A and B] of seven birnavirus strains isolated from wild fish from the Flemish Cap (FC) fishery at Newfoundland, Canada. From analysis and comparison of the sequences, most of the FC isolates clustered with the North American reference strains West Buxton (WB), Dry Mill and Jasper. One strain was included in the same genotype as the European strain Ab. In addition, at least in one case cohabitation of both type strains in an individual fish was demonstrated. These results clearly suggest the acquisition of the viruses from two different sources. The prevalence of the American type is easily explained by the close proximity of this fishing bank to the American coast whereas, although surprising, the presence of the European type strain could be because of migration of fish from European waters. In one strain, segment A and B sequences were typed differently (WB and Ab, respectively). These findings indicate natural reassortment between two strains of aquabirnaviruses in a host.  相似文献   

建立了1种一步法RT-PCR用于同时检测典型猪瘟病毒(CSFV)和猪繁殖呼吸道综合征病毒(PRRSV)的多重PCR诊断方法(Multiplex PCR,mPCR)。根据Genbank上公布的CSFV、PRRSV基因组全序列及部分序列,借助DNAStar和Oligo6.0基因序列和引物设计软件,设计2对特异性引物分别用于扩增CFSV、PRRSV病毒777bp和434bp的目的片断。该mPCR由RT反应和PCR反应构成。将病毒核酸连接到PMD18-T载体,提取质粒后,以10倍进行倍比稀释,取每个稀释度的病毒核酸进行mPCR反应,对CSFV、PRRSV的最低检测量分别为8.5pg、8.3×10-2pg。以PCV2、PCV1、PPV、PRV、SIV、E.coil和双蒸水为模板进行mPCR反应,扩增结果均为阴性,表明该mPCR具有较好的特异性。对临床样品的检测表明,本研究建立的mPCR诊断方法能够对CSFV和PRRSV进行快速的诊断,同时对CSFV、PRRSV在猪群中的流行病学调查也具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

冷藏大黄鱼SSO希瓦氏菌致腐能力差异机制初探   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
为探讨特定腐败菌(SSO)希瓦氏菌(Shewanella)致腐能力的差异机制,采用生化和16S rDNA鉴定冷藏大黄鱼货架期终点的产H2S菌,在灭菌鱼汁和无菌鱼块筛选4株致腐差异的希瓦氏菌,扩增氧化三甲胺(TMAO)还原酶基因及分析其表达量,并预测其蛋白质的理化性质。结果显示,22株产H2S菌均为希瓦氏菌属,其中 S.baltica占54.5%,为S. putrefaciens占40.9%,S. hafniensis占4.5%。希瓦氏菌在灭菌鱼汁中致腐能力存在显著差异,其中S. balticaXH2和XH8的缺点评分和TVB-N最高,S. putrefaciensXH14和XH17菌最低。接种无菌鱼块的4株希瓦氏菌中XH2的样品在72h出现腐败气味,48h细菌高于107cfu/g,产生较高的TMA、TVB-N、尸胺和腐胺和,XH8菌次之,XH14和XH17菌最慢。四株希瓦氏菌都扩增出2490bp的torA基因,且torA基因的表达量与致腐能力密切相关,S.balticaXH2最高。预测的TorA蛋白中S.balticaXH2的分子量和不稳定指数最大,理论等电点和总平均疏水性最小。可见,S. baltica XH2为冷藏大黄鱼的SSO,其强致腐能力与torA基因高表达量和TorA蛋白理化性质有关。研究为阐明希瓦氏菌致腐机制奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

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