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为了解目前母猪和仔猪猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)感染情况,本试验对来自于15个猪场的85份母猪血清和29个猪场的55份仔猪可疑病料(脾脏、淋巴结、肾脏等),分别采用间接ELISA和PCR法进行PCV2抗体和病毒核酸检测。结果显示,在15个猪场中,1个猪场母猪抗体呈阴性,其他14个猪场母猪抗体均呈阳性,猪场PCV2阳性检出场为93.3%(14/15),85份母猪血清抗体总阳性率为75.3%(64/85)。29个猪场的仔猪,PCV2核酸检测阳性猪场为19个,猪场阳性率为65.5%(19/29),55份仔猪可疑病料病毒核酸检测总阳性率61.8%(34/55)。可见,母猪和仔猪感染PCV2相当普遍。对母猪群PCV2抗体阳性率及其仔猪群病毒核酸阳性率进行比较发现,母猪群PCV2抗体阳性率越高其仔猪群病毒核酸阳性率却越低。  相似文献   

蓝耳病是影响规模化猪场繁殖性能的主要传染性疾病,笔者在江苏省6个年产万头商品猪的规模化猪场猪群中随机采集297头种猪及仔猪血清进行蓝耳病血清学调查,使用IDEXX酶联免疫吸附诊断试剂盒,检测蓝耳病病毒抗体。结果表明,2个未免疫接种老猪场猪群抗体阳性率52%,断奶仔猪群阳性率39.1%;2个免疫接种老猪场猪群抗体阳性率94%,断奶仔猪群阳性率89.8%。而较新猪场的种猪群阳性率28.6%,断奶仔猪群阳性率5%。  相似文献   

对桂林市规模化猪场开展猪圆环病毒病血清学调查。利用酶联免疫吸附试验对辖区内51个规模猪场的543份血清样品进行检测分析,发现有25个猪场发生了PCV2感染,猪场感染率为49.02%。全市猪的PCV2平均感染率为33.33%(181/543),各年龄阶段的猪群PCV2抗体阳性率不一致,阳性率最高的是41~90日龄的仔猪,达到47.92%,其次是91日龄以上的育肥猪,阳性率是31.37%,第三是种猪(公、母),阳性率是29.76%。阳性率最低的是1~40日龄的仔猪,阳性率为19.70%。不同县(区)规模养殖企业的感染率也不一样。  相似文献   

大庆市及周边地区非免疫猪群猪圆环病毒感染情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解大庆市及周边地区猪群中PCV的感染情况,应用ELISA和PCR技术对采自大庆市5区4县及周边地区55个村屯/猪场未免疫PCV2疫苗猪血清样本649份,5家病猪场和6家屠宰场组织样本448套,进行血清学和分子生物学检查,并对检测结果进行了比较分析。结果显示,大庆市及周边地区未免疫PCV2疫苗猪血清样品PCV2抗体平均阳性率为54.70%,其中断奶仔猪样品阳性率为50.68%,育肥猪样品为70.00%,繁育母猪样品为54.70%。组织样品PCV1阳性率为4.46%,PCV2阳性率为22.32%。调查结果可为确定地区流行毒株序列提供原始材料和制定科学防控措施提供依据。  相似文献   

为摸清当前安徽省猪群中PCV2感染情况及疫苗的免疫效果,本试验采集了12个猪场的289份猪扁桃体和289份猪血清样品,采用荧光定量PCR方法检测扁桃体中的PCV2,采用ELISA方法检测血清中PCV2抗体。试验结果显示:猪群PCV2感染率为11.8%,其中大型猪场、中型猪场、小型猪场感染率分别为8%、0%、26%,生产母猪、后备母猪、保育猪及育肥猪感染率分别为12%、16%、0%、17%;猪群PCV2抗体阳性率92.4%,其中大型猪场、中型猪场、小型猪场阳性率分别为96%、82%、98%,生产母猪、后备母猪、保育猪、育肥猪阳性率分别为100%、91%、82%、98%。安徽省猪群存在PCV2隐性感染,其中小型猪场及育肥猪群感染率较高;不同养殖规模、不同生长阶段猪群猪圆环病毒疫苗免疫效果良好。  相似文献   

吉林省部分地区猪圆环病毒2型感染的血清学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)对吉林省部分地区5个猪场的300份猪血清样品进行猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)血清抗体的检测。检测结果,被检猪场中血清抗体总阳性率为51.67%,5个地区猪场均检测出阳性猪。其中30日龄内仔猪阳性率为12.77%;种公猪总阳性率为56.19%;经产母猪总阳性率为67.80%。结果证实,吉林省不同地区猪场均存在PCV2感染,且比较严重。  相似文献   

猪圆环病毒2型感染的流行病学调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
应用ELISA方法对河北省及北京、天津地区部分规模猪场和散养猪群共398份猪血清样品进行猪圆环病毒2型(Porcine circovirus type 2,PCV2)抗体检测,结果抗体阳性率为90.9%,血清样品抗体总阳性率为84.2%,其中种母猪抗体阳性率86%,种公猪88.2%,育肥猪85.2%,断奶仔猪76.7%,初步表明PCV2感染在被检地区猪群中普遍存在。对阳性的血清样品中随机抽取14份,用PCR方法进行PCV2 ORF1基因的检测,结果从6份血清中扩增到了特异性目的基因片段,检出率为42.9%,进一步证实了PCV2感染在上述地区规模猪场和散养猪群中存在。  相似文献   

规模化猪场猪圆环病毒2型的血清流行病学调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解规模化猪场猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)血清学流行情况,采用ELISA进行PCV2抗体检测。结果表明,运城地区规模化猪场广泛存在PCV2感染,未免疫接种猪圆环病毒疫苗的外观健康猪血清样品中PCV2抗体平均阳性率为49.66%,其中种猪感染率达67%,哺乳仔猪感染率4.55%,保育猪感染率43%,育肥猪感染率64.71%;外观健康猪群检测结果提示,随着年龄的增长PCV2感染有升高趋势。为了进一步研究猪圆环病毒感染各症候群在规模化场发病特点及流行规律,采集临床疑似断奶仔猪多系统衰竭综合征(PMWS)、仔猪先天性震颤(Congenital tremors,CT)、猪肾炎皮炎综合征(PDNS)、猪的繁殖障碍(Reproductive failure)、PCV2相关性肺炎等症状猪血清400份进行PCV2抗体检测。检测结果显示,疑似PMWS症状PCV2抗体阳性率最高,达86.25%,然后依次是疑似PCV2相关性肺炎阳性率56.25%,疑似PDNS阳性率46.25%,疑似繁殖障碍阳性率26.25%,最低的是疑似CT阳性率11.25%。研究结果表明,运城地区规模化猪场PCV2感染以PMWS和PCV2相关性肺炎为主,其次是PDNS和繁殖障碍,仔猪先天性震颤感染率最低。  相似文献   

杨本勇 《养猪》2014,(1):118-119
为了解辽宁省猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)感染情况,对来自辽宁省14个市的59个规模化商品猪场的734份血清、17个种猪场的329份血清、45户农村散养户的146份血清,采用ELISA(酶联免疫吸附试验)方法进行PCV2抗体检测。结果显示,59个规模化猪场中有51个为阳性,阳性率86.4%(51/59),其734份样品中有351份为阳性,样品阳性率为47.8%(351/734);17个种猪场中有15个为阳性,阳性率为88.2%(15/17),其种猪群样品阳性率为47.6%(81/170),仔猪群样品阳性率为29.6%(47/159);45户散养户中有23户为阳性,阳性率为51.1%(23/45),检测的146份样品有58份阳性,样品阳性率39.7%(58/146)。可见,PCV2在辽宁省各地的感染已经很普遍,并且种猪群感染率高于仔猪群,规模场的感染率高于农村散养户。  相似文献   

为了解贵州省某规模化猪场4种猪常见病毒性疫病的抗体水平及感染情况,实验采用ELISA抗体检测法,对该猪场送检的370份血清进行了CSFV、PRRSV、PCV2和PRV 4种抗体水平检测。实验结果表明:该猪场种猪CSFV、PRRSV、PCV2和PRV抗体阳性率分别为100%、94.74%、100%、5.26%,保育猪CSFV、PRRSV、PCV2和PRV抗体阳性率分别为94.44%、83.33%、16.7%、5.56%;其中种猪CSF、PRRS、PCV2、PR已接种疫苗;保育猪CSF、PRRS、PR已接种疫苗,未接种PCV2疫苗,上述数据说明该猪场种猪CSF、PCV2、PRRS、PR免疫效果较好;保育猪CSF、PRRS、PR免疫效果较好,PCV2有野毒感染现象。该猪场种猪应在保育猪阶段做好PCV2的预防接种工作,同时做好猪场的疫病净化措施。  相似文献   

Sera collected from 46 swine farms in Zhejiang province were evaluated for the presence of antibodies to PCV2 using an indirect-fluorescent antibody procedure. In addition PCV2 isolated from superficial inguinal lymph node samples collected from 40-to 90-day-old pigs with clinical signs of post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) using the PK-15 cell line were sequenced and compared. Overall seroprevalence of PCV2 antibody averaged 58.34% for all samples. Breakdown of serology by groups was as follows: 59.38% for sows, 57.41% for post-weaning piglets, 44.83% for Landrace sows and 64.28% for Landrace piglets. The seroprevalence of Landrace sows was higher than that of Yorkshire and Duroc sows, but non-significant (p > 0.05). Serological analysis also showed that seroprevalence of PCV2 antibody was a negative correlation to that of PRRSV antibody. The complete genomes of five PCV2 isolates identified in the herds with PMWS consisted of 1767nt, containing the 11 potential ORFs. Genome of the virus isolates shared 93.8% to 99.8% identity with PCV2 reference strains from GenBank, 76.6% to 77.9% identity with PCV1. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that there were two subgenotypes within PCV2: subgenotype I (1767 nt) and subgenotype II (1768 nt).  相似文献   

Previous studies have described a "litter effect" associated with mortality in postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) affected farms. The main objective of this study was to evaluate litter mortality in different PMWS affected farms and to characterize it in relation to three variables of the sow: parity, porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) infectious status and PCV2 antibody titres. The study was performed in seven farms that experienced PMWS in nurseries and/or fattening areas. Fifteen sows from each farm were randomly selected from the same farrowing batch. Serum samples were analyzed for antibodies to PCV2 and for genomic detection of PCV2. Four piglets from each sow (60 piglets per farm) were selected and ear-tagged at birth. Out of 420 initial piglets, 104 (25%) died. Sixty three of them (60%) were necropsied, and 40 (63%) diagnosed as PMWS based on case definition criteria. Our results show that sow PCV2 viremia was significantly related to piglet mortality since more piglets per litter died from viremic than from non-viremic sows. Additionally, a significantly greater proportion of animals died from sows that had low antibody titres against PCV2 (39% vs. 18% from sows with medium to high antibody titres). The present study, of exploratory nature, confirms previous results and further characterizes the so called "litter effect" by establishing that the sow PCV2 status had a significant effect on litter mortality in PMWS affected farms.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe early infections with porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) in naturally infected piglets and the piglets' serologic profiles. A total of 20 sows (15 PCV2-vaccinated and 5 unvaccinated) and 100 newborn piglets were studied. Colostrum and serum of the sows and serum of the presuckling piglets were obtained on the day of parturition. Milk samples were collected on day 20 postpartum. Blood samples were taken and the piglets weighed on days 1, 20, 42, 63, and 84 postpartum. Colostrum and milk were evaluated for infectious PCV2 and for PCV2 total antibody (TA), neutralizing antibody (NA), and IgA. Serum samples were evaluated for PCV2 TA, NA, IgA, IgM, and DNA. The sows had high levels of TA and NA in serum and colostrum; however, 11 and 5, respectively, of the 20 colostrum and milk samples contained infectious PCV2. In the serum, PCV2 DNA and IgM were detected in 17 and 5, respectively, of the 20 sows. Nine piglets were born with PCV2 antibodies, which indicates in utero transmission of PCV2 after the period of immunocompetence (> 70 d of gestation). On day 1 postpartum, PCV2 DNA was detected in 29 of the 100 serum samples from the piglets. There was no difference between the weights of viremic and nonviremic piglets throughout the study. In conclusion, even on farms with sows that have high PCV2 antibody titers, vertical transmission of PCV2 may occur, resulting in piglet infection.  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) can be vertically transmitted resulting in fetal infection with or without clinical signs and lesions. The primary objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of intrauterine PCV2 infection in clinically normal newborn piglets in conventional pork production facilities. Five commercial breeding herds located in the U.S. and Mexico were included in the study. A total of 125 sows and 3-5 neonatal piglets per sow were arbitrarily selected. Blood and colostrum samples were collected from sows. Blood was collected from piglets prior to suckling. All samples were analyzed for the presence of anti-PCV2 IgG antibodies and presence and amount of PCV2 DNA. In addition, PCV2 DNA positive samples were further subtyped into PCV2a and PCV2b. All (125/125) sow colostrum samples and 96.8% (121/125) of the sow serum samples and 21.4% (107/499) of the piglet pre-suckle serum samples were positive for anti-PCV2 IgG antibody. The overall PCV2 DNA prevalence was 47.2% (59/125) in sow serum, 40.8% (51/125) in sow colostrum, and 39.9% (199/499) in pre-suckle piglet serum. In the PCV2 DNA positive samples, PCV2b was detected at a higher frequency (69.5% for sow serum, 84.3% for sow colostrum, and 74.4% for piglet serum) compared to PCV2a (18.6% for sow serum, 9.8% for sow colostrum, and 15.6% for piglet serum). Concurrent PCV2a and PCV2b infection was detected in 11.9% of the sow serum, in 5.9% of the colostrum samples, and in 10.0% of the piglet serum samples. In conclusion, an unexpectedly high prevalence of PCV2 viremia was detected in healthy sows (serum and colostrum) and their pre-suckle piglets in the five breeding herds investigated and PCV2b was more prevalent than PCV2a. This information adds to the knowledge of PCV2 infection in breeding herds.  相似文献   

Post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) is a worldwide distributed disease of multifactorial origin and porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) has been identified as its essential infectious aetiology. Pig genetic background has been pointed to influence disease expression. In the present study, three different boar lines, namely A (100% Pietrain), B (50% Large White × 50% Pietrain) and C (25% Large White × 75% Duroc), were used to inseminate sows from the same genetic line (37.5% Large White × 37.5% Duroc × 25% Landrace) located on two PMWS-affected farms (farm-1 and farm-2). The PMWS clinical expression of their offspring was studied from weaning to slaughter, evaluating three parameters: total post-weaning mortality (PWM), PWM associated to PMWS (PMWS-PWM) and body weight (BW) evolution. The effect of other variables potentially related with PMWS, including sow and piglet PCV2 exposure, sow parity, piglet gender and piglet BW at weaning, were also considered in the study design. Overall, a total of 6.5% PWM and 4.3% PMWS-PWM occurred in the monitored farms. Pigs from boar line C showed the highest PWM (16.3%) and PMWS-PWM (12.4%), and the lowest BW; pigs from boar line A showed the lowest PWM (1.8%) and the highest BW. Furthermore, PWM was also higher in piglets from farm-2 and from multiparous sows. In farm-2, PMWS-PWM was higher in piglets from multiparous sows. Finally, BW was influenced by interactions between genetics and both farm and pig age, and was lower in piglets from farm-2. This study represents a consistent observation of the genetic background effect on PMWS clinical expression under field conditions.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of infection with porcine circovirus-2 (PCV-2) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) through a longitudinal study in an integrated swine production system (7 farms) experiencing postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). Risk factors for PCV-2 infection and for PCV-2 and PRRSV coinfection were also evaluated. Fifteen sows from each herd and 4 non-cross-fostered piglets from each sow were randomly selected at farrowing and ear-tagged at birth. Serum samples were analyzed for antibodies to PCV-2 and for detection of the PCV-2 and PRRSV genomes. Statistical analyses involved 2 approaches. The 1st approach characterized the dynamics of PCV-2 infection and their relationship with PRRSV infection. The 2nd approach analyzed the probability of being infected by PCV-2 or by both PCV-2 and PRRSV through a generalized linear mixed model incorporating sow and farm characteristics. At the 1st sampling time (1 wk of age), there was a significant relationship between sow PCV-2 infection and piglet PCV-2 infection (P < 0.0001). The risk of PCV-2 and PRRSV coinfection was 1.85 times greater in piglets from a sow with low titers of PCV-2 antibodies than in piglets from sows with medium to high titers (P = 0.03) and was 2.54, 2.40, and 2.02 times greater, respectively, in piglets from primiparous sows, PCV-2-infected sows, and farms in an area of high pig density than in piglets from sows of higher parity (P = 0.004), noninfected sows (P = 0.04), and farms in a low-density area (P = 0.09).  相似文献   

采用正向间接血凝试验(IHA),对山西省阳高县12个乡镇65个养猪场和散养户饲养猪的1 269份血清进行猪瘟抗体检测,并对近年来调查数据加以比较,以了解猪瘟病毒(CFSV)在阳高县区的感染情况.结果表明,阳高县各地均有猪瘟抗体阳性检出,猪场抗体阳性检出率达100%,其中母猪的抗体阳性率为12.65%,仔猪的抗体阳性率为12.76%.说明阳高县CSFV感染比较严重,应采取有效防疫措施进行防控.  相似文献   

本研究旨在了解新发猪圆环病毒3 型(porcine circovirus 3,PCV3)在广西猪群的感染情况及流行特点,为有效防控PCV3提供科学依据。试验采用PCR检测方法对2017年9月至2019年3月广西482个规模猪场送检的917份病猪样品进行PCV3检测,并分析PCV3阳性率在广西不同地区、年份、季节和年龄段猪群之间的差异。对145份PCV3阳性病料进行猪瘟病毒(CSFV)、猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)、猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)、猪伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)和猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)检测。结果显示,PCV3除在百色、防城港未检出,在广西其他12个地市均存在不同程度的感染;2017~2019年广西PCV3样品阳性率和PCV3猪场阳性率均呈逐渐上升趋势;夏季PCV3阳性率最低,且明显低于其他3个季节;育肥猪PCV3阳性率最高,为21.70%,其次是流产母猪、保育猪、流产胎儿,阳性率分别为20.00%、19.05%和11.02%,哺乳仔猪PCV3阳性率最低,为8.21%;PCV3单一感染率较高,为30.34%,与其他病原混合感染情况也较为常见,甚至出现四重感染。调查结果表明,PCV3感染在广西普遍存在,且近年来感染呈增加趋势,可能有一定的季节性,对各生长阶段猪群均有一定程度的危害,以育肥猪最为严重,对母猪和保育猪危害也较大;PCV3单一阳性率较高,但仍以混合感染为主,尤其是与PRRSV和PCV2的混合阳性率较高,提示这3种病原在感染致病过程中可能存在协同作用。  相似文献   

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