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鼠疫疫苗研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鼠疫具有高度传染性和致病性,早期的预防很重要.免疫接种是预防鼠疫的重要措施之一.传统的鼠疫疫苗包括灭活疫苗、减毒活疫苗.随着生物技术的发展,使得亚单位疫苗和核酸疫苗应运而生,并成为研究的热点.论文综述了当前鼠疫疫苗的应用现状和新型疫苗的开发研究概况.  相似文献   

基因疫苗研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基因疫苗研究进展李华*杨汉春(中国农业大学动物医学院,北京100094)基因疫苗兼有重组亚单位苗的安全性和减毒活疫苗诱导全方位免疫应答的能力,在病毒感染性疾病中有广阔的应用前景,已成为疫苗研究领域的热点之一,并且在动物试验中取得了可喜结果。本文拟对基...  相似文献   

鱼嗜水气单胞菌疫苗研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嗜水气单胞菌是一种人兽共患的致病菌,对水产养殖造成巨大危害。己报道的嗜水气单胞菌疫苗有全菌灭活苗、菌体成分亚单位疫苗、减毒活疫苗和DNA疫苗,现分别综述。  相似文献   

动物衣原体病由衣原体感染引起,发病动物通常出现流产、产死胎或产蛋下降等临床症状。该病在牛、羊、猪、鸡、鸭等畜禽,以及狐狸、鹿等特种经济动物间广泛流行,严重妨碍了动物的健康发展。文章对动物衣原体病目前的防控进行了综述,主要包括疫苗免疫和药物治疗两方面,疫苗免疫是目前动物衣原体病预防的最经济有效的方法,而药物治疗是动物感染衣原体的最佳选择。其中重点阐述了灭活疫苗、减毒活疫苗、DNA疫苗、亚单位疫苗、活载体疫苗等多种疫苗的特性及最新研究进展,药物重点介绍了抗生素及中医药的研究进展,探索了其他药物治疗的前景,并对动物衣原体病的未来防控进行了展望。  相似文献   

作为疫苗和疫苗载体的胞内细菌   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文综述了结核分支杆菌、单核细胞增生性李斯特菌和沙门氏菌等胞内细菌作为疫苗物质和载体。目前,人们正在考虑预防这些病原体的新的免疫预防策略。策略之一就是使用胞内菌的减毒活菌疫苗以及减毒细菌疫苗载体。这一策略包括两方面的工作,即减毒疫苗菌株的改良和重新构建强毒菌株的减毒突变体。另一种策略是应用亚单位疫苗免疫,如核酸疫苗或病原体的蛋白抗原。  相似文献   

减毒沙门菌在禽用疫苗应用中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
减毒沙门菌感染宿主细胞后,可诱导机体产生强烈的体液免疫、细胞免疫和黏膜免疫反应,不仅可以用作疫苗,而且也是理想的疫苗载体.文章对禽用疫苗中的减毒沙门菌活疫苗、减毒沙门菌携带的重组疫苗和DNA疫苗的研究进行了综述,以期为新型禽用疫苗的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

在过去的20年里,人们应用分子生物学技术来研制更为有效的结核病疫苗,新型候选疫苗大量涌现。这些新型疫苗主要包括减毒活疫苗、重组活疫苗、亚单位疫苗和核酸疫苗。对防制牛结核病的各种新型疫苗也进行了相应的研究,并取得了令人振奋的进展。各种新型疫苗各有优缺点。目前看来,重组卡介苗和DNA疫苗被认为是最有前途的候选疫苗。但是,所有候选疫苗共同的也是致命的缺点是免疫保护力低。因此,牛结核病疫苗研制的主要努力方向还是在研究分支杆菌免疫机制和免疫失败原因的基础上,进一步增强现有候选疫苗的免疫效力或研制更为有效的新型疫苗。  相似文献   

鹅新城疫新型疫苗研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合新城疫病毒的保护性抗原,就近年鹅新城疫的DNA疫苗、基因工程亚单位疫苗、重组活载体疫苗、减毒活疫苗等新型疫苗的研究现状进行了综述,为鹅新城疫疫苗研制提供参考.  相似文献   

综述了弓形虫病减毒和灭活疫苗、基因工程亚单位疫苗、核酸疫苗及活载体疫苗的研究进展。弓形虫是专性细胞内寄生原虫,全球分布,能引起人兽共患的弓形虫病。弓形虫病疫苗的研制对于弓形虫病的防治工作有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟新型疫苗研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非洲猪瘟(African swine fever,ASF)已存在约一个世纪,给世界养猪业带来巨大损失和威胁。为此国内外科学家一直致力于ASF疫苗研究,从早期的灭活疫苗、弱毒活疫苗到目前的新型疫苗,包括基因缺失减毒活疫苗、亚单位疫苗、病毒活载体疫苗、DNA疫苗、单周期病毒疫苗等。但直到现在,世界上仍未制造出切实有效并投入生产的ASF疫苗。研究发现:灭活疫苗不具有保护性或仅具有部分保护性;亚单位疫苗具有部分保护性;基因缺失减毒活疫苗被证实具有同源保护性,但其安全问题仍未得到解决;病毒活载体疫苗虽会产生特异性抗体,但仍需要进一步研究;DNA疫苗虽然能够诱导产生体液免疫和细胞免疫,但不能提供保护。目前,一种新型的单周期病毒疫苗正被研究,也为ASF新型疫苗研制提供了新选择。随着基因工程技术与分子生物学技术的不断发展以及对ASF病毒基因组研究的不断深入,ASF疫苗有望研制成功。  相似文献   

The clinical, clinicopathologic, and pathologic features of 119 cases of plague in cats from 1977 to 1988 in New Mexico were reviewed. Fifty-three percent were bubonic, 10% were pneumonic, 8% were septicemic, and 29% with neither buboes nor pneumonia were unclassified (but presumed septicemic). Three quarters of the lymphadenopathy was submandibular, and almost half of this was bilateral. One third of all cats had the triad of lethargy, anorexia, and fever in addition to buboes; one quarter had this triad plus abscesses. The overall mortality rate was 33%, with the greatest risk of death in pneumonic cases. For confirmatory diagnosis with a single laboratory test, fluorescent antibody was most frequently used (39% of cases). Cultures and passive hemagluttination titers were also used for confirmation. Gross and histologic findings depended on the type of plague, with Yersinia pestis organisms visualized in buboes of cats with bubonic plague and in the alveolar spaces and respiratory tubules of cats with pneumonic plague.  相似文献   

Histopathology of experimental plague in cats   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded archival tissues of seven adult cats of both sexes that died after being experimentally infected with Yersinia pestis were examined light microscopically to characterize the lesions. The cats were exposed in two groups using two routes of infection: ingestion of Y. pestis-infected rodent or a subcutaneous injection of Y. pestis to simulate a flea bite. Immunohistochemistry was performed on tissues from all organ systems from a representative cat from each group to determine the distribution of Y. pestis bacilli during infection. In all seven cats, bubonic plague lesions were seen. The lesions of pneumonic plague were present in two cats. Septicemic plague was confirmed in all seven cats by bacteriologic culture. Aggregations of bacteria were seen in lymphoid tissue in all cats and in lung tissues from the two cats with pneumonic plague. The most consistent histologic finding was necrosuppurative inflammation in the lymph nodes. Invariably, Y. pestis bacteria were present in large numbers at affected sites. Orally infected cats had more numerous lesions in the lymph nodes of the head and neck regions. These experimentally induced cases of feline plague document that cats are unique among carnivores in exhibiting bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic plague following exposure to Y. pestis. The lesions of the orally infected cats were consistent with those previously described for naturally occurring Y. pestis infections in cats and corroborate the contention that cats most commonly contract plague by eating Y. pestis-infected rodents and not via flea bite. The histopathology of Y. pestis disease in these cats is comparable to that described for human plague.  相似文献   

Avian influenza (AI) is an acute respiratory disease caused by influenza A virus.Avian influenza virus (AIV) can infect poultry,wild birds and some mammals including human.AI is a big threat to both poultry and human health because the virus can cross the species barrier to get the capacity of transmitting from poultry to human.Vaccination is the most efficient measure against AI outbreaking.Traditional vaccines include inactivated vaccine based on chick embryo and attenuated vaccine.Although the traditional vaccines play important roles in the past AI epidemics,many disadvantages have been proved to exist in traditional vaccines.Forced by major drawbacks of traditional vaccines,several studies focused on the development of novel vaccines.In this review,we reviewed recombinant live vector vaccine,subunit vaccine,DNA vaccine and virus-like particle vaccine of AI in order to provide some references for prevention and control of AI.  相似文献   

禽流感是由A型流感病毒引起的一种急性呼吸道传染病,家禽、野鸟和部分哺乳动物均可感染.禽流感给中国养殖业造成了巨大的损失,同时,随着病毒的种间传播,人类的生命安全也受到了严重威胁.目前,疫苗免疫仍是防控禽流感最主要的手段,传统的疫苗主要有鸡胚灭活苗和禽流感弱毒疫苗.虽然在过往几次禽流感暴发过程中,传统疫苗发挥了重要作用,但其自身却存在诸多弊端,因此研制新型疫苗来弥补传统疫苗的不足是很有必要的.文章主要对禽流感重组活载体疫苗、基因工程亚单位疫苗、DNA疫苗和病毒样颗粒疫苗等新型疫苗的研究进展进行综述,旨在为禽流感的防控提供参考.  相似文献   

牛传染性鼻气管炎(IBR)是由牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒(IBRV)感染家养牛引起的一种热性接触性传染病。由于缺乏有效的治疗性药物,因此疫苗免疫仍然是防控该病的关键措施。针对该病常用的疫苗主要有灭活疫苗和活疫苗,而基因缺失活疫苗由于具有免疫标识,已成为新型疫苗研发的主流方向。一些发达国家已利用基因缺失标记疫苗,如IBRV gE缺失疫苗,进行免疫根除计划并净化了该病。然而,由于现存的疫苗仍存在免疫抑制与潜伏感染等问题,亟需研制更有效的标记疫苗。论文就牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒的病原学特征、免疫抑制及疫苗研发进展进行综述,以期为IBR有效疫苗的研发及其在防控上的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

牛传染性鼻气管炎是由牛疱疹病毒1型感染而引起的高传染性疾病。该病临床症状以呼吸道炎症为主,另外伴有结膜炎、流产、脑炎等并发症。20世纪50年代早期,美国科罗拉多州某些牧场首次发现该病。目前缺乏有效的治疗性药物,对动物实施疫苗免疫是防控该病较理想的方法。目前,某些国家仍然使用传统疫苗,然而,经过基因改造的糖蛋白E基因缺失疫苗已在欧盟上市,该疫苗分为活苗和灭活苗两种。文章着重对牛传染性鼻气管炎基因缺失疫苗、亚单位疫苗、活载体疫苗及DNA疫苗最新的研究进行评述。  相似文献   

Numerous infectious diseases caused by bacteria or viruses persist in developed and developing countries due to ongoing transmission among wildlife reservoir species. Such diseases become the target of control and management programmes in cases where they represent a threat to public health (for example rabies, sylvatic plague, Lyme disease), or livestock production (for example bovine tuberculosis, brucellosis, pseudorabies), or where they threaten the survival of endangered animal populations. In the majority of cases, lethal control operations are neither economically feasible nor publicly supported as a practical means for disease management. Prophylactic vaccination has emerged over the last 15 years as an alternative control strategy for wildlife diseases, mainly driven by the success of widescale oral rabies vaccination programmes for meso-carnivores in North America and Northern Europe. Different methods have been trialled for the effective delivery of wildlife vaccines in the field, however oral vaccination remains the most widely used approach. Successful implementation of an oral wildlife vaccine is dependent on a combination of three components: an efficacious immunogen, a suitable delivery vehicle, and a species-specific bait. This review outlines the major wildlife disease problems for which oral vaccination is currently under consideration as a disease management tool, and also focuses on the technological challenges that face wildlife vaccine development. The major conclusion is that attenuated or recombinant live microbes represent the most widely-used vaccines that can be delivered by the oral route; this in turn places major emphasis on effective delivery systems (to maintain vaccine viability), and on selective baiting systems, as the keys to wildlife vaccine success. Oral vaccination is a valuable adjunct or alternative strategy to culling for the control of diseases which persist in wildlife reservoirs.  相似文献   

三个厂家猪瘟活疫苗免疫效果比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在同一条件下对3个厂家生产的猪瘟细胞源活疫苗进行了免疫效果评价试验,并与猪瘟传代细胞苗免疫效果进行比较。结果发现3个厂家生产的猪瘟细胞源活疫苗存在一定差异,2个厂家的免疫效果较好,1个厂家的免疫效果较差。猪瘟传代细胞苗免疫效果优于猪瘟细胞源活疫苗,猪瘟传代细胞苗免疫1次,抗体合格率高,持续时间长,猪瘟细胞源活疫苗要免疫两次才能获得比较好的效果。同时,我们发现高致病性猪蓝耳病活疫苗(JXA1-R株)对猪瘟抗体产生有一定影响。  相似文献   

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