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用660份牛血清比较牛口蹄疫病毒O型、A型抗体液相阻断ELISA检测试剂盒检测结果的一致性,并用u检验排除抽样误差的影响。结果表明:待检血清最终稀释度数为1∶64时O型试剂盒联合检出523份口蹄疫抗体阳性和102份阴性,符合率为94.70%,结果一致性为极强(Kappa值=0.82);待检血清最终稀释度数为1∶128时O型试剂盒联合检出476份口蹄疫抗体阳性和125份阴性,符合率91.06%,结果为高度一致(Kappa值=0.75);血清最终稀释度数为164时A型试剂盒联合检出498份口蹄疫抗体阳性和120份阴性,符合率为93.64%,结果一致性为极强(Kappa值=0.81),血清最终稀释度数为1∶28时A型试剂盒联合检出354份口蹄疫抗体阳性和233份阴性,符合率为88.94%,结果为高度一致(Kappa值=0.77)。在不同包被方式下,LBE试剂盒检测待检血清牛口蹄疫病毒抗体结果一致性较好。兽医实验室可应用一致性检验,结合本单位人力、财力和物力等条件,选择适宜的牛口蹄疫病毒抗体检测试剂盒。  相似文献   

使用国产的4种猪口蹄疫病毒VP1结构蛋白抗体ELISA诊断试剂盒(VP1-ELISA)、猪口蹄疫O型液相阻断ELISA检测试剂盒(LB-ELISA)、猪口蹄疫正向间接血凝试剂盒、猪O型口蹄疫病毒ELISA抗体检测试剂盒(O-ELISA)同时检测猪口蹄疫O型合成肽疫苗免疫后的50份血清样品,阳性率分别为98.0%、94.0%、54.0%、90.0%。同时使用农业部规定的3种试剂盒分别检测20份血清样品的抗体滴度发现,VP1-ELISA试剂盒和LB-ELISA试剂盒阳性符合率为95%,平均抗体滴度相差0.7,与IHA试剂盒符合率为55%,平均抗体滴度相差3.8,故LB-ELISA试剂盒可以用来评价合成肽疫苗免疫的抗体,而IHA试剂盒不能用来检测合成肽疫苗免疫的抗体。  相似文献   

为建立一种快速检测副猪嗜血杆菌(HPS)的血清学方法,本实验采用重组表达的HPS细胞致死膨胀毒素B亚基蛋白(r Cdt B)作为包被抗原,并对各反应条件进行优化,建立了检测HPS血清抗体的间接ELISA方法。以该方法检测HPS阳性血清和其他猪病病原阳性血清,除了HPS阳性血清呈阳性外,其余均为阴性,表明该方法特异性良好。批内重复和批间重复的最大变异系数分别小于7%和8%。此外,将Cdt B-ELISA方法与商品化试剂盒Bio Chek HPS-Opp A间接ELISA抗体检测方法对背景明确的116份HPS阳性血清和112份HPS阴性血清进行检测,商品化试剂盒阳性符合率为25%,阴性血清符合率为100%,总符合率为62%,其中Cdt B-ELISA方法对阳性血清的检出率高于商品化试剂盒。应用Cdt B-ELISA方法检测330份临床猪血清样品,结果显示,HPS抗体阳性检出率为11.8%。该方法可以用于HPS的临床检测,为HPS流行病学调查和防控提供了一种快速有效的检测方法。  相似文献   

为建立阿卡斑病毒抗体检测方法,本研究以纯化的阿卡斑病毒作为包被抗原,以制备的抗阿卡斑病毒的多克隆抗体与待检血清竞争结合抗原,采用方阵滴定法优化反应条件,建立了阿卡斑病毒竞争ELISA(cELISA)抗体检测方法。通过对60份牛、羊阿卡斑病毒抗体阳性血清和40份阴性血清样品的检测,确定阴阳性样品抑制率(PI)临界值为60%;特异性试验结果显示,该方法对BTV-1、BTV-4、BTV-9、BTV-16、小反刍兽疫、中山病病毒、鹿流行性出血热病毒(EHDV)、羊痘和O型、A型、Asia-1型口蹄疫病毒阳性血清无交叉反应;敏感性试验结果显示,标准阳性血清1颐128倍稀释时,检测结果仍为阳性,SNT最低检出为,敏感性高于微量血清中和试验(SNT)检测结果(1颐64);批内和批间变异系数(CV)在0.54%~5.27%和0.3%~9.3%之间,具有较好的可重复性;用该方法与法国IDVET公司的同类试剂盒对85份牛、羊血清样品同时检测,结果显示二者符合率为91.76%,可以替代进口同类产品。本研究建立的检测方法特异性强、敏感性高、重复性好,可以用于阿卡斑病毒抗体检测和流行病学调查。  相似文献   

比较两个弓形虫抗体检测试剂盒检测结果的一致性,为流行病学调查和临床诊断筛选可合理使用的商品化试剂盒。对510份猪血清分别进行弓形虫抗体IHA和ELISA检测,应用Kappa检验比较两种试剂盒检测结果的一致性并进行分析,用x~2检验分析差异性。两种试剂盒联合检出79份阳性,阳性符合率为67.52%,阴性符合率为95.17%,总符合率为88.82%。x~2检验差异显著(x~2=228.23,p=0.00);u检验值为15.89,两种产品的一致性为中度一致(Kappa值=0.66)。所以弓形虫病IHA检测试剂盒可作为现场收益流行病学调查,而弓形虫Ig G抗体ELISA检测试剂盒适合辅助临床检测和诊断。x~2检验比较两种试剂盒具有局限性。u检验排除偶然性造成的一致程度,与Kappa检验结合可比较一致性。弓形虫抗体检测要根据实况选择不同的试剂盒。  相似文献   

为比较3种抗牛支原体(M.bovis)血清抗体的ELISA试剂盒检测效果,本实验应用3种检测M.bovis血清抗体ELISA诊断试剂盒对38份阳性样品(自然感染19份,人工感染18份)和37份阴性样品进行检测.结果表明:本实验室制备的HVRI试剂盒与商品化试剂盒Kit 1的检测结果和综合检测结果符合率分别达到92%和96%;而商品化试剂盒Kit 2的检测结果与综合检测结果符合率仅为74.67%.一致性检验结果显示:HVRI试剂盒与Kit 1的一致性较高;Kit 2与HVRI试剂盒、Kit 2与Kit 1有中度的一致性.此外,3种试剂盒对牛传染性胸膜肺炎国际标准血清(PS2)的检测结果显示HVRI试剂盒和Kit 1均为为阴性,Kit 2为阳性.因此,HVRI试剂盒与Kit 1更适于M.bovis检测和开展流行病学调查.  相似文献   

检测PRRSV抗体的间接阻断ELISA方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)pLysS表达PRRSV重组N蛋白作为包被抗原,建立检测猪群PRRSV抗体的间接阻断ELISA方法,并对临床上采集的256份猪血清样本进行检测,结果66份呈阳性,用IDEXXPRRSV抗体检测试剂盒检测,检出的阳性血清为63份,两者的符合率为98.8%。Western blot检测结果58份阳性,两者的符合率为96.9%。试验结果表明,本试验所建立的间接阻断ELISA方法具有良好敏感性和特异性,可用于PRRS流行病学调查和疾病的诊断。  相似文献   

O型口蹄疫病毒固相竞争ELISA抗体检测方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究建立了O型口蹄疫病毒固相竞争ELISA抗体检测方法,确立了O型口蹄疫病毒固相竞争ELISA抗体检测方法检测O型口蹄疫血清阴阳性判定标准:抗体效价大于或等于1:32时判为O型口蹄疫抗体阳性;1:16~1:32时判为O型口蹄疫抗体可疑。检测131份阴性血清、口蹄疫亚洲1型阳性血清和A型阳性血清,固相竞争ELISA方法和液相阻断ELISA方法的特异性分别是95.5%,84.7%。固相竞争ELISA方法检测口蹄疫亚洲1型、口蹄疫A型阳性血清时,无交叉反应,O型口蹄疫病毒感染牛、免疫牛和感染猪血清的阳性检出率均为100%,免疫猪检出率为86.7%。  相似文献   

2018年在临沧地区沧源、镇康、耿马3个边境县采集入境牛血清440份、本地猪血清300份,应用O、A、Asia-1型口蹄疫cELISA抗体检测试剂盒和口蹄疫非结构蛋白抗体单抗阻断ELISA试剂盒进行检测。检测结果显示,规模场牛口蹄疫O、A、Asia-1型及非结构蛋白抗体阳性率分别为47.43%、83.43%、31.43%、45.14%,散养户分别为43.40%、36.60%、18.11%、31.70%,规模场疫苗免疫效果优势明显,但口蹄疫带毒风险较大。猪血清口蹄疫O、A、Asia-1型抗体阳性率分别为3.00%~24.00%、0~15.00%、0~15.00%,阳性率偏低。建议提高临沧市边境地区牛、猪口蹄疫疫苗免疫强度和抗体监测力度。  相似文献   

为了评价建立的口蹄疫固相竞争酶联免疫吸附试验(solid phase competition ELISA,SPC-ELISA)方法与传统的中和试验(VNT)和液相阻断酶联免疫吸附试验(liquid phase block ELISA,LPB-ELISA)检测方法之间的关系,本研究对野外采集的不同种类的猪、牛和牦牛共94份血清样品分别进行O型口蹄疫病毒SPC-ELISA、LPB-ELISA和VNT检测,并分别比较3种方法的符合率和阳性检出率。结果表明,建立的O型口蹄疫病毒SPC-ELISA方法与VNT 具有很好的符合率,达88.3%,其中,猪和牦牛血清符合率高达90%和89.5%,阳性检出率为91.2%比LPB-ELISA更符合VNT,因此建立的SPC-ELISA方法比LPB-ELISA方法更符合VNT。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of commercially available kits for the detection of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) virus infection in vaccinated cattle. The cattle were vaccinated with a commercial aqueous FMD vaccine type A24 and subsequently challenged 28 days post vaccination with homologous FMD virus. Seven of eight animals were protected from clinical disease and all became carriers. They were bled sequentially for up to 130 days post infection and samples of sera were tested with three ELISA kits: CHEKIT FMD-3ABC, Ceditest FMDV-NS and SVANOIR FMDV 3ABC-Ab ELISA. The Ceditest kit appears to be relatively higher sensitive than the others. When examined with this ELISA, all cattle developed of FMDV nonstructural proteins (NSPs) antibodies and remained positive throughout the period of the experiment. The response of antibodies against 3ABC antigen delayed in two cattle challenged with FMDV A24 virus. One of the cattle reacted negatively in Svanoir ELISA kit and sera from two animals were found negative in CHEKIT ELISA. It can be concluded that all tested kits can be a promising tool for FMD control and eradication campaigns in situation where emergency vaccination was applied.  相似文献   

几种布鲁氏菌病血清学诊断方法的比较研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
疑似布病感染的牛场采集牛奶和全血进行细菌分离,采集血清用虎红平板凝集试验(RBT)、试管凝集试验(SAT)、iELISA、cELISA进行抗体检测;采集免疫牛场和部分免疫羊场血清430份进行国内4个厂家生产的RBT抗原比对实验,并且选择特异性最高厂家的RBT抗原与SAT、iELISA和cELISA同时进行抗体检测。结果表明4个厂家生产的RBT抗原检测结果的一致性较差,RBT和SAT与加拿大布病参考实验室提供的iELISA和cELISA试剂盒检测结果相比一致率较高,但前两者均有较高的假阳性和假阴性。通过对比试验得出:在布病检疫时可选择特异性好的RBT抗原进行初筛,阳性结果用iELISA或cELISA进行确诊。  相似文献   

旨在科学选择和使用布鲁氏菌抗体检测方法,推动布病诊断试剂标准化。本研究用布病阳性血清标准品测定了国家/OIE布鲁氏菌病参考实验室开发的布鲁氏菌荧光偏振(FPA)抗体检测试剂盒、动物布鲁氏菌病竞争ELSIA (cELISA)抗体检测试剂盒、牛布鲁氏菌病间接ELISA (iELISA)抗体检测试剂盒和改进的微量补体结合试验(mCFT)等4种方法的灵敏度。通过对已知阴、阳性血清样品的检测,比较了各检测方法的敏感性和特异性,并用临床样本进一步比较了各种方法检测结果的吻合性。结果表明,4种方法检测的灵敏度基本一致,当布病阳性血清标准品按1∶20稀释(即50 IU·mL-1)时均检测为阳性,1∶40稀释(即25 IU·mL-1)时均检测为阴性。FPA、cELISA、iELISA和mCFT方法的敏感性分别为97.14%、100.00%、100.00%、98.57%,特异性分别为96.34%、95.12%、97.56%、100.00%。对315份临床样本的检测结果显示,各方法之间的符合率均高于90.00%,其中iELISA、FPA、cELISA与mCFT符合率分别为97.14%、96.83%、92.70%;FPA、cELISA与iELISA符合率分别为95.24%、93.65%;FPA与cELISA符合率为91.43%。iELISA、FPA、mCFT 3种方法之间吻合性最高,cELISA与其他3种方法之间的吻合性略低。  相似文献   

Four commercially available bovine leukemia virus (BLV)-ELISA kits from Europe or the United States were compared to the agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test officially approved by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). A total of 1200 cattle serum samples were used. Three ELISA kits based on the envelope glycoprotein (gp51) gave an excellent correlation with the AGID test. The kappa values were 0.998, 0.984, and 0.986 for the ELISA kits #1, #2, and #3, respectively. The ELISA kit based on the p24 core protein was found to be less sensitive than the officially approved AGID test and detected 5.13% of false negatives. Forty BLV AGID strongly positive serum samples were diluted. Based on the dilution experiment, the gp51 ELISA kits were found to be more sensitive than the AGID test kits. They were capable of detecting antibodies in samples diluted up to 1/5000 (kit #1), 1/20 800 (kit #2) and 1/4000 (kit #3), whereas the AGID kit was only capable of detecting antibodies in samples diluted up to 1/100. Based on these observations, the gp51 BLV-ELISA was recognized as an official test method for the serodiagnosis of bovine leukosis in Canada.  相似文献   

Lu Z  Cao Y  Guo J  Qi S  Li D  Zhang Q  Ma J  Chang H  Liu Z  Liu X  Xie Q 《Veterinary microbiology》2007,125(1-2):157-169
Non-structural protein (NSP) 3ABC antibody is considered to be the most reliable indicator of present or past infection with foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) in vaccinated animals. An indirect ELISA was established, using purified His-tagged 3ABC fusion protein as antigen, for detection of the antibody response to FMDV NSP 3ABC in different animal species. The method was validated by simultaneous detection of the early antibody responses to NSP and structural protein (SP) in FMDV Asia 1 infected animals. The performance of the method was also validated by detection of antibody in reference sera from the FMD World Reference Laboratory (WRL) in Pirbright, UK, and comparison with two commercial NSP ELISA kits. The results showed that the antibody response to SP developed more quickly than that to NSP 3ABC in FMDV infected animals. In contact-infected cattle, the antibody response to NSP 3ABC was significantly delayed compared with that to SP antibody. The early antibody responses to SP and NSP 3ABC in FMDV inoculated cattle and contact-infected or inoculated sheep and pigs were generally consistent. In pigs, 3ABC antibody was linked to the presence of clinical signs; however, in sheep, subclinical infection was detected by the development of 3ABC antibodies. Therefore, the antibody responses to 3ABC varied between host species. Eight out of 10 positive serum samples from FMD WRL were tested to be positive at cutoff value of 0.2. The rate of agreement with the ceditest FMDV-NS and the UBI NSP ELISA were 98.05% (302/308) and 93.2% (287/308), respectively. The prevalence of 3ABC antibodies reached 71.4% in some diseased cattle herds. The further work is required to evaluation the performance of this method in different animal species and different field situations.  相似文献   

用口蹄疫O型固相竞争ELISA检测血清1 150份,口蹄疫O型免疫血清820份,敏感性为91.83%;试剂盒特异性评价检测血清180份,其特异性为89.4%;固相竞争ELISA和液相阻断ELISA共同检测血清100份,其相关性分析为0.964 1,R2为0.929 5,属于高度相关。3批试剂盒检测血清样品50份,检测结果差异不显著,口蹄疫O型固相竞争ELISA抗体检测试剂盒检测结果比较稳定,具有良好的批间可重复性和稳定性。  相似文献   

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in animals is not well understood yet. TBE virus (TBEV) serology in several host species could be valuable for epidemiological analyses in the field as well as for the detection of clinical cases. However, performance and suitability of the available test systems are not well assessed. Therefore, we evaluated two commercial TBEV-ELISA kits in a pilot study and compared them for their suitability in veterinary applications. For this purpose, we tested 163 field collected goat sera and evaluated the results by serum neutralization test (SNT) as "gold standard". Twenty-eight SNT positive sera (17.2%) were detected. The best suited ELISA kit was used for determination of a species-specific cutoff for horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, mice, dogs, rabbits and monkeys with defined sera from animals without known or with improbable contact to TBEV. The level of non-specific ELISA results does not only differ between animal species but may also be influenced by the age of the tested animals. The number of sera which tested false positive by ELISA was higher in older than in young sheep. In order to obtain defined polyclonal sera as references, two dogs, cattle, goats, sheep, rabbits and pigs each, as well as one horse and 90 mice were immunized four times with a commercially available TBEV vaccine. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that commercial TBEV-ELISA kits are suitable for application in veterinary medicine for both, verification of clinical TBE cases and epidemiological screening. However, positive ELISA results should be verified by SNT. Only a very low number of false negative ELISA-results were found.  相似文献   

作者以固相法合成特异性FMDV主要保护性抗原VP1上的表位肽,将其与载体蛋白BSA偶联,作为包被抗原,制备检测抗O型口蹄疫病毒(FMDV)抗体的ELISA试剂盒,并对该试剂盒进行方法考核.结果表明该方法的敏感性为95.12%,特异性为100%.检测199份血清标本,与UBI FMD VP1试剂盒的符合率达到98.49%,与液相阻断ELISA试剂盒的符合率达到96.98%.该多肽ELISA试剂盒特异、敏感、稳定、操作简便,可用来监控口蹄疫抗体水平.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a competitive inhibition ELISA (CI-ELISA) for detection of antibodies to bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) using the helicase domain of NS3 (non-structural) protein and monoclonal antibody (MAb) against it and to estimate its sensitivity and specificity using two commercial ELISA kits as independent references. The 45-kDa helicase domain of NS3 protein of BVDV was expressed in Escherichia coli and 18MAbs were developed against it. MAb-11G8 was selected for use in CI-ELISA on the basis of maximum inhibition (90%) obtained with BVDV type 1 infected calf serum. Based on the distribution of percent inhibition of known negative sera (n=166), a cut-off value was set at 40% inhibition. In testing 914 field serum samples of cattle (810) and buffaloes (104), the CI-ELISA showed a relative specificity of 95.75% and 97.38% and sensitivity of 96% and 94.43% with Ingenesa kit and Institut Pourquier kit, respectively. This study proved that the use of helicase domain of NS3 (45-kDa) is equally good as the whole NS3 protein (80-kDa) used in commercial kits for detection of BVDV antibodies in cattle and buffaloes.  相似文献   

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