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猪乙型脑炎又称为日本乙型脑炎。流行性乙型脑炎是由日本乙型脑炎病毒感染引起的一种人畜共患病,蚊虫是该种疾病的中间传播媒介。猪乙型脑炎是国家二类动物疫病,世界卫生组织规定必须报告的动物疫病。猪场中暴发猪乙型脑炎后,不但会对猪养殖产业造成严重危害,还会严重损害人类健康。笔者主要结合实际情况就一起猪乙型脑炎的诊断和综合防治进行分析.  相似文献   

猪乙型脑炎的诊断与综合防控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪日本乙型脑炎又名流行性乙型脑炎,是由猪日本乙型脑炎病毒引起急性的人、兽共患传染病。病毒对热和日光的抵抗力不强,常用来苏儿和石炭酸,均可在数分钟内将其杀死。乙型脑炎危害较大,可感染多种动物和人,对猪危害最为严重。  相似文献   

猪乙型脑炎又称流行性乙型脑炎、日本脑炎,是由流行性乙型脑炎病毒引起的一种急性、人畜共患的自然疫源性传染病。笔者对某规模化猪场发病猪进行临床症状观察,虎红平板试验、RT-PCR检测、细胞接种、序列比对及动物试验的方法。确诊病死猪为乙型脑炎病毒感染,并对发病猪场提出防控处理手段。  相似文献   

乙型脑炎是由日本乙型脑炎病毒引起的人和多种动物共患的传染病 ,猪乙型脑炎主要表现为繁殖障碍和仔猪死亡率升高。近年来 ,我省猪乙型脑炎发病率呈上升趋势 ,给我省养猪业造成巨大损失。为摸清我省种猪群中猪乙型脑炎的流行情况 ,1997~ 2 0 0 0年 ,我站采用血清学方法对我省  相似文献   

猪日本乙型脑炎又名流行性乙型脑炎,是由猪日本乙型脑炎病毒引起的急性人兽共患传染病.病毒对热和日光的抵抗力不强,常用消毒药来苏儿和石炭酸,均可在数分钟内将其杀死.乙型脑炎危害较大,可感染多种动物和人,对猪危害最为严重.  相似文献   

<正>流行性乙型脑炎又称日本乙型脑炎,是一种蚊媒性人兽共患传染病。人和马呈现脑炎症状,猪表现流产、死胎和睾丸炎,其他畜禽大多呈隐性感染。1病原体与流行病学1.1病原体为日本乙型脑炎病毒。本病是自然疫源性疾病,许多动物和人均可成为传染源。病毒主要存在于患病动物、带毒动物的血  相似文献   

<正>日本乙型脑炎(Japanese encephalitis B,JE)又称乙型脑炎、流行性乙型脑炎(以下简称"乙脑"),是由日本乙型脑炎病毒(Japanese encephalitis virus,JEV)引起的一种人畜共患的蚊媒性传染病。该病是我国医学乙类法定传染病和二类动物疫病,也是世界动物卫生组织(OIE)规定必须报告的动物疫病。乙脑对人类(特别是儿童)危害巨大,据统计,全球每年平均发病50000人,死亡15000人,尤其在农村死  相似文献   

为了解贵州铜仁地区猪乙型脑炎的发病情况,采用动物疫病检测ELISA试剂盒对铜仁地区某大型规模化猪场的相关血样进行了血清学抗体检测。结果显示该猪场种母猪猪乙型脑炎病毒抗体阳性率为81.82%,处于稳定状态;而断奶仔猪猪乙型脑炎病毒抗体阳性率为30.77%,处于易感状态或已发病,该结果可为铜仁地区猪乙型脑炎病的防控提供数据支持。  相似文献   

猪乙型脑炎综合防制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
猪乙型脑炎又称流行性乙型脑炎,是由日本脑炎病毒引起的一种急性人兽共患传染病。 1流行病学 乙型脑炎的流行有其特征性,除人、马和猪外,多数感染动物无临床症状。  相似文献   

乙型脑炎是自然疫源性疫病,是由乙型脑炎病毒引起的一种严重的人畜共患虫媒病毒性疾病,许多动物感染后可成为本病的传染源,猪的感染最为普遍。本病主要通过蚊的叮咬进行传播,病毒能在蚊体内繁殖,并可越冬,经卵传递,成为次年感染动物的来源。猪乙型脑炎会严重影响人畜的健康,给养殖经济带来损失。笔者现将乙型脑炎的防治措施整理如下,以供广大养殖户参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explain what the ‘Selectadog’ programme is, to emphasize some things it is not, to show what it is for and who benefits, to detail the forms that it is in, to give some indication as to how it works and to relate some of the experiences of using ‘Selectadog’ in the United Kingdom and elsewhere since 1975. ‘Selectadog’ is a programme designed to match up the characteristics of the more popular breeds of dog to the circumstances of potential owners, as identified by means of a questionnaire. Its purpose is to give guidance to people thinking about getting a dog and above all to make them think through the points they should be considering about fitting a new dog into their lives. At best and it is quite a good best, it can give the prospective owner a number of leads and a positive starting point. It also provides a good deal of free advice and information to allow the new owner to begin a prolonged period of responsible pet animal ownership, without putting them off unnecessarily.  相似文献   

Incisional abdominal hernias in three horses were repaired, using synthetic mesh with a fascial flap overlay. The repair of large ventral abdominal hernias of horses can be accomplished by using synthetic mesh that is sutured across the defect. This material can be placed subperitoneally, retroperitoneal but subfascial, retrofascial and subfascial, or retroperitoneal but subfascial with a fascial overlay. Advantages of using this material are that it can be used for repair of large hernias, it is easy to apply, it is strong and flexible, and it is less likely to be rejected, when compared with other synthetic materials.  相似文献   

American veterinary medical education stands at a crucial point. To maintain the status quo and to meet ever-increasing societal needs within the United States and globally, it is essential that the veterinary medical profession expand its horizons and capabilities. If it does not, it will lose its current status. The profession faces a crucial shortage in the workforce it needs both to continue to perform its current functions and, more importantly, to meet its growing responsibilities. This is not a new situation, and the profession can learn from its past successes and failures. Action is necessary. The profession has the capability and expertise to meet these challenges, but it must activate these skills in order to succeed.  相似文献   

基于BP神经网络的饲料产品品质预测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饲料加工生产过程是一个非常复杂的系统,其产品品质受原料特性和加工参数的影响,且各加工参数之间相互关联,很难用精确的数学模型来反映原料特性和加工参数与产品品质的关系。利用BP神经网络能自身从样本数据中提取相关的信息,并依据数据建立模型,可以有效准确地预测产品品质。试验结果表明,产品淀粉糊化度预测结果与真值的相关系数R在0.99以上,产品水分含量预测结果与真值的相关系数R在0.97以上,预测效果理想。因此,BP神经网络预测模型用于饲料产品加工品质预测是可行的。  相似文献   


It is significant that only 13 of nearly 400 delegates Who attended World Conference III on Breeding Endangered Species in Captivity listed themselves as having veterinary qualifications. For many people, a representation of just over 3 percent would seem to be par for the course when it comes to veterinary involvement with wildlife, for it is well-known that the majority of the profession have been trained to tend domestic animals and, whilst expressing a concern for wildlife, freely admit their incompetence to deal with it. Yet it is interesting to find that many of the world's leading zoo directors and curators have a veterinary background, and have been accepted by their zoologist counterparts as being at least their equals, if not their betters. Consequently, whilst veterinarians represent only a small proportion of the work force in zoos and wildlife parks, their influence is considerable.  相似文献   

儒学是中国传统社会最重要的文化思想学说,它兼容并包、与时俱进,最全面地体现了中国传统文化。儒学为中国文化提供了一个巨大的载体,各式各样的思想都可以在其中找到自己的位置,它们在儒学的外衣包裹下,表达的却是自己独特的思想内核。正是凭借载体性,儒学作为“显学”,在中国思想史上占有极重要的位置。  相似文献   

2种野生早熟禾坪用性能评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过室内萌发试验和田间观测对2种野生早熟禾Poa spp.的坪用性能进行了评价.结果表明,"肃南"发芽率为79%,虽然较对照"巴润"发芽率低,但已达到2级种用标准;田间出苗速率和叶色稍次于"巴润",盖度前期与"巴润"相当,后期高于"巴润",且较"巴润"叶片纤细,有更好的越冬率和抗脱水能力;引种驯化后可直接作为草坪草种推广利用."天祝"发芽率较低为48%,但叶片质地在三者中最优,抗寒能力强于"巴润"和"肃南",是优良的育种材料.  相似文献   

In the preceding pages, the various components of an examination have been described. Each clinician will formulate his own method of utilizing these components. The following are suggested steps in a practical approach to the diagnosis of lameness. Evaluate the conditions under which restraint of the animal is possible (corral, free stall, stanchion barn). Assess the temperament, physical strength, and general amenability of the animal to be examined. If the animal is at liberty, its movements can be studied. If it is standing quietly observe it. If the animal is tied up and it seems feasible to examine the animal while it is walking, observe the animal and take its history while it is still tied up. Aggressive and wild animals should be observed, but little beneficial information will be gained from a regional approach to evaluating movement at this stage. Even if the seat of lameness seems to be in the proximal limb, it is mandatory in every case to examine the hooves and interdigital space at some stage during the evaluation. However, if the probability of proximal lameness is high, the clinician may proceed to make a complete evaluation, which would include studying the quality of movement before checking that the distal extremity is normal in every way. If the clinician decides to proceed with an examination of the digital region and is unable to locate a causative lesion in the extremity, he would then evaluate movement and manipulate and palpate the proximal limb. If no cause of the lameness becomes apparent, the nerve supply to the extremity would then be blocked.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

霸王繁殖特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
霸王Zygophyllum xanthoxylum为强旱生小灌木,是干旱荒漠区草地上的主要植物种,能形成稳定的霸王群落。霸王先开花后长叶,4月中旬产生花蕾,下旬开花,6月下旬籽粒成熟,种子发芽率为90%;在干旱荒漠区有苗成活后生长快,不易死亡,株丛寿命20年以上。霸王生长3~4年后进入壮龄期,开始大量结实。植株枝条被沙埋后,可从基部萌发新生枝条,并产生不定根。75%的根主要集中在40 cm土层内,霸王根向下到达土层,土壤储水被利用后,难以补偿时,根又向地表方向生长,这一研究结果证实强旱生霸王主要靠吸取地表水生存。霸王根系的这些优良特性,给它自身创造了良好的水分生态环境,因而构成了其抗旱、耐寒、耐贫瘠、适应性强、速生、高产的特性。霸王营养价值高,粗蛋白含量10.49%~12.68%,家畜喜食,是一种值得在干旱荒漠区推广种植的小灌木。  相似文献   

Although this article is not a comprehensive review of ocular biology and disease across the millions of invertebrate species, it is hoped that it highlights the surprising gene homologies that influence ocular development despite the dramatic differences in resulting ocular development and final morphology. In the same way that ocular anatomy and physiology is undergirded by similarities in the genetic foundation of the eye, it is to be expected that eye disease in invertebrates, as it is studied in more depth, will show substantial homologies with the eye disease of the vertebrates that veterinary ophthalmologists are more used to treating.  相似文献   

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