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随着淡水渔业的迅速发展和养鱼技术的不断进步,鱼产量大幅度提高,如何使淡水鱼均衡上市,解决渔货淡旺季供应不均的矛盾和增加鱼产品的附加值,使养鱼企业和个人既增产又增收,是人们普遍关心的问题,因此,淡水鱼的保鲜与加工越来越引起人们的重视。香炸淡水鱼软罐头是一种方便即食食品,它以生鲜淡水鱼为原料,经油炸、调味,装袋密封,然后杀菌而制成。  相似文献   

淡水鱼加工利用的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国是淡水鱼养殖大国,但是除鲜销及少量冷冻冷藏外运,淡水鱼的加工品仅占其总产量的3%左右。因此,通过发展淡水鱼精深加工,实现淡水鱼的二次、三次加工增值,使淡水鱼加工向系列化、多样化和高附加值方向发展,成为淡水鱼加工利用的一个重要研究方向。一、淡水鱼冷冻加工的研究进展在淡水鱼的保鲜中,以低温保鲜应用得最为广泛,研究得最为深入,并且在低温下能最大程度的保持淡水鱼原有的品质,因而得到比较广泛的应用。除了一些常用的冰藏,微冻,冻藏等低温保鲜方法,超级快速冷却和玻璃化保鲜等新技术也正在研究开发。1.冷却用…  相似文献   

近些年来,我国淡水渔业发展迅猛,产量逐年增加。但是,由于淡水鱼的保活、保鲜等研究工作未能及时开展,使得大部分淡水鱼无保鲜、保活的保证,严重地影响了淡水鱼的流通销售和经济价值。照此发  相似文献   

9月13日-14日,第三届全国大宗淡水鱼加工技术与产业发展研讨会在北京中国农业大学国际会议中心隆重举行,本次会议由国家大宗淡水鱼产业技术体系主办,国家大宗淡水鱼产业技术体系加工研究室和中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院承办,国家大宗淡水鱼产业技术体系首席科学家戈贤平研究员、中国农业大学王涛副校长、中国水产科学研究院刘晴副院长、中国水产流通与加工协会常务副会长兼秘书长崔和分别致辞,本次大会共有30个主题报告,囊括了目前国内淡水鱼消费与加工产业的现状和发展战略,国内外水产品加工技术发展趋势,淡水鱼保鲜流通与品质控制技术等多个方面。  相似文献   

生鲜净鱼保鲜技术研究取得突破   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生鲜净鱼保鲜技术研究取得突破苏州森瑞保鲜设备有限公司近日成功开发出生鲜净鱼保鲜技术及全套装备。该技术的突出特点在于:生鲜净鱼经15d保存后,其色泽、风味、营养等均保持不变,可用于鱼头、鱼片、鱼段、整鱼等净鱼的保鲜,对淡水鱼和海水鱼均适用。  相似文献   

“十五”需重点研究的水产品加工技术 淡水鱼加工:按照“一保活,二保鲜、三加工””原则,即以活、鲜销售为主、在冰鲜或冷冻条件下发展三去、分割、切片、配送。对淡水鱼蛋白质冷冻变性、鱼肉存在泥土味、冷链技术及运输保活技术进行研究;海水中上层鱼类加工:主要研究鱼类成分、肉质结构、保鲜技术及食品工艺等;贝类加工:必需加快净化工艺和设备研究;水产食品:利用食品有效成份的改性、重组、成型技术研制即食方便水产食品;继续进行低温冷冻粉碎和干燥的技术与设备的应用研究等。 ’99全国农业引智成果水产类项目 国家外国专家…  相似文献   

近几年,大宗淡水渔业产品已出现全国性滞销,淡水鱼市场疲软,经济效益下降。淡水渔业走生产、加工、销售一条龙的产业化道路,对淡水渔业的健康和持续发展,是一项意义重大的事业。顺利、有效地推进淡水渔业产业化,关键在于解决好保鲜加工这个薄弱环节。淡水鱼属于非耐冻性鱼,即鱼  相似文献   

随着淡水渔业的迅速发展和养鱼技术的不断进步,鱼产量大幅度提高,如何使鱼产品均衡上市,解决鱼货淡旺季供应不均的矛盾和增加鱼产品的附加值,使养鱼户既增产又增收,是人们特别关心的问题,因此,淡水鱼的保鲜与加工就越来越引起人们的重视。调味鱼干片是用生鲜淡水鱼为原料,经处理、调味、烘烤、碾压拉松而制成的淡水鱼的加工产品。它具有制造工艺简单、营养丰富、风味独特、携带和食用方便等特点,深受广大消费者的喜爱。现将其加工制作方法介绍如下: 一、加工的工艺流程 原料鱼一三去法鳞、去内脏、去头)一开片一检片一漂洗一沥水…  相似文献   

本文叙述了我国淡水鱼生产和加工技术装置的试验研究以及主要的加工产品和技术设备的情况,并就存在的问题和发展淡水鱼加工技术、提高鱼制品经济效益的设想进行了论述。  相似文献   

淡水鱼在保温鱼箱中贮存期限的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沈月新  张钟兴  欧杰 《水产学报》1990,14(2):160-164
我国养殖淡水鱼类居世界首位。特别是近年来淡水鱼的产量迅速增长,淡水鱼从生产到流通上市过程中的保鲜问题日趋重要。以往淡水鱼的贮运除活鱼车运输外,大多采用传统的木桶、竹篰、蒲包等落后的包装容器,由于保温条件差,鱼体受挤压,鱼货容易腐败变质。保温鱼箱是近年来渔业生产上使用的新型包装容器,从目前使用于海水鱼的情况来看,它具有良好的保鲜效果。为了进一步开拓保温鱼箱在淡水鱼流通领域中的应用,我们选用了上海市水产供销公司研制的8B-3型塑料保温鱼箱,以养殖  相似文献   

新型鱼类涂膜保鲜技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用新型复合鱼类保鲜剂PF浸渍处理鲜鱼,然后用海藻酸钠及氯化钙涂膜处理以试验对鱼类的保鲜效果。结果表明,新型鱼类涂膜保鲜技术具有良好的保鲜性能,鱼类经处理后4℃冷藏能延长保鲜期2倍以上,冷藏储存16d仍能保持二级鲜度。  相似文献   

淡水鱼是我国水产品之一,定量分析科技进步对我国淡水鱼产量贡献具有积极的现实意义。本文在综述科技进步定义和测定方法的基础上,选择基于前沿生产函数和技术效率分析原理的科技进步测定方法,并以2002年和2003年我国主要省市农户精养淡水鱼成本收益资料为样本,应用SPSS统计分析软件测定了我国主要省市在2002—2003年的硬技术进步贡献率、软技术进步贡献率及要素投入贡献率,结论为就全国平均水平而言,软技术进步对我国农户精养淡水鱼产量有负效应影响:我国农户精养淡水鱼生产存在着明显的差异性和不均衡性;我国存在五种类型的农户精养淡水鱼生产区域。.  相似文献   

Remote sensing technology offers the ability to derive information on freshwater fish habitats across broad geographic areas and has the potential to transform approaches to monitoring. However, the numerous platforms, sensors and analytical software that are available may overwhelm those interested in utilizing this important technology and thus limit its broad application and uptake. Our review is intended to shed light on the capacity of this technology to transform freshwater fish habitat monitoring by examining the fundamental characteristics of the major remote sensing technologies that have been used for characterizing freshwater habitats, conducting a systematic literature review of studies that have used remote sensing technologies to characterize freshwater fish habitats and, highlighting some of the key habitat features, fish species and regions, that have been examined. Lastly, we identify the relative strengths and weaknesses of the various remote sensing technologies that can be used, recommend future research that could help improve the use of these technologies, and, provide a series of important considerations for those who are interested in utilizing these technologies for freshwater fish habitat characterization.  相似文献   

几种淡水鱼内脏油脂提取的工艺条件   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
俞鲁礼  王锡昌 《水产学报》1994,18(3):199-204
以草鱼、鳊、鲢三种高产的淡水鱼内脏的提取油脂原料,着重研究内脏油脂的提取工艺条件。研究中采用隔水蒸煮法提取油脂,以出油率和油脂的质量指标为评价依据,通过正交试验初步确立时间、温度和加碱量等主要影响因素,优选出较佳的提取淡水鱼内脏油脂的工艺条件,从而为扩大试验提供论据。  相似文献   

酶法提取4种淡水鱼鱼鳞胶原蛋白的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对4种常见淡水鱼鱼鳞的基本成分和氨基酸组成进行了测定,研究了酶解鱼鳞制备水解胶原蛋白的工艺,并采取正交试验对水解条件进行了优化。试验结果表明,淡水鱼鳞主要由蛋白质和灰分组成,粗蛋白含量高达55%以上;氨基酸组成显示淡水鱼鳞羟脯氨酸含量丰富,是制备水解胶原蛋白的良好原料。正交试验结果表明,55℃、E/S3%、酶解2h、料液比1∶10(即底物质量浓度为100g/L)时水解效果最好,此时,水解产物分子量较小,且分布集中。  相似文献   

Both egg and larvae are different between freshwater and marine fish species. Freshwater fish species have generally larger and fewer eggs than marine species. Most freshwater fish species have demersal eggs that develop stuck to various substrata, such as plants or gravels, while eggs of most marine fish species develop in the water column. These differences have consequences for both the evaluation of the quality and the incubation of eggs of freshwater fish species compared with marine species. The larvae of many freshwater fish species are larger and more developed at hatching than their marine counterparts: thus, larval feeding regimes could be different and cannibalism may emerge sooner in certain freshwater fish species. The main differences of egg and larvae between freshwater and marine species are highlighted and the possible implications for aquaculture practices are discussed.  相似文献   

The current treatment for amoebic gill disease (AGD)-affected Atlantic salmon involves bathing sea-caged fish in fresh water, often sourced from local dams, for 3-4 h. In both a small-scale laboratory and an on-farm field experiment, the effects of water hardness on the efficacy of freshwater bathing were assessed. Results showed that soft fresh water (19.3-37.4 mg L(-1) CaCO3), whether it be naturally soft city mains water or artificially softened dam water, was more efficacious at alleviating AGD in affected fish than hard fresh water (173-236.3 mg L(-1) CaCO3). Soft freshwater bathing significantly reduced viable gill amoebae numbers (from 73.9 to 40.9% of total count) and significantly alleviated gill pathology, both gross and histological. Following bathing, gross gill pathological scores of soft freshwater bathed fish lagged 2 weeks behind hard freshwater bathed fish. Significant gill lesion fragmentation, and shedding of lesion-associated hyperplastic tissue, was accompanied by a significant reduction in AGD-affected gill filaments in soft freshwater bathed fish. Furthermore, soft freshwater bathing alleviated the blood plasma electrolyte imbalance seen in control (sea water) and hard freshwater bathed fish. This study showed that the use of soft fresh water for bathing AGD-affected Atlantic salmon could be an improvement to the current method of treatment. Not only does it reduce gill amoeba numbers, but also, it is of a therapeutic advantage with the potential to reduce bathing frequency.  相似文献   

试验以广州梅县鱼类苗种场为试验基地,研究了池塘水体自然净化系统技术在鱼类人工繁育中的应用。试验中应用成果的核心技术对该场老化鱼池和陈旧设施进行调整和改造,形成了鱼类人工繁育两套鱼池水体自然净化系统。结果显示:经过2007—2008两年运行试验,25亩鱼池和繁育设施展现出高效功能,亲鱼成熟率和催产率达100%,受精率和孵化率达95%以上,年鱼苗生产总量达5亿多尾的规模化程度,比试验前提高效率达38.7%;育成10 cm以上的草鱼鱼种成活率达80%以上。结果表明,该两套系统特别适合水源较为缺乏,水质不同程度污染区域应用;也可作为鱼池建设和改造升级的技术支撑。  相似文献   

Introduction of non‐native freshwater fish: is it all bad?   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Risk perceptions are important to the policy process, but there is often a well‐established pattern of small risks being over assessed. This is also true with the issue of non‐native freshwater fish introductions, where a great majority of research focuses on the few negative cases. The attitude towards ‘non‐natives’ is a continually evolving process and varies according to current societal values. Here I show that on the global scale, the majority of freshwater fish introductions are not identified as having an ecological impact while having great societal benefits. Case studies from the African lakes are discussed in order to illustrate contrasting outcomes following fish introductions. Looking into the future, the environmental changes that freshwater ecosystems may encounter will have inevitable implications on the distribution of our native freshwater fish species and the need to rely on non‐native introductions may become a growing reality. Aquaculture production is regularly increasing and our dependence on it is likely to become greater as it provides an important substitute for the declining production of capture fisheries. With it the number of freshwater fish introductions will increase and a more realistic attitude, albeit controversial, will need to be debated. This would mean protecting some introductions that present beneficial outcomes for biodiversity alongside a more systematic ban of species or families of fish presenting a higher historical ecological risk. The public perception of risk is something which cannot be ignored by any government or ruling body, but in order to gain public support in the fight for conservation of freshwater fish biodiversity, the message needs to be clear, detailed and educational.  相似文献   

油茶皂素鱼毒制剂对常见淡水鱼虾的毒性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用水箱养殖方式,研究油茶皂素鱼毒制剂对常见淡水鱼虾的毒性作用。结果显示,油茶皂素鱼毒制剂对闽江流域常见淡水鱼类具有较强的毒性,并呈现出良好的剂量-药效和时间-药效关系。在投药浓度为2.5mg/L时,该制剂在24 h内即可将实验鱼全部杀死,LD50为1.60~1.75 mg/L,对泥鳅的LD50为3.0 mg/L。但是该制剂对南美白对虾和河蟹却很安全,在投药浓度达50 mg/L时,南美白对虾48 h存活率可达100%,河蟹48 h存活率可达90%以上。研究结果表明,油茶皂素鱼毒制剂对闽江流域常见淡水鱼类具有显著的的毒杀能力。  相似文献   

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