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2010起,上海市松江区水产技术推广站承担了市农委下达的上海中华绒螫蟹产业技术体系建设项目之“上海内陆地区池塘大规格成蟹生态养成模式与技术研究”课题,依托上海鱼跃水产专业合作社的养殖基地,在松江浦南地区建立了大规格生态养成综合试验站。经过三年的试验和探索,形成了“稀放蟹种、池塘种草、底部增氧、颗粒饲料和鲜活饵料相结合、养殖全程不使用渔药”的河蟹生态养成“松江模式”。连续三年,综合站养殖的“三泖”牌黄浦江大闸蟹荣获“丰收杯”和“王宝和杯”全国河蟹大赛“金蟹”奖。  相似文献   

4月19日,2012年度上海市科学技术奖励大会在上海展览中心召开。中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所徐兆礼研究员主持的项目“涉海工程生物资源影响及修复技术”成果获2012年上海市科技进步一等奖。“涉海工程生物资源影响及修复技术”由东海所、国家海洋环境监测中心、浙江省海洋水产研究所、江苏省海洋水产研究所、上海海洋大学联合承担。该项目在973、科技部公益性和农业部专项、水科院基金等的资助下,历经13年,基于覆盖东黄渤海11个纬度海域、150多万网次捕捞资料、20多万组环境调查数据,利用多学科综合分析方法,科学定位了渔业敏感保护目标、保护区域与敏感时段,建立了渔业敏感目标识别技术;构建了以幼体资源潜在增长价值损失为主体的生物资源损失量化评估技术体系;制定了国家和行业技术标准,攻克构建生态补偿机制的核心技术难点,实现了生态补偿费征收的标准化和业务化运作;开发了适宜不同环境特征的生态修复和资源增殖技术,可消减区域氮、磷浓度达30%~60%,资源增殖的倍增经济效益高达5倍;研建了工程生态环保设计技术,可减少生物资源损失50%以上。  相似文献   

张元利 《齐鲁渔业》2009,(11):65-65
无棣县拥有浅海滩涂面积10万hm^2(150万亩1,发展渔业养殖具有得天独厚的自然优势。今年以来,无棣县海洋与渔业局通过大力实施省渔业科技人户示范工程,利用“一水多用”现代循环渔业养殖技术,主推对虾与缢蛏、对虾与杂色蛤、对虾与梭子蟹等生态立体混养模式,进行了对虾规模化养殖开发,对虾养殖发展到2.3万hm^2(34.9万亩),实现产量12450t、产值3.11亿元,产量和产值均创历史新高。  相似文献   

为研究环保疏浚对富营养化湖泊底栖动物群落结构的影响,选取洱海沙坪湾开展为期一年的水生态监测与调查,对比分析了沙坪湾底泥疏浚前后、以及疏浚区与未疏浚区的水质指标、底栖动物群落结构及生物多样性指数。研究发现:底泥疏浚前,疏浚区与未疏浚区采集到的生物仅有霍甫水丝蚓(Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri (Claperede,1861))、苏氏尾鰓蚓 (Branchiura sowerbyi) 和摇蚊属一种(Chironomus sp.) 3种。在底泥疏浚过程中,疏浚区的底栖动物种类仅有4种,而未疏浚区的底栖动物已出现8种;疏浚结束后,与疏浚前和疏浚中相比,疏浚区的底栖动物种类明显增加,且种类多于未疏浚区。底栖动物密度和生物量结果表明,底泥疏浚前,疏浚区底栖动物生物量为0.731 g/m2,密度为560 ind./m2;疏浚结束后,疏浚区底栖动物生物量和密度的值分别为13.07 g/m2、1826.7 ind./m2,均高于疏浚前和疏浚中,且高于未疏浚区。此外,同未疏浚区相比,疏浚区的Simpson多样性指数和Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数的平均值分别由0.187、0.365增加到0.325、0.688,疏浚后生物多样性指数高于疏浚前。因此,实施环保疏浚工程能改善洱海湖湾底栖动物群落结构,并促进底栖动物群落多样性的增加。  相似文献   

为了进一步开发利用内陆渔业资源,充分发挥大水面经济效益,2008年东营市卓远黄河口大闸蟹生态养殖有限公司投资388万元在孤北水库实施了中小型水库渔业综合生态养殖技术项目。该项目以东营市金辉老年科技开发中心内部退休渔业技术人员为技术依托,进行水库生态养殖技术指导,实现了鱼、虾、蟹多品种立体养殖丰产丰收,收到了较好的经济效益和社会效益。现将中小型水库渔业综合生态养殖技术总结如下。  相似文献   

养殖业在国民经济中占据着举足轻重的地位,民生的必需性质注定它是一个不断发展的朝阳产业。科学谋划、科学发展、生态循环是它的必由之路,近几年,南方地区努力推进畜禽养殖朝健康、清洁、环保、生态方面发展,结合水污染治理、生态文明示范区创建,依托项目建设,引导畜禽养殖企业做好废弃物综合处理利用。主要对南方地区畜禽养殖废弃物的情况进行介绍,并对畜禽养殖废弃物资源化利用模式和方法进行探讨。  相似文献   

李虹 《重庆水产》2001,(1):20-24
美国在淡水渔业行业管理和科技发展方面广泛应用了基础工程、自动控制和网络等现代技术手段,渔业生态技术含量高,产业化程度高,经济效益良好;同时,高度重视对资源、环境的保护、强调“以人为本,环保第一”,渔业设施建设,水体排放、品种引进和药物使用等行为必须符合相关法规;行之有效的科技体制,完备的推广体系为其渔业稳定发展提供了技术支撑,针对我市渔业现状,借鉴美国淡水渔业经验,提出加大立、执法力度、规范渔业行为;挖掘内部潜力,发展式池塘渔业;审慎发展网箱和水库施肥养鱼,控制环境污染,调整经营方式和品种结构,继续发展稻田养鱼;加强科研、教学、推广的有机结合,完善推广体系建设等推动渔业发展的对策措施。  相似文献   

绿色水产药品指利用自然药、天然药和有益生物种群,利用现代制药先进技术,用于水产养殖动物所患疾病的防治和改善水产动物所处环境恶化的药品,称为“绿色水产药品”。  相似文献   

凌申 《中国水产》2011,(2):26-28
休闲渔业,最早出现在19世纪初美国东部的大西洋沿岸,20世纪70年代以后,在美国、日本、欧洲和我国台湾地区开始盛行。休闲渔业,又称娱乐渔业(Recreational fisheries)或运动渔业(Sport fishing),在我国,被认为是利用海洋与淡水(江河、湖泊、水库等)渔业资源,依托各种与渔业相关的自然与人文环境设施,  相似文献   

国内外河流生态修复研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着社会的高速发展,人类活动对河流生态系统造成的不利影响逐渐显现,河流生态修复的理念应运而生.介绍国外河流生态修复理念和工程技术的发展历程,20世纪30年代-20世纪50年代是以污水处理和河流水质保护为主的生态修复理论雏形阶段,20世纪50年代-20世纪80年代是以“近自然河道治理工程学”为主要理论基础的生态修复理论形成阶段,20世纪80年代后河流生态修复的重点拓展为河流生态系统恢复,相关修复实践全面展开.阐述我国河流生态修复的现状及实践,自20世纪90年代我国开始河流生态修复技术的探索,目前在水质净化、生态河堤建设、生态景观设计和新材料应用等科研领域取得了大量成果.提出应该从河流特点、生态学过程、河流流域等方面综合考虑,开展河流生态修复研究.  相似文献   

滆湖北部底泥疏浚的生态效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究滆湖北部湖区生态系统对底泥生态疏浚的动态响应,2012年10月~2013年9月在滆湖北部湖区采集沉积物和生物样品,分析底泥疏浚对底泥营养盐含量、浮游植物、底栖动物和大型水生植物群落结构的影响。结果表明,滆湖北部疏浚区的总氮、总磷和有机质营养盐含量低于未疏浚区,说明底泥疏浚是削减沉积物内源负荷的有效手段。与未疏浚区相比,疏浚区浮游植物的密度、生物量有所减少,且群落中蓝藻所占的比例下降,浮游植物多样性指数上升,一定程度上减少了滆湖北部发生蓝藻水华的风险。疏浚区底栖动物中的寡毛类的数量和生物量与未疏浚区基本相等,而摇蚊类和软体动物的密度和生物量则下降了80%以上。底泥疏浚区大型水生植物的种类、覆盖度和生物量与未疏浚区相当。  相似文献   

Annual electro fishing surveys were carried out over an 11-year period at five sites on an upland river, which was subject to dredging operations in connection with a land drainage scheme. Four of the sites were dredged 3 years after the start of the survey and one control site remained undredged throughout. The results indicated that dredging operations initially reduced Salmonid densities and that there was subsequently a progressive downstream recovery, with fry densities taking up to 6 years to improve at the most downstream site. Yearling and older fish recovered to pre-drainage scheme levels more rapidly than fry. Changes in population structure were also observed at three of the dredged sites. Two sites were considerably deepened and finally contained larger numbers of older fish than prior to the drainage scheme. The opposite effect was found to have taken place at a site, which became shallower as a result of drainage works, and contained larger numbers of fry at the end of the survey. Increased fish growth rates were also observed at all sites over the experimental period, and this may have been correlated with enrichment of the river system by leaching from increased fertilizer usage within the catchments.  相似文献   

Dredging can have significant impacts on aquatic environments, but the direct effects on fish have not been critically evaluated. Here, a meta‐analysis following a conservative approach is used to understand how dredging‐related stressors, including suspended sediment, contaminated sediment, hydraulic entrainment and underwater noise, directly influence the effect size and the response elicited in fish across all aquatic ecosystems and all life‐history stages. This is followed by an in‐depth review summarizing the effects of each dredging‐related stressor on fish. Across all dredging‐related stressors, studies that reported fish mortality had significantly higher effect sizes than those that describe physiological responses, although indicators of dredge impacts should endeavour to detect effects before excessive mortality occurs. Studies examining the effects of contaminated sediment also had significantly higher effect sizes than studies on clean sediment alone or noise, suggesting additive or synergistic impacts from dredging‐related stressors. The early life stages such as eggs and larvae were most likely to suffer lethal impacts, while behavioural effects were more likely to occur in adult catadromous fishes. Both suspended sediment concentration and duration of exposure greatly influenced the type of fish response observed, with both higher concentrations and longer exposure durations associated with fish mortality. The review highlights the need for in situ studies on the effects of dredging on fish which consider the interactive effects of multiple dredging‐related stressors and their impact on sensitive species of ecological and fisheries value. This information will improve the management of dredging projects and ultimately minimize their impacts on fish.  相似文献   

A before‐after‐control‐impact (BACI) experiment was conducted to examine the effects of hydraulic clam dredging on sediment biogeochemistry of a leased shellfish bed of Mercenaria mercenaria, northern quahog, over the course of an entire growing season. Six study plots (0.67 ha each), three dredged and three not dredged, off of Milford, Connecticut, in Long Island Sound, were sampled from May to October 2009 for porewater fluxes of total ammonia, oxygen, and hydrogen. Particulate samples were also analyzed for grain size, total nitrogen, total carbon, total sulfur, and organic carbon. Statistical analysis indicated no significant difference between dredged and not dredged sites. Grain size and oxygen flux explained 22% of the variation in the total benthic species assemblages; grain size and either total carbon or organic nitrogen explained 18% of the variation in molluscan abundance. Our study demonstrates that one‐time hydraulic shellfish harvesting had minor effects on the sediment chemistry of a leased clam bed.  相似文献   

The status of federally managed fisheries in the United States is well monitored, but the condition of other marine fisheries, whether state-managed, territory-managed or unmanaged, is less understood and often unknown. We used expert surveys to characterize the management systems of non-federally managed fisheries in US coastal marine states and overseas territories. For 311 fisheries, we estimated an overall Fisheries Management Index (FMI) and a qualitative stock status score. These measures were positively correlated, and while a wide range of research, management, enforcement and socioeconomic criteria were partially met (FMI ≥ 0.5) for 66% of fisheries, stock status was considered as partially acceptable (score ≥ 0.5) for only 45% of fisheries and acceptable (score = 1) for only 16% of fisheries. Higher FMI was typically observed in fisheries with greater commercial landed weight, value, or greater recreational catches. Fisheries from continental states had higher FMI than those from overseas territories. Invertebrates and diadromous fish species had higher FMI on average compared to those of marine fishes. Extrapolating results for surveyed fisheries to nearly 2000 non-federally managed US fisheries while stratifying by state and importance designation (based on commercial, recreational, cultural or ecological importance), we estimate a mean overall FMI of 0.48, and estimate that only 19% of fisheries have a reliable estimate of stock status available; both measures are lower than similar estimates for federally managed fisheries. Funding or capacity constraints and information or data limitations were identified as common challenges faced by state agencies in managing fisheries under their jurisdiction.  相似文献   

  • 1. Fish species are used globally for fundamental research, product and environmental testing, and education, but this use has not hitherto been documented. The number of fish used for research and education in North America currently represents approximately one‐quarter of all animal use for these purposes; only mice are used in higher numbers. Data from the Canadian Council on Animal Care, various animal care committees from Canadian universities, and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service are collated and summarized.
  • 2. In Canada nearly a half a million fish were used for research and education each year from 1996 to 2001. We estimated that the United States used over four times that amount for the same purposes, totalling approximately 2.8 million fish each year.
  • 3. At least 100 fish species, representing 27 taxonomic orders, were used for research and education in North America from 1996 to 2001. Close to one‐third of the species had life‐history characteristics that might make them particularly susceptible to over‐exploitation. This potential vulnerability, coupled with data from animal care facilities in Canada suggesting that nearly half of all fish used for research and education were wild‐caught, should prompt further documentation of such fish uses in order to assess their sustainability.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

模拟与分析白洋淀试点区域水质改善工程前后的水质变化情况,探索水质改善效果,为白洋淀水质改善提供思路与经验。基于实测地形、气象数据、水质监测数据、现状污染源、大气沉降、风扰底泥释放等数据资料,运用MIKE软件构建了白洋淀二维水动力和水质数学模型,选取现状水量未清淤(方案一)、增加补水流量1.5倍+未清淤(方案二)、增加补水流量2.0倍+清淤0.1 m(方案三)、增加补水流量2.0倍+清淤0.2 m(方案四)4种优化方案,模拟了典型时刻下白洋淀区域内的流场分布形态和主要污染物迁移扩散规律。结果表明:白洋淀淀区内水体流动速度普遍较小,在增大补水流量和清淤的情况下,流场的改变集中于入淀河流的下游,几乎不改变主淀中的流场分布。随着清淤深度的增大,底泥的污染物释放作用进一步削弱,但削弱的幅度较小。由此确定对白洋淀底泥厚度较大、水质污染较为严重的区域开展清淤工作,建议清淤厚度0.2 m左右。在清淤的基础上,对淀区进行合理补水,入口河流选用常年水质较好的河段,建议补水体积不超过现状补水方案的2倍。  相似文献   

美国鱼类及野生动物管理局是主管美国鱼类、野生动植物和自然栖息地的联邦政府机构,主要工作有保护濒危物种、管理候鸟、恢复重要的渔业、保护和恢复湿地等野生动物的栖息地、执行联邦野生动物的法律、参与国际保护工作、征收捕鱼和狩猎消费税和开展公众教育等。介绍了美国鱼类及野生动物管理局的基本情况、主要工作内容、保护案例等。美国在鱼类及野生动植物的管理与保护方面机构设置完备、职责清晰,法制健全,实施得当,充分发动民众参与,值得学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

水环境退化是全球面临的重要问题,为了恢复受损的水生态系统,促进良性的生态演替,保证人类可持续发展的需要,湿地水环境生态恢复技术已成为当前各国关注的焦点。湿地水环境恢复主要有生态拦截技术、湿地植物净化技术、水生动物净化技术、基于水环境处理的人工浮岛技术和人工湿地净化技术等。在这些技术的研究与应用中,湿地植物对污染物的耐受性和多种生态恢复模式的整合将成为今后湿地恢复研究的焦点;同时应该深入研究湿地水环境恢复的基础理论和技术,探讨其内在的规律和机理,并建设典型湿地水环境恢复示范工程;建立湿地水环境生态恢复技术标准和规范,完善水生态系统健康评估体系,为该技术在我国的广泛推广和应用提供理论和技术支持。  相似文献   

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