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据有关资料介绍,人饮磁水有降低血脂,升高RBC和WBC及活化一些酶类效应;用磁水和中药添加剂饲养实验动物和鸡有降低血脂和增加肉蛋的作用.本实验用磁水和中药添加剂饲养家兔40d后,检查血细胞、血脂、血清酶和脏器组织的变化,探讨两者的生理效应及其机制.经检索了解到,在国内外尚未见到与本实验有关的报导.  相似文献   

磁处理水添食对家蚕若干数量性状影响的初步试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆生海  宋亚英 《蚕业科学》2001,27(4):329-331
研究了用不同强度磁处理水添食对家蚕生长及若干数量性状影响的生物效应。结果表明 ,从 3龄起连续添食磁处理水后与对照区比较 ,蚕体增长率提高 ,健康性和生命力有所增强 ,龄期经过缩短 1~ 2d ,茧质调查表明 ,全茧量、茧层量、茧层率等性状也都不同程度表现了正向效应 ,其中以场强为 2 0 0~ 30 0mT的磁处理水添食 ,作用效果较为显著  相似文献   

根据煤层自燃后底顶板岩石的热剩磁而产生的这一定强度磁异常特征,通过地面高精度磁测工作,并对地面磁异常剖面进行反演,同时结合地质、露头调查等资料综合分析,达到圈定煤层自燃边界的目的。  相似文献   

以C5-3航磁异常的基本特征为依据,结合区域地质情况,推断航磁异常的成因。通过地面高精度磁测和重力测量方法对航磁异常进行了查证。在异常解释过程中利用了地面高精度磁测和重力测量数据进行2.5D重磁联合反演,对C5-3异常进行定性到定量的解释,指导验证钻孔的布设并最终查明航磁异常的成因。  相似文献   

本文介绍了异步电机间接磁场定向控制(IFOC)的模型与弱磁控制的方法。在MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真平台建立了异步主轴电机间接磁场定向的双闭环控制模型,并在该控制模型的基础上进行弱磁控制算法的仿真验证。仿真结果表明,异步主轴电机的弱磁控制能够有效扩宽异步电机的调速范围,且具有较快的速度响应特性。  相似文献   

李莎莉 《山东饲料》2015,(2):252+296
磁分离技术具有分离速度快、效率高等特点,它已经应用于食品废水处理、含油废水处理、城市污水处理、印染废水处理等工业废水的处理,随着发展进步,该技术不断拓宽应用领域,如固体废弃物矿渣、粉煤灰。  相似文献   

青海省格尔木市拉陵灶火地区运用地面高精度磁测,采用WCZ-1型质子磁力仪进行工作,根据地面高精度磁测中所做出的磁异常平面图与等值线图,将研究区划分出四个异常区。通过对四个异常区进行地磁异常解释,对异常较为明显的地区进行反演分析,从而确定地面高精度磁测的准确性,进而可为今后在该区域找矿提供可靠的直接依据。  相似文献   

从患病仔猪体内分离到3株细菌,通过培养特性、细菌形态、菌落形态、生化试验、血清学试验及动物试验等观察确定为埃希氏大肠杆菌.药敏试验证明对头孢氨苄、庆大霉素、诺氟沙星、痢特灵敏感,对青霉素G、链霉素耐药.  相似文献   

针对当前航空磁测数据实时处理的需求,研究了一种基于LabVIEW的航磁补偿数据处理模拟系统。系统选用STM32微处理器为主控制器,采用串行通信方式与上位机进行航空磁测数据实时传输。论文介绍了该系统硬件电路、下位机软件设计,对航空磁测数据的读取、补偿、实时显示、存储等方面进行了LabVIEW软件程序的设计。测试证明该系统对航磁数据实时处理结果和实际测试的数据对比效果一致。  相似文献   

经磁水喂养的小白鼠、大白鼠、兔,测定其部分血液指标发现,小白鼠血红蛋白、白细胞减少兔白细胞减少,血清钙下降;大白鼠和兔甘油三酯、低密度脂蛋白下降,高密度脂蛋白升高。兔睾丸重量增加。精细管直径变大。显示饮用磁水对以上三种实验动物都有明显生物效应。对预防动脉粥样硬化,促进雄性动物生殖器官的发育等有良性作用。  相似文献   

The medical records, radiographic and nuclear scintigraphic findings of 26 racing horses with 27 stress fracture episodes of the humerus, radius, or tibia were reviewed. The purposes of this study were to describe the radiographic and/or scintigraphic features of stress fractures of the humerus, radius, or tibia, and to evaluate the signalment and history of horses in which stress fracture occurred. Stress fractures of the three long bones examined were primarily seen in 2-and 3-year-old male Thoroughbred horses; commonly, the onset of lameness was immediately following training gallops or racing. There were 13 humeral stress fracture episodes in 12 horses. Ten were in the proximal caudolateral cortex, and three were in the distal craniomedial cortex. Radial stress fractures were seen in three horses, all in the midshaft radius. Tibial stress fractures were diagnosed in 11 horses. They were located in the proximal lateral tibia in six horses, the distal caudolateral tibia in three horses, and the midshaft tibia in three horses. Fifteen stress fractures were diagnosed with radiographs alone, one was diagnosed with scintigraphy alone, nine were diagnosed with radiographs and scintigraphy, and, in two horses, radiographs were negative, but the scintigraphic findings were consistent with stress fracture.  相似文献   

羔羊小肠pH及主要消化酶发育规律的研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
对小尾寒羊羔羊小肠不同部位(十二指肠、空肠和回肠)pH及淀粉酶、胰蛋白酶、糜蛋白酶、脂肪酶和乳糖酶的活性进行了测定,结果表明:羔羊小肠不同部位内容物pH不同,回肠pH显著高于空肠,空肠和回肠pH显著高于十二指肠,羔羊1月龄后,小肠各段pH变化不大;小肠不同部位淀粉酶和胰蛋白酶、糜蛋白酶及脂肪酶活性不同,空肠段淀粉酶、胰蛋白酶、糜蛋白酶及脂肪酶活性高于十二指肠和回肠段,随着羔羊日龄的增长,小肠淀粉酶、胰蛋白酶、糜蛋白酶及脂肪酶活性增加,3月龄后各消化酶活性变化差异不显著(P<O.05);羔羊小肠不同部位乳糖酶活性不同,空肠乳糖酶活性显著高于十二指肠和回肠,随着羔羊日龄的增长,小肠乳糖酶活性逐渐降低。  相似文献   

家兔亚硒酸中毒的病理形态学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给家兔分别肌肉注射不同剂量的亚硒酸钠,历时入周,复制出亚急性硒中毒的动物模型。病理形态学变化为:家兔的生长受到明显抑制,肝,肾,心,脾等组织器官损害严重如肝实质细胞变性,坏死;肾实质退行病变;心肌纤维变性,充血,肺淤血,水肿:脾萎缩,淋巴细胞坏死,肝,肾,心细胞内线粒高度肿胀,嵴减少,断裂或消失成空泡。  相似文献   

为了鉴定和分析五指山猪背部和腹部皮下脂肪组织中差异表达的长链非编码RNA(long noncoding RNA, lncRNA)和信使RNA(messenger RNA, mRNA),采用RNA-Seq和生物信息学方法对五指山猪皮下脂肪组织中的lncRNA和mRNA进行分析筛选,运用DESeq鉴定背部和腹部皮下脂肪组织中差异表达的lncRNA和mRNA,并对差异表达的lncRNA进行靶基因预测分析。结果显示:在五指山猪皮下脂肪组织中共鉴定出12 875个lncRNA,其中正义型10 155个、反义型278个、内含子型246个、基因间型2 196个;在背部与腹部皮下脂肪间,存在184个差异表达的mRNA,其中前十位分别是ZIC1、ZIC4、HAND2、CCBE1、RPH3A、ISM1、ANXA8、SLITRK4、DSG2、EVPL,存在45个差异表达的lncRNA,其中6个只在背部皮下脂肪中表达、18个只在腹部皮下脂肪中表达;获得差异表达lncRNA的靶基因共109个,包括顺式作用的靶基因和反式作用的靶基因。本试验为进一步研究lncRNA和mRNA调控猪皮下脂肪发育的分子机制提供科学依据。  相似文献   

White nodules were observed in the thyroid in two male C3H mice (at 99 and 122 weeks of age) exposed to fast neutrons at the age of 8 weeks. Histopathologically, in both cases, tumors were developed in the region corresponding to the parathyroid gland, and the tumor cells were arranged in a solid sheet or nest-like structures. Necrosis, cell debris and/or hemorrhage were sometimes seen in the center of the tumor structures. Tumor cells were small and uniform with scanty cytoplasm, cell margins were indistinct, and basally located tumor cells were aligned along the vascular stroma. Mitotic figures were frequently observed. Metastasis to the renal cortex was observed in both cases. These cases were diagnosed as parathyroid carcinoma. A parathyroid tumor is an extremely rare endocrine tumor in mice, regardless of whether the tumor is spontaneous or experimentally induced. These cases may have been induced by neutron-exposure; however, how radiation induces parathyroid carcinoma in mice is not clear.  相似文献   

In order to develop product and improve breeding for Guangxi partridge chickens,the slaughter performance,amino acids,inosine acid and fatty acids contents in muscle were measured and evaluated for Guangxi partridge chickens at 120 days old,which were raised at same nutrition level and management. Carcass traits and meat characteristics were evaluated. The results were showed that the dressing percentage and eviscerated yield percentage of cocks and hens were 90.15%,92.57% and 69.12%, 68.08%,respectively. The total amino acids in the breast and leg muscles of cocks and hens were 20.37,18.40 and 21.30, 18.44 g/100 g,respectively. The ratio of essential amino acids to total amino acids in breast and leg muscles of cocks and hens were 39.32%,42.33% and 42.72%, 43.06%,respectively,and essential amino acid index (EAAI) were 84.33,88.82 and 90.44, 90.77,respectively. The content of delicious,sweet,branched chain amino acids and inosinic acid in breast muscle were 0.85 g/100 g,0.42 g/100 g,0.56 g/100 g and 1.55 mg/g higher than that in leg muscle,respectively,and the content of sweet amino acids in hens was 0.40 g/100 g more than that in cocks. The first limiting amino acid was Met+Cys in muscle of Guangxi partridge chickens. Oleic acid and linoleic acid were mainly components of unsaturated fatty acids in muscle,palmitic acid and stearic acid were mainly components of saturated fatty acids in muscle. The relative content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and essential fatty acids in leg muscle were higher than that in breast muscle, and their contents in hens were more than that in cocks. All these showed that the Guangxi partridge chickens had good meat production,flavor and high nutrition value,meanwhile the nutritional values in hens were superior than that in cocks.  相似文献   

上市肉鸡组织样品中铅、镉、铜、铬含量的测定   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
从江苏省某市采集上市肉鸡组织样品 ,采用微波消解 石墨炉 原子吸收分光光度法 ,测定主要组织 (心脏、肝脏、肌胃、胸肌、肾脏、腿肌、骨骼 )中铅、镉、铜、铬等重金属元素的含量。检验结果 :组织中Pb的含量以心脏最高 (1 3478± 0 531 2 )mg/kg ,肝脏次之 (1 1 2 6 3±0 534 0 )mg/kg ,骨骼最低 (0 1 0 1 8± 0 0 0 6 6)mg/kg ,样品含Pb超标率按上述组织顺序分别为 :1 0 0 %、 96 87%、 96 87%、 87 50 %、1 0 0 %、 81 2 5 %和 0 ;组织中Cd的含量以肾脏最高 (0 0 63 0± 0 0 2 0 2 )mg/kg,骨骼次之 (0 0 55 9± 0 0 2 0 5)mg/kg ,样品含Cd超标率分别为 :6 2 5 %、 0、 3 1 3 %、 0、 0、 0和 0 ;组织中Cu的含量以心脏最高 (8 492 7± 1 90 1 2 )mg/kg,肝脏次之 (8 462 8± 1 666 4)mg/kg ,腿肌最低 (0 8373± 0 741 4 )mg/kg ,样品含Cu超标率分别为 :1 2 50 %、 1 5 63 %、 9 38%、 3 1 3 %、 0、 0和 0 ;组织中Cr的含量以肾脏最高(1 642 5± 1 0 1 0 0 )mg/kg ,肝脏次之 (1 642 5± 0 61 97)mg/kg ,样品含Cr超标率分别为 :50 0 0 %、 62 70 %、 9 38%、 3 1 3 %、 0、 0和 0。检测数据表明 ,鸡主要组织样品中Pb含量严重超标 ;肝脏、肾脏中Cr超标较严重 ,Cd和Cu也有不同程度?  相似文献   

用新城疫病毒La Sota株作为复合物疫苗抗原,与新城疫特异性中和抗体混匀配制成4种不同比例的复合物疫苗,用1日龄普通雏鸡进行免疫效果对比试验。试验1~4组分别为免疫复合物疫苗1~4,试验5组免疫常规新城疫活苗,试验6组为空白对照组。免疫后3周采血测定HI抗体效价,同时用新城疫强毒北京株F48E9攻击。试验结果显示,试验1~6组HI抗体效价分别为3.2log2、3.1log2、3.3log2、3.2log2、3.1log2、2.9log2;攻毒后,试验1~6组鸡的死亡率分别为15%、20%、0%、35%、30%、50%。因此,新城疫病毒La Sota株与新城疫特异性抗体制备成复合物疫苗,能保持疫苗中抗原的免疫原性,并可减轻疫苗的毒副作用,提高疫苗的安全性,其免疫效果比常规活苗好。  相似文献   

用ABC免疫组织化学方法,对1 周龄绍鸭胰腺内的高血糖素(A)、胰岛素(B)和生长抑素(D)免疫反应细胞的形态及分布进行了观察。结果表明,上述3 种细胞在全胰的分布及形态有差异。A 细胞主要成群散在于A 胰岛,少数位于混合型胰岛的边缘。D 细胞主要散在于A 胰岛中,少数位于B胰岛和混合型胰岛的边缘。B细胞主要呈团块状分布于B胰岛,少数位于混合型胰岛的中央。在胰外分泌部有散在的A 和D 细胞,位于腺泡及导管上皮细胞之间或结缔组织中。A 细胞形态各异,以多边形为主,多数细胞伸出形态多样的胞质突起,伸达胰岛或其他细胞间。D细胞的形态与A 细胞相似。B细胞形态均一,呈圆形或卵圆形,未见胞质突起,在外分泌部未见到B细胞。  相似文献   

2009--2010年,对新疆部分地区蛋鸡、肉鸡、家养水禽的养殖场随机采集血清样品10193份,活禽市场采集血清样品1620份。用HI方法对禽流感免疫抗体进行检测,结果表明:蛋鸡的H5免疫抗体合格率为33.33%~100%,其中0效价率为33.33%-80.00%;H9免疫抗体合格率为62.4%-100%,20%-33%蛋鸡场存在100%的0效价现象。肉鸡H5免疫抗体合格率为0%-100%,其中7.69%-69.6%肉鸡群中H5抗体0效价率为100%。水禽的H5免疫抗体合格率为0%-100%,有25%33.33%鸭群全部是0效价。活禽市场H5抗体效价≥410g2的比例为10.59%-83.57%,H9抗体效价至410醇的比例21.70%-67.14%。  相似文献   

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