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测定广西本地转化培育和从湖南引进的28个杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)无性系试验林17年和21年生的生长量,结合这些无性系试验林7年和9年生时的测定数据进行对比分析,结果显示:参试无性系生长量存在显著的遗传差异;随着林龄的增长,生长性状的差异均呈逐渐增大的趋势。试验林17年生的生长表现与21年生时显著相关,表明杉木无性系在17年生或更早林龄阶段时已可进行决选。根据决选结果,运用3类聚类法进行的杉木优良无性系早期选择,参试无性系9年生时进行选择比7年生的选对率提高了24.0%。相对于对照无性系,7个优良无性系的材积增益在15%以上。  相似文献   

广东省杉木无性系选育研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对广东省 16块 6~ 10年生的杉木无性系试验林生长进行分析 ,结果表明 :生长性状方差分析 ,无性系间生长量差异达显著水平以上的试验林占 88.2 % ,各试验林最优无性系与最劣无性系的材积比值介于1.9~ 6 1.9之间 ,差异极显著 ;无性系树高、胸径和材积的重复力分别为 0 .6 5 3,0 .6 5 1和 0 .6 17,属于中上水平 ;遗传变异系数 ,材积 >胸径 >树高。当选择率为 0 .0 5 ,0 .10 ,0 .2 0时 ,材积的遗传增益依次为 4 9.86 % ,4 2 36 % ,33.88% ,现实增益依次为 10 5 .11% ,88.71% ,71.0 9% ,现实增益为遗传增益的两倍。按选择标准选择 ,有 78个无性系入选 ,入选率为 8.1% ,其树高、胸径、单株材积的平均增益分别为 2 5 .16 % ,31.2 6 %和93.90 %。无性系早期 (3~ 5年生 )选择至 6~ 10年生时的选准率为 6 3.5 %。  相似文献   

黑杨派无性系生长与材性联合选择   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用 9年生黑杨派 10个无性系试验林材料进行了生长与材性等 14个性状的遗传分析及选择研究。方差分析、遗传参数估测表明 ,无性系间 14个性状差异均达极显著水平 ,各性状无性系重复力在 0 85 2~ 0 987。说明这些无性系在多个性状上存在广泛遗传差异 ,并且这种差异受较强的遗传控制 ,从中进行多性状遗传改良是可行的。经多性状主成分分析和聚类分析 ,选出卡帕茨、5 0杨、I 6 9三个综合性状表现优良的无性系 ,其中卡帕茨为新选无性系 ,在该试验林中生长量最高 ,材积超I 2 14杨 6 9 7%、超中林 4 6杨 7 9% ,且材质优良 ,适宜推广应用  相似文献   

对福建省邵武市35个15年生杉木无性系试验林的树高、胸径、材积和木材基本密度4个主要经济性状进行了测定和分析,并采用指数选择法进行了优良无性系选择。结果表明:4个主要经济性状在无性系间达极显著差异水平,且有较高重复力和中等的变异系数;树高、胸径、材积3个生长性状间的遗传相关均为密切正相关,3个生长性状与木材密度间则均为弱度遗传负相关。采用材积和木材密度两个性状,应用选择指数选出7个优良无性系,它们在木材密度基本保持试验群体平均水平的情况下,材积比试验群体平均值大48.17%,比试验对照大105.45%。  相似文献   

21年生杉木无性系生长与遗传评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对来源于湖南省的38个杉木无性系在广西柳州市21年生试验林各生长性状进行了调查与分析,发现中林龄杉木无性系间的胸径、树高、单株材积及树冠指标生长量均存在显著或极显著的差异;无性系树高、胸径、材积、枝下高、冠长及冠幅等性状重复力为58.65%87.19%,均达50%以上,表现为中等以上重复力,说明杉木无性系生长性状及树冠性状具有较高的遗传稳定性;无性系生长性状胸径、树高及材积与树冠性状冠长、冠幅均呈显著或极显著正相关;从38个供试杉木无性系中筛选出88号、68号、300号等3个优良杉木无性系,单株材积分别达0.494 8、0.438 9、0.412 9 m3,较优良种源、改良代种子园种子及优良家系组成的5个实生对照平均值分别高出43.59%、27.37%和19.82%。  相似文献   

楸树无性系早期生长变异和优选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]为评价和选育优良楸树(Catalpa bungei C. A. Mey)无性系。[方法]本研究利用32个楸树无性系7年的生长测定数据,以分析其生长规律及早期生长过程。对各无性系的单株材积生长进行Logistic拟合回归分析。在此基础上,分析不同指标间的相关性并对32个无性系进行聚类分析。[结果]楸树无性系在不同年份(1 a除外)胸径、树高、单株材积差异极显著,说明楸树无性系间变异丰富。楸树单株材积变异系数最大(7.84%~35.56%),胸径次之(11.89%~17.29%),树高最低(6.91%~10.87%),无性系单株材积改良潜力较大。同时生长后期单株材积(0.75)和胸径(0.82)保持较高的重复力,意味楸树单株材积受遗传控制较强。利用无性系单株材积生长平均值,拟合了楸树无性系单株材积生长曲线的Logistic模型,估算的生长参数在无性系间具有较大差异。楸树无性系7年生单株材积平均年生长量呈"S"型曲线生长趋势,而连年生长量先上升后下降,在第5年达到高峰,截止到本次调查时还未达到数量成熟。相关性分析显示:楸树无性系单株材积生长量与最大生长速率(MGR)、线性生长速率(LGR)、线性生长量(LGI)极显著正相关。聚类分析结果表明:供试的32个楸树无性系分为4大类,其中第I类的楸树单株材积生长总量较大,且具有较强的后期生长潜力。[结论]不同楸树无性系的遗传变异丰富, 1-1、22-07、19-01、16-05、16-01、16-07等6个无性系生长潜力较高,可作为楸树的优良无性系进行推广。  相似文献   

本文对9个尾叶桉、巨尾桉、尾巨桉无性系0.5~2.5年生试验林生长率、差异性及林分直径结构分析,发现林龄0.5~1.5 a是无性系树高生长高峰期,此时树高生长率达79.20%~96.27%,是林龄1.5~2.5 a树高生长率的3~4倍;林龄1.5~2.5 a时,各无性系林分胸径、树高、单株材积生长率分别为19.66%~25.67%、18.58%~27.96%、52.57%~62.54%,生长率最大的是E7号无性系(胸径、单株材积)和E6号无性系(树高);秩次相关分析表明:各无性系胸径、单株材积生长量在不同林龄时排序变动不大,而无性系树高生长量排序在不同林龄时变动较大;差异性分析表明:无性系间胸径、树高、单株材积生长差异显著,但随林龄增加有差异减小趋势;林龄2.5年生时,E5号无性系胸径、单株材积生长量最大,分别达11.39 cm、0.0736 m3;各无性系林分树木径阶范围为6~14 cm或8~14 cm,以10 cm或12 cm径阶树木占最大比例,除E8号无性系外,其余8个无性系树木径阶分布总体上近似正态分布。  相似文献   

文章对32个马占相思(Acacia mangiumW illd.)无性系进行选择试验,结果表明:4年生的32个无性系中单株材积、胸径、分枝差异都达到显著或极显著水平;生长最好的无性系为58号和74号,单株材积分别为0.077 906 m3和0.072 317 m3,年均材积生长量分别为32.428 37 m3/(hm2.a)和30.101 95 m3/(hm2.a);与总平均值25.429 55 m3/(hm2.a)相比,年材积增益分别为27.52%,18.37%。  相似文献   

马尾松无性系种子园半同胞子代变异分析和家系选择   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以福建省漳平五一林场马尾松无性系种子园自由授粉子代半同胞家系为研究对象,分析其树高、胸径、材积、冠幅、通直度、高径比、冠径比、木材基本密度、管胞长度和宽度、管胞长宽比等性状,发现家系间除管胞长宽比性状差异显著,其余性状均达差异极显著,暗示着马尾松种子园半同胞家系间存在较为丰富的变异,具选育潜力。8年生林分内各性状的家系遗传力以树高性状为最高(0·691),其次是木材基本密度(0·640)。各性状间的相关性分析结果表明,生长量性状的改良可间接改善通直度,且生长量性状与木材基本密度存在显著正相关关系,木材基本密度与管胞长度和宽度不相关。采用10%入选率,发现5年生林分和8年生林分入选家系一致,材积遗传增益分别达19·74%和19·23%,且5年生林分和8年生林分生长量性状的遗传相关极显著,认为马尾松制浆造纸材短轮伐期的初选年龄可确定为5年生;根据性状遗传力的相对大小和典型相关分析的结果,认为马尾松家系选择可适当注重树高生长量指标。以树高和材积为选择指标,按照10%入选率,兼顾材性和种子园内无性系的开花结实情况,筛选出制浆造纸材短轮伐期优良家系12个。  相似文献   

以15个桉树(Eucalyptus spp.)无性系为研究对象,调查2.5、3.5、4.5年生无性系试验林的胸径和树高,研究其生长性状。结果表明,历年胸径、树高和单株材积在无性系间存在极显著差异。根据4.5年生的生长量分析,基于Q型聚类初步筛选出6号、8号和14号等3个优良无性系,它们的生长量均达到甚至高于对照的生长量。本研究可为该地区无性系进一步选育和应用提供依据。  相似文献   

Contour hedgerows of multipurpose tree species in the sloping tea lands of Sri Lanka are expected to reduce soil erosion and also add significant amounts of plant nutrients to the soil via periodic prunings. The objective of this experiment was to characterize the biomass decomposition pattern and quantify the amount of nutrients added through prunings of six tree species (Calliandra calothyrsus, Senna spectabilis, Euphatorium innulifolium, Flemingia congesta, Gliricidia sepium and Tithonia diversifolia) currently being used in hedgerows associated with tea. Withered leaf and stem prunings (50 g) were enclosed in 2-mm litter bags, placed at 5-cm depth and retrieved after one, three, six, nine and 12 weeks. Loss of initial dry weight, N, P and K was measured. Single exponential decay function adequately described both dry weight and nutrient loss. Tree species differed significantly in their rate of breakdown with decomposition constants (k) varying from 0.0299 to 0.2006 week−1 for leaves and from 0.0225 to 0.0633 week−1 for stems. Gliricidia showed the highest k for leaves with the rest in the following descending order: Senna > TithoniaEuphatorium > Calliandra > Flemingia. A similar pattern was observed for loss of all nutrients with Calliandra and Flemingia always having lower k values than the rest. Although N immobilization was not observed, immobilization of P and K was observed during the first week of incubation in some species, particularly in stem prunings. Annual biomass of prunings differed significantly between tree species in the following descending order: Calliandra > Senna > Flemingia > Tithonia > Gliricidia > Euphatorium. Calliandra added the greatest amount of nutrients annually to the soil with Euphatorium adding the least. Calliandra prunings provided the annual total K requirement and 49% of the N requirement of mature tea. However, none of the species provided more than 5% of the P requirement. It is concluded that among the tree species tested, Calliandra and Flemingia are the most suitable for contour hedgerows in tea plantations of this agroclimatic region because of their higher soil nutrient enrichment capacity and slower decomposition rates which would minimize leaching losses. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


The effects of seed weight and seed type on seedling growth of Pinus sylvestris (L.) were studied by seeding individually weighed orchard and stand seed in different mixtures under harsh (direct seeding in field) and optimal (seeding in nursery) conditions. In the nursery experiment an increase in the seed weight from 3 to 7 mg increased the seedling height by 10-27% and total weight by 27-113%, and decreased the height/diameter ratio by 5-6% after 2 yrs. With elimination of seed weight effects, orchard seedlings were 2% taller than stand seedlings in year 2. Without elimination of seed weight effects, orchard seedlings were 7-13% taller. In the field experiment an increase in the seed weight from 3 to 7 mg increased seedling height by 18-65%, stem volume by 81-274% and the number of top-buds by 23-34% in year 5. After elimination of seed weight effects, orchard seedlings were 7-13% taller than stand seedlings and without elimination of seed weight effects 20-21% taller after 5 yrs. Even after elimination of both seed weight and genetic effects orchard seedlings were 3-9% larger than stand seedlings in the field experiment. In conclusion, the influence of seed weight and seed type on growth traits and slenderness is highly significant and the influence seems to be greater in harsh conditions.  相似文献   


Wood in general and wooden studs in particular are often distorted owing to uneven shrinkage during the drying process in the sawmill. Twist is often the most detrimental of all types of distortion, and it is caused by spiral grain in combination with variations in moisture content. For sawmills, the objective is to produce dried, straight boards, and one method of dealing with boards with excessive spiral grain is to sort them out and then dry them in a pretwisted position to obtain straight boards after drying. A model using the finite element (FE) method for the simulation of drying twist distortions was first calibrated against laboratory experiments in which boards were dried with and without restraints and pretwists. After the calibration, the FE results were compared with industrial test results for boards that were dried without restraints or with restraints with zero pretwist, i.e. straight restraints. The FE model used an elastic–ideally plastic material model to obtain permanent deformations. The calibration was to set the yield stresses so that there was a good match between FE results and results from the laboratory experiments. The comparison between the industrial test results and the FE results showed that the FE model is capable of realistic simulations of drying boards with and without restraints and presumably also pretwists.  相似文献   

Baobab leaves form an important part of the local diet in Sahel countries and elsewhere in Africa. Existing leaf nutritional data and agroforestry performance information are based solely on Adansonia digitata L., the baobab of continental Africa. The introduction potential of Adansonia species from the center of diversity in Madagascar and from Australia remains untapped. To assess this potential, the mineral contents and B1 and B2 vitamin levels of dried baobab leaves were determined for five-year old trees of A. digitata, A. gibbosa (A. Cunn.) Guymer ex D. Baum, A. rubrostipa Jum. & H. Perrier (syn. A. fony Baill.), A. perrieri Capuron and A. za Baill. grown in an introduction trial in Mali. Nutritional data were evaluated against survival and vigor to identify promising germplasm. Leaf vitamin and crude protein contents were highest in the Madagascar species, especially A. rubrostipa (B1 88 mg 100 g−1, B2 187 mg 100 g−1, protein 20.7% dry weight). However, the local species far outperformed the introductions in survival, tree height, basal diameter and resistance to termites. We suggest grafting as a way of harnessing the vigor of well-adapted local baobab varieties to the superior nutritional profiles of A. rubrostipa and others. Cross-species grafting tests in Adansonia were successful, thus creating new agroforestry possibilities with different scion/rootstock combinations.  相似文献   

Streams and drains in blanket-peatland forest in western Ireland were sampled weekly over 5 years, 1996–2000, using continuous, depth-proportional passive sampling. Analysis was for pH, alkalinity by Gran titration, anions by IC, metals by ICP, aluminium speciation by loaded-resin exchange, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by absorbance at 320 nm.

Effects of felling are identified graphically from two forest drains whose catchments (both about 1 ha) were clearfelled, and partial clearfelling of one larger catchment (somewhat over 1 km2), in summer 1999. Calcium concentrations and alkalinity were increased in the drain- and streamwater from the felled areas. The pH was increased in drains, while in the larger stream, pH range decreased while the mean increased. Phosphorus increased markedly with clearfell, in the absence of recent fertilising, and also increased with fertilising; these results are reported in an accompanying paper. Ammonium-nitrogen concentrations were increased in the two drains with felling, and temporarily decreased in the larger stream. Nitrate increased in some cases. Potassium and manganese concentrations also increased. Concentrations of DOC and organic monomeric aluminium increased gradually, subject to a continuing strong annual cycle. There were no clearfelling effects on concentrations of solphate, suspended solids or inorganic monomeric aluminium. In the two drains (fully clearfelled), concentrations of sodium, chloride and magnesium, and conductivity, were all reduced after felling. Fertilising effects other than for phosphorus were indistinct.

Effects of the combined clearfell–reforestation treatment were testable statistically, using randomised intervention analysis, between two larger streams (1 km2) as a treatment–control comparison. There were statistically significant positive responses in streamwater concentrations of nitrate, potassium, calcium, DOC and aluminium fractions. The implications for management practice depend on whether the loss of nutrients is sustainable for future crop productivity, and whether critical limits and loads of receiving ecosystems are exceeded.  相似文献   


Survival, root egress and height growth of 13-month-old actively growing Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) container seedlings exposed to preplanting drying treatments (0, 4, and 8 days) and postplanting drought periods (1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks) were studied in the field between 5 July and 18 August 1999. The mortality of seedlings increased and the height growth and root egress decreased throughout the postplanting drought period. Postplanting performance was also affected by preplanting drying treatments. The results indicate that no risk of excessive mortality and growth restrictions occurs when actively growing seedlings are planted in summer, provided that seedlings are well watered before planting and the drought period does not exceed 3 weeks.  相似文献   

The objective of this case study was to test the effectiveness of biocontrol for the rehabilitation of abandoned, diseased (moniliasis, witches' broom and black pod) cocoa and to develop testable hypotheses regarding the effect of shade and biocontrol timing. Three trial fields differed in their shade regimes. Biocontrol was administered starting either at flowering or pod filling. Disease incidence and yield were compared with cultural control alone. Biocontrol reduced moniliasis from 49% to 25%, independent of the shading regime and application time. Witches' broom was most severe without shade and unaffected by biocontrol. No significant effects on black pod were observed. Although biocontrol increased percentage healthy fruit independent of shading and timing, only the shaded plot with biocontrol from flowering onwards responded with increased yield. Our hypothesis is: 'In the rehabilitation of abandoned cacao, only fields under sustainable shade management and early onset of biocontrol can realise their production potential.' This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Heterobasidion parviporum and Heterobasidion annosum are widely distributed root‐rot fungi that infect conifers throughout Europe. Infection of conifer stumps by spores of these pathogens can be controlled by treating fresh stumps with a competing non‐pathogenic fungus, Phlebiopsis gigantea. In this study, growth of three Latvian strains of P. gigantea and the biological control agent ‘Rotstop’ strain was evaluated in stem pieces of Norway spruce, Scots pine, lodgepole pine, Douglas‐fir, Weymouth pine, Siberian larch and Sitka spruce. The growth rates of one H. parviporum and one H. annosum isolate were also measured in the same stem pieces. The growth rate of P. gigantea varied greatly in wood of different conifer species. It was higher in the three pine species, lower in Norway spruce and lowest in Sitka spruce and Siberian larch, and in Douglas‐fir, this fungus did not grow. The largest area of wood occupied by P. gigantea was in lodgepole pine. Growth of Latvian isolates of P. gigantea in the wood of Pinus and Picea species was comparable to that of the Rotstop isolate. Consequently, stump treatment with local P. gigantea isolates should be recommended. However, our results suggest that Douglas‐fir stump treatment against Heterobasidion by P. gigantea may be ineffective and other stump treatment methods should be considered.  相似文献   


Mean age, mean and top heights and yield were studied in 20 mixed stands of birch ( Betula pubescens Ehrh. and B. pendula Roth) and Picea abies (L.) Karst. and nine mixed stands of birch and Pinus sylvestris L. in south-eastern Norway. Each mixed stand and the adjacent pure coniferous stand (control) were growing under the same site conditions and had not been commercially thinned. There were no significant differences in mean age at breast height or in top heights between birch and conifers in the mixed stands, while mean height was significantly higher for birch than for spruce. A growth index was calculated based on total volume and age at breast height. For the spruce sites the growth in young mixed stands (birch < 17 m) was superior to that of pure spruce, while the difference was insignificant in older stands. The growth index correlated positively with the ratio between generatively and vegetatively regenerated birch trees, and negatively with the age of the oldest species in the mixture and with site quality. For the pine sites there was no significant difference in the growth index between mixed birch-pine and pure pine stands. A mixture effect of birch on the volume yield of spruce or pine could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   


An outbreak of the needle-shortening pine gall midge, Thecodiplosis brachyntera , occurred on Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris (L.) and lodgepole pine, P. contorta (Dougl.) in central Sweden during 1995-1998. The larval feeding of T. brachyntera kills current-year needles and heavy infestation causes severe defoliation. A pattern of fluctuating defoliation among years and sites was found on both pine species. Defoliation was evenly distributed in the crown of P. sylvestris during years of high as well as low infestation; apical whorls had as much defoliation as basal whorls. In P. contorta , however, there was a tendency for defoliation to be concentrated on branches in the most apical whorls. Growth ring increments on P. sylvestris with high levels of defoliation (71%) did not differ from trees with moderate levels (26%) of defoliation. Shoot lengths were significantly shorter, however, on heavily infested trees the year after defoliation.  相似文献   

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