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繁殖季节黄颡鱼的性腺特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对繁殖季节的黄颡鱼性腺进行连续观察,结果表明黄颡鱼卵巢为黄色圆筒状,由大小不同的三 种卵粒组成,卵径分别为1. 2~1. 4mm、1. 5~1. 6mm 和1. 7~2. 0mm,直径较大的金黄色卵粒中有大量卵黄 沉积,成熟较好,较小的卵颜色发白。精巢为乳白色,饱满有光泽,靠近生殖孔的部分晶莹透亮。黄颡鱼雌 鱼性成熟系数为21. 48%,雄鱼性成熟系数为0. 60%。体重35~85g 时,雌性个体相对繁殖力为76. 81~ 94. 72粒/ g,平均为84. 35粒/g,绝对繁殖力(Y)与体重(W)、体长(L)的相关方程为:Y=84. 74W- 55. 69、 Y=1416. 92L-14847. 24。  相似文献   

亲鱼培育是黄颡鱼人工繁殖的关键环节,培育效果的好坏直接影响育苗的成败.河北省水产良种场在2002~2005连续四年进行了池塘培育黄颡鱼亲鱼试验,均取得了较好效果,2005年催产前经测量,雌鱼性腺成熟系数平均为22%,雄鱼性腺成熟系数平均为0.6%.现总结如下:  相似文献   

本试验主要对长江重庆段和嘉陵江北碚段性成熟的瓦氏黄颡鱼雌雄个体的数量性状进行了统计分析。结果发现,嘉陵江的雌雄瓦氏黄颡鱼间在体重、体长、全长、体重/体长、体重/全长、体长/体高、全长/体高等指标均有极显著差异,长江的雌雄瓦氏黄颡鱼间体长/体高和全长/体高差异显著。同性别不同水域间的瓦氏黄颡鱼体高、体长/体高和全长/体高均差异显著,而体重、体长和全长均却无显著性差异。  相似文献   

韩九皋 《水利渔业》2007,27(5):80-82
2003年3月至2005年12月,收集黄颡鱼标本397尾,对其年龄和生长、性腺成熟系数、周年变化等生物学特性进行了研究。结果表明:衡水湖黄颡鱼体重(W:g)与体长(L:cm)关系为:W♀=0.04535L2.5908,W♂=0.02756L2.8906。黄颡鱼主要集中在1 龄及其以下年龄段,说明衡水湖黄颡鱼已经面临低龄化;分析了低龄化的原因,提出了进一步保护利用黄颡鱼的建议。  相似文献   

瓦氏黄颡鱼血清蛋白磷与性腺发育关系的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王友慧  李云 《水产科学》2004,23(10):5-8
初步研究了瓦氏黄颡鱼在性腺发育的不同时期血清蛋白磷、性腺成熟系数的变化规律;从性腺发育的形态学和生理学的角度研究了其繁殖季节营养物质的积累过程。试验结果表明:(1)瓦氏黄颡鱼血清蛋白磷(SPP)含量在第Ⅳ期末达到最大值(55 255±12 760)μg mL,产卵后,SPP含量迅速回到产卵前第Ⅲ时期的水平;(2)随着性腺的发育,成熟系数从Ⅱ期、Ⅲ期的0%~5%迅速上升到产卵前的17 5%~20%(Ⅳ末期),血清中SPP的含量始终维持在52 950~59 750μg mL,此时期主要是卵黄蛋白积累的过程。  相似文献   

汤河水库黄颡鱼的生物学及其资源利用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
对汤河水库的黄颡鱼进行了生物学测定 ,包括形态特征 ,内部构造 ,食性 ,年龄和生长 ,性腺成熟系数和季节变化 ,繁殖力和性比等 ,并对该水库黄颡鱼资源开发利用提出了意见  相似文献   

瓦氏黄颡鱼属鲇形目,黄颡鱼属。是该属中个体最大的种类,又名江黄颡,俗称江颡,常见个体在250g左右,最大个体达1kg以上。该鱼肉质细嫩,味道鲜美。无鳞,营养丰富,无肌间刺,备受广大消费者的青睐。近年来瓦氏黄颡鱼的天然资源日益减少,不能满足市场需求。为此,我们开展了网箱养瓦氏黄颡鱼试验.现将养殖试验总结如下:  相似文献   

鄱阳湖黄颡鱼胚胎发育观察   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
黄颡鱼 (Pseudobagrusfulvidraco)是江西各类型水域中常见的经济鱼类。我们对鄱阳湖黄颡鱼进行了人工繁殖及苗种培育 ,并对该鱼的胚胎发育进行了观察。本文就鄱阳湖黄颡鱼的胚胎发育观察结果报道如下 :1 材料和方法黄颡鱼亲鱼于 2 0 0 1年早春从鄱阳湖水系的江河、湖泊、水库和池塘等水体收集。选择纯种 ,体质健壮且已达性成熟的鱼作为繁殖用亲鱼专池培育。6月上旬 ,选择成熟度好的雌雄亲鱼以 1∶1配比进行催产。雌鱼催产剂量为 :LRH—A2 3~ 5 μg kg亲鱼重 +HCG80 0~ 12 0 0IU kg亲鱼重 +DOM 3~ 5mg kg亲鱼重 +催产灵 80 0~ 10 …  相似文献   

池塘主养黄颡鱼技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索黄颡鱼人工养殖技术, 2000年,笔者在建湖县大溪河开发公司进行池塘了主养黄颡鱼试验,养殖面积 1.1公顷,收获黄颡鱼 2 822千克,花白鲢鱼种 1 860千克,折合每 667米 2产黄颡鱼 176.4千克,花白鲢鱼种 116.3千克,每 667米 2产值 3 630元,获利 1 180元,与主养四大家鱼比,每 667米 2增收 300~ 400元,现将有关技术要点介绍如下。 1养殖池塘的选择 黄颡鱼养殖对池塘要求不高,一般用于养殖成鱼的池塘均可养殖黄颡鱼,池塘主养黄颡鱼要求水量充足,水质清新,进排水方便,面积 0.2~ 0.33公顷,最大不超过 0.67公顷,黄颡鱼喜…  相似文献   

鱼种池因清塘不彻底,注水或投喂浮萍、水草时掺带进野杂鱼、虾,在鱼种池与家鱼争食耗氧,影响鱼种规格和产量。适量套养黄颡鱼能起着去杂清野的作用,黄颡鱼个体小,生长速度慢于家鱼,对家鱼无危害,但能有效消灭野杂鱼、虾,促进鱼种生长,提高养殖产量。套养时应注意以下几点:1.套养黄颡鱼必须在夏花鱼苗入塘1个月后投放,投放过早因鱼苗入塘时间短,规格小,会出现黄颡鱼吞食鱼苗现象。2.投放规格要适宜,一般投放黄颡鱼10-20g/尾左右。3.投放数量,每667m2投放黄颡鱼30尾左右。鱼种池套养黄颡鱼,在提高鱼种产量的同时,也能生…  相似文献   

岩虫的性腺发育和生殖周期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据性腺发育的组织切片观察,岩虫(Marphysa sanguinea)性腺发育可分为增生期、成熟期、排放期和休止期4个阶段。通过连续两年每月对岩虫性腺组织切片观察可以确定,在山东省乳山海区的岩虫性腺发育为1年1个周期。12月至翌年6月为增生期;7~8月为成熟期;7月下旬至8月为排放期;9~11月为休止期,其中7月下旬至8月中旬为繁殖盛期。岩虫的性腺起源于体腔腹面生殖上皮。生殖细胞发生时不出现滋养细胞。除休止期外,生殖细胞持续发生,成熟时多次排放。雄性生殖细胞形成合胞体(syncytium),精子为原始类型。雌性生殖细胞不形成合胞体,卵母细胞在发育的早期阶段,卵黄发生期问从卵巢(生殖上皮)排入体腔中,并在体腔中发育。卵细胞成熟时,有卵外膜,结构复杂。  相似文献   

通过采集不同性腺成熟阶段的九孔鲍,运用性腺外部形态观察,判断性腺发育的成熟度;通过性腺组织细胞切片的显微观察,发现九孔鲍性腺发育的不同步性,同一九孔鲍个体的性腺,靠近角状部的比较早成熟,后端的比较迟成熟;结合性腺外部形态和性腺组织细胞切片,分析外观形态与性腺细胞成熟之间的关系.本文并探讨了亲鲍性腺成熟度与催产、保证卵质和提高鲍的育苗效果等问题.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We examined seasonal variations in liver condition factor, total lipid and fatty acid composition of maturing pikeperch ( Sander lucioperca) from Lake Eğirdir, Turkey. The spawning of pikeperch in Eğirdir Lake started in March, continued very fast during May and gradually ended in July as determined by measuring the gonadosomatic index. The total lipid content of male and female liver reached its highest level in September and November (the end of dense feeding period during which temperature decreased sharply), but declined to the lowest level in May (just after spawning). The highest level of liver condition factor was observed in January and March during which gonads mature rapidly. Palmitic acid was the predominant saturated fatty acid (SFA) in female and male liver. The ratio of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was higher than that of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in both sexes. Docosahexaenoic acid (22:6 n -3), eicosopentaenoic acid (20:5 n -3) and arachidonic acid (20:4 n -6) were the predominant PUFA. Seasonal variations in PUFA were more evident than that in other fatty acids. PUFA, especially the n -3 fatty acids ratio, increased to the maximum level during the sharp decreases in temperature (in November). However, the amount of PUFA decreased to the lowest level in reproductive period. The results suggest that the ratio of pikeperch liver fatty acids is influenced by gonad maturation and temperature variations and that pikeperch requires a large amount of PUFA and the n -3 fatty acids for the development of gonads.  相似文献   

2011年3-6月和9-12月,在乌江思林江段采集性腺达Ⅲ期的泉水鱼(Pseudogyrinocheilus prochilus)雌鱼个体,测量了卵径,并研究了其个体生殖力及其与多项生物学指标的关系,调查样本由1+~3+龄组成.结果表明,泉水鱼的绝对生殖力(F)平均值为3 606粒,体长相对生殖力(FL)平均值为19.4粒/mm,体重相对生殖力(FW)平均为27.0粒/g;个体绝对生殖力和体长相对生殖力与体重和净体重均呈二次函数相关,与性腺重呈幂函数相关,体重相对生殖力与性腺重和成熟系数分别呈幂函数和对数函数相关.依据卵径频数分布结果推测,泉水鱼属于分批产卵鱼类.  相似文献   

以中国紫蛤(Hiatula chinensis)为研究对象,调查其自然产区——饶平县大埕湾的环境条件,研究其生殖腺发育、肥满度的季节变化等。结果显示,大埕湾产区的中国紫蛤垂直分布于潮间带的低潮区至5m水深以内区域,年水温变化范围16.3~29.0℃,盐度变化范围18.5~33.7,底质以粒径63~250μm的细砂质为主。中国紫蛤的肥满度变化范围5.74%~21.66%。由肥满度的变化规律结合性腺发育情况推断,中国紫蛤一年中有1个繁殖期,为7~9月。满1龄的贝可达性成熟。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   During 1986–1989, the seasonal maturation and gonad index (gonad weight/body weight × 100) of adult Loxechinus albus were examined at nine sites, and the appearance of four-armed echinopluteus larvae was investigated at three sites off the eastern coast of Chiloé Island, Chile. Spawning occurred during November–January when the gonad indices fell to a minimum, the number of mature specimens decreased and four-armed larvae appeared, corresponding to the rise in water temperature. The number of four-armed larvae appearing at the northern site was markedly less than that at the southern site. The sea urchins matured in January and February immediately after spawning at many sites and a high percentage of maturation lasted for a long period at some sites. These findings are considered to be associated with high food availability and annual narrow ranges of water temperature.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of the blunt sea urchin, Sphaerechinus granularis (Lamarck), was studied in the Bay of Brest, West Brittany, from monthly samples by examining seasonal changes in gonadal index, in the stages of gonad development and in oocyte diameters. This echinoid exhibited an annual cycle of gonadal growth, with a short breeding season occurring in May and June, and a decrease in gonadal index during the winter attributed to the use of nutrient resources. Histological examinations defined long mature stages during autumn, winter and early spring, where the vitellogenic oocytes accumulated in the lumen of the gonad. Changes in oocyte diameters showed a short pre-spawning period in April and May. The brief breeding season was followed by rapid post-spawning recovery and gonad growing stages during the summer, where the gonads mainly grew through the development of nutritive tissue. The features of this reproductive cycle show that the species can be commercially exploited and these results are used to make recommendations in terms of the management of S. granularis fisheries in Brittany. The influence of temperature on the initiation of spawning was noted again. This exogenous factor could be monitored to improve gonad production and availability of mature gametes in mariculture projects. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle of the commercial sea cucumber Holothuria spinifera was studied in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, India, from September 2000 to October 2001, by macroscopic and microscopic examination of gonad tubule, gonad index and histology of gametogenic stages, to determine the spawning pattern. The gonad consists of long tubules with uniform development. It does not confirm the progressive tubule recruitment model described for other holothurians. The maximum percentage of mature animals, gonad and fecundity indices, tubule length and diameter, with the observations on gonad histology, ascertained that H. spinifera had the peak gametogenic activity during September and October 2001 followed by a prolonged spawning period from November 2000–March 2001.  相似文献   

三倍体僧帽牡蛎生殖腺发育观察   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
曾志南 《水产学报》1998,22(2):97-105
在僧帽牡蛎繁殖盛期,详细观察了二倍体,三倍体僧帽牡蛎生殖腺外部形态特征,比较了成熟卵母细胞卵径和核径。结果表明,外观上三倍体生殖腺发育较二倍体差,三倍本成熟卵母细胞卵径和核径分别比地倍体大19.6%和17.6%,体积分别比二倍体增加70.3%和64.2%,组织切片检查结果,二倍体生殖腺发育正常,三倍体生殖腺发育受阻,大都在增殖期和休止期,一部分个体可发育至生长期和成熟期,并能产生成熟的卵子和精子,  相似文献   

The caspase-3 appears to be a key protease in the apoptotic pathway. We identified caspase-3 complementary DNAs from the ovaries of the protandrous cinnamon clownfish (Amphiprion melanopus), and investigated its mRNA and proteins, and activity levels during the sex change (I, mature male; II, male at 90 days after removing of the female; and III, mature female). The nucleotide sequence of the caspase-3 cDNA was 969 base pairs in length with open reading frames encoding peptides of 282 amino acids. The caspase-3 mRNA and protein, and activity levels in stages of the mature gonad are higher than those of the development gonad stage. To understand the effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on gonad apoptosis, we examined expression of genes caspase-3 mRNA and activity level in immature cinnamon clownfish gonads after GnRH analogue (GnRHa). The findings support the hypothesis that caspase-3 expression is associated with both testicular and ovarian development, and suggests that it may play a role in the control of ovarian development in cinnamon clownfish. Also, we demonstrate that GnRH agonists stimulate caspase-3 production which can in turn stimulate apoptosis. The present study provides a framework for better understanding of the role of caspase-3 during sex change processes in fish.  相似文献   

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