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为了分析洞庭水系鱼类趋流特性的生态适应性及为水域渔业资源保护提供基本数据,在水温(20.0±1.5)℃和自然光周期下,用实验室自制的鱼类运动测试水槽和递增流速法测定了沅水中游常德河洑江段体长(13.94±1.85)cm光泽黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus nitidus)和体长(12.28±1.42)cm鲫(Carassius auratus)的临界游泳速度及最大游泳速度等参数,分析两种鱼这两个参数与体长等因素的关联及差异。外置变频器调节电机功率改变螺旋桨的转速而呈不同流速。1 BL·s-1时开始实验,每15 s提高流速2 cm·s-1,直到鱼变疲劳在拦网处停止游泳20 s时的水流速度就是该鱼的最大游泳速度(Umax,单位cm·s-1)和相对最大游泳速度(Umaxr)[(=Umax/BL(体长),单位BL·s-1)]。流速慢慢增至60%Ucrit估计值下,实验鱼持续游动15 min后,将增加...  相似文献   

应用于鱼道设计的新疆木扎提河斑重唇鱼的游泳能力测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究斑重唇鱼的游泳能力,给过鱼设施设计和鱼类游泳行为学研究提供基础参数,本研究以木扎提河野生斑重唇鱼(全长TL=12~16 cm)为研究对象,测定了其在(16.6±1.6) ℃水温下的感应流速、临界游泳速度、爆发游泳速度及持续与耐久游泳能力。结果显示,斑重唇鱼感应流速为(0.18±0.02)m/s,相对感应流速为(1.40±0.23) BL/s (BL为体长);临界游泳速度为(1.02±0.15) m/s,相对临界游泳速度为(8.58±1.65) BL/s;爆发游泳速度为(1.39±0.17) m/s,相对爆发游泳速度为(10.92±1.86) BL/s;最大持续游泳速度为0.87 m/s,最大耐久游泳速度为1.37 m/s,与平均爆发游泳速度相近。其持续游泳时间与流速呈负相关(${\rm lg}T = - 5.136{{X}} + 8.504$)。当以斑重唇鱼为主要过鱼对象时,建议为吸引鱼类进入鱼道,进口流速设计为1.02~1.39 m/s,休息池主流设计为0.20~1.02 m/s,鱼道竖缝处流速宜低于0.85 m/s。鱼道长度为1 000 m时,鱼道内平均水流速度应低于0.78 m/s。本研究结果可为新疆木扎提河流域鱼类游泳能力研究提供参考,对保护日益减少的鱼类资源具有重要意义。  相似文献   

流速是影响鱼类生存与繁衍栖息的重要因子。为了了解鱼类在中等流速区的游泳行为,探究其对水流的适应特征,利用鱼类游泳能力测定装置,以鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)幼鱼[体重(9.82±3.81) g,体长(8.56±1.11) cm)]为对象,采用递增流速法,分析了游泳过程中的非疲劳贴网行为与姿态转换行为。结果表明,在22℃水温条件下,鲢幼鱼平均相对临界游泳速度(critical swimming speed,U_(crit))相比其体长(body length,BL)为(6.00±0.93)BL/s;其非疲劳贴网速度(no-fatigue impingement speed,U_(imp))与临界游泳速度呈线性正相关,U_(crit)=1.03 U_(imp)+1.26 (R~2=0.86,P0.01);姿态转换速度(gait transition speed,U_(tran))与临界游泳速度呈线性正相关,U_(tran)=0.59 U_(crit)+1.55 (R~2=0.43,P0.01);非疲劳贴网速度与姿态转换速度呈线性正相关,U_(tran)=0.51U_(imp)+2.72 (R~2=0.41,P0.001)。在中等流速范围内(2~4 BL/s),实验鱼摆尾频率(tail beat frequency, TBF)和单次摆尾周期前进距离(stride length, SL)均随流速增加而增大。首次出现非疲劳贴网的流速为4.62 BL/s,流速增至5.08 BL/s时出现姿态转换行为。发生姿态转换后,TBF开始下降,而SL随流速增加快速增大。研究显示,鲢幼鱼非疲劳贴网行为对游泳能力和姿态转换速度有显著影响,且非疲劳贴网行为与姿态转换行为之间也存在相互影响。研究结果可为自然环境中鱼类生态行为研究、鱼类资源保护及渔业管理提供参考。  相似文献   

鲢鳙幼鱼临界游泳速度的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过比较不同鱼类的游泳能力,为鱼道建设和鱼类行为学研究提供基础资料。在(20±1)℃水温下,使用丹麦Loligo System公司的鱼类行为视频跟踪系统,采用Brett流速递增法,以鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)和鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)为研究对象,体长作为划分依据,分别测定不同体长组鲢鳙临界游泳速度。结果表明:(1)鲢鳙绝对临界游泳速度随着体长的增加而增大,相对临界游泳速度随着体长的增大而减小,鲢体长与绝对临界游泳速度拟合方程为:Y1=0.10X21-0.11X1+55.86(R2=0.85),与相对临界游泳速度拟合方程为:y1=0.02x21-0.87x1+12.86(R2=0.94),鳙体长与绝对临界游泳速度拟合方程为:Y2=0.03X32-1.29X22+21.04X2-29.21(R2=0.85),与相对临界游泳速度拟合方程为:y2=0.02x22-0.87x2+14.81(R2=0.98);(2)相近体长组鲢(10.11±0.24)cm和鳙(10.78±1.34)cm临界游泳速度分别为(65.50±2.08)cm/s和(80.89±4.03)cm/s,可知鳙鲢,且差异性显著(P0.05);(16.90±0.55)cm鲢和(15.39±0.62)cm鳙的临界游泳速度为(83.92±3.03)cm/s和(91.62±3.54)cm/s,无显著性差异(P0.05);(3)通过比较鲢鳙临界游泳速度与突进游泳速度能力,发现鲢的突进游泳速度大于鳙,而临界游泳速度小于后者,可知鲢鳙有氧运动和无氧运动能力之间存在权衡作用,临界游泳速度与突进游泳速度不一定呈现正相关关系。鱼类能否顺利完成上溯需求取决于鱼道内水力条件和自身游泳能力。  相似文献   

在23±0.5℃水温条件下,利用游泳行为测试水槽分析早期发育阶段鳙幼鱼(Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)(5.0~9.0cm,2.5~11.5g)游泳行为特性与水流流速变化的响应关系。结果表明该体长范围鳙幼鱼的平均临界游泳速度为0.468±0.161m/s;平均突进游泳速度为0.672±0.154m/s,且绝对临界游泳速度和绝对突进游泳速度均随体长的增加而线性增加,相对突进游泳速度随体长的增加而线性减小;绝对突进游泳速度与绝对临界游泳速度存在如下关系: ;在测试突进游泳速度中鱼类游泳行为随水流流速变化存在4种游泳状态相互穿插(顶流前进、顶流后退、顶流静止、顺流而下),根据鱼类运动过程中的四个阶段分别对应的4种游泳状态,得到以鳙幼鱼为过鱼对象的鱼道池室主流流速为16.0~46.5cm/s;对于鱼道高流速区的竖缝、孔口等最佳流速应为46.5~85.4cm/s。本研究成果补充了四大家鱼游泳特性指标,为四大家鱼资源保护、鱼类洄游通道建设提供参考依据。  相似文献   

利用鱼类游泳能力测定装置,以人工繁殖的圆口铜鱼(Coreius guichenoti)幼鱼为实验对象,体重(3.05±0.99)g,体长(5.94±0.66)cm,采用递增流速法研究其游泳能力与游泳行为。结果表明,在(20±1)℃水温条件下,圆口铜鱼平均相对临界游泳速度(critical swimming speed,Ucrit)为(8.41±1.56)BL/s;其步态转换速度(gait transition speed,Uchg)与临界游泳速度呈线性正相关:Uchg=0.63 Ucrit+0.21(P<0.01,R 2=0.86);摆尾频率(tail beat frequency,TBF)与进口流速(inlet velocity,Uin)呈线性正相关:TBF=0.48 Uin+2.53(P<0.01,R 2=0.95);进口流速(inlet velocity,Uin)与步长(step length,SL)呈线性正相关:SL=0.11 Uin+0.41(P<0.01,R 2=0.99)。实验鱼的摆尾幅度(tail beat amplitude,TBA)、冲刺次数、各进口流速下的摆尾时间百分比及稳定摆尾与非稳定摆尾比例,均随进口流速改变而变化。随流速增大,摆尾幅度呈现先增大、再减小、最后又增大的趋势;冲刺次数也是先增加、随后逐渐下降;摆尾时间百分比最初是快速增大,随后基本保持不变,流速增至8 BL/s高流速时,再次随流速增加而快速增大。当流速与临界游速比值(U/U max)为0.38时,实验鱼出现非稳定摆尾行为;比值为0.58时,实验鱼稳定摆尾行为与非稳定摆尾行为比例为1∶1;比值增至0.78时,稳定摆尾行为消失。人工繁殖的圆口铜鱼游泳能力较强,在不同流速下,通过改变游泳行为以保持更长的游泳时间及距离。研究结果可为以圆口铜鱼为过鱼对象的鱼道建设以及养殖流速优化提供参考。  相似文献   

鲢幼鱼游泳能力及游泳行为的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究四大家鱼的游泳能力,指导鱼道水力学设计,提高鱼道过鱼成功率,增殖鱼类资源总量,以四大家鱼之一的鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)为试验对象,研究其游泳能力及游泳行为。在(30±1)℃水温下,采用流速递增法,鲢的体长7.3~16.8 cm,体重6.10~66.50 g,按体长将鲢分为(8.17±0.59)cm、(10.09±0.53)cm、(11.84±0.67)cm、(13.94±0.68)cm、(15.90±0.64)cm共计5个试验组。结果表明,鲢的临界游泳速度为52~100 cm/s,相对临界游泳速度为5.90~7.14 BL/s,摆尾频率为98.7~432.2次/min。鲢的临界游泳速度随体长增加而增大,其线性拟合方程为Ucrit=4.908L+17.63(R2=0.998);其相对临界游泳速度随体长增加而减小,线性拟合方程为U'crit=-0.130L+8.025(R2=0.979);在整个试验过程中,根据鱼类对水流速度的游泳行为响应,鲢摆尾频率随水流速度的增大而增加,两者呈线性关系;在相同流速下,较长个体鲢的摆尾频率显著小于较小的个体。  相似文献   

为了探究不同种类幼鱼在禁食胁迫下的游泳能力 , 本研究以青鱼 (Mylopharyngodon piceus)、草鱼 (Ctenopharyngodon idellus)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)、鲫(Carassius auratus)、长薄鳅(Leptobotia elongata)、泥鳅(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)、台湾泥鳅(Paramisgumus dabryanus ssp.) 8 种幼鱼为对象, 采用流速递增法测定了不同禁食时间(0 d、2 d、5 d、10 d、15 d)条件下 8 种鱼类的感应流速(Uind)、临界游泳速度(Ucrit)、爆发游泳速度(Uburst)。结果表明: 8 种鱼类游泳能力均为感应流速<临界游泳速度<爆发游泳速度。感应流速平均值的变化范围在(6.12~12.78) cm/s, 其中草鱼、鲢和鳙的感应流速较接近且对流速的感应较敏感, 感应流速为 4.75~7.75 cm/s。8 种实验鱼的游泳速度存在显著差异(P<0.05), 其中青鱼和长薄鳅的临界游泳速度和爆发游泳速度最高, 分别为(121.65±3.19) cm/s、(143.48±5.77) cm/s、(85.08±3.23) cm/s、(132.68±8.52) cm/s, 游泳能力较差的为台湾泥鳅[(19.28±1.90) cm/s、(31.53±2.14) cm/s]。禁食对感应流速的影响不显著(P>0.05), 但实验鱼的临界游泳速度和爆发游泳速度随禁食时间的延长呈线性下降, 其中临界游泳速度的下降幅度较爆发游泳速度更为显著 (P<0.05)。在禁食 0 d 和 2 d 时, 实验鱼的临界和爆发游速无显著差异(P>0.05); 禁食 5 d 时, 两者开始呈现下降趋势; 禁食 5 d 后, 临界和爆发游速分别下降了 13%~51%和 9%~39%。禁食 10 d 后, 临界和爆发游速分别下降了 29%~70%和 20%~55%, 其中 10 d 禁食期间的游泳速度降低幅度最为显著。因此, 禁食 10 d 是影响鱼类游泳能力的关键时期。禁食对幼鱼的感应流速无显著影响, 但临界游泳速度和爆发游泳速度受禁食时间影响明显, 且禁食时间越长, 游泳能力下降越显著。此外, 临界游泳速度与爆发游泳速度之间的差异可能源于不同游泳方式在能量消耗方面的差异。  相似文献   

鱼类游泳能力测定方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章综述了鱼类游泳能力的研究概况、鱼类游泳速度的分类和鱼类游泳能力的测定方法,分析比较了各种方法的优劣,以期为进一步优化鱼类游泳能力的评价指标、完善测试鱼类游泳能力的方法与手段提供参考。  相似文献   

大黄鱼续航时间和临界游泳速度的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用续航时间作为游泳能力的评测指标,研究了大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea)幼鱼、1龄鱼的续航时间和临界游泳速度.试验结果显示,在45cm/s流速下,大黄鱼幼鱼的平均续航时间为12 min;在60 cm/s流速下,大黄鱼1龄鱼的平均续航时间为22 min 20 s;大黄鱼幼鱼和1龄鱼的续航时间与水流流速呈乘幂递减关系;摆尾频率与水流流速呈线性关系.在给定的6个流速条件下,大黄鱼幼鱼和1龄鱼的平均临界游泳速度分别为39.85cm/s和50.02 cm/s.研究表明,大黄鱼幼鱼不宜在流速长时间超过40cm/s的海区进行养殖,大黄鱼1龄鱼不宜在流速长时间超过50cm/s的海区养殖,否则应采取适当的减流或分流措施.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the swimming performance of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus was examined in a flume tank by measuring the swimming endurance time and heart rate. The lower swimming performance was observed at 10°C (the lowest temperature tested), manifesting as the shortest endurance time and the slowest maximum sustained speed. ECG measurements of the heart rate under free-swimming conditions at zero flow velocity revealed a temperature effect, with 25.3 beats/min observed at 10°C, 38.9 at 15°C, and 67.2 at 22°C. The heart rate also increased with swimming speed to maximum levels of 60, 125, and 208 beats/min, respectively, at these three temperatures. Heart rate recovery times measured after the fish had been swimming at prolonged speed tended to increase with temperature, while a negative correlation resulting in relatively short recovery times was observed after swimming at close to the burst swimming speed at each water temperature.  相似文献   

异齿裂腹鱼游泳能力初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了摸清雅鲁藏布江特有种异齿裂腹鱼(Schizothorax oconnori)的游泳能力,以野生鱼种为实验对象,通过丹麦Loligo System公司的环形试验水槽测试了异齿裂腹鱼的临界游泳速度、突进游泳速度和持续游泳速度。结果显示,异齿裂腹鱼的临界游泳速度随体长的增大而增加,相对临界游泳速度随体长的增大而减小,其临界游泳速度与体长的关系为Y1=-39.369+13.23X-0.371X2+0.004X3(Y1是绝对临界游泳速度,X为体长)。突进游泳速度随体长的增加而近似呈线性递增趋势,而相对突进游泳速度随体长的增大而减小。在三个固定流速(60cm/s、80 cm/s、100 cm/s)下,初步确定60 cm/s为异齿裂腹鱼的持续游泳速度,80 cm/s、100 cm/s为耐久游泳速度。研究成果以期为青藏高原地区鱼类行为学的研究提供基础资料,为鱼道等过鱼设施的设计提供参考资料。  相似文献   

长臀(Cranoglanis bouderius)和白甲鱼(Onychostoma sima)是目前北盘江主要放流鱼类,但这2种鱼的放流效果差异较大。由于鱼类的突进游速在一定程度上影响增殖放流的效果,故试验采用自制测试装置,用递增流速法测试了2种鱼的突进游速。结果显示,白甲鱼的突进游速大于长臀,且2种鱼的突进游速均随体长增加而近似线性增大;而相对突进游速则随着体长的增加而近似线性减小。研究结果可为北盘江鱼类增殖放流和放流效果评估,以及日后北盘江的拦鱼、诱鱼、集鱼船等鱼类资源保护措施的实施提供参考。  相似文献   

The movements of 28 adult chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum) tagged with electromyogram (EMG) transmitters were tracked along the Toyohira river, Hokkaido, Japan, in October of 2007 and 2008 to investigate and evaluate the upstream migratory behavior through the protection bed and fishway of ground sills. The approach time of fish that ascended successfully through the protection bed and fishway was shorter than that of unsuccessful fish. The unsuccessful fish were observed to swim in currents with high water velocity and shallow water depth at swimming speeds that exceeded their critical swimming speed (U crit) during the approach to these structures. In consequence, unsuccessful fish frequently alternated between burst and maximum sustained speeds without ever ascending the fishway, and eventually became exhausted. It is important that fishway are constructed to enable chum salmon to find a passage way easily, so that they can migrate upstream rapidly without wasting excessive energy.  相似文献   

There are various techniques for identifying fish species, including the multi-frequency method, in situ target strength characteristics, and digital image processing methods. Acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) are able to determine multiple current fields simultaneously and have been used to observe the swimming speed and behavior patterns of shoals of pelagic fish under natural conditions. In this study, we evaluated a classification method that can be used to determine the swimming velocity of both the sound-scattering layer and pelagic fish shoals using an ADCP (153.6 kHz) and a scientific echosounder (38, 200 kHz). To calculate the actual swimming speed of the fish shoals, the mean swimming velocity vectors of each stratified bin must be compared with the mean surrounding three-dimensional (3D) current velocity vectors. We found the average 3D swimming velocity of the sound-scattering layer to be characterized by a deviation of >5.3 cm/s from the surrounding current field. The average 3D swimming velocity of Pacific saury Cololabis saira was calculated to be 91.3 cm/s, while that of lanternfish Diaphus theta was 28.1 cm/s. These swimming speeds correspond to 4.19- and 4.26-fold the body length, respectively. Thus, the use of ADCP swimming velocity data can be expected to be a valuable species identification method for various fishes distributed in a given survey area.  相似文献   

The effect of fatigue on swimming performance was examined by measuring the swimming endurance time and heart rate of the jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus [15.7 ± 0.8 cm fork length (FL), n = 15] during forced exercise in a flume tank at fixed swimming speeds of 4, 5 and 6 FL/s. Electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring during the experimental process from control (0.8 FL/s) to exercise phase revealed a rapid cardiac response of T. japonicus to the elevation of swimming speed. The heart rate of T. japonicus significantly increased from the control level of 52.9 beats/min at a slow flow speed of 0.8 FL/s to 148.2 beats/min at 4 FL/s, 168.6 beats/min at 5 FL/s and 183.2 beats/min at 6 FL/s. During the fixed speed test, the heart rate of each individual fish was stabilized without any recognizable increase or decrease until the fish failed to swim because of fatigue. Fatigue analysis on endurance time demonstrated that prior swimming experience at prolonged speeds would impair the endurance performance during subsequent swimming exercise. Recovery time of the heart rate after the fish was fully exhausted by prolonged fast exercise increased with increasing swimming endurance time.  相似文献   

Undulatory swimming is employed by many fish for routine swimming and extended sprints. In this biomechanical review, we address two questions: (i) how the fish's axial muscles power swimming; and (ii) how the fish's body and fins generate thrust. Fish have adapted the morphology of their axial musculature for high power output and efficiency. All but the superficial muscle fibres are arranged along curved trajectories, and the myomeres form nested cones. Two conflicting performance goals shape the fibre trajectories of the axial muscles. Maximum power output requires that all fibres contract uniformly. In a bending fish, uniform contraction in a single myomere can be ensured by curved fibre trajectories. However, uniform strain is only desirable if all muscle fibres have the same contractile properties. The fish needs several muscle‐fibre types that generate maximum power at different contraction speeds to ensure effective muscle power generation across a range of swimming speeds. Consequently, these different muscle‐fibre types are better served by non‐uniform contractions. High power output at a range of swimming speeds requires that muscle fibres with the same contractile properties contract uniformly. The ensuing helical fibre trajectories require cone‐shaped myomeres to reduce wasteful internal deformation of the entire muscle when it contracts. It can be shown that the cone‐shaped myomeres of fish can be explained by two design criteria: uniform contraction (uniform strain hypothesis) and minimal internal deformation (mechanical stability hypothesis). So far, only the latter hypothesis has found strong support. The contracting muscle causes the fish body to undulate. These body undulations interact with the surrounding water to generate thrust. The resulting flow behind the swimming fish forms vortex rings, whose arrangement reflects the fish's swimming performance. Anguilliform swimmers shed individual vortex rings during steady swimming. Carangiform swimmers shed a connected chain of vortex rings. The currently available sections through the total flow fields are often not an honest representation of the total momentum in the water – the wake of carangiform swimmers shows a net backward momentum without the fish accelerating – suggesting that our current picture of the generated flow is incomplete. To accelerate, undulatory swimmers decrease the angle of the vortex rings with the mean path of motion, which is consistent with an increased rate of backward momentum transfer. Carangiform swimmers also enlarge their vortex rings to accelerate and to swim at a higher speed, while eel, which are anguilliform swimmers, shed stronger vortex rings.  相似文献   

Swimming performance of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus (18.2 ± 0.8 cm fork length (FL), n = 185) was examined in a flume tank by measuring the stride length at low and high tail beat frequencies with electromyogram monitoring and a muscle twitch experiment. Stride length was analyzed by monitoring the tail beat frequency according to the swimming speed at different temperatures of 10, 15 and 22 °C. In the electromyographic observations, the initiation of ordinary muscle activity occurred between 71.4 and 99.6 cm/s, that is 3.7 to 5.3 FL/s, when the tail beat frequency was over 6 Hz. The swimming speeds increased rectilinearly with the tail beat frequency at each water temperature both for the low and high tail beat frequency. Lower stride length was observed at the lowest temperature (10 °C) tested. The forced swimming exercise significantly affected the muscle contraction time to become longer than the control fish, which indicated a reduction of the maximum swimming speed performance.  相似文献   

长江常熟溆浦段中华鲟幼鱼出现时间与数量变动   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
2002-2009年,依托长江渔业资源管理委员会办公室设立在长江常熟溆浦江段的渔业资源监测网(定置张网),对降河中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)幼鱼进行了监测分析.结果表明,中华鲟幼鱼每年主要于5-7月在常熟溆浦江段出现,出现时间平均86.6 d(n=8),所采获样本(n=8)全长、体长和体质量年度平均值的变化范围分别为25.2~40.1cm、23.2~33.5em和70.7~314.8g.各年采获样本数量差异较大,从2002至2009年呈现出较明显的递减趋势,各年采获样本数量最多的旬也不一致,变化时间为5月中旬至6月下旬.从幼鲟生长来看,不同年份相同时期采获样本的规格差异较大,同一年份同一时间采获样本的规格也存在一定的差异.与三峡工程截流以前进行比较,中华鲟幼鱼在长江口出现的时间没有明显变化,但出现较高数量比例的时间由以前的6月变为5月中下旬和6月,幼鲟规格较截流前也有较大变化,推测造成这种改变的原因可能是因为人工增殖放流活动和三峡工程截流所导致的水文状况的变化.分析认为,水文状况可能是影响中华鲟幼鱼到达长江口时间的重要因素之一.  相似文献   

REIJI  MASUDA  JUN  SHOJI  MITSUHIRO  AOYAMA  MASARU  TANAKA 《Fisheries Science》2002,68(2):320-324
ABSTRACT: Developmental changes of swimming speed were analysed in the chub mackerel Scomber japonicus raised on two distinct dietary regimens. One group was fed only zooplankton such as rotifers and Artemia nauplii (R group) and the other group was fed rotifers plus red sea bream Pagrus major larvae (Pm group). Fish from the Pm group grew faster than those from the R group, and both the cruise and burst swimming speeds were faster for the Pm group even when match-sized comparisons were made. Fish in the Pm group attained a standard length (SL) of 17.5 mm by day 14 and their cruise and burst swimming speeds were 5.39 SL/s and 18.45 SL/s, whereas the R group attained 17.35 mm SL by day 17 and their cruise and burst swimming speeds were 4.28 SL/s and 13.98 SL/s. The results suggest that the swimming speed of chub mackerel in the wild would develop differently depending on the food resources they happen to encounter.  相似文献   

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