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鸡螨虫和蜱的防治   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>鸡羽虱及鸡螨虫病是由羽虱和鸡螨虫寄生在鸡的羽毛上引起的外寄生虫病。患鸡瘤痒不安,羽毛脱落。幼鸡常秃头,身体瘦弱;母鸡产蛋率下降。鸡蜱螨病的病原主要为皮刺螨科的鸡皮刺螨、疥螨科的突变膝螨与鸡膝螨、羽管螨科的双梳羽管螨及软蜱科的波斯锐缘蜱,鸡蜱螨病是鸡很常见而多发性的一种体外寄生虫病。1病因及病原形态特征1.1波斯锐缘蜱体扁平,卵圆形,前部钝窄,后部宽  相似文献   

詹慧琴  林中阳 《畜禽业》2009,(10):64-65
<正>鸡螨,又称鸡刺皮螨,即养鸡户所说的"鸡虱子",虽然身体只有针孔大小,但它能刺激鸡的皮肤、直接吸收鸡血液,引起鸡疼痛、发痒及不安,并能造成羽毛脱落,鸡体消瘦,甚至死亡,并诱发其他疫病。同时,由于鸡螨接触  相似文献   

<正>羊螨病是寄生在羊表皮和体表的一种寄生虫病,它严重扰乱羊的采食和休息,破坏羊正常的生理代谢,影响羊皮、羊毛的品质,给养羊业带来严重的损失。1流行病学羊螨病的流行一般在冬季出现流行高峰期,其次为秋季和初春,羊体最易隐伏螨虫的部位有耳壳、尾根、蹄间、眼窝、会阴等处。羊螨病的传播为直接接触传播,也可通过羊舍、用具、犬及野生动物等间接传播。2病理学主要通过在羊表皮内挖掘隧道和移动,咀嚼和刺穿皮肤,使神经末梢受  相似文献   

马继文 《畜禽业》2023,(5):72-74
绵羊疥螨病也称绵羊痒螨病和疥癣病,是一种具有高度接触传染性的慢性皮肤病,由寄生于绵羊体表的各种螨所引发,是绵羊饲养过程中危害较大的一种寄生虫疾病。该病使得绵羊生长性能、饲料转化率及肉品质下降,对绵羊养殖产业产生较大的威胁,因此在生产中加强对该病的预防和诊疗意义重大。就绵羊疥螨病的传播途径、流行特点、临床症状、预防和诊疗措施等方面进行了阐述,以期为该病的预防和治疗提供理论参考和技术支持。  相似文献   

刘波  李岩 《畜禽业》2007,(11):42-42
<正>兔疥癣病是由疥螨和痒螨寄生于体表而引起,多发于春季,是一种接触传染性皮肤病。2005年4月12日,我县某养兔户600只兔,其中1个兔舍100只兔发生兔疥癣病,死亡28只,求诊后经笔者救治痊愈。1流行情况螨在11~20℃的条件下可存活10~14d,在湿润的空气中,疥螨可存活  相似文献   

螨虫病是犬常见皮肤病之一,犬常感染的螨虫类型包括疥螨、蠕形螨、耳痒螨及姬螯螨。对犬螨虫的病原、临床症状、诊断及治疗进行简单阐述。  相似文献   

螨病,这个病很常见,各种动物都会发生。比如猪的癞皮病,实际上也是螨引起的,还如鸡的腿上有一层白色的东西,石灰一样,也是螨引起的。螨是各种动物包括人都会感染,是最常见的一种皮肤病。牛羊的螨病主要有两种引起的,一个疥螨,一个是痒螨引起的。共同的特点就是痒,脱毛,局部皮肤会有损伤,例如皮肤会增厚,出现一些白色的痂皮,有些会在耳道里面形成中耳炎。  相似文献   

近年来,由于宠物业的兴起,养犬数量的增加,犬只接触机会的增多,由接触引起的传染性皮肤病(特别是犬的蠕形螨病)呈上升趋势。由于蠕形螨病(又称毛囊虫病或脂螨病)本身是蠕形螨寄生在犬皮脂腺或毛囊而引起,属于一种顽固性寄生虫性皮炎;在兽医临床上对蠕形螨的防治效果受各种因素的影响,常导致防治犬蠕形螨病的失败。现就结合近几年的临床实践对犬蠕形螨病的防治失败原因作一探讨。1犬蠕形螨病的防治失败原因1.1犬蠕形螨病产生耐药性螨虫易产生抗药性,在治疗时,如患犬病程较长,应在用药方面考虑抗药性的问题。1.2用药剂量…  相似文献   

张泽民 《重庆水产》1999,(1):36-36,35
鱼鲺鱼是一种流行广,危害大,一年四季均可发生的常见病。特别是对金鱼的危害更为严重。金鱼寄生鱼鲺后,鱼鲺口刺刺伤其体表,并将分泌的毒素带入鱼体,对鱼有强烈的刺激作用。采用敌百虫0.3 ̄0.5ppm全池泼洒和及时换水排污等手段可防治鱼鲺病。  相似文献   

<正>犬蠕形螨病又称毛囊虫病或脂螨病,是由蠕形螨寄生在皮脂腺或毛囊而引起的一种顽固性寄生虫性皮炎。在诊断上无瘙痒的皮肤病特征需进行实验室镜检确诊。在治疗上要根椐病情及时处理。防制上要做好饲养管理工作,严防本病交互传染。笔者总结在基层从事兽医诊疗和畜牧推广工作三十多年的临床实践经验和近年来独自处理及治疗的34例犬蠕形螨病,现将对犬蠕形螨病的发生和处理及诊断、治疗的体会和犬蠕形螨病举例报告如下。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   One of the biggest and long-standing difficulties in investigation of larval ecology in the field is species-level identification. In the present study, we developed polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis based on the large subunit (LSU) rRNA gene (rDNA) D1/D2/D3 region for identification of multiple species of bivalve larvae using 14 species of bivalve collected from Maizuru Bay. The LSU rDNA D1/D2/D3 region of all analyzed species could be amplified by PCR using bvD1f/bvD3r primers, and RFLP analysis by Hae III digestion on the PCR products showed species-specific fragment patterns. Furthermore, this analysis applied to single bivalve larvae in Maizuru Bay revealed efficient amplification of the target region and the species-specific pattern from 80% of the larvae, 75% of which showed a pattern that matched a certain pattern of the adult bivalves. In addition, the analysis of inter- and intraspecies variation of the LSU rDNA D1/D2/D3 region using the sequence data of the genus Crassostrea from the DDBJ database showed high applicability of this RFLP analysis on closely related species. Because of the wide applicability and technical simplicity, this method can become the standard for the identification of bivalve larvae species once the sequence data of the LSU rDNA D1/D2/D3 region of many bivalve species have been accumulated.  相似文献   

Ten‐week study was performed on Labeo rohita fingerlings (av. wt. 3.75 ± 0.06 g) to investigate the nature of compensatory growth. Fingerlings were deprived of food for 0 (control), 1 (D1), 2 (D2) or 3 (D3) weeks and refed to satiation for 5 weeks. The feed deprivation was carried out in D3 group on week 3, 4 and 5; D2 group on week 4 and 5; D1 group on week 5, and refeeding of all the groups were started from week 6 onwards. The D1 and D2 groups caught up in body weight with that of control fish within 2 weeks and 4 weeks of refeeding, respectively, but the D3 group had significantly (P < 0.05) lower body weight than the control after 5 weeks of refeeding. Higher growth efficiency was observed in all the feed deprived groups in the 1st week of refeeding only. Feed intake in D1 group became similar with the control after 5 weeks of refeeding, but the D2 and D3 groups were still hyperphagic when the experiment terminated. Thus, compensatory growth was due to hyperphagia and improved growth efficiency. In conclusion, complete compensatory growth was observed in L. rohita fingerlings after feed deprivation of 1 and 2 weeks.  相似文献   

宁丽军  陈森  荣华  陈晓瑛  郑佳  张浩田  潘庆  李远友 《水产学报》2022,46(10):1927-1939
为研究不同糖脂比饲料对罗非鱼幼鱼生长、生理生化指标、肠道菌群组成和抗病力的影响。实验选取平均体重为27g的罗非鱼幼鱼为研究对象,分别用等氮等能的五种不同糖脂比饲料: 44.2/4(D1)、39.6/6(D2)、35/8(D3)、30.4/10(D4)、25.6/12(D5),饲喂10周,采用营养学、生化分析结合高通量测序技术开展了相关测定研究。结果显示,糖脂比饲喂前期对罗非鱼生长具有显著影响,高糖或高脂饲料均生长较差,但饲喂到10周后,所有组间生长无显著差异 (P > 0.05)。相比之下,10周糖脂比在脏体比、肠系膜脂肪指数、肝体比、全鱼粗蛋白、肝脏甘油三酯、血清低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL)和尿素、抗病力、菌群组成等方面存在显著效应。低糖脂比D4在脏体比上显著高于高糖脂比D1 (P < 0.05),而在血清尿素和抗病力上显著低于D1 (P < 0.05),在肠系膜指数上显著高于高糖脂比D1和D2 (P < 0.05),但在全鱼粗蛋白上显著低于D1和D2 (P < 0.05)。另外,D1不仅在肝体比上高于低糖脂比D5 (P < 0.05),而且在LDL和糖耐受能力上均高于其它各组 (P < 0.05)。与之相比,糖脂比虽在肠道微生物物种丰度和均一度上没有显著性差异 (P < 0.05),但在物种组成和热图显示低糖脂比D4与其它组肠道菌群组成不同。D4在聚类关系上单独一支,其门水平上衣原体门、绿弯菌门、放线菌门高于其它各组,特别是D2和D1,但厚壁菌门低于其它各组,特别是D2; 属水平上,D4组幽门螺杆菌属明显多于其它组,而乳杆菌、双歧杆菌属明显少于除D3外的其它组。综上所述,罗非鱼对不同糖脂比饲料有很强的适应和利用能力,但高糖比饲料利用上强于低糖脂比。本实验条件下,高糖组中39.6/6(D2)饲料组虽然在生长上与其它各组无显著差异,但其鱼体粗蛋白含量在各组中最高,肠道菌群组成上也优于其它各组,是罗非鱼适宜的糖脂比水平。  相似文献   

A few studies have illustrated the effects of sodium salt derived from alginic acid on different fish species. However, little is known about the effect of sodium alginate on catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Therefore, this study was performed to assess the use of low molecular weight sodium alginate ( LMWSA) in C. gariepinus. A total of 180 apparently healthy C. gariepinus with a mean body weight of 45 g were randomly divided into three equal groups (D1, D2 and D3). D1 the control group received a control diet, while D2 and D3 received 1% and 3% LMWSA, respectively, for 8 weeks. A challenge test against Aeromonas hydrophila was performed on 15 randomly selected catfish for 15 days. At the end of the experiment, catfish in D3 that received a diet of 3% LMWSA showed significant increases in the final body weight, weight gain and thermal‐unit growth coefficient compared with those in D2 and D1. There was a significant decrease in the erythrogram in D1 after the 4‐day pathogen challenge. A leucogram revealed leucocytosis, heterophilia and lymphocytosis in catfish in D2 and D3 compared with those in D1. After the 4‐day challenge, the following changes took place: lysozyme, nitric oxide, phagocytic activity and the respiratory burst were significantly elevated in catfish that received LMWSA and were more pronounced in D3 than in D1. The mortalities of catfish have been stopped after pathogen challenge from 8‐day in D1 and D2 where at 6‐day in D3. Thus, administration of 1% and 3% LMWSA enhances the growth, immune response and resistance of C. gariepinus against A. hydrophila.  相似文献   

为研究饲料中添加鸡肠粉对鲤(Cyprinus carpio)抗氧化能力和部分免疫酶活力的影响,配制了4组等氮等脂饲料和1组鸡肠粉含量为100% 的饲料,标记为D1、D2、D3、D4、D5.鸡肠粉添加量分别为0%(D1)、5%(D2)、10%(D3)、15%(D4)和100%(D5).选取初始体重约为57 g的鲤150尾...  相似文献   

本研究比较分析了不同光照周期(全黑暗D、光照:黑暗10L:14D、光照:黑暗14L:10D、全光照L)对日本囊对虾(Marsupenaeus japonicas)生长、蜕皮和糖代谢的影响。结果显示,随着光照时间的延长,日本囊对虾的存活率(SR)、特定生长率(SGR)和蜕皮率(MF)逐渐降低,到第49天时,L组日本囊对虾死亡率达100%。实验结束时,D组SR、SGR和MF显著高于10L:14D组和14L:10D组(P<0.05),分别为(60.000±2.722)%、(6.966±0.686)%/d和(4.667±0.363)%/d,但10L:14D组和14L:10D组间的SR、SGR和MF差异不显著。不同光照周期对日本囊对虾体内蜕皮抑制激素(MIH)和蜕皮激素(EH)浓度有显著影响。第30天时,D组MIH浓度显著低于10L:14D、14L:10D和L组(P<0.05),10L:14D和14L:10D组MIH浓度显著低于L组(P<0.05),10L:14D和14L:10D组间差异不显著;第60天时,D组MIH浓度显著低于10L:14D和14L:10D组(P<0.05),但2组间差异不显著;随着光照时间的延长,日本囊对虾体内EH浓度不断降低,第30天时,D组EH浓度显著高于10L:14D、14L:10D和L组(P<0.05),10L:14D、14L:10D和L组相比差异不显著;第60天时,D组EH浓度显著高于10L:14D和14L:10D组(P<0.05),但2组间差异不显著。不同光照周期显著影响日本囊对虾的糖代谢,不同处理组血清中的5-羟色胺(5-HT)、高血糖激素(CHH)和肝胰腺中的糖原磷酸化酶(GP)的变化趋势与上述MIH浓度变化趋势一致,而肝胰腺中糖原合酶(GS)的变化趋势与MIH浓度变化趋势相反。研究表明,日本囊对虾最适宜生长的环境为全黑暗状态。  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of different ratios of fish meal (FM) to a fermented blend (FB: fermented soybean meal and squid by-product blend) on growth and economic performance of climbing perch, Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792), in earthen ponds. Five diets were prepared where FB was substituted for 0 (D1), 25 (D2), 50 (D3), 75 (D4), or 100% FM protein (D5), while a commercial diet (D6) was used for comparison. Triplicate groups of fish (1.03 ± 0.07 g) were fed twice daily up to satiation for 70 days in earthen ponds. No significant (P > 0.05) differences were found in growth performance of fish fed D1, D2, D3, and D6 diets, while fish growth decreased significantly (P < 0.05) in D4 and D5 groups. Feed intake decreased (P < 0.05) with the increasing levels of FB with no significant difference in the feed conversion ratio, which ranged from 1.98 to 2.08. The fish survival decreased significantly in D5 alone. While considering the overall production, the total yield and economic return were found to be highest in D2 (64176.7 TK ha?1) and lowest in D5 (14418.3 Tk. ha?1). Based on the present experimental condition, it is concluded that FB can economically be included in aquafeed as a substitute for up to 50% of FM protein from the diets of climbing perch.  相似文献   

Two consecutive trials were conducted to investigate the effects of photoperiod manipulation on growth rate, food intake and feed conversion efficiency (Trial 1), and the digestibility of nutrients and energy (Trial 2) in red sea bream, Pagrus major (body weight 19–120 g). Fish were exposed to four photoperiods (6L:6D, 12L:12D, 16L:8D and 24L:0D) with light intensity 1500 lx on the water surface. The fish were fed with a commercial diet to apparent satiation. In Trial 2, 0.5% chromic oxide (Cr2O3) was used as an inert marker. Significantly higher weight gain and specific growth rates were observed in fish exposed to a 24L:0D photoperiod followed by 16L:8D, 6L:6D and 12L:12D photoperiods (P < 0.05). Food intake and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) were also significantly higher in fish exposed to 24L:0D followed by 16L:8D, 6L:6D and 12L:12D photoperiods (P < 0.05). Fish exposed to 24L:0D and 16L:8D photoperiods showed significantly higher lipid and energy digestibility than those exposed to a 12L:12D photoperiod (P < 0.05). The results demonstrated that the enhancement of growth performances under 16L:8D and 24L:0D photoperiods were attributed to improved appetite, greater food intake and higher feed conversion efficiency as well as higher digestibility.  相似文献   

为探讨光照对纤细裸藻的生长以及光合色素含量的影响,将纤细裸藻分别置于不同光照度(0、1500、3000、4500、6000 lx)、光照周期(16L∶8D、14L∶10D、12L∶12D、10L∶14D、8L∶16D)、光质(绿光495~530 nm、蓝光450~480 nm、红光615~650 nm、白光450~465 nm、黄光580~595 nm)条件下于恒温光照培养箱中静置培养,进行细胞密度以及色素含量的测定。试验结果显示,光照度、光照周期和光质对纤细裸藻生长及光合色素质量浓度有显著影响( P <0.05)。光照度1500、3000、4500 lx对纤细裸藻的生长均有积极作用,其中3000 lx光照度作用最为显著,细胞生长状态良好,光合色素质量浓度也高于1500、4500 lx;光照周期16L∶8D、14L∶10D和12L∶12D对纤细裸藻的生长有促进作用,其中14L∶10D组生长状况和光合色素质量浓度均优于其他处理组,8L∶16D组使纤细裸藻的生长受到抑制,其色素质量浓度也显著低于其他处理组( P <0.05);蓝光与白光组对纤细裸藻生长有显著促进作用( P <0.05),蓝光条件下色素质量浓度达到最高,更利于光合色素的积累。试验结果表明,适宜纤细裸藻生长及光合色素积累的光照条件为:光照度3000 lx,光照周期14L∶10D,蓝光培养。  相似文献   

The effects of constant light (24L:00D), no light (00L:24D) and two light–dark periods (18L:06D;12L:12D) on the growth, stress and haematological variables were assessed in juvenile great sturgeon, Huso huso . During the 8-week experimental period, juveniles (22.5 ± 0.6 g) were kept under a 150 lx light intensity in fibreglass tanks (0.8 m2, 500 L). Differences in growth were insignificant during the experiment, but lactate levels were higher in the 00L:24D and 24L:00D photoperiods compared with 12L:12D and 18L:06D photoperiods. Cortisol levels did not show differences among the various photoperiods. At the end of the experimental period, fish reared under a 12L:12D photoperiod had higher haemoglobin values and erythrocyte numbers than in the other photoperiods, while no differences were found between groups with regard to haematocrit values or leucocyte numbers. The highest survival rate (89%) was observed in the 12L:12D period in which the levels of lactate and cortisol as stress indicators were minimal. The results indicate that various photoperiods cause different stress levels in juvenile great sturgeon and have no significant effects on growth, at least in short time periods.  相似文献   

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