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大菱鲆Scophthalmus maximus具有生长速度快和低温耐受力强等特点,是世界上养成范围最广、产量最大的鲆鲽类养殖良种。自1992年引进至今,大菱鲆养殖已经发展成为年产量超过6万t的海水养殖支柱产业。作者综述过去20年里,我国大菱鲆在产业发展、苗种生产、良种选育、养殖模式、营养与饲料、疾病防控、加工与质量控制、养殖经济以及市场开拓等方面所取得的系列成果,并就发展前景进行了展望,旨在为我国大菱鲆和鲆鲽类养殖的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

养殖大菱鲆市场潜力大莱州市是目前我国大菱鲆养殖最大的区域,虽说养殖时间不长,但发展很快。从20世纪90年代末开始,大菱鲆养殖开始在莱州落户,在不到四年的时间里,从最初的几个养殖大棚、几千米2的养殖面积发展到今天500多个大棚、约40万米2的养殖面积,而且带动了周边县市养殖大菱鲆的热潮,不少养殖户因养殖大菱鲆而发家致富,走上了小康之路。大菱鲆是从英国引进的优良鱼种,它以生长快、肉质好、营养丰富、含胶质蛋白高而深受市场的欢迎。它的英译中文名为“多宝鱼”,意为发财吉祥,因而得到市场的推崇。特别是南方广…  相似文献   

随着大菱鲆养殖产业的兴起与发展。广大养殖户学习大菱鲆养殖技术的要求电越来越强烈,笔者根据近几年的经验,将简易大棚养殖大菱鲆的技术要点简要概括如下,供广大水产科技工作者和养殖业者参考。  相似文献   

近年我市大菱鲆人工养殖发展很快,但目前国内大菱鲆专用饲料却很少。丹东地区个别养殖户对大菱鲆的营养需求及摄食习性了解甚少,在自制饲料过程中出现了一些误区,导致大菱鲆营养不良,生长缓慢。  相似文献   

近年我市大菱鲆养殖发展很快,但目前国内大菱鲆专用饲料却很少,个别养殖户对大菱鲆的营养需求及摄食习性了解甚少,在自制饲料过程中出现了一些误区,导致大菱鲆营养不良,生长缓慢。  相似文献   

目前,大菱鲆养殖发展迅速,仅山东省莱州市就有养殖温室大棚500多个,养殖面积40万m2,养殖大菱鲆约150万尾~200万尾。现在国内大菱鲆专用饲料很少,成鱼养殖一般从国内饲料厂家购置粉末饲料,然后加入添加剂和鲜杂鱼肉搅拌挤压成湿性颗粒料,现做现喂。这种做法优点是原料容易购进、制作工艺简单、价格比较便宜,能够保持生鲜饵料特有的营养成分。但根据我们最近的一次调查显示,由于许多养殖户对大菱鲆营养需求及摄食习性方面的知识了解甚少,在自制饲料过程中出现了一些问题:一为人吃的有营养的东西鱼吃了一定也有好处,…  相似文献   

大菱鲆是欧洲重要的海水养殖鱼类之一,其饵料转换量高,生长迅速,耗氧量低,非常适合高密度养殖和远距离运输。在英国自50年代就开始养殖,目前已经达到企业化生产水平。1992年中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所把大菱鲆引进我国,经过8年的艰苦探索,1999年取得了全人工育苗技术的重大突破和大批量生产性育苗的成功,使大菱鲆成为一个新的养殖良种。目前,大菱鲆养殖已成为我国第四次海水养殖浪潮中一个引人注目的亮点。本文简要介绍了大菱鲆的生态习性和利用塑料大棚井水养殖的具体方法,供大家参考。一、大菱鲆的生态习性1、大菱鲆属于…  相似文献   

来自山东海阳国家级大菱鲆鱼标准化示范区的大菱鲆鱼因其卓越的品质,在上海、广州等城市的水产市场上出现了量价齐增的热销场面。 海阳市当地海水资源丰富、水质优良、温度适宜,大菱鲆鱼养殖业一直是海阳的优势产业之一。但传统粗放的养殖方式使大菱鲆鱼处于高投入、低品质的状态。海阳质监局审时度势,积极协调有关单位申报国家大菱鲆鱼标准化示范区项目,提高大菱鲆鱼品质,促进大菱鲆产业化养殖。  相似文献   

我国人工养殖大菱鲆是从上世纪90年代中后期开始的,比欧洲晚大约4-5年。目前,我国大菱鲆的总产量已经超过欧洲养殖总产量,达到15000吨左右,而欧洲的同期产量在6500吨左右。在不到10年的时间里,发展到如此的规模,在我国海水全陆基鱼类养殖史上,可以说是史无前例的。在大菱鲆养殖迅猛发展的同时,市场价格也在发生着巨大变化,从最高峰时的300元/公斤左右,降到今年最低价50元/公斤左右。如此大的价格变化,已使很大一部分养殖者出现亏损。许多养殖者在感到困惑的同时对大菱鲆养殖的前景产生悲观的情绪。以下通过对欧洲几种经济鱼类养殖发展规律的分析,来反思我国大菱鲆养殖的发展历程,希望从中总结经验,使我国的大菱鲆养殖产业能够平稳发展。一、欧洲大菱鲆以及其他经济鱼类养殖发展过程欧洲大菱鲆人工养殖开始于上世纪90年代初,现在主要产地集中在法国、西班牙、葡萄牙、英国及北欧,主要养殖方式是陆基型养殖,全循环水养殖的比例占到75%以上。  相似文献   

为了使工厂化养殖大菱鲆的的井盐水有效利用,增加养殖收益,降低养殖成本,我所于2004年利用养殖大菱鲆后的井盐水养殖金鳟、虹鳟鱼试验,取得了成功,现将试验情况介绍如下:  相似文献   

养殖大菱鲆使用甲醛残留状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验针对工厂化养殖大菱鲆大量使用甲醛的现状,研究使用甲醛后对大菱鲆食用安全性的影响。主要通过测定用药后不同时间大菱鲆体内的甲醛残留量,探索甲醛在大菱鲆可食部分中的残留状况。研究发现,用药初期甲醛在大菱鲆体内会有一定量残留,但随时间延长残留量不断下降,在一定时间后大菱鲆可食部分甲醛残留量可以达到未检出水平。试验结果提示,大菱鲆工厂化养殖规范化使用甲醛,在第8天可以达到未检出水平,不会影响产品可食部分。  相似文献   

The production of juvenile turbot in research and commercial practice still involves the use of live foods for the early larvae. The rotifer Brachionus plicatilis is used for the first few days followed by nauplii of the brine shrimp, Artemia salina. During this live food phase, the addition of live unicellular algae to the rearing tanks improves the growth and survival of the turbot larvae.Within 10 days of the start of feeding, large differences in growth rate become apparent depending on the presence or absence of particular algae. The use of Dunaliella tertiolecta in particular results in stunted growth and high mortalities. Evidence is presented in this paper that Dunaliella tertiolecta is not toxic, and that its failure to support turbot larval growth is probably due to a deficiency of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. These compounds have been shown by other workers to be an essential dietary requirement in O-group turbot.  相似文献   

The growth rates and food conversion efficiencies of juvenile normally pigmented turbot, malpigmented turbot and turbot-brill hybrids were measured at 10°C and 14°C. The survival rate over the 120-day experimental period was 96%. Results showed no evidence of hybrid vigour (heterosis), and in fact significantly higher growth rates were observed in turbot. All three types of fish grew faster at the higher environmental temperature due mainly to a much improved appetite, but also perhaps due to an increase in the food conversion efficiency. Malpigmented turbot appeared particularly well suited to the conditions associated with intensive culture and exhibited the highest growth rates at both 10 and 14°C. For malpigmented turbot at 14°C the mean growth rate was 2.17% per day.  相似文献   

Turbot were reared from yolk sack larvae to juvenile in an outdoor semi‐intensive system. Three production cycles were monitored from May to September. A pelagic food chain was established with phytoplankton, copepods and turbot larvae. Abiotic and biotic parameters of lower trophic levels together with turbot larval survival, development, prey electivity and growth were monitored. A decreasing larval survival from 18.4% in May to 13.6% in July and just 7.0% in September was observed. The overall phytoplankton and copepod abundance decreased during the productive season. The turbot larval growth showed significant differences between larvae below (isometric) and above (allometric) 7 mm. Larval fish gut content showed no differences with available prey between production cycles. Therefore, it appears that the available prey concentration is governing their growth in this outdoor system. First‐feeding turbot larvae exhibited active selection for nauplii whereas developed larvae switched to copepodites and adult copepods. Although developing turbot larva exhibited active selection towards copepod size classes, there was no evidence of selective feeding on either of the two dominant copepod species. The turbot larvae's prey ingestion was modelled together with the standing stock of copepod biomass. The model results indicated that the estimated need for daily ingestion exceeded the standing stock of copepods. Hence, the initially established food web was unable to sustain the added turbot larvae with starvation as a consequence. We therefore suggest several solutions to circumvent starvation in the semi‐intensive system.  相似文献   

弧菌是细菌性疾病的常见病原,不但会感染大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus),还会对人类健康造成重大危害。大菱鲆是我国重要的海水养殖鱼类,具有较高的经济价值,然而疾病问题严重阻碍了其养殖业的发展。近年来,有关大菱鲆弧菌病检测及防治方面的研究有了新的突破。文章介绍了几种常见弧菌病原对养殖大菱鲆的危害,对新的检测及防治方法进行了总结,可为大菱鲆弧菌病的进一步研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

养殖大菱鲆主要疾病及防治技术   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
在流行病学调查的基础上,对目前我国大菱鲆养殖中常见疾病进行了较全面的介绍,包括病毒性、细菌性和寄生虫性疾病。系统地描述了这些疾病的流行特征、发病症状、危害程度、感染率及致病原等。同时为各种疾病提供了具体的防治技术和措施,对大菱鲆养殖生产与疾病防治具有理论指导意义和重要的参考价值。本文系国内首次对养殖大菱鲆疾病进行的全面性报道。  相似文献   

大菱鲆鱼体生化组成及营养价值的初步探讨   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
分析了大菱鲆鱼体的生化组成,并根据鱼体的生化组成,对大菱鲆的营养需求及营养价值进行了初步探讨,这将对进一步研究大菱鲆的营养需求,提高大菱鲆配合饲料的配制水平以及提高大菱鲆的商品价值提供参考和理论依据。  相似文献   

大菱鲆"温室大棚+深井海水"工厂化养殖模式   总被引:22,自引:12,他引:22  
大菱鲆Turbot(Scophthalmus maximus)的引进一方面为我国北方沿海工厂化养鱼增加了一个新的品种,另一方面又创立了“温室大棚+深井海水”工厂化养殖的新模式,大大丰富了工厂化养鱼的内容,有效的推动了我国海水养殖“第四次浪潮”的形成与发展。本文综述了大菱鲆温室大棚式工厂化养殖模式的养殖技术,以促进大菱鲆养殖业的健康、持续、稳定发展。  相似文献   

The microbial flora in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) cultured in deepwell seawater from Liaodong Peninsula, China was studied for the first time. The total amount of aerobic meso- and psychrophilic microflora from the culturing water, gills, and skin were 3.46–3.82, 3.19–4.28, and 1.70–1.95 log cfu/g, respectively. Out of 204 strains isolated from fresh turbot meat with skin, Gram-positive bacteria accounted for 19.2% of the total aerobic meso- and psychrophilic microflora, and 72.1% were Gram-negative bacteria. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using 16S rDNA sequences of microbial flora isolated from turbot. The predominant bacteria in fresh turbot were Micrococcus, Serratia liquefaciens, and Enterobacteriaceae. Meanwhile, the bacterial flora of refrigerated turbot fish were investigated, and the results indicated that Shewanella putrefaciens was the predominant spoilage bacteria.  相似文献   

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