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改革开放28年来,尤其是近几年来,广东省采取了一系列措施,加快现代农业的发展,农业现代化取得了长足的进展:农业科技创新能力和机械化水平不断提高,农业产业化经营水平大幅度提升,特色农业、效益农业蓬勃发展,农业结构不断得以优化,农田水利基础设施不断完善,建设全省农业标准体系和农业标准化示范区,推行农产品质量认证和地理标志产品、农产品安全检验检测体系建设,构建动植物防疫体系,农产品质量安全水平上了一个新台阶,农业对外合作不断加强、外向型农业发展态势良好,建设现代农业示范区、带动农民走农业现代化之路。  相似文献   

Abstract:To manage suppliers who are involved in product collaborative design and innovation, on the basis of collating and analyzing 35 literatures related to co design process and supplier management activities, a three tier model of supplier management in collaborative product development is put forward, which includes tiers of long term strategic management, product development project and co design task. In terms of collaborative product development process, an overall management activities model about suppliers is built. Methods of supplier selection and performance evaluation are studied. A case study related to supplier management in equipment co design from a steel company is provided to verify the theory and methods.  相似文献   

Improving flavour quality traits in fruit breeding calls for innovative consumer-oriented product development. This paper explores the potential of marker-assisted breeding from genomics and consumer-based quality-improvement models from marketing, and exploits the progresses at both sides as technology push and market pull. An integrative and cross-disciplinary quality-improvement model is proposed based on Bayesian modelling. This Bayesian modelling allows for the integration of elicited knowledge of breeders and flavour researchers concerning the degree of causal associations of metabolites and flavour quality traits of fruits in the model. We also present the flavour quality improvement challenge as a multi-criteria optimization process and show the potential and current limitations of the proposed model. Insights gained from the model would help flavour researchers determine the optimum concentration of flavour-affecting metabolites which could be used for further DNA marker development. These ideas and concepts will help translate consumer-desired product features into genomic information, ultimately resulting in successful new cultivars.  相似文献   

It is pointed that the main reasons of engineering change including the shortcoming of the product,the wrong design,the improvement of the product structure,the change of the customers' requirement,the quality of the product,the condition change of the product,etc.. All the factors and their relations related to engineering change management are analyzed. Such factors as the changing process and the product lifecycle management are discussed in detail. After analyzing the relation between engineering change management and product lifecycle management, the object of engineering change management and its difference is put forward. The basic aim of engineering change management is to develop change ratio of products with lower cost and less error. It is argued that effective product lifecycle management is fundamental to engineering change management. A model of implementation of engineering change management is provided according to the previous analysis.  相似文献   

成都市休闲农业作为农村经济的新增长点,呈现出蓬勃发展的势头,其发展模式对未来的发展路径和方向起着至关重要的作用。基于成都市休闲农业直接主体和间接主体2种模式对比分析,分别以郫县农科村和锦江区三圣花乡为典型,对其组织形式、经营形式、产品形式以及营销形式4个方面进行对比研究,分别分析2种模式各自的优劣势,并总结经验和启示:注重政府的角色定位;产品开发营造特色,增强竞争力;注重经营理念的创新及经营水平的提升。最后,提出成都市休闲农业可持续发展的建议。  相似文献   

A short Time-to-Market is an important means to win competitive advantage for enterprises. This paper describes some of the challenges that impede efforts to reduce development time for complex project. Many of challenges are related to "Design Iteration" that is discussed detailedly. A model of Design Structure Matrix is put forward. The "Design Iteration" can be identified clearly and definitely by DSM and the design management methods based DSM is beneficial to short new product development time.  相似文献   

为了理清中国农产品质量安全风险评估现实理论需求和学科发展方向,系统分析了中国农产品质量与安全专业课程设置,以及近年来农业部成立的农产品质量安全风险评估研究体系等情况。截至2015 年底,成立了1 个国家农产品质量安全风险评估机构和100 家农产品质量安全风险评估实验室,各类高校也以不同形式设置了农产品质量与安全专业。但风险评估学科发展滞后,学校在开设新专业时,没完全把实际需求的风险评估理论和评估模型等基础研究作为课程设置的依据。最后阐述了农产品质量安全风险评估学科发展思路:加强风险评估学科建设,强化风险评估基础理论研究;在评价已知和探索未知危害因子的基础上,创新评估理论,建立适合中国国情的风险评估技术和评估模型;同时应客观进行农产品营养功能评价,加强风险交流,科学引导消费。  相似文献   

河北省农产品品牌塑造策略探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济全球化进程的加快。农产品市场竞争已由产品品质竞争上升为品牌的竞争。塑造一批农产品强势品牌成为河北省实施农产品品牌战略中一项亟待解决的工作。针对河北省农产品品牌化发展现状,找出并分析了河北省农产品品牌化经营中存在的问题,并提出了河北省农产品品牌塑造与提升的策略。  相似文献   

Since the implementation of the new construction system in 1988 in China, this system has gone through three phases: trial phase(1988-1993),development phase(1993-1995),and comprehensive application phase from 1996.Construction supervision as a new management system has profound effects to the whole process of a construction project, in particular, to the three conventional objectives, that is quality, cost and construction time. The new management system has to a large extent brought the traditional problems of extended construction time, uncontrollable cost and unsecured quality to a normal practice. Construction supervision is a management activity with request of high intelligence. The performance of this activity is closely related to the quality of project general supervision engineer. This paper identifies the basic elements that a proper project general supervision must have. By applying the fuzzy analysis principle, this paper presents a quantitative model for evaluating the quality of project general supervision engineer.It provides an applicable approach for project clients when general supervision engineers are to be chosen.  相似文献   

区块链技术及其在农产品质量安全追溯应用的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
农产品质量安全是一个备受关注的公共卫生问题,追溯应用已成为保障农产品质量安全的有效手段。确保溯源数据的真实性和安全性,成为追溯应用研究的重点和亟需解决的问题。区块链是一个综合多种技术并确保完全去中心化点对点系统完备性的完整技术方案,具有去中心化、透明化、去信任和数据不可篡改等优点,不受传统中心式技术的制约,在农产品质量安全追溯应用上有很大的发展空间。文章概述了区块链技术的基础架构、关键技术及其在追溯应用上的特点,以及区块链技术和农产品质量追溯的内在关系;通过分析基于公有链、联盟链和改良模式的农产品质量安全追溯研究进展和技术特点,总结了区块链技术在农产品质量安全追溯研究中存在的问题,结合区块链发展趋势,提出了注重横向技术融合、加强监测数据信息上链、建立农产品追溯激励惩罚机制等研究展望。  相似文献   

不同负载量处理对红富士苹果产量和品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以红富士苹果为试材,研究了连续两年不同负载量处理对单果重、果实产量、果实外观品质、果实内在品质和经济效益的影响。结果表明:在中等管理水平条件下,负载量较小(处理1、2)时,虽然平均单果重和果实产量较高、果实外观品质和果实内在品质较好,但单位面积产量低、经济效益较差;负载量过大(处理5、6)时,对单果重、果实产量、果实外观品质、果实内在品质和经济效益均有较大的不利影响;负载量保持在52500~60000 kg/hm2(处理3、4),对果实的生长发育的不利影响较小,既保证丰产、优质,又可实现生产的可持续发展。  相似文献   

食品类专业课程设置与区域经济社会发展吻合度探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品类专业课程设置与区域经济社会发展相吻合,将专业课程培养目标与学生职业素养培养和就业需要相吻合;专业课程设置与食品生产加工企业的生产操作、检测、品控、质量管理等岗位职业素养相吻合;专业课程内容与食品生产加工企业的操作规程、检测标准、管理体系以及产品质量标准等岗位基本规范相吻合,对食品类专业课程及专业课内容进行设置,并在教学过程中始终融入食品工业中的职业素养全过程,经过近4年的教学探索取得较理想的效果。  相似文献   

十九大报告中首次提出“乡村振兴”战略,其中实现乡村振兴的一个关键点是培育新型农业经营主体。浦东新区作为国家首批现代农业示范区以及国家农产品质量安全县,在国内率先培育发展家庭农场、农民合作社,取得了明显成效,对全国农业的发展发挥了良好的示范作用。以上海市浦东新区为例,对全国其他同类地区具有较强的借鉴意义。对上海市浦东新区25个镇相关人员进行问卷调查和电话访谈,同时阅读相关文件和文献,分析上海市浦东新区新型农业经营主体发展特点、存在问题。结果显示,上海市浦东新区经营主体发展具有数量增长快、品牌化速度快以及发展模式多样化等特点,但在农业经营主体科技人才、农业生态补贴、农业信贷保险以及农业设施用地等方面还存在问题。因此,要引进农业科技人才,建立人才队伍;加大对农业生态补贴,科学合理施肥;大力推进农业保险,实现农业信贷多元化;破除农业用地限制,充分发挥土地利用价值。  相似文献   

专家系统在粮食储备库中的应用是一个崭新的领域,可以大大提高仓储检测、控制与管理的智能化、现代化进程,保证仓储产品的质量,提高劳动生产率,本文对粮食储备库的温度、湿度、水分等参数测试专家系统的体系结构与实现方案作了详细的介绍。  相似文献   

王鹏  杨刚 《中国农学通报》2020,36(10):150-157
为综合分析影响家庭农场发展的各因素,进而制定合理的家庭农场发展战略,文章首先结合SWOT分析法和层次分析模型构造出家庭农场发展的优势、劣势、机会、威胁分析模型,然后定量分析各因素,进而对家庭农场的发展战略进行定位。研究表明,当前中国家庭农场应以争取型战略为主,即应重点利用家庭农场发展的外部机遇克服面临的内部阻碍,积极完善土地流转制度、完善基础设施建设以及培育新型职业农民;同时以开拓型战略为辅,即巩固家庭农场规模效益明显、产品竞争力强等优势,采取加快土地流转、引进先进科学技术和管理技术等措施。  相似文献   

色泽是肉制品评定的一个重要因素。在肉制品中加入发色剂可使产品色泽良好,提高产品品质。传统肉制品中通常添加亚硝酸盐等作为发色剂,其严重威胁人体健康。通过综述肉制品发色剂的使用现状、新型肉制品的研发状况,展望肉制品发色剂的开发方向与前景。  相似文献   

To research the problem of plastic art design and emulation of products with the virtual reality technology can short the product development cycle and reduce the cost. This paper discusses the information based on the product feature ,solid model with parameters, the structure and function of this system. Combined the product properties with its solid model. Proposed a method with CAD to create the model of the product based on features in the product design. Expressed its feature parameter and shape of model fully .In the case for a deceleration box the feature model has solved the problem of physical information ,geometry information and the informative process in its production management system efficiently.  相似文献   

Analysis of the mapping and transferring mechanism, and the sensitivity of quality characteristics of Complicated Electromechanical Products (CEP) reveal that the coupling of functionality and structure, and uncertainty in their mapping relations are important factors that influence the quality of CEP. By integrating the principals of Axiomatic Design (AD), this paper proposes a concept of decoupling design for quality characteristics of CEP. A model for decoupling control in the mapping processes of CEP is presented. In the model, formation-process of quality characteristics of CEP is transformed into iterative zigzagging decomposition and mapping between functional-domains. Then mapping matrixes are utilized to facilitate product designers to identify coupled quality characteristics in CEP, and to reduce complexity in function and physical structure and the product development. The model presented is used in the design of the transmission system in the first direct-drive hobbing machine in China, which effectively reduces the complexity of transmission system of hobbing machine and improved gear hobbing accuracy.  相似文献   

生物实验流程管理是生物实验室信息管理系统的核心,我们针对生物实验室实验流程灵活,数据流网络复杂等特点,设计了一套生物实验流程管理模型(Biological experiments flow management model,简称BioEFM),为生物实验室信息管理系统软件(Biology Laboratory Information Management System Software,缩写为BioLIMS)的开发提供了理论基础,大大提高了BioLIMS的开发效率。在此基础上开发的生物实验室信息管理系统软件(BioLIMS)应用于水稻基因组测序实验的信息管理中,为水稻基因组测序实验提供了灵活、便捷、高效的实验信息管理工具,为水稻基因组测序及后续的生物信息学分析奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

结合国家中长期教育改革发展纲要以及社会发展和粮食工程专业人才培养的需求,以小麦制粉综合性实验教学改革为例,探索了一种创新型专业人才培养的新模式,为学生今后从事生产第一线的科研、开发及产品质量控制等工作奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

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