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侯利利  覃锦华 《猪业科学》2020,37(10):132-135
2019年12月17日,我国自然资源部和农业农村部联合发布的《关于设施农用地管理有关问题的通知》中明确指出“养殖设施允许建设多层建筑”,这意味国家层面正式放开楼房养殖的限制。我国是猪肉生产和消费大国,每年要消费猪肉将近5 000万吨,近7亿头猪,占世界大半份额。非洲猪瘟给中国养猪业造成了巨大影响,直接导致生猪产能急剧下滑,复产任务艰巨。如何最大程度降低生物安全因素给生猪生产带来的不确定性和不稳定性,是实现养猪业持续健康发展的关键举措;同时土地资源的紧张、高效率养猪的要求都在迫使中国猪业探寻具有中国特色的楼房养殖模式,为城市化进程不断加快的中国,开辟出一条全新的生猪稳产保供道路。  相似文献   

张海峰 《猪业科学》2020,37(3):65-68
2018年8月以来受非洲猪瘟疫情的影响,我国生猪产能大幅度下滑,2019年猪肉产量为4255万吨,同比下降21.26%;2019年全国生猪出栏量为54419万头,同比下降21.57%,年末生猪存栏31041万头,同比下降27.5%。目前我国生猪产业正处于产能恢复的关键时期。2020年1月,非洲猪瘟造成的产能大幅下跌态势还没有得到缓解,新型冠状病毒肺炎又至,1月23日武汉市实施封城,随后各地相继采取封城、暂停公共交通、封路、人员居家隔离、集聚性产业停业等系列措施,这些措施在防控疫情的同时也限制了生猪生产相关物资与人员的流通。在非洲猪瘟和新冠肺炎疫情双重压力下,2020年我国生猪复产的道路变得更加艰难。文章从当前我国生猪产业的现状与挑战以及2020年度生猪产业经济领域发展趋势,两个方面展开论述,分析我国生猪产业面临的挑战并对未来我国生猪市场行情做出适当的预测。  相似文献   

周梅  徐成良  郭奎  王重龙 《猪业科学》2020,37(2):120-121
非洲猪瘟是由非洲猪瘟病毒感染家猪或野猪后引发的一种恶性传染病,该疫病在中国的暴发给整个养猪业造成了毁灭性的打击。然而,目前虽有报道称已经有科研单位研制出非洲猪瘟疫苗,但距离其实际应用于生产仍需要相当长的时间。中国是全球最大的猪肉生产和消费国,非洲猪瘟疫情在我国的快速传播使我国生猪产能遭受重创,直接导致猪肉供求失衡、猪肉价格翻番、猪肉市场异动。因此,文章从非洲猪瘟的传播方式、对非洲猪瘟相对有效的防控措施等方面探讨在非洲猪瘟形势下我国养猪业该如何维持产能、如何走好养殖之路。  相似文献   

张海峰 《猪业科学》2020,37(2):36-41
2019年世界猪肉产量有较大幅度下降,总产为10613万吨,比2018年下降了6.03%,其中世界最大猪肉生产国中国的产量下降幅度巨大,下降幅度为13.95%。长期以来中国的生猪生产与消费占据着世界的半壁江山,2019年受到非洲猪瘟疫情的影响,中国生猪产量大幅度下降,猪肉进口大幅度上升,导致了世界整体猪肉产量的下滑以及猪肉贸易量的大幅度上升。2020年中国猪肉产能下滑趋势将得到缓解,但是供给紧缺、进口增加的态势将持续,将对世界猪肉生产以及贸易格局带来巨大影响。世界第二、第三大猪肉进口国日本与墨西哥的猪肉生产稳定,猪肉价格平稳上升,猪肉进口量2019年也有一定增长。随着中国的猪肉进口需求量增加,预计2020年全球猪肉贸易量会有一定上升,美国、欧盟等主要猪肉出口国的猪肉产量将有一定增长,下面详细考察2019年世界生猪产业的发展情况并对2020年的走势做出初步判断。  相似文献   

刘国信 《猪业科学》2020,37(2):44-46
2019年是真正的金猪年。由于非洲猪瘟疫情影响,生猪产能持续下降,导致生猪价格年内一度创下出栏均价40元/kg以上的罕见高位,并维持较长时间,行业盈利达到历史最好最高水平。目前,年关将至,已进入猪肉的传统消费旺季,加之“灌香肠、制腊肉”相继启动,元旦、春节来临,或将再度推动全国猪价阶段性上行。而随着一系列稳定生猪生产的扶持政策落实显效,目前全国生猪生产呈现整体趋稳向好态势。预计,2020年猪价仍将在高位区间波动运行,后市或将逐渐震荡回调。  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟疫情对中国生猪产业可能产生巨大且长期的影响。一方面因为生猪饲养量大幅度减少,造成供给不足;另一方面,尽管猪肉消费在短期受到了一定程度的抑制,但由于消费偏好无法短期内改变,猪肉“刚需”仍然存在。预计2019年中国猪肉供需缺口将在1000万t左右,全年猪价将呈现“先抑后扬”态势,生猪价格将可能在近两年内都处在较高水平。猪价上升可能通过产业链波及至食品全行业,导致物价水平整体上涨。建议加大生猪生产扶持力度,调动生猪养殖积极性;明确政府管理权责,确保猪肉稳定供应;遵从产消对接、区域互补原则,以农牧结合为前提,构建生猪生产消费均衡区域布局。  相似文献   

微生物发酵床养猪技术的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
微生物发酵床养猪模式是一种新型的健康养殖方式,它利用全新的自然农业理念和微生物发酵技术,实现养猪低排放、无臭气、缓解规模养猪场的环境污染问题,是一种全新的低能耗、环保养猪方式。与常规水泥地面饲养方式相比,发酵床养殖模式可显著改善猪舍环境和猪的福利状况,有利于猪健康生长,并改善生产性能和猪肉品质,其安全性和经济性优势明显,应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to map citizen attitudes towards pig meat production systems, and to investigate whether these attitudes associate with pork and pork product consumption. A conjoint experiment was carried out with empirical data collected from 1931 individuals in four European countries with higher-than-average per capita meat consumption (Belgium, Denmark, Poland and Germany). The experiment was based on the following pig farming characteristics: herd size, housing and floor type, efforts to reduce the impact of the production system on the environment, animal feed designed for producing pork with specific fat content, and finally the preferred quality characteristics of the pork end-product. The results of the conjoint analysis were used for a subsequent cluster analysis in order to identify European citizen clusters. Respondents' socio-demographic profile, attitudes towards issues that are expected to influence the way people evaluate pig meat production systems, and consumption frequency of various pork products are used as background information to identify segment profiles. Pork appears to play a substantial role as a part of the diet for most respondents in the four countries of this study. The results of the conjoint experiment at the sample level show that people assigned most importance to animal and environmental well-being as criteria to discriminate between “good” and “bad” pig production practices, despite the fact that their attitudes towards environmental protection, animal welfare and industrial food production were only moderately strong. Moreover, the results of the cluster analysis allowed small-sized, clear-cut clusters of citizens to appear, which pay attention to specific pig farming attributes. In conclusion, attitudes towards environment and nature, animal welfare and the need for an environment-friendly food production were indeed related to citizens' specific attitudes towards pig farming at the cluster level. However, the relationship between citizenship and consumption behaviour was found to be weak. What people think in their role as citizens related to pig production did not appear to significantly influence their pork consumption choices.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: During abattoir meat inspection pig carcasses are partially or fully condemned upon detection of disease that poses a risk to public health or welfare conditions that cause animal suffering e.g. fractures. This incurs direct financial losses to producers and processors. Other health and welfare-related conditions may not result in condemnation but can necessitate 'trimming' of the carcass e.g. bruising, and result in financial losses to the processor. Since animal health is a component of animal welfare these represent a clear link between suboptimal pig welfare and financial losses to the pig industry.Meat inspection data can be used to inform herd health programmes, thereby reducing the risk of injury and disease and improving production efficiency. Furthermore, meat inspection has the potential to contribute to surveillance of animal welfare. Such data could contribute to reduced losses to producers and processors through lower rates of carcass condemnations, trimming and downgrading in conjunction with higher pig welfare standards on farm. Currently meat inspection data are under-utilised in the EU, even as a means of informing herd health programmes. This includes the island of Ireland but particularly the Republic.This review describes the current situation with regard to meat inspection regulation, method, data capture and utilisation across the EU, with special reference to the island of Ireland. It also describes the financial losses arising from poor animal welfare (and health) on farms. This review seeks to contribute to efforts to evaluate the role of meat inspection as a surveillance tool for animal welfare on-farm, using pigs as a case example.  相似文献   

After the broad industrialization of the US pork industry, there has been a development of niche markets for export and domestic pork; that is, there is a pork niche market phenomenon. The US pork niche market phenomenon is characterized, and 2 of the major markets are explained in detail. With the Midwest's tradition of a diversified family-based agriculture and record low hog prices of the late 1990s, the conditions were conducive for this phenomenon to develop. Pork niche markets utilize various sales methods including Internet sales, local abattoir sales, direct marketing, farmer networks, and targeting to organized groups. In 2003, there were approximately 35 to 40 active pork niche marketing efforts in Iowa. The Berkshire breed is an example of a swine breed that has had a recent resurgence because of niche markets. Berkshire pork is known for tenderness and excellent quality. Berkshire registrations have increased 4-fold in the last 10 yr. One of the larger niche marketers of "natural pork" is Niman Ranch Pork, which has more than 400 farmer-producers and processes about 2,500 pigs weekly. Many US consumers of pork are interested in issues concerning the environment, food safety, pig welfare, and pig farm ownership and structure. These consumers may be willing to pay more for pork from farmers who are also concerned about these issues. Small- and medium-sized swine farmers are active in pork niche markets. Niche markets claim product differentiation by superior or unique product quality and social attributes. Quality attributes include certain swine breeds, and meat quality, freshness, taste or flavor, and tenderness. Social or credence attributes often are claimed and include freedom from antibiotics and growth promotants; local family farm production; natural, organic, outdoor, or bedded rearing; humane rearing; known origin; environmentally friendly production; and the absence of animal by-products in the feed. Niche pork markets and alternative swine production practices offer an unusual contrast to commodity pork markets and industrial confinement swine production. Because they strive to have these attributes in their product, the niche pork market producers are a distinct clientele group. If niche pork markets continue to flourish, the markets and the producers that supply them will be a viable sector in a diverse US pork industry.  相似文献   

This paper compares energy use for different pig production systems in Iowa, a leader in US swine production. Pig production systems include not only the growth and performance of the pigs, but also the supporting infrastructure of pig production. This supporting infrastructure includes swine housing, facility management, feedstuff provision, swine diets, and manure management. Six different facility type × diet formulation × cropping sequence scenarios were modeled and compared. The baseline system examined produces 15,600 pigs annually using confinement facilities and a corn-soybean cropping sequence. Diet formulations for the baseline system were corn-soybean meal diets that included the synthetic AA l-lysine and exogenous phytase. The baseline system represents the majority of current US pork production in the Upper Midwest, where most US swine are produced. This system was found to require 744.6 MJ per 136-kg market pig. An alternative system that uses bedded hoop barns for grow-finish pigs and gestating sows would require 3% less (720.8 MJ) energy per 136-kg market pig. When swine production systems were assessed, diet type and feed ingredient processing were the major influences on energy use, accounting for 61 and 79% of total energy in conventional and hoop barn-based systems, respectively. Improving feed efficiency and better matching the diet formulation with the thermal environment and genetic potential are thus key aspects of reducing energy use by pig production, particularly in a hoop barn-based system. The most energy-intensive aspect of provisioning pig feed is the production of synthetic N for crop production; thus, effectively recycling manure nutrients to cropland is another important avenue for future research. Almost 25% of energy use by a conventional farrow-to-finish pig production system is attributable to operation of the swine buildings. Developing strategies to minimize energy use for heating and ventilation of swine buildings while maintaining pig comfort and performance is a third critical area for future research. The hoop barn-based alternative uses 64% less energy to operate buildings but requires bedding and 2.4% more feed. Current Iowa pig production systems use energy differently but result in similar total energy use. Compared with 1975, current farrow-to-finish systems in Iowa require 80% less energy to produce live market pigs.  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟病毒从2018年下旬入侵我国,对我国生猪养殖产业造成重创,导致生猪养殖的数量和规模锐减,经济损失严重,对我国畜牧养殖产业的科学发展以及我国经济的平稳运行均造成巨大威胁。目前非洲猪瘟还会导致我国生猪的出栏量显著下降,猪肉产品价格显著提高,通过分析了解现阶段非洲猪瘟导致的影响可加强应对非洲猪瘟的防控措施,改善目前生猪养殖产业发展的方向,恢复生猪养殖生产,保障我国猪肉市场的供应。该文对非洲猪瘟对我国生猪养殖产业的影响、应对措施及未来的展望进行论述。  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟疫情的暴发对我国养猪产业造成了严重影响。尽管农业部门、科研专家和养猪工作者通过提高生物安全手段防控非洲猪瘟,对恢复我国生猪养殖数量和猪肉自给能力取得了相应效果,但随之而来的是猪群应激增加、饲料营养的有效性降低和猪群抗病力降低等问题。文章结合非洲猪瘟病毒特点和防控现状等,从饲料营养免疫的视角,分析如何减少猪群应激和提升猪群免疫力,以期为非洲猪瘟的综合防控提供思路。  相似文献   

2020年世界生猪产业发展情况及2021年趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2020年世界猪肉总产量有较大幅度下降,为9788万吨,比2019年下降了4.02%,世界猪肉产量下降的主要原因是中国的生猪产能下滑。中国是世界上最大的猪肉生产国与进口国,2020年中国猪肉进口量为480万吨,比2019年上升了95.84%;占全球进口总量的46.31%,比2019年占比上升近17.30个百分点。预计2021年下半年中国生猪出栏量将呈持续增加的态势,年底生猪产能将达到非洲猪瘟疫情之前的水平。中国生猪产能的恢复将带动2021年世界猪肉产量的上升。  相似文献   

The approximately 1.58 million pigs in Tanzania represent 3.7 % of the national population of quadruped meat-producing animals. Pigs are kept mainly by small producers who own 99.5 % of the national stock in units that average 3.04 animals (range 2–48). Government policy has had little practical application. African swine fever, foot-and-mouth disease and Cysticercosis are important diseases. The first two are notifiable diseases under Tanzania legislation; the last has widespread distribution and relevance as a major zoonosis. Ascariasis (Ascaris suum), hydatidosis (Echinococcus granulosus), leptospirosis (Leptospira interrogans) and thermophilic Campylobacter are other zoonoses associated with pigs. Gastrointestinal helminths and external parasites, especially Sarcoptes scabiei, are common. Risk factors associated with cysticercosis for humans working with pigs or eating their meat include the free-range or semi-confined management systems, the use of rivers or ponds as a source of water, lack of household sanitation, informal home slaughter, pork not being inspected at slaughter slabs and undercooked and barbecued meat. Pigs are a minor component of Tanzania’s livestock sector but there is potential for increasing their contribution to human welfare. Prospects are enhanced by the shorter life cycle, greater number of young produced per year and the possibility of producing high-quality animal protein at a lower cost than meat produced by cattle and small ruminants.  相似文献   

张吉鹍 《猪业科学》2020,37(4):118-121
文章就内毒素的生物学特性及其对非洲猪瘟(ASF)流行下的复养猪只健康的影响进行了综述,指出:在当前ASF流行下,认识内毒素(ET)的生物学特性及其对复养猪只健康的影响,近期意义在于猪场的成功复养与成功“拔牙”,以维持猪只的健康生产;远期意义在于开发出有效的细菌ET净化剂,这是一个在人医和兽医学领域所面临的极富挑战性的前沿性研究课题。  相似文献   

中国猪肉价格波动研究——兼与美国的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
猪肉价格的大幅波动给我国的生猪生产及猪肉消费带来极大的影响。本文通过对1995年以来猪肉月度价格变动及1985到2006年生猪及猪肉年度价格波动的分析,探讨我国猪肉市场价格的长短期变动规律,并从生猪的生产结构、生产周期、生产成本、疫情、宏观环境及与美国的猪肉市场的国际比较等方面解析中国猪肉价格波动的原因。提出鼓励并扶持生猪的规模化生产、提高生猪行业的组织化程度、加大政府投入力度、完善动物防疫体系等主要对策措施。  相似文献   

A pilot survey was conducted in 2 districts in Mozambique to determine the most important health problems facing smallholder pig producers. While African swine fever is the most serious disease that affects pigs at all levels of production in Mozambique, it is likely that productivity is reduced by the presence of mange and gastrointestinal parasites, while in traditional systems the conditions are favourable for the development of porcine cysticercosis caused by the pork tapeworm Taenia solium, which poses a health risk to communities. Results of the pilot survey confirmed that, with the exception of African swine fever, ecto- and endoparasites are probably the most important health risks for producers. Porcine cysticercosis is more prevalent among pigs in traditional, free-ranging systems, while mange becomes a serious factor when pigs are permanently confined.  相似文献   

王文杰 《猪业科学》2020,37(3):76-79
文章就中国的养猪产业自2018年8月遭受非洲猪瘟疫情重创以来所面临的若干难题进了剖析,分析了我国目前养猪业布局、模式和规模需要完善的关键点、动物疫控体系存在的诸多薄弱环节和公益支撑保障方面应该加强的方向,从重新合理布局谋化养猪产业升级、提升养猪生产安全保障水平、强化法律保障和科技支撑能力等三个方面阐述了恢复养猪生产的重要意义,并提出了参考建议。  相似文献   

梁帆 《猪业科学》2020,37(11):120-124
非洲猪瘟疫情的暴发对我国生猪产业,尤其是生猪产业链价格产生巨大影响。为研究非洲猪瘟背景下河北省生猪产业链价格波动及传导机制,文章选取河北省2018年8月至2020年6月周度平均仔猪价格、生猪价格和猪肉价格作为生猪产业链价格代表,通过构建协整和误差修正模型、格兰杰因果检验方法分析非洲猪瘟对生猪产业链内部价格传导过程的影响。研究结果表明:非洲猪瘟背景下河北省生猪产业链价格存在长期均衡关系,但其上下游价格传导受阻,而屠宰场和销售市场的垂直整合度增强;生猪产业链中存在一定的反向误差修正机制;生猪产业链上、中游对下游价格的影响更为明显,并据此提出非洲猪瘟背景下河北省调控生猪产业链价格的政策建议。  相似文献   

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