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本报道绥芬河开展大麻哈鱼人工繁殖与孵化放流试验。1989、1991、1993年共采捕利用亲鱼674尾,其中雌亲鱼365尾, 采卵101.6万粒,雌亲鱼利用率为81.3%,受精率为95.6%,孵化率为96.3%,稚鱼饲养成活率为92.5%,放流稚鱼共92.2万尾。本项试验为该水系大麻哈鱼大规模殖放流提供必要的技术参数。  相似文献   

本文报道了2005年-2006年在厦门开展的神仙鱼规模化繁育技术研究结果,阐述了规模化繁育的技术工艺流程,试验共引进神仙鱼亲鱼1 000尾,产出受精卵3.84×104粒,孵化出3.46×104尾仔鱼,累计培育出全长1.5 cm以上幼鱼约2.33×104尾,鱼卵受精率为89.9%,仔鱼孵化率为91.9%,幼鱼成活率为74.7%.  相似文献   

平均体重为1.8kg的5-6龄育石斑鱼亲鱼,经强化培育,雄性亲鱼的促熟培育,性腺促熟,人工催产等措施,获受精卵320万粒,受精卵的卵化时间为26h,卵化率为80.7%,仔稚鱼的饵料系列为:牡蛎受精卵或担轮幼虫,轮虫,卤虫,桡足类;经41d培育,育出平均全长为3.79cm的幼鱼19万尾,培育成活率为7.3%,通过试验取得了一套可行的青石斑鱼人工繁育技术。  相似文献   

三角鲤人工繁殖技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从收购天然鱼种进行驯化养殖入手,经3年池塘人工培育获三角鲤亲鱼1676尾,亲鱼培育成活率达96.1%,性腺普遍发育成熟;先后进行了10批600组三角鲤亲鱼的人工繁殖试验,孵化鱼苗680.9万尾,培育成2.5cm以上规格的鱼种631.7万尾;通过设计实施生态刺激诱导产卵、敏感催产药物筛选、催产药物剂量控制、受精与孵化、胚胎发育研究、鱼苗不同培育方式的效果比较等一系列专项研究,摸索总结出一套效果稳定、可靠的三角鲤人工繁殖技术。研究达到的各项技术指标分别为:催产率平均达82.3%;产卵受精率平均达85.5%;孵化率平均85.6%;苗种培育成活率平均92.8%。  相似文献   

胭脂鱼人工繁殖和资源增殖的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文报道了胭脂鱼人工繁殖、仔幼鱼培育及池塘培育亲鱼技术.1988—1992年,催产亲鱼7组,一般受精率为85%—95%,孵化率为50%—60%。仔鱼培育在平游以前是关键阶段,平游以后,在室内玻璃钢盆培育,成活率可达90%。池塘培育苗种成活率也较高,可达80%—90%。一般经5个月养殖,从平均体长4.8cm,体重3.5g可长至13cm、63g.亲鱼在池塘内培育可以达到性成熟,并能进行人工催产。为增殖资源,向长江和水库放流了胭脂鱼种,并对水库胭脂鱼生长进行了观察。  相似文献   

为探索大胡子异形鱼的饲养和繁殖技术,于2008年购进30尾6~8月龄的大胡子异形鱼,在水族箱中进行了亲鱼培育,自然繁殖和仔、稚鱼培育试验,统计了亲鱼的生长速度、产卵次数以及仔、稚鱼的生长速度和成活率.试验结果显示,使该鱼在水族箱中自然繁殖较为容易,但仔、稚鱼的成活率较低,生长较慢.45d内仔、稚鱼的成活率最高仅40.9%,生长最快的组平均体长仅25.7 mm.  相似文献   

乌鳢人工繁殖及苗种培育试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行了乌鳢人工繁殖及苗种培育试验,采取强化培育亲鱼,塑料大棚水泥池催产孵化,水泥池和土池培育鱼种以及泼洒药液等技术措施,结果;50组亲鱼共产卵150万粒,平均受经率74.58%。孵出鱼苗113万尾,平均成活率47.32%,育成鱼种51.2万尾。试验证明:催产孵化以6月中旬至7月上旬为宜,孵化最适水温为23-26℃。认鉴定认为,试验结果达省内先进水平。  相似文献   

对引进的欧洲鳇鱼种在生态循环水工厂化养殖车间进行人工驯养、亲鱼培育和全人工繁殖试验.2012年11月从中挑选亲本4组,在16.3℃的水温条件下,模拟自然产卵生态环境,通过人工注射催产药物地欧酮(DOM)和鲑鱼释放激素类似物(S-GnRHa)诱导亲鱼产卵和排精,催产的4尾雌鱼中有3尾催产成功,获得受精卵67.6万粒,孵出优质仔鱼38.3万尾,其催产率、孵化率、受精率、亲鱼成活率分别为75%、70%、81%、100%.  相似文献   

绥芬河滩头雅罗鱼的人工放流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为增殖绥芬河滩头雅罗鱼类资源,开展滩头雅罗鱼人工孵化放流。1994~1996年5~6月,在绥芬河东宁河段采捕溯河亲鱼6 765尾,采卵7719.9万粒,利用自然产孵场生态条件孵化放流稚鱼5 972.5万尾。  相似文献   

石鲽人工繁殖初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首次报道了石鲽亲鱼培养、产卵习性、卵子孵化、仔稚鱼培育的试验结果。人工培养条件下,石鲽亲鱼性腺虽能发育,但难以自然产卵,需人工催产。石鲽性腺发育适宜水温为4-10℃,受精卵正常孵化水温为4~8℃。在6~10.5℃条件下,经34天培育,共获1.3cm接近完成变态的稚鱼804尾。  相似文献   

Important operational changes that have gradually been assimilated and new approaches that are developing as part of the movement toward sustainable intensive aquaculture production systems are presented via historical, current, and future perspectives. Improved environmental and economic sustainability based on increased efficiency of production continues to be realized. As a result, aquaculture continues to reduce its carbon footprint through reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Reduced use of freshwater and land resources per unit of production, improved feed management practices as well as increased knowledge of nutrient requirements, effective feed ingredients and additives, domestication of species, and new farming practices are now being applied or evaluated. Successful expansion into culture of marine species, both off and on shore, offers the potential of substantial increases in sustainable intensive aquaculture production combined with integrative efforts to increase efficiency will principally contribute to satisfying the increasing global demand for protein and food security needs.  相似文献   

Energy development threatens fish and wildlife resources worldwide. This study used constrained ordinations to show fish assemblage structure associated with oil and gas well densities in the Colorado River Basin, Wyoming, but well densities explained only 6.4% of assemblage structure when compared to other factors. Threshold Indicator Taxonomic ANalysis showed significant negative threshold responses by some species to small levels of development (<0.15 wells km?2), whereas positive thresholds were less distinct. Some native and imperilled species could be disproportionately affected if future oil and gas development proceeds in a manner that will impact aquatic resources. Although existing development has not substantially influenced regional fish assemblage structure, it appears to affect a subset of species. Understanding assemblage‐level responses to development can help land managers determine appropriate development levels, prioritise areas for monitoring associated with future development and identify where land protection measures may be needed to offset potential risks.  相似文献   

Many lepisosteid populations in North America have declined and many are now threatened as a consequence of habitat loss and alteration and commercial and sport overfishing. Over the last two decades, morphological, histological and molecular studies allowed distinguishing between different phases of development and the nutritional condition of larvae. Ontogeny of the digestive enzymes of gar larvae indicated the possibility to feed them artificial feeds since early developmental stages. An in vitro digestibility system to test different feed ingredients has been used. Important characteristics of artificial diets were identified through different feeding experiments. Endocrinological studies showed the feasibility of altering larval development and the digestive capacity of larvae. Cloning of gar growth hormone opened new avenues to enhance growth in the gars. Plasmatic vitellogenin was isolated and purified, to develop a competitive enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay, which allowed the straightforward separation of males from females to establish appropriate proportions for reproduction and also was used to evaluate hormonal protocols to induce gonad recrudescence and spawning. This review analyzes the biology, ecology and physiology of different gar species as a basis for their domestication, mass production of larvae for repopulation experiments and for the culture of commercial‐size gar.  相似文献   

A report is presented of esophagoscopy and gastroscopy in cats and dogs using flexible endoscopes. Following consideration of the basic equipment, an account is given of patient preparation and anesthesia, topography, investigation technique and normal findings. Diagnostic potential, indications and risks involved are discussed.  相似文献   

“十一五”以来,我国农垦加快体制机制改革、结构调整和经济增长方式的转变的步伐,参与市场竞争,努力提升企业和产品竞争力,经济社会事业发展较快,对国家的贡献提升,职工收入、生活质量明显提高和改善,示范引领作用不断增强。本文针对农垦体制机制创新进展滞缓,战略定位与发展方向不明,经济增长方式转变和结构调整缺乏资本、人才、技术的支撑,没有处理好改革、发展、稳定、民生的关系,投资匮乏,发展后劲不足,人才短缺和劳动力素质低下的现状,提出在未来农垦体制机制创新中要特别关注改革方向、目标设定与评估,改革要在现行法律法规的框架内运作,改革时机的选择,处理好改革发展稳定与民生的关系,调整好内部利益分配关系,自觉融入区域经济,与地方协同发展等问题。为了促进农垦的发展,建议国家加大对农垦体制机制创新、现代农业建设、国有农场土地资源的保护、社会保障体系的完善等财政和政策的支持力度。  相似文献   

李佳  吴东波 《畜禽业》2007,(4):8-11
本试验利用饲养试验方法,研究玉米-豆粕型日粮中添加植酸酶时不同磷水平和钙磷比对生长肥育猪血清指标和骨骼性能的影响。试验选用162头20kg左右的杜长大三元杂交猪进行2×3(磷水平×钙磷比)因子饲养试验,试验分2个阶段进行,前期为生长期体重在20-60kg,后期为肥育期体重为为60-100kg。结果表明:添加植酸酶日粮磷水平对血清磷含量和碱性磷酸酶的活性影响显著(P<0.05);钙磷比对血清钙和血清磷含量的影响显著(P<0.05);添加植酸酶日粮磷水平和钙磷比对生长肥育猪骨骼性能的影响不显著(P>0.05)。在添加植酸酶条件下,降低日粮磷水平不影响猪的正常生长发育。  相似文献   

奶牛酮病发病机理研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合国内外目前研究状况较为详细的综述了奶牛酮病的病因与发病机理,并分析了奶牛酮病发生的生化机制。旨在对临床实践中很好的认识诊断和群体监控奶牛酮病提供较为系统的理论依据,保证奶牛群的高产和稳产,从而创造良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

温度与盐度对老年低额蚤和蚤状蚤生长及生殖的影响王丹丽,李明云,杨天勇,胡章(宁波大学,315010)关键词老年低额 ,蚤状 ,温度,盐度,生长,生殖EFFECTSOFTEMPERATUREANDSALINITYONGROWTHANDREPRODUCT...  相似文献   

鸡皮刺螨是鸡的一种体外寄生的节肢动物,流行十分广泛,对养殖业发展有严重影响。为了解鸡皮刺螨的发病情况,对川渝两地的126个鸡场进行流行病学调查,感染率高达71%。同时,介绍了鸡皮刺螨的生活史、危害及防治措施,是防制鸡皮刺螨不可多得的资料。  相似文献   

Abstract  Catch composition, relative abundance and diversity of fish catches in open access and three old fisheries closures were compared and contrasted with previous ecological studies. There was less variation in catch community composition among the fishing grounds than the closures, suggesting that fishing has homogenised catch composition. The trap survey found that some parrotfish [ Leptoscarus vaigiensis (Quoy &Gaimard), Calotomus carolinus (Valenciennes) and Scarus ghobban Forsskål] were relatively more common and that some important predators of macro-invertebrates [ Balistapus undulatus (Mungo Park) and Cheilinus chlorourus (Bloch)] were less common in the fishing grounds than closures. Unexpectedly, and in contrast to visual census results, cumulative number of species in catch surveys was higher in open access than closures sites. This may result from fishers covering more area and habitat or a reduction in the catch of competitively subordinate and rare species by aggressive, early-caught fish that can dominate bait. Comparisons of ecological visual census surveys and fisheries-dependent methods indicated that small differences in catch composition can reflect larger ecological differences and that baiting methods can underestimate biodiversity. Ecological impacts of fishing and large-scale changes in marine ecosystems must be considerable given the many fisheries-dependent assessments report modest changes.  相似文献   

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