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福建武平参薯与其同属植物山药中营养成分的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用国家标准方法对薯蓣属的8个栽培品种,包括5种武平参薯和3种白山药,进行蛋白质、微量元素及氨基酸等营养成分的测定并进行比较分析。结果表明:8个薯蓣品种中,铁棍山药的营养价值最高,表现在蛋白质含量最高,达到鲜重的31.8 g/kg,氨基酸总量也最丰富,达到23.63 mg/g,在测定的17种氨基酸中,有12种氨基酸的含量高于其他7个薯蓣品种。武平紫参薯"武紫3号"营养价值仅次于铁棍山药,其蛋白质含量、12种氨基酸含量较高,仅次于铁棍山药,除此之外,武紫3号中的Fe、Ca、谷氨酸、赖氨酸、组氨酸、脯氨酸的含量均高于其他7个薯蓣品种。而8个薯蓣品种中营养价值最差的属普通山药,其蛋白质含量最低,只有12.0 g/kg,Zn、Ca及14种氨基酸的含量也最低,其次营养价值较差的是武平紫参薯"武紫2号",但是该品种产量极高,可作为很好的粮食作物。本研究提高了人们对武平参薯的营养价值的认识,为其开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

本文主要对吉林省三个不同地区山药的生长发育状况、产量及营养品质进行了研究比较,研究表明临江山药块茎生长势最强,产量最高;其次是长春山药;长春山药产量与临江山药及白城山药产量差异不显著;临江山药与白城山药产量存在极显著性差异。营养品质测定结果表明,长春山药的淀粉、可溶性总糖、粗多糖、可溶性蛋白和氨基酸含量5项指标均表现最高,品质最好,且含水量最低(75.64%),因而表现为粉性足、不易折断、久煮不散,具有良好的蒸煮品质。临江山药的淀粉、可溶性总糖、粗多糖、可溶性蛋白和氨基酸含量均高于白城山药,白城山药5项指标均较低。  相似文献   

为分析大豆叶片中异黄酮含量的积累动态及营养胁迫对大豆叶片中异黄酮含量的影响,选用2个大豆品种利用砂培浇注营养液的方法,分不同时期对叶片进行取样测定异黄酮含量。研究结果如下:营养胁迫对大豆异黄酮总含量及3种苷元组分含量有促进提高的作用。大豆叶片中异黄酮总含量及3种苷元组分含量在初花期(R1)有一个峰值。  相似文献   

淡豆豉炮制前后异黄酮组分含量的比较   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
采用HPLC法对淡豆豉炮制前后大豆苷、染料木苷、大豆苷元、染料木索含量进行测定,以探讨淡豆豉炮制前后异黄酮组分含量的变化。结果表明:炮制对淡豆豉中异黄酮组分含量有明显影响,炮制后大豆苷、染料木苷含量降低,大豆苷元、染料木素含量升高。淡豆豉炮制后苷类成分含量降低,苷元类成分含量升高,提示淡豆豉的炮制存在由苷向苷元转化的过程。  相似文献   

通过比较在传统的淡豆豉(黑豆、黄豆)发酵工艺中加入人参后大豆异黄酮的含量变化,考察人参在淡豆豉发酵过程中对大豆异黄酮含量的影响。以大豆苷、染料木苷和染料木素为测定指标,采用高效液相色谱法进行含量测定。色谱柱为Agilent C18(150 mm×4.6 mm,5μm);流动相为甲醇-水-冰醋酸(40∶60∶0.5);流速0.5 mL.min-1;检测波长260 nm。结果以黄豆为原料发酵的淡豆豉,加入人参后大豆苷和染料木素的含量显著升高,染料木苷显著降低;以黑豆为原料发酵的淡豆豉,加入人参后大豆苷的含量显著降低,染料木苷和染料木素的含量显著升高。因此,淡豆豉传统发酵工艺中加入人参后,大豆异黄酮含量变化因原料不同而异。  相似文献   

中国山药产业现状浅谈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高国栋  赵冰 《作物研究》2007,21(3):179-181
中国是山药的原产地之一,多处种植山药,栽培历史悠久.山药又名山薯,山芋,长芋等,薯蓣科薯蓣属作物,为一年生或多年生缠绕性藤本植物,主要产品为肥大的肉质块茎(根状块茎).……  相似文献   

云南薯蓣属植物矿质元素指纹图谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈涛  贾琳  杨亚丽  张亚 《热带作物学报》2014,35(12):2332-2339
薯蓣属植物(Dioscorea L.)多数种类可供药用和食用,具有重要的经济价值,其矿质元素含量变化对薯蓣资源的评价和安全食用具有重要意义。本研究以产自云南的参薯(D.alata L.)、薯蓣(D.opposita Thunb.)、日本薯蓣(D.japonica Thunb.)、毛胶薯蓣(D.subcalva Prain et Burkill)、云南薯蓣(D.yunnanensis Prain et Burkill)和高山薯蓣(D.henryi(Prain et Burkill)C.T.Ting)为研究对象,采用火焰原子吸收分光光度法(FAAS)和原子荧光分光光度法(AFS)分别测定这6种薯蓣属植物地下块茎中11种矿质元素的含量并构建元素指纹图谱。结果表明:Pearson相关系数和夹角余弦均可用于薯蓣元素指纹图谱的相似性分析;Fe和Mg是6种薯蓣中的主要矿质元素;Cu、Zn、Mn、Na和K的绝对含量介于1~100 mg/kg之间,为薯蓣中的累积微量元素;As和Cd的绝对含量低于1 mg/kg,为薯蓣中的痕量元素;Cu、Zn、Pb、Ni、Mg、Fe、Mn、Na和K的百分含量对不同薯蓣样品间元素指纹图谱的差异性影响最大。研究结果为薯蓣属植物资源的评价和安全食用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为快速测定淡豆豉中的主要活性成分含量,对其进行质量评价,本研究以28批不同产地淡豆豉为供试材料,建立对淡豆豉中大豆苷、黄豆黄苷、染料木苷、大豆苷元、黄豆黄素和染料木素6种活性成分含量同时测定的一测多评方法,并验证该方法在淡豆豉质量分析中的准确性与可行性.结果 显示:以70%甲醇作为提取溶剂,加热回流提取60 min进行前处理,采用高效液相色谱法,以染料木苷为内参物,建立大豆苷、黄豆黄苷、大豆苷元、黄豆黄素和染料木素的一测多评相对校正因子分别为0.666,1.089,0.926,0.978和1.894.相对校正因子重现性良好,一测多评法和外标法测量结果间无明显差异.本研究建立的方法准确可行,可用于淡豆豉的质量控制.  相似文献   

野生大豆、黑豆和大豆的异黄酮类成分比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
野生大豆主产于中国,古时为珍贵药材,但现代将其作药用的研究较少。以同样种植条件下收获的野生大豆、黑豆和大豆为材料,用HPLC法、凯氏定氮法和索氏残渣法分别测定其大豆异黄酮、蛋白质和脂肪含量,以此比较野生大豆、黑豆和大豆的药用价值。结果表明:12种大豆异黄酮类组分的总含量大小顺序为:野生大豆〉黑豆〉大豆;野生大豆和黑豆中黄豆苷和染料木苷含量特别突出,而且其相应的苷元含量也较高,大豆中则是丙二酰基化的黄豆苷和丙二酰基化的染料木苷含量特别突出,而其相应的苷元组分含量极低;相关性分析表明三种大豆的不同品种,大豆异黄酮总含量与其百粒重和脂肪含量呈极显著负相关,但与蛋白质含量的相关性不显著。结果说明野生大豆的药用研究应受到重视。  相似文献   

淡豆豉是一种以黑豆为主要发酵原料的传统药食同源中药,但其炮制周期长且质量不稳定。本研究以从淡豆豉自然混菌发酵中筛选出的1株具有β-D-葡萄糖苷酶活性的异常威克汉姆酵母(Wickerhamomyces anomalus)C5菌株作为发酵菌种,进行纯种酵母炮制型淡豆豉的研制。选取葡萄糖添加量、料液比以及酵母菌接种量3个因素进行单因素试验。利用响应面法分析3个因素对大豆苷元产量的影响,并对淡豆豉的炮制工艺进行优化。结果表明:料液比和葡萄糖添加量对大豆苷元产量的影响极显著,而接种量的影响不显著。最终确定炮制工艺为:葡萄糖添加量8.5%、料液比1∶2.4、接种量10%,炮制周期为6 d。炮制过程中糖苷含量逐渐降低,苷元含量显著升高。大豆苷元和染料木素的产量分别达到964.51和1 123.28μg·g-1。本研究为酵母炮制型淡豆豉的进一步开发提供科学依据。  相似文献   

研究在全周期胶园宽行间作豆薯和大豆的产量、品质和土壤速效养分的影响。结果表明,与单作相比,间作大豆产量显著降低40%(p0.05),间作豆薯产量略低但差异不显著(p0.05)。总体上,单作和间作处理豆薯和大豆不同位置的可溶性糖、淀粉、粗蛋白和粗脂肪的含量没有显著差异(p0.05),但间作提高了间作带中间区域豆薯的粗脂肪含量。单作豆薯和大豆平均土壤铵态氮、硝态氮均显著高于间作处理的不同位置(p0.05);单作豆薯和大豆土壤速效钾含量高于间作处理且显著高于单作小区两侧(p0.05);而单作豆薯和大豆土壤速效磷则低于间作处理,其中单作豆薯显著低于间作豆薯小区中间区域(p0.05)。综上所述,豆薯比大豆更适合间作于全周期胶园,间作对作物的品质总体上没有影响,但对降低土壤无机氮含量较明显。  相似文献   

Color and taste are permanent features of amala, a traditional thick paste obtained from yam chips flour. To assess these attributes, 23 yam chips presenting various quality attributes were processed. The sensory attributes of their derived amala were determined and some biochemical characteristics of yam flours measured. A panel defined five main taste attributes for amala: sweetness, bitterness, acidity, fermented, and roasted tastes. Amala color was measured instrumentally and sensory scores were highly correlated with flour biochemical analyses; amala sweetness was positively correlated with glucose and fructose content of the flour, whereas amala acidity and fermented taste were linked to organic acids and lactic acid contents of flour, respectively. In addition, darkness, bitterness, and roasted tastes of amala could be tightly predicted by multiple regression analysis from phenolic compound and glucose–fructose contents. Phenolic content of yam flour plays thus a key role on sensorial quality of amala. However, polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase activities were almost null in yam flours and their specific role on yam flour phenolic content needs to be clarified.  相似文献   

福建山药地方资源主要农艺性状与品质特性比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄瑞平 《热带作物学报》2012,33(7):1309-1315
为了筛选出福建山药优良种质资源,为选育高产、优质的山药品种奠定基础,对收集自福建的24份山药农家品种的主要农艺性状与品质特性进行分析。结果表明,永定薯、MYSY1长势较旺,有不规则、较大零余子,且产量最高。漳州直薯、漳州块薯和松溪薯长势旺,无零余子;漳州直薯和块薯产量较高,但口感一般;松溪薯产量较高,但肉质疏松、含水量高、易氧化,口感较差,烘干后黑褐色。明溪薯、MSSY资源和清流薯长势中,无零余子,采收期长,含水量较少,肉质紧密,断面白而粘液多,口感好,烘干后颜色较白;永安薯长势中,无零余子,含水量少,淀粉和冷浸出物含量较高,烘干后色泽好,但其肉质结实,口感欠佳,且茎块小产量低;JYSY2、JYSY10和JYSY12资源长势弱,有少量零余子。安溪薯、松溪薯及漳州块薯的块茎形状为块状,其它资源的为长圆柱形、圆柱形。经聚类分析将24个品种分成了3组。综合评价,MSSY资源、MYSY1资源、明溪薯和清流薯具有较好农艺性状和品质特性,开发潜力巨大。  相似文献   

Disease perception and adequate management practices are two essential issues faced by farmers, especially in the current context of climate change which may potentially increase disease risk. We investigated the diversity of water yam cropping systems in Guadeloupe through interviews, how producers and international yam research scientists perceived anthracnose, and how this perception correlated with farmers’ risk management strategies. We found that disease perception by farmers is very close to perception by international yam experts, as both have the same perception of the hierarchy of factors translating into disease. Three different yam production strategies coexist at a local scale, where agronomic practices and socio-economic profiles are distinct and consistent with attitude toward anthracnose risk management. Six factors were perceived as decreasing the disease: associated crop species; crop rotation; staking; weeding; crop monitoring and varietal admixture. Yam producers raising crops more intensively were risk prone, while others usually sought practices to manage disease appearance and spread. Both cumulative risk and past anthracnose epidemic experiences translated into heavier reliance on chemicals. These results have practical implications for designing best yam crop management systems and control of yam anthracnose.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the effect of natural diosgenin extracted from fenugreek seeds, in comparison with the pure standard diosgenin, plus chromium chloride (CrCl3) supplementation on high-cholesterol fed Japanese quails. Quails were randomly divided into four groups. Group one (n = 25) fed experimental diet only (control; contained basal diet supplemented with 1% cholesterol), group 2 (n = 20) fed experimental diet supplemented with CrCl3 only (400 microg kg(-1) of body weight), groups 3 and 4 (n = 30 per group) were fed experimental diet supplemented with either 0.5% (w/w) of extracted diosgenin plus CrCl3 or pure standard diosgenin (0.5%) plus CrCl3 respectively, for 12 days. Blood samples were collected at days 0 and 12 for measuring levels of lipid profile. The work was carried out at Applied Science University and Amman University, Amman, Jordan during the period from October 2009 through October 2010. The mean levels of total cholesterol (TC) in control quails at d12 was significantly (p < 0.01) increased compare to those at d0. Supplementation of diet with CrCl3 alone or CrCl3 with diosgenin either extracted or pure standard for 12 days showed a significant (p < 0.01) decrease in TC and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels as compared to those in the control quails. While, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) increased significantly (p < 0.01) in quails supplemented with diosgenin and CrCl3. At d12, the mean Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) activities in erythrocytes of quails in all supplemented groups was significantly (p < 0.01) increased as compared to those in control group and was more pronounced in erythrocytes of quails supplemented with pure standard diosgenin plus CrCl3. These results indicated that the combined diosgenin and CrCl3 supplementation to high-cholesterol fed quails might induce a protective effect by both regulating lipid and antioxidative damage.  相似文献   

Yam flour was substituted 10, 20 and 40% with defatted and full fat soy flour. The effect of the substitution on the proximate composition, swelling power, solubility, water binding capacity and Brabender visco amylograph cooking properties of the yam flour and acceptability of the cooked paste (amala), were evaluated. Protein contents of the mixtures were 23.0 and 25.5% on substituting 40% full-and defated soy flours for yam flour; ash and crude fibre contents increased while carbohydrate content, swelling power, Brabender paste viscosities decreased with increase in soy flour substitution of yam flour. Colour, texture, taste and overall acceptability of pastes (amala) from the mixed flours were rated lower than that of yam flour. Up to 10% defated and 20% full fat soy flour substitution for yam flour was acceptable for amala.  相似文献   

Sapogenin has been proposed to be the active component responsible for the beneficial effects of Jamaican bitter yam (Dioscorea polygonoides) in the management of diabetes. Most of the research activities on bitter yam have focused on the role sapogenin play in the management of diabetes. Changes in weight, activities of carbohydrate digestive and transport enzymes, alterations in the intestinal morphology, changes in blood lipids, reduction in lipid peroxidation and the prevention of liver damage associated with diabetes have all been attributed to bitter yam sapogenin supplementation. Also, the possible exploitation of bitter yam for nutraceutical/pharmaceutical purposes is based on the high saponin content. There are however, concerns about the beneficial claims of the findings especially with regard to the possible adverse effects that may accrue in the clinical applications. This review therefore provides an overview of the findings in this research area with a view to proposing the potential mechanisms whereby the supplement of bitter yam sapogenin extract exert its hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic properties and the probable adverse effects in diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Pretreated soy flour was used to replace 10, 20, 30 and 40% of fermented yam flour as a protein supplement. The effect of the supplementation on the physicochemical and sensory properties of amala, a popular West African food made from rehydrated yam flour, was investigated. Blanching (10 min in boiling water) and subsequent fermentation (24 h) as pretreatment methods produced flour that was lighter in color than the unfermented samples. Protein content of the yam-soy mixture increased from 3.5% in the control to 19.7% for 40% soy fortification. Water binding capacity increased from 212.6 g/100 g for the yam flour control to 257.3 g/100 g for the blend with 40% soy flour. However, swelling capacity and solubility were adversely affected with increased soy flour addition as dough became sticky and soft. There was no significant difference in color, taste, flavor or overall acceptability when compared with the control up to 20% soy substitution. Dough with 20% soy flour is a possibility for increasing the protein content of yam flour in human feeding.  相似文献   

本研究以山药零余子和玉米种子为受体材料,采用生物测试方法,以发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、根长、茎长和干重为种子萌发和幼苗生长参数,研究山药植株腐解液、根系分泌物和根际土浸提液对受体材料的化感效应,旨在探明山药化感物质的释放途径,探索山药化感物质对不同受体材料的化感作用,为揭示山药连作障碍的机理奠定基础。结果表明:山药植株腐解液和根系分泌物对山药和玉米均有强烈的化感抑制作用,根际土浸提液的化感作用较微弱,化感作用强度为根系分泌物˃植株腐解液˃根际土浸提液,山药根系分泌物和植株腐解液含有丰富的化感物质,可能是山药自毒物质的主要来源之一,是山药化感物质研究的可靠基础材料;在试验设置的浓度范围内,山药化感物质对受体材料的抑制作用与其质量浓度呈正比,3种浸提液对受试材料的化感作用存在低促高抑的浓度效应,低于100 mg/mL时有微弱的促进作用,大于等于100 mg/mL就会产生强烈的抑制作用,随着浓度升高,化感抑制作用强度越大;山药的化感物质对玉米幼苗生长抑制强度大于种子萌发期,山药则相反;结合种子萌发和幼苗生长的综合化感效应指数,2种受试作物对山药化感作用的敏感程度为自毒作用强于他感作用。  相似文献   

淮山中多酚氧化酶特性及无硫护色脱水工艺   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
酶促褐变是导致淮山脱水加工过程中色泽变化的主要原因。通过研究淮山中多酚氧化酶的最适pH 值、最适温度等主要特性,设计选取适当的非硫成分NaC1、VC、柠檬酸进行护色,通过正交实验得到一种安全有效的无硫复合护色液,即含质量分数0.7%NaC1、0.3%Vc、0.6%柠檬酸的水溶液。在脱水加工过程中,用该护色液对淮山片浸泡护色4h后,在65℃下干燥4.5h,得到与传统硫熏漂白同样好色泽的终产品。  相似文献   

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