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False indigo (Amorpha fruticosa L.) is a perennial leguminous shrub native to North America. The species could potentially be used for livestock forage, biomass energy, reclamation of degraded environments, or as green manure. Future work with the species will depend upon knowledge of available accessions. Our objectives were to determine (1) the range of diversity among accessions, (2) the correlations among traits across locations, and (3) the distribution of variation among accessions. We studied 21 accessions grown at two locations and a subset of 15 accessions grown at a third location. We measured 47 morphological, agronomic, and phenological traits. All traits were influenced by accession in at least one location (p < 0.05). The mean dry matter (DM) biomass yield of accessions in August ranged from 53 to 1515 g plant−1 and was correlated across locations. False indigo had a high second-year leaf concentration, averaging 660 g kg−1 DM at one location in August. Forage quality of false indigo leaves was high, with average crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) concentrations in July of 205, 226, and 235 g kg−1, respectively. Accession means of forage quality traits were poorly correlated across locations, indicating that it would be difficult to improve forage quality through selection. Diversity among accessions was often related to geographic origin. The two southern accessions were distinct from all other accessions, indicating that accessions from distant geographic regions will likely contribute valuable diversity to a plant breeding program.  相似文献   
We present here an indicator of soil quality that evaluates soil ecosystem services through a set of 5 subindicators, and further combines them into a single general Indicator of Soil Quality (GISQ). We used information derived from 54 properties commonly used to describe the multifaceted aspects of soil quality. The design and calculation of the indicators were based on sequences of multivariate analyses. Subindicators evaluated the physical quality, chemical fertility, organic matter stocks, aggregation and morphology of the upper 5 cm of soil and the biodiversity of soil macrofauna. A GISQ combined the different subindicators providing a global assessment of soil quality.Research was conducted in two hillside regions of Colombia and Nicaragua, with similar types of land use and socio-economic context. However, soil and climatic conditions differed significantly. In Nicaragua, soil quality was assessed at 61 points regularly distributed 200 m apart on a regular grid across the landscape. In Colombia, 8 plots representing different types of land use were arbitrarily chosen in the landscape and intensively sampled. Indicators that were designed in the Nicaragua site were further applied to the Colombian site to test for their applicability.In Nicaragua, coffee plantations, fallows, pastures and forest had the highest values of GISQ (1.00; 0.80; 0.78 and 0.77, respectively) while maize crops and eroded soils (0.19 and 0.10) had the lowest values. Examination of subindicator values allowed the separate evaluation of different aspects of soil quality: subindicators of organic matter, aggregation and morphology and biodiversity of macrofauna had the maximum values in coffee plantations (0.89; 0.72 and 0.56, respectively on average) while eroded soils had the lowest values for these indicators (0.10; 0.31 and 0.33, respectively).Indicator formulae derived from information gained at the Nicaraguan sites were not applicable to the Colombian situation and site-specific constants were calculated.This indicator allows the evaluation of soil quality and facilitates the identification of problem areas through the individual values of each subindicator. It allows monitoring of change through time and can guide the implementation of soil restoration technologies. Although GISQ formulae computed on a set of data were only valid at a regional scale, the methodology used to create these indices can be applied everywhere.  相似文献   
This study is focused in the main chestnut growing areas from north- to south-western Spain. We studied 50 accessions corresponding to 22 cultivars named by local growers; 11 from Andalucía, 9 from Castilla-León, and 2 from Extremadura. These were compared with 22 types classified previously in Galicia (82 accessions). Ten morphological traits and five isoenzyme systems were used to classify them and establish genetic relationships. A lower genetic variability has been found in Extremadura (middle Spain) and Andalucía (south) than in Galicia (north western) which may be because of the lower importance of the crop in those areas and the geographic barriers between them. Galicia could be the origin of the types found in Castilla-León, Extremadura, and south-western Andalucía, and the types found in Central Andalucía were closer to those found in Castilla-León and Extremadura. Most accessions studied (117/132) could be classified positively, making 37 out of 44 cultivars found from northern to southern Spain. Three groups of synonymies were found in Castilla-León: ‘Brava’ and ‘Negral’, ‘Gallego’ and ‘Injerto’, and ‘Rapega’ and ‘Verdello’. Most of the Spanish types have been propagated as a principal clone. Variability within the types is important and must be considered to select the best clones as cultivars.  相似文献   
花椰菜异源细胞质雄性不育材料的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
以Ogura不育胞质为供体,不同生育期花椰菜品种为受体,通过回交获得花椰菜异源细胞质雄性不育材料。该材料每世代均具有雄性不育特性,雄蕊主要呈戟形,少量呈瓣状,羽毛状,丝状及雄蕊心皮化,极少数花药具有花粉粒,花粉粒开裂,回交转育克服了不育胞质供体存在雌蕊功能障碍,闭蕾,败蕾,柱头外露以及蜜腺缺失等缺陷。  相似文献   
近现代陇东地方居住形态主要表现出两种形式:一是散居型,住民远离河川、大道,遁隐于偏僻之地;二是聚居型,聚族居住,建堡自卫。近现代陇东社会所呈现出的这种居住形态不仅受地方自然条件、经济社会条件的影响,安全防卫、抵御劫掠的安全需要同样深刻影响着近代陇东地方的居住形态。随着社会由乱而治,住民逐渐搬出深山,向河川、阔塬等水、路、地条件较好的地方集中,窨子、堡子等防卫性建筑因丧失使用价值而遭废弃,逐渐淡出了人们的日常生活实践。  相似文献   
[目的]探讨4个鲤鱼群体的形态学差异。[方法]综合传统形态学(可数性状、可量性状)数据和框架测定数据,通过多元变量统计分析,对黄河鲤鱼、野生四鼻须鲤鱼、养殖四鼻须鲤鱼和吴淞江苏州段鲤鱼的形态差异和种系关系进行了研究。[结果]4个群体在可数性状方面无显著差异(P〉0.05);判别分析表明,4个群体的单一群体判别率分别为87.5%、78.1%、73.5%和96.8%,用优选的几项比例变量进行判别,综合判别准确率为83.7%;聚类分析表明,黄河鲤鱼群体和野生四鼻须鲤鱼群体聚为一支,养殖四鼻须鲤鱼群体和吴淞江苏州段鲤鱼群体聚为另一支;主成分分析表明,4个群体间形态差异主要系头部、尾部及鱼体垂直轴方面差异所致。[结论]为四鼻须鲤鱼这一珍贵鲤鱼品系的提纯复壮提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
红火蚁形态学、生物学与防控对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实地调查和实验室观察相结合的方法,了解红火蚁的基本形态特征及生物学特性,并提出防控对策,为检疫鉴定、除害处理和有效防控等提供依据。  相似文献   
不同成熟度烟叶烘烤过程中叶片组织结构和形态的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以烤烟中烟100中部叶为试验材料,研究了不同成熟度烟叶烘烤过程中叶片组织结构及形态的变化。结果表明,烟叶组织结构在变黄后期与定色期变幅较大,叶片形态在定色期变幅最大,不同成熟度烟叶在烘烤过程中组织结构和形态变化也表现出明显差异。密集烘烤条件下烟叶在定色期失水过快是导致烤后烟叶结构紧密、僵硬的主要原因。  相似文献   
螺旋粉虱成虫消化系统的形态学与组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用解剖学和组织学方法研究了螺旋粉虱(Aleurodicus dispersus Russell)成虫消化系统的形态和组织结构。结果显示,螺旋粉虱成虫消化系统由前肠、滤室、中肠、后肠、瓶形孔和一对唾液腺组成。前肠部分主要是食道;中肠包括胃和肠道;后肠分为回肠、结肠和直肠,其中直肠前部有一段膨大的直肠囊;一对唾液腺并行分布在食管下神经节的两侧,呈肾形。消化道管壁从腔内向外依次由黏膜层、肌层和浆膜层等3层结构组成。PAS染色在中肠的胃和肠道中阳性反应最强烈,其次是食道,而在唾液腺和后肠中基本呈阴性;PAS染色阳性部位位于黏膜层,胃和肠道腔内内容物也有阳性反应,而食道腔内无阳性物质。AB染色在后肠中阳性反应最明显,其它部位均呈阴性;AB染色阳性部位位于黏膜层,而肠腔有絮状弱阳性物质。碱性磷酸酶在唾液腺和后肠染色呈阳性,位于整个唾液腺、后肠的黏膜层和肌层;而前肠和中肠染色呈弱阳性,位于黏膜层。  相似文献   
硅肥对超级早稻茎叶形态与抗倒伏特性的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
以超级早稻组合株两优819(倒伏敏感品种)与陆两优996(抗倒伏品种)为材料,研究了硅肥对超级早稻茎叶形态与抗倒伏特性的影响。结果表明:硅肥能改善超级早稻茎叶形态与抗倒伏能力,主要表现为提高单茎叶面积,减小剑叶夹角,增粗茎秆,缩短基部一、二节间,增强抗倒力等,且在施氮150 kg/hm2条件下施硅效果最好,且陆两优996抗倒性提高更好。  相似文献   
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