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Climate change is altering the productivity of marine fisheries and challenging the effectiveness of historical fisheries management. Harvest control rules, which describe the process for determining catch limits in fisheries, represent one pathway for promoting climate resilience. In the USA, flexibility in how regional management councils specify harvest control rules has spawned diverse approaches for reducing catch limits to precautionarily buffer against scientific and management uncertainty, some of which may be more or less resilient to climate change. Here, we synthesize the control rules used to manage all 507 US federally managed fish stocks and stock complexes. We classified these rules into seven typologies: (1) catch-based; (2) constant catch; (3) constant escapement; (4) constant F; (5) stepped F; (6) ramped F and (7) both stepped and ramped F. We also recorded whether the control rules included a biomass limit (‘cut-off’) value or were environmentally linked as well as the type and size of the buffers used to protect against scientific and/or management uncertainty. Finally, we review the advantages and disadvantages of each typology for managing fisheries under climate change and provide seven recommendations for updating harvest control rules to improve the resilience of US federally managed fisheries to climate change.  相似文献   

Fisheries have had major negative impacts on marine ecosystems, and effective fisheries management and governance are needed to achieve sustainable fisheries, biodiversity conservation goals and thus good ecosystem status. To date, the IndiSeas programme (Indicators for the Seas) has focussed on assessing the ecological impacts of fishing at the ecosystem scale using ecological indicators. Here, we explore fisheries ‘Management Effectiveness’ and ‘Governance Quality’ and relate this to ecosystem health and status. We developed a dedicated expert survey, focused at the ecosystem level, with a series of questions addressing aspects of management and governance, from an ecosystem‐based perspective, using objective and evidence‐based criteria. The survey was completed by ecosystem experts (managers and scientists) and results analysed using ranking and multivariate methods. Results were further examined for selected ecosystems, using expert knowledge, to explore the overall findings in greater depth. Higher scores for ‘Management Effectiveness’ and ‘Governance Quality’ were significantly and positively related to ecosystems with better ecological status. Key factors that point to success in delivering fisheries and conservation objectives were as follows: the use of reference points for management, frequent review of stock assessments, whether Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) catches were being accounted for and addressed, and the inclusion of stakeholders. Additionally, we found that the implementation of a long‐term management plan, including economic and social dimensions of fisheries in exploited ecosystems, was a key factor in successful, sustainable fisheries management. Our results support the thesis that good ecosystem‐based management and governance, sustainable fisheries and healthy ecosystems go together.  相似文献   

An assessment of vulnerability in Alaska groundfish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Federal fishery management rules in the United States have recently changed, necessitating an examination of which fish stocks require annual catch limits and how appropriate stock complexes are formed. We used an analytical approach termed productivity-susceptibility analysis (PSA) to analyze the vulnerability of federally managed Alaska groundfish stocks to overfishing. The focus of the effort was non-target stocks that have limited data available for determining stock status and vulnerability. The PSA approach was originally created to assess risks to bycatch in Australian trawl fisheries and compares productivity attributes (e.g. life-history traits) to factors that determine a stock's susceptibility to fishing impacts, producing a combined score indicative of a stock's relative vulnerability to overfishing. We used a form of the PSA developed by a working group from the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service specifically for use in assessing vulnerability in federally managed fisheries. Alaska groundfish displayed a wide range of vulnerability scores, and this result was mainly due to variability in productivity scores. Susceptibility scores varied less than productivity scores and were centered on an intermediate value. The inclusion of target stocks in the PSA was valuable for assessing the relative vulnerability of the non-target stocks. Sensitivity analyses indicated that PSAs respond differently to changes in attribute scores depending on their initial conditions, and managers should be careful in interpreting changes in PSA results when stocks are re-evaluated.  相似文献   

We assessed the taxonomic diversity, geographic distributions, life history, ecology and fisheries of tarpons, ladyfishes and bonefishes (members of the subdivision Elopomorpha), which share many life history and habitat use characteristics that make them vulnerable to environmental and anthropogenic stresses in coastal environments. This assessment of Red List status for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature reveals three species considered near threatened or vulnerable, three species of least concern, and 11 data‐deficient species. Although the taxonomy of tarpons appears stable, it is less so for ladyfishes and bonefishes. In aggregate, these species are distributed circumtropically and foray into temperate zones. Although they spawn in marine habitats, larvae of many species disperse into estuarine habitats, which are declining in area or degrading in quality. Several species support high‐value recreational fisheries, or culturally important small‐scale commercial and artisanal fisheries. Nonetheless, no formal stock assessment exists for any species, so improved data collection, information sharing and assessment techniques should facilitate socio‐economic development of individual fisheries. Catch‐and‐release recreational fisheries that promote conservation of tarpon and bonefishes in some regions are promising models to improve the conservation status of these fishes elsewhere, as well as the economic development of these fishing communities. Most tarpons, ladyfishes and bonefishes likely face significant challenges from anthropogenically mediated habitat loss and alteration, and several are vulnerable to both habitat degradation and overfishing. Broader protection and enhancements to fisheries habitat in all regions will benefit these as well as many other coastal fishery species.  相似文献   

Abstract An in‐depth explanation of selected content of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission’s ‘Code of Practice for Recreational Fisheries’ (CoP) is presented. The focus is on core areas that were intensely debated in the drafting the CoP. These include definition of recreational fishing, recreational fishing practices, fish welfare, recreational fisheries management and research. It is anticipated that the CoP for recreational fisheries promotes best practice and management principles for sustainable recreational fisheries, within the recreational fisheries sector and ancillary industries/sectors regionally, nationally, and ultimately globally. To be viable, the CoP for recreational fisheries must be adopted by the international community complementing the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.  相似文献   

There is considerable international concern and scientific debate about the current state and future of tuna stocks worldwide and the capacity of Regional Fisheries Management Organisations to manage the associated fisheries effectively. In some cases, this concern has extended to predictions of imminent collapse with minimal chances of recovery, even under a commercial catch moratorium. As a viable alternative to a full fishery closure, the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) has adopted a scientifically tested, adaptive rebuilding strategy for the depleted southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) stock. The management procedure (MP) adopted involves a harvest control rule that fully specifies the total allowable catch as a function of key indicators of stock status, adjusting future harvest levels every three years so as to meet the rebuilding targets agreed by CCSBT. It was chosen from a subset of candidate MPs selected following extensive simulation testing. This involved first selecting a wide range of plausible scenarios for stock status and input data, ranging from pessimistic to optimistic, against which the alternative candidate MPs were tested to ensure that they were robust to important uncertainties. This is the first time that a comprehensively evaluated MP has been adopted for an internationally managed tuna stock. Both the process and the outcomes have broad applicability to other internationally managed stocks.  相似文献   

The common dentex, Dentex dentex (L.), is an iconic marine coastal fish in the Mediterranean Sea. This study was performed in the Bonifacio Strait Natural Reserve (BSNR), (NW Mediterranean Sea). The aims were to: (1) evaluate temporal variation of the artisanal fishing of common dentex (2000–2012); (2) compare and quantify catch rates, fishing techniques and catch composition for artisanal and recreational fisheries, and determine the influence of management measures by both activities; and (3) estimate the production of both artisanal and recreational fisheries. Fishery data were collected from different artisanal fishing surveys (onboard fishing vessels and landings) and recreational fishing surveys (roving). The gears with the highest rates of exploitation were longline (3554 g per 100 hooks) and Trolling (351 g boat?1 h?1 ±SE), respectively, for artisanal and recreational fishing. This study showed that catches by both activities were quantitatively higher in partially protected areas than outside them. Production estimations suggest that the recreational fishery contributes significantly to fishing mortality and that it can magnify the negative effects of artisanal fisheries. Specific measures are needed for the sustainable fishery management of common dentex.  相似文献   

Recreational fishing (RF) is a large yet undervalued component of fisheries globally. While progress has been made in monitoring, assessing, and managing the sector in isolation, integration of RF into the management of multi-sector fisheries has been limited, particularly relative to the commercial sector. This marginalises recreational fishers and reduces the likelihood of achieving the sector's objectives and, more broadly, achieving fisheries sustainability. We examined the nature and extent of RF inclusion in harvest strategies (HSs) for marine fisheries across 15 regions in 11 nations to define the gap in inclusion that has developed between sectors. We focused on high-income nations with a high level of RF governance and used a questionnaire to elicit expert knowledge on HSs due to the paucity of published documents. In total, 339 HSs were considered. We found that RF inclusion in HSs was more similar to the small-scale sector (i.e., artisanal, cultural, or subsistence) than the commercial sector, with explicit operational objectives, data collection, performance indicators, reference points, and management controls lacking in many regions. Where specified, RF objectives focused on sustainability, economic value and catch allocation rather than directly relating to the recreational fishing experience. Conflicts with other sectors included competition with the commercial sector for limited resources, highlighting the importance of equitable resource allocation policies alongside HSs. We propose that RF be explicitly incorporated into HSs to ensure fisheries are ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable, and we recommend that fisheries organisations urgently review HSs for marine fisheries with a recreational component to close the harvest strategy gap among sectors.  相似文献   

Understanding the impacts of recreational fishing on commercially fished stocks is becoming increasingly relevant for fisheries managers. However, data from recreational fisheries are not commonly included in stock assessments of commercially fished stocks. Simulation models of two assessment methods employed in Australia's Commonwealth fisheries were used to explore how recreational fishery data can be included, and the likely consequences for management. In a data‐poor management strategy for blue eye trevalla, Hyperoglyphe antarctica (Carmichael), temporal trends in recreational catch most affected management outcomes. In a data‐rich age‐structured stock assessment for striped marlin, Kajikia audax (Philippi), estimates of stock status were biased when recreational catches were large or when the recreational fishery targeted different size classes than the commercial fishery and these data were not integrated into the assessment. Including data from recreational fishing can change perceptions of stock status and impact recommendations for harvest strategies and management action. An understanding of recreational fishery dynamics should be prioritised for some species.  相似文献   

唐议  盛燕燕  陈园园 《水产学报》2014,38(5):759-768
以底拖网为代表的深海底层渔业对深海脆弱海洋生态系统的危害受到国际社会的热切关注。2003年以来联合国大会多次通过决议,呼吁各国各自并通过RFMO/As采取行动,根据预防性原则,采用基于生态系统的管理方法,评估深海底层渔业对脆弱海洋生态系统的影响,若评估表明确有重大不利影响,则应采取有效措施限制深海底层渔业以降低这种影响;FAO主要从技术角度制定了《公海深海渔业管理国际指南》,为管理公海深海渔业和保护脆弱海洋生态系统提出了技术标准和管理框架;RFMO承担着具体执行深海底层渔业管理措施和监督管理的责任,在北大西洋、地中海、南太平洋的公海和南极水域,相关RFMO已采取了暂停部分区域底拖网渔业活动、收集数据、评估底拖网对脆弱海洋生态系统的影响等措施,在北太平洋,新成立的北太平洋渔业管理委员会将公海底层渔业管理作为首要目标。环保非政府组织和部分科学家呼吁禁止公海深海底层渔业,但各国对此的立场尚不一致,产业界大多持反对立场。近期来看,尚难以全面禁止公海的深海底层渔业。中国正在发展公海大洋渔业,需对此密切关注,加强跟踪研究以支撑决策,并应发展和使用选择性渔具和对生态环境无害的作业方式,防止对脆弱海洋生态系统产生损害性影响。  相似文献   

Coral reefs support numerous ornamental fisheries, but there are concerns about stock sustainability due to the volume of animals caught. Such impacts are difficult to quantify and manage because fishery data are often lacking. Here, we suggest a framework that integrates several data‐poor assessment and management methods in order to provide management guidance for fisheries that differ widely in the kinds and amounts of data available. First, a resource manager could assess the status of the ecosystem (using quantitative metrics where data are available and semi‐quantitative risk assessment where they are not) and determine whether overall fishing mortality should be reduced. Next, productivity susceptibility analysis can be used to estimate vulnerability to fishing using basic information on life history and the nature of the fishery. Information on the relative degree of exploitation (e.g. export data or ratios of fish density inside and outside no‐take marine reserves) is then combined with the vulnerability ranks to prioritize species for precautionary management and further analysis. For example, species that are both highly exploited and vulnerable are good candidates for precautionary reductions in allowable capture. Species that appear to be less vulnerable could be managed on a stock‐specific basis to prevent over‐exploitation of some species resulting from the use of aggregate catch limits. The framework could be applied to coral reef ornamental fisheries which typically lack landings, catch‐per‐unit‐effort and age‐size data to generate management guidance to reduce overfishing risk. We illustrate the application of this framework to an ornamental fishery in Indonesia.  相似文献   

  1. To our knowledge, this is the first inclusive assessment of the status of Sparidae fisheries in the territorial waters of Kuwait, integrating information on catch trends, consumer preferences, recreational fishing behaviour, and molecular based identification of fish species by DNA barcoding
  2. Fisheries landing data were obtained from the official fisheries bulletin released by the Kuwait Central Statistical Bureau. Surveys were conducted to assess consumer preferences on seabream species, landed seabream species, and the behaviour of recreational anglers towards seabream species. DNA barcodes were generated to authenticate commercial seabream using the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COXI) gene and then compared with GenBank sequence entries; these sequences were then used to construct a neighbour-joining (NJ) phylogenetic tree.
  3. Yellowfin seabream Acanthopagrus latus was the prime and most favoured commercial seabream species (45%), followed by Sparidentex hasta, which was the top-rated secondary, unassessed seabream species. Approximately 54% of households conduct recreational fishing more than twice a month, and most (77%) primarily target S. hasta and Ac. latus. Consumer demand for secondary seabreams, which were not assessed and are listed in the bulletin under the category ‘others’, was evident.
  4. The NJ phylogenetic tree revealed that Arabian Gulf seabreams, including those of Kuwait, are genetically different from their counterparts inhabiting neighbouring waters.
  5. The data presented here highlight the urgency to modify the existing fisheries list using accurate identification tools, such as DNA barcoding, for the sustainable and conservation-oriented management of local fisheries, which are in decline.

The use of commercial catch statistics to estimate overfishing consequences has been criticised, but alternative long‐term data sets are rare. Long time‐series data sets from recreational fisheries competitions have been used to infer trends in coastal fish communities. Here an historic archive (1953–2007) of recreational spear fisheries in Galicia (NW Spain) was employed to estimate long‐term changes in coastal ecosystems. Using generalised additive regression models, decreases in the abundances of coastal rocky reef fishes of up to 76% over the last 50 years were found. In the same period, the mean body weight also decreased by 76%. In addition, relative catch frequency has decreased for the most valuable commercial species. Overfishing, amongst other human impacts, has brought these ecosystems so close to collapse that it is urgent to implement measures to ensure their recovery.  相似文献   

The role of recreational fisheries in the competition for marine resources is increasingly recognised. Their contribution in stock dynamics needs to be accounted for in assessments and management. Management regulations should be based on scientific advice on human and biological dimensions to be effective in reaching their goals. A survey among marine angling tourists staying in fishing camps in two study areas in Norway was conducted to study catch‐and‐release (C&R) behaviour. Although C&R has been assumed to be low in many marine recreational fisheries, this survey showed that for some species, more than 60% of the catch was released. As C&R may be associated with post‐release mortalities, the current management system could be inefficient towards its aim of reducing fishing mortality. It was concluded that it is necessary to quantify release mortalities, to consider C&R behaviour in future management decisions, and to minimise the potential negative impacts of C&R through handling guidelines.  相似文献   

Aquaculture is a multifaceted, dynamic food production sector in Europe. The average annual growth rate of aquaculture production in Western Europe was 5.5% between 1988 and 1998, while in Eastern Europe production declined by 56% during the same period. The main growth in aquaculture production has taken place in the marine environment, particularly in the expanding salmon, Salmo salar L., industry of Northern Europe. Inland aquaculture only contributed 19% of the total aquaculture production in 1998. Trout in Western Europe, and common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., in Eastern Europe are the dominant species in inland aquaculture. Inland fisheries production has been stagnant in Western Europe and has declined considerably in Eastern Europe. The importance of recreational fisheries is increasing all over Europe, although no reliable data are available on angler catches. The major interactions between aquaculture and fisheries are pollution by untreated effluents from farms and impacts on indigenous fish stocks. The conflict is decreasing as more advanced systems are used in inland aquaculture, including water recirculation and effluent treatment. The positive benefit of aquaculture is that the sector supports extensive stocking programmes in commercial and recreational fisheries all over Europe.  相似文献   

The reform of the European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in 2013 decides whether the European fisheries can be put on a sustainable course in the next 10 years. The CFP reform must halt overexploitation of fish resources and stop harm to the marine environment by fishing activities. The European Commission published a reform proposal just recently. This proposal is already an important first step in the right direction, but is under threat of being watered down by the Fisheries Council. Necessary improvements of the current CFP include among others a binding definition of a sustainable stock management, a discard ban for all fish species, transferable fishing concessions and a cessation of all aid for building new vessels. These modifications pave the way for placing micromanagement in the hands of regions and fisheries so as to foster self‐responsibility among fishers and give greater consideration to regional circumstances.  相似文献   

Large pelagic fishes are assessed and managed by tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (tRFMOs). These organizations have been criticized for not meeting conservation objectives, which may relate to aspects of governance and management. No previous studies have systematically evaluated why management performance differs among tRFMOs and among stocks within each tRFMO. In this study, we collected data on the nature of research, management, enforcement and socioeconomics of management systems in the five principal tRFMOs of the world's oceans. We quantified influences of economic and fishery‐related factors on these management characteristics and examined how these factors vary among tRFMOs. We found that tRFMOs with a greater number of member countries, a greater economic dependency on tuna resources, a lower mean per capita gross domestic product, a greater number of fishing vessels and smaller vessels were associated with less intensive research, management and enforcement in these tuna fisheries. We also quantified the influence of specific management attributes and of biological, economic and fishery‐related factors on the trends and current status of large pelagic fish stocks in these regions. The most important factors correlated with trends and current stock status were external to the management systems, and included stock size, age at maturity, ex‐vessel price and economic dependency of countries on tuna fisheries. To improve the overall status of large pelagic fish stocks in the global high seas, more intensive data collection, research and management are needed in certain areas, especially in the Indian Ocean, and for certain stocks, especially non‐target species.  相似文献   

丁勇成 《河北渔业》2016,(10):56-60
对威海市发展海洋休闲渔业的优势、劣势、机会与挑战进行了分析,威海应立足优美的自然环境、丰富的海洋旅游资源,抢抓国家海洋战略实施的机遇,优化海洋渔业产业结构调整,满足大众消费需求,发展海洋休闲渔业。通过加大宣传力度,来提升海洋休闲渔业的知名度;统筹规划整合现有的海洋旅游、渔业资源,加大资金投入,加强人才培养,来实现海洋休闲渔业可持续发展。  相似文献   

Forage fish play a pivotal role in marine ecosystems and economies worldwide by sustaining many predators and fisheries directly and indirectly. We estimate global forage fish contributions to marine ecosystems through a synthesis of 72 published Ecopath models from around the world. Three distinct contributions of forage fish were examined: (i) the ecological support service of forage fish to predators in marine ecosystems, (ii) the total catch and value of forage fisheries and (iii) the support service of forage fish to the catch and value of other commercially targeted predators. Forage fish use and value varied and exhibited patterns across latitudes and ecosystem types. Forage fish supported many kinds of predators, including fish, seabirds, marine mammals and squid. Overall, forage fish contribute a total of about $16.9 billion USD to global fisheries values annually, i.e. 20% of the global ex‐vessel catch values of all marine fisheries combined. While the global catch value of forage fisheries was $5.6 billion, fisheries supported by forage fish were more than twice as valuable ($11.3 billion). These estimates provide important information for evaluating the trade‐offs of various uses of forage fish across ecosystem types, latitudes and globally. We did not estimate a monetary value for supportive contributions of forage fish to recreational fisheries or to uses unrelated to fisheries, and thus the estimates of economic value reported herein understate the global value of forage fishes.  相似文献   

Inland fisheries can be diverse, local and highly seasonal. This complexity creates challenges for monitoring, and consequently, many inland fish stocks have few data and cannot be assessed using methods typically applied to industrial marine fisheries. In such situations, there may be a role for methods recently developed for assessment of data‐poor fish stocks. Herein, three established data‐poor assessment tools from marine systems are demonstrated to highlight their value to inland fisheries management. A case study application uses archived length, catch and catch‐per‐unit‐effort data to characterise the ecological status of an important recreational brown trout stock in an Irish lake. This case study is of specific use to management of freshwater sport fisheries, but the broader purpose of the paper was to provide a crossover between marine and inland fisheries science, and to highlight accessible data‐poor assessment approaches that may be applicable in diverse inland systems.  相似文献   

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