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哲罗鱼属共有五个种类,其中川陕哲罗鱼(Hucho breeker)、太门哲罗鱼(Hucho taimen)、石川哲罗鱼(HuchoishikawaiMori)在我国境内有分布.本文通过全面收集国内外资料,对我国分布的三种哲罗鱼,从形态特征、生物学特性、分布区域等指标进行了生物学的初步比较研究.  相似文献   

哲罗鱼生物学研究现状及发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哲罗鱼是近年来在国内兴起的一种名贵养殖鱼类,具有较大的经济价值与推广前景。随着社会发展,人类活动加剧,自然环境持续恶化,加上污染及过度捕捞等因素,使哲罗鱼资源遭到了严重的破坏,而哲罗鱼个体大、性成熟晚、个体产卵量小的生物学特性使其群体的恢复能力较差,导致群体数量急剧下降,分布区域迅速缩小,已达到极度濒危的状况。因此,充分了解哲罗鱼的生物学特征、资源及研究现状等,对其种质资源进行保护、资源的恢复与持续利用具有重要意义。文章对哲罗鱼生物学特征、资源现状及养殖研究现状作了概述,同时对其发展前景作了阐述。  相似文献   

正哲罗鱼(Hucho taimen Pallas),又称太门哲罗鱼,属于鲑形目,鲑科,哲罗鱼属,是我国大型的名贵冷水性鱼类。哲罗鱼肉质细腻,味道鲜美可口,营养价值高,富含蛋白质,是目前极具开发潜力的淡水品种。近几年哲罗鱼的研究主要集中在养殖技术、亲鱼运输及营养成分等方面,对哲罗鱼产品精深加工研究未见报道。本研究对哲罗鱼即食食品加工进行尝试,探索加工工艺,现已制做鱼头罐头、烟熏鱼、鱼松、鱼丸、鱼油、鱼钙骨粉等便食食品,以  相似文献   

哲罗鱼[Huchotaimen(Pallas)]又称太门哲罗鱼,属鲑形目、鲑科、哲罗鱼属,是我国大型的土著名贵冷水性鱼类。哲罗鱼具有生长速度快、易驯化等优良特性,是较好的冷水性鱼类养殖品种。2008年,哈尔滨市农业科学院引进哲罗鱼苗进行人工养殖,并对其患有的小瓜虫病进行治疗,取得了较为理想的效果。  相似文献   

哲罗鱼(Hucho taimen)又称哲罗鲑,属鲑形目、鲑科、哲罗鱼属,是我国珍稀名贵冷水性鱼类,为黑龙江名优鱼类"三花五罗"之一。近20年来,由于森林植被破坏、过渡捕捞等因素,仅黑龙江省的乌苏里江和呼玛河水系以及新疆哈纳斯湖生存着很小的繁殖群体,其他水域很难见到。哲罗鱼是个体最大、生长速度最快的鲑科鱼类,性成  相似文献   

野生与养殖哲罗鱼消化系统及消化酶的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用组织学方法对野生与养殖哲罗鱼(Hucho taimen Pallas)消化系统的形态及组织结构进行比较研究,采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法比较了两个群体哲罗鱼3种消化酶的相对含量。结果表明,野生与养殖哲罗鱼的消化系统在形态上存在一定差异,在组织结构上无明显差异。两个群体哲罗鱼在食道与胃酯酶相对含量上差异不显著(P〉0.05),在肝脏与幽门盲囊酯酶相对含量上差异显著(P〈0.05),在肠道酯酶的相对含量上差异极为显著(P〈0.01)。两个群体哲罗鱼在食道与胃淀粉酶的相对含量上差异不显著(P〉0.05),在肝脏与肠道淀粉酶的相对含量上差异显著(P〈0.05),在幽门盲囊淀粉酶的相对含量上差异极为显著(P〈0.01)。哲罗鱼的蛋白酶表达存在一定的pH依赖性,在体外酸性条件下(pH3),两个群体哲罗鱼只有食道与胃有蛋白酶表达;在体外碱性条件下(pH9),两个群体哲罗鱼只有幽门盲囊与肠道有蛋白酶表达;两种pH条件下,两个群体哲罗鱼各组织中蛋白酶的相对含量差异均不显著(P〉0.05)。两个群体哲罗鱼的消化系统结构及消化酶含量所表现出的差异与其生活环境及食物有关。[中国水产科学,2008,15(2):330-336]  相似文献   

哲罗鱼的繁殖生物学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
哲罗鱼是我国北方特有的冷水性鱼类,其肉质细腻、风味独特、营养丰富。由于过去重视不够,哲罗鱼的资源正逐年减少,已经引起了人们的高度重视,正在对其进行深入细致的研究,已经取得了一些初步成果。  相似文献   

哲罗鱼又称太门哲罗鱼,属鲑形目、鲑科、哲罗鱼属,是我国大型的土著名贵冷水性鱼类。该鱼生长速度快、易驯化、肉味鲜美、品质上乘,是优质的养殖品种。近年来哈尔滨市农业科学院水产研究分院引进了哲罗鱼鱼苗,在温室内进行人工养殖。养殖过程中哲罗鱼患过几种常见疾病,经过治疗,效果显著。笔者针对九种常见疾病及其治疗方法进行简单总结,供大家参考。  相似文献   

哲罗鱼移植池塘与虹鳟鱼混养试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
哲罗鱼(Huchotaimen pallas)属鲑科哲罗鱼属,在我国分布于黑龙江中上流、嫩江、牡丹江、乌苏里江、松花江上游,新疆的额尔齐斯河、哈纳斯湖也有分布。是鲑科鱼中的大型种类,栖居地理纬度高、气候寒冷、结冰期长、水深流急、低温高氧、石砾底质、植被繁茂等生态环境水城。历史上曾是名贵的经济鱼类。但是近年来由于资源的迅速减少,许多分布区域已经绝迹。因此作为珍稀物种哲罗鱼的养殖开发,开始引起了人们的关注。 关于研究哲罗鱼的资料不多.有关移植到池塘人工驯养,尤其与虹鳟鱼混养情况尚未见有专题研究。我们于…  相似文献   

太门哲罗鱼(下称哲罗鱼)在我国分布于黑龙江中上游、嫩江、牡丹江、乌苏里江、松花江上游,新疆的额尔齐斯河、哈那斯湖也有分布,是鲑科鱼中的大型种类,历史上曾是名贵的经济鱼类。但是近20余年来由于资源的迅速减少,许多分布区域已经绝迹,因此作为珍稀物种哲罗鱼的养殖开发,开始引起了人们的注意。牡丹江市水产局承担了水产技术推广总站的科研项目,1998年春季采集了野生哲罗鱼进行流水池塘驯化养殖研究。本报告对一尾驯养14个月的成熟雌鱼进行了内、外部形态学观察,探讨了有关性成熟的某些生物学问题。一、材料与方法1.…  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of stratification of the survey region on the performance of species distribution models (SDMs) described by generalized linear models or generalized additive models when estimating school abundance by using a line transect survey. True covariates that define spatial school distribution are not always obtainable explanatory variables. When the true covariates differ from explanatory variables in the model, the explanatory variables are determined to be misspecified. We evaluated the performance of SDMs in abundance estimation with misspecified covariates by using dummy datasets for which the true abundance was known. Simulated replicates of spatial distributions of a whale school and sighting data were generated from possible scenarios motivated by the spatial school distribution of Antarctic minke whales Balaenoptera bonaerensis. This distribution was obtained from the Japanese Whale Research Program under Special Permit in the Antarctic. Our results showed that the relative bias of the abundance estimators was large when covariates were misspecified and a survey region was stratified. Although stratification of the survey region is intended to produce a conventional line transect estimator with a smaller variance than that of non-stratified survey region, it also acts to increase the bias of the abundance estimate obtained from SDMs.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution and vertical migrations of fish larvae and implications for their cross‐shelf distribution were investigated in the northern limit of the NE Atlantic upwelling region during the late winter mixing period of 2012. The average positive values of the upwelling index for February and March of this year were far from normal, although the average hydrographic conditions during the period of study were of downwelling and the water column was completely mixed. Fish larvae, most in the preflexion stage, were concentrated in the upper layers of the water column and their distribution was depth stratified, both day and night. However, the larval fish community was not structured in the vertical plane and fish larvae did not show significant diel vertical migration (DVM), although five species showed ontogenetic vertical migration. In regions of coastal upwelling and in the absence of DVM, the location of fish larvae in the water column is crucial for their cross‐shelf distribution. Thus, the cross‐shelf distribution of the six most abundant species collected in this study can be explained by the surface onshore flow associated with coastal downwelling, retaining larvae of the coastal spawning species with a relatively shallow distribution in the shelf region and transporting larvae of slope spawning species onto the shelf. The wide vertical distribution shown by larvae of the offshore spawning species could be an adaptation of these species to ensure that some larvae reach the inshore nursery areas.  相似文献   

根据2018年中国淡水养殖地区统计数据,分析2018年中国淡水养殖技术效率水平。通过构建DEA模型,测算不同地区淡水养殖的效率值。结果表明:2018年中国整体淡水养殖技术效率较高,为0.85;不同地区的技术效率水平值存在差异,最高值为1.00,最低值为0.76。从空间分布看,7个区域的技术效率值不同,但没有明显区别,因此认为技术效率与空间分布无明显关系。基于研究结果,从技术创新、交流合作、产业结构等方面提出了相关建议,以期为中国淡水养殖效率研究提供可参考的资料。  相似文献   

Biological and physical phenomena that affect conditions for larval survival and eventual recruitment differ in the oceanic and shelf regions. In the oceanic region, eddies are a common feature. While their genesis is not well known, eddies have unique biophysical characteristics and occur with such regularity that they likely affect larval survival. High concentrations of larval pollock often are associated with eddies. Some eddies are transported onto the shelf, thereby providing larvae to the Outer Shelf Domain. Advection, rather than local production, dominated the observed springtime increase in chlorophyll (often a correlate of larval food) in the oceanic region. Over two-thirds of the south-eastern shelf, eddies are absent and other phenomena are important. Sea ice is a feature of the shelf region: its interannual variability (time of arrival, persistence, and areal extent) affects developmental rate of larvae, timing of the phytoplankton bloom (and potentially the match/mismatch of larvae and prey), and abundance and distribution of juvenile pollock. In the oceanic region, interannual variation in food for first-feeding pollock larvae is determined by advection; in the shelf region, it is the coupled dynamics of the atmosphere–ice–ocean system.  相似文献   

Larvae, juveniles, and adults of Japanese anchovy, Engraulis japonicus , were distributed throughout the Kuroshio-Oyashio transition region off northern Japan as far offshore as 170°E in 1996 and 1997. The growth trajectories of individual larvae and early juveniles were backcalculated using the biological intercept method based on the allometric relationship between otolith radius and somatic length. Mean larval growth rates ranged from 0.49 to 0.71 mm day–1 in the transition region, and were comparable to those reported from the Pacific coastal waters of central Japan, which is the principal distribution range of E. japonicus . In terms of growth, the Kuroshio-Oyashio transition region seemed to be a favourable nursery area for larval E. japonicus . Larval growth tended to decline from the inshore to the offshore waters in the transition region. Thermal conditions did not show an inshore–offshore trend in the survey area and did not explain the longitudinal trend in growth rates.  相似文献   

中西太平洋鲣鱼丰度的时空分布及其与表温的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中西太平洋是全球金枪鱼围网的主要海域,鲣鱼(Katsuwonus pelamis)是金枪鱼围网的主要作业对象。本研究利用1983~2007年中西太平洋金枪鱼围网渔获物数据,结合海洋表层温度(SST)数据,分析中西太平洋鲣鱼资源丰度在时间序列和空间位置上的分布规律。研究表明,1983~2002年,各年平均CPUE在时间序列上呈一定的上升趋势,1983~2002年,平均SST在一定范围内上下波动,平均CPUE和平均SST无显著相关性;2003~2007年,平均CPUE和平均SST均呈较大幅度上升,两者呈显著相关。从空间位置分析,鲣鱼资源量集中出现在SST为28~30℃之间的海域,在5°N和10°S附近海域CPUE反映的总体资源量较高,而在0°和5°S的资源量较低。鲣鱼资源量较大区域分布在冷暖水团交汇处。  相似文献   

We analyzed a portion of the mitochondrial genome of hatchery Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus to compare the genetic characteristics between maternal parents and their offspring. The maternal parents consisted of 11 subcultured fish (broodstock taken from hatchery-raised fish) and 41 wild fish. A 1098 base pair region extending from the 3'half of the cytochrome b gene to the central domain of the control region of mtDNA was amplified by PCR and analyzed using 11 restriction endonucleases. We also analyzed the number of copies of tandem repeats in the control region from the sizes of the PCR products. Each female parent had a unique haplotype, but only 31 of them were observed among the 66 offspring examined. From these results, we estimated that about 60% of the maternal parents in the hatchery contributed to the offspring we surveyed. The distribution of the family sizes of the wild fish was Poisson, which is consistent with expectation from a randomly mating population. In contrast, the distribution of family sizes of the subcultured fish deviated from a Poisson distribution. One of the sources of the deviation was that none of the six oldest fishes contributed to offspring production, which is consistent with observation that the spawning peaks later in the spawning season for older fish in flounder hatcheries. Uneven contribution of the female flounders in the hatchery has the potential to reduce substantially the genetic diversity in the offspring. Our results suggest that the misuse of subcultured fish as broodstock is an important cause of reduced genetic diversity in hatchery-raised flounder juvenile.  相似文献   

杭州湾及邻近水域叶绿素a与氮磷盐的关系   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
蒋玫  沈新强 《海洋渔业》2004,26(1):35-39
本文根据2000-2002年6个航次的调查资料,阐述了调查水域海水表层叶绿素含量的分布规律和变化特点,分析了氮磷盐对叶绿素的分布的影响。结果表明:该水域氮磷盐与叶绿素含量关系随补充量的多少存在较明显的季节性和区域性差异。相关分析显示,长江口水域叶绿素同磷酸盐的相关性较好,春夏季分别呈正、负相关,杭州湾与舟山渔场叶绿素同氨氮呈现良好的负相关。本调查水域主要表现为磷营养盐限制性。  相似文献   

Larvae from a large aggregation of walleye pollock spawning in early spring in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, are normally transported to the south-west in the vigorous Alaska Coastal Current. In the spring of 1996, anomalous winds resulted in unusually weak transport in the Shelikof Strait sea valley. The main aggregation of larval pollock in the Shelikof region was surveyed four times in 1996 over a period of about 40 days, including finer-scale sampling of the leading south-western edge of the larval distribution. The south-western edge of the larval distribution showed weak transport up the sea valley for a period of about 10 days, corresponding to the observations of currents, after which many larvae were transported over the shelf region to the west. These observations are unique in over 15 years of monitoring larval transport patterns and demonstrate how anomalous weather, and hence current patterns, influence variability in larval transport.  相似文献   

青岛陆源排污口邻近海域异养细菌的组成与分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对青岛近海度假区、港口区、养殖区、工业区4类排污口邻近海域异养细菌的组成与分布进行了调查研究,采用海洋异养细菌平板涂布培养法分离细菌,基于16S rDNA的扩增性DNA限制性酶切片段分析(ARDRA)进行聚类筛选并测序鉴定。结果显示,青岛排污口邻近海域可异养培养的菌株分布于变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)4个细菌类群,变形菌门细菌数量占总测序数量的68%,其中γ-变形菌纲的数量在变形菌门中占88%;不同海域中细菌组成与分布有所不同,放线菌门和拟杆菌门的细菌种类较少且各海域分布有所不同,但γ-变形菌纲的弧菌属细菌(Vibrio sp.)在4类海域中均被发现,占总检测量的18.54%,其中溶藻胶弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus)占弧菌总量的25%。不同海域也检测到V.parahaemolyticus、V.harveyi、V.campbellii、V.parahaemolyticus等水产养殖业的潜在致病菌。根据16S rDNA系统进化关系和细菌门类聚类分析得到的结论推断,工业区与养殖区海域的细菌组成和分布相似度较高,推断各海域的细菌组成与排污口类型有一定相关性。  相似文献   

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