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为了比较华北落叶松初选优良家系的种子萌发特性和苗期生长性状,对8个家系和种子园混合株系、母树林及人工林种子的千粒重、饱满率等表型性状,室内发芽率和圃地发芽率等萌发特性,2a生苗的苗高、地径、生物量等生长性状进行了测量分析,结果表明:华北落叶松家系46、家系75、家系9和家系74的发芽率分别为96.00%、78.00%、90.00%和94.67%,苗高分别为35.6cm、33.0cm、32.8cm和31.4cm,地径分别为5.43mm、6.06mm、5.47mm和5.39mm;这4个家系在发芽指数、苗高和地径方面综合表现好于种子园、母树林和人工林,其隶属函数值为人工林的4倍以上,较母树林和种子园也高出35%以上。  相似文献   

青海云杉半同胞子代苗期生长性状遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以青海云杉无性系种子园内30个青海云杉半同胞家系为研究对象,在张掖市肃南县塔尔沟苗圃开展苗期试验,测定5a生苗期苗高、地径、新梢长、侧枝数等生长性状。分析结果表明:(1)青海云杉半同胞子代苗家系间苗高、地径、新梢长存在极显著差异;遗传变异系数较高,均在19.76%以上,苗高、地径、新梢长、侧枝数指标的家系遗传力均较大,均在0.830以上;苗高与地径、新梢长间存在极显著正相关,地径与新梢长、侧枝数存在极显著正相关;(2)以苗高为首要选择指标,按照1倍标准差选择出158#、106#、160#、154#、109#、119#6个优良家系,各性状值高于30个家系的平均值。  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to examine the cost, flexibility, and appropriate scale of mechanized microsite preparation (MP), in combination with mechanical direct seeding of Pinus sylvestris L. with orchard seed. This technique was tested at four boreal forest sites in Northern Sweden. Orchard and stand seeds were sown with and without MP. The use of orchard seed increased seedling establishment by 41% and the use of MP increased seedling establishment by 47%, respectively, after two years. The best substrates for sowing when using MP were OAh-, E- and BC-horizon, in ranked order. The use of orchard seed compared to stand seed increased mean seedling height by 25% after four years. These trials suggest that to obtain a density of 5,000 stems ha-1 four years after seeding, 61,000 viable stand seeds or 41,000 orchard seeds ha-1 should be sown if MP is not used. If MP is used, seeding rate could be reduced by about 32%. By using MP, and by further improving scarification technique so that all scarified area is thin OAh-horizon, we predict that only 32,000 stand seeds or 22,000 orchard seeds ha-1, i.e., half the dosage, should be needed. Under these optimal conditions, it would be necessary to sow about six and four germinable stand and orchard seeds, respectively, to ensure one seedling after four years. Furthermore, regeneration cost would be less than a third that of planting.  相似文献   

通过对杉木容器嫁接苗培育的试验与生产推广实践,总结出容器制作、基质配比,容器砧木苗定植摆放、嫁接,苗期管理及容器嫁接苗出圃等一整套成功的操作技术。培育出的苗木达到了苗干通直、高度80 cm以上、轻质的理想效果,为新建分步式种子园和原有种子园间伐后补植改造提供了技术保障。  相似文献   

Ahtikoski  Anssi  Pulkkinen  Pertti 《New Forests》2003,26(3):247-262
A cost-benefit analysis of orchard seed versus seed from existing natural stands is presented for the scenario of direct sowing of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). The differential benefits of orchard seed are seed quality and improved yield due to genetic gain. These benefits are expected to further reduce the total cost of orchard seed. Seedlings from seed orchard seed had 11% better survival rate (p < .001, the best clone over 17%, p < .010) than seedlings from local stand seed. This was observed in a case study of 15 young seeding trials located in Central and North Finland. Expected yield improvements for stands established with orchard seed were obtained from local progeny test results, and they were further simulated on tree growth using the MELA forest simulation program. The cost-benefit analysis showed that, with a 7% yield improvement and a 15% better seed quality, the net cost of orchard seed was less than that of stand seed (discount rate 3%).  相似文献   

竹柏不同播种育苗方式的生长效果分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨鹏 《福建林业科技》2012,39(2):102-105,122
采用容器(10 cm×10 cm营养钵)和田间苗床2种播种育苗方式,进行了竹柏不同播种密度、不同遮荫处理的比较试验,结果表明:2种育苗方式对竹柏种子的发芽率没有显著影响,田间苗床播种苗的生长量大于容器苗;田间苗床的播种密度以株行距10 cm×20 cm最为适宜,生长量最大;生长期遮荫对竹柏播种苗有极显著影响,遮荫处理的苗木保存率达92.3%,未遮荫的苗木保存率只有37.5%。  相似文献   

通过对马尾松实生种子园种子增产效果的分析,结果表明:5年生林分的平均树高、胸径、材积比当地一般林分种苗造林分别增长13.71%、19.66%、47.68%;11年生林分分别增长8.81%、10.19%、24.14%。马尾松改良采用营建实生种子园的改良技术可行,增产效益明显。  相似文献   

火炬松早期性状鉴定技术的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

云南林木种苗基地旱灾后的恢复及非工程性抗旱技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
云南在2009~2010年度遭遇了百年不遇的严重干旱,林业生产和森林资源遭到严重损失,林木种苗基地也受到重创。为了恢复或重建这些基地,分别对苗圃、采穗圃、种子园、母树林和采种基地提出了不同的旱灾后恢复技术对策。同时对非工程性抗旱技术:保水剂、植物生长调节剂和菌根菌的功效和使用作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

采用3种不同的方法对杜松种子进行催芽处理实验,结果表明:相比于混砂催芽方法和温、冷水交替浸种催芽法,采用热水浸种、变温催芽方法处理的种子,播种后出苗时间短,苗齐,其1年生幼苗高生长、地径以及壮苗数量都较高。在育苗上,热水浸种、变温催芽方法要好于其它两种方法。  相似文献   

Pinus halepensis is a widely distributed species in the Mediterranean basin. It is generally well adapted to regenerate after wildfire, except when fire intervals are too short (≤15 years). In these latter situations, direct seeding could be a good alternative for restoring pine woodland after fire. Under dry climate, low seedling growth and survival can greatly limit the use of seeding. Early studies have shown that seedlings grown from large seeds have higher seedling establishment, growth and survival. Seed size grading may however reduce the genetic diversity of a seed lot by eliminating part or all of the families with relatively small seeds. An alternative to improve seed lot quality without losing genetic variability could be collecting and sieving seeds from each family separately. In order to explore the influence of seed mass on P. halepensis seedling performance, seeds from five half-sib families differing in mean seed mass were sown under greenhouse and field conditions. Final seedling emergence was unrelated to seed mass and half-sib family. The time of emergence was also unrelated to seed mass but it varied among families. Seed mass showed a positive effect on seedling height and diameter, both at population level and within family throughout the study period (9 months under greenhouse conditions and 20 months under field conditions). We also observed a negative relationship between seed mass and relative growth rate for seedling diameter, but it was not high enough to fully compensate the initial differences due to seed mass at the end of the 20-month study period. Seedling predation had a considerable impact on seedling survival, and it was not related to seed mass. When seedlings killed by predation were excluded from the survival analysis, larger seedlings, coming from larger seeds, showed slightly better survival, but only during the first growing period. The small advantages obtained from large seed mass in seedling development do not seem to justify the increased operational costs derived from seed mass selection for each family.  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic variation in Cordia africana, a tropical timber species, were evaluated at the population level. Bulk seed samples were collected from six natural populations in Ethiopia and examined for variations in seed morphometric traits, seed germination, and seedling growth at nursery stage. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among provenances in all studied attributes except root collar diameter after 4 months of growth. The provenance effect, as determined by broad sense heritability, was 71–98% for seed morphometric traits, 80% for germination capacity, 42% for germination energy, 57–58% for seedling height and 3–13% for root collar diameter. Seed weight showed a significant positive correlation with altitude and negative correlation with mean annual temperature of seed origin. Germination energy was significantly correlated with longitude and mean annual rainfall. Seedling parameters and geo-climatic variables of seed origin were fairly correlated. A significant intercharacter correlation was found between seed length and seed weight, between root collar diameter at the age of 4 months and seed length and weight, as well as between seedling height after 4 and 8 months of growth. It can be concluded that the observed patterns of variation will have implications for genetic resources conservation and tree improvement.  相似文献   

凹叶厚朴种子保存方法及幼苗生长规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对凹叶厚朴的种子保存方式及相应的播种苗的发芽情况、幼苗生长规律进行统计分析。结果表明:冷藏处理的凹叶厚朴种子发芽慢、发芽持续时间长;播种苗株高生长呈"S"型的慢—快—慢的规律,地径与叶幅生长表现出快—慢—快—慢的规律;株高、地径、叶幅三者之间的生长呈极显著正相关;种子经沙藏的凹叶厚朴发芽时间、出苗速度及发芽率均优于冷藏处理,而且,沙藏处理的苗高、地径、叶幅的累积生长量相应地大于冷藏处理。  相似文献   

对陇县八渡二代油松无性系种子园31个家系2年生子代苗主要生长性状苗高和地径进行测定,通过方差分析、遗传变异分析和多重比较等多种统计方法分析,表明油松优良家系苗在苗高、地径性状上的差异均达极显著水平,苗高和地径均值分别大于对照10.26%和11.53%,遗传增益分别达到了9.68%和9.12%。验证了二代无性系种子园建设的合理性和可靠性。通过对优良家系的初步综合评价,选出了B56、C1、C14、B37、81-69-66、B25、81-77-29、G1和B63等9个苗期生长表现较优的优良家系作为进一步遗传改良材料,选择效果显著。  相似文献   

综合评分法在马尾松种子园疏伐中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用综合评分法 ,并引用经济权重对马尾松种于园无性系进行评价 ,具有合理、简便、实用等特点 ,符合经营目的。疏伐后 ,种子园优良无性系类型比率由 45 %提高至 6 3%。经预测无性系产籽量、出籽率、发芽率将分别提高 2 1 2 8%、7 99%、3 5 7%。家系树高、当年抽高将分别提高 2 10 %、2 16 %。  相似文献   

乐东拟单性木兰种源和家系种子苗木培育试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乐东拟单性木兰是优良的园林绿化和珍贵用材树种。2006年10月,收集湖南长沙12个和江西7个优良单株(家系)种子进行苗木培育试验。结果表明:乐东拟单性木兰种子千粒重在84.75~187.10g之间,平均千粒重为132.1g,湘10最重。始发天数在18~87d之间,平均始发天数为27d,以湘11最长,赣1、赣3和赣6最短。场圃发芽率在43.6%~75.6%之间,平均场圃发芽率为56.16%,湘2最高,赣5最低,最高家系比最低家系的场圃发芽率高73.4%。出苗期在84~136d之间,平均出苗期为113d,湘11最长,湘8最短,最长家系出苗期比最短的多52d。苗木保存率在69.23%~93.60%之间,平均保存率86.22%,湘7最高,赣4和赣6最低;湘种源家系保存率86%,赣种源家系保存率74.29%。苗高生长家系间及重复间差异均达极显著水平,平均苗木高14.5cm,高生长在10.8~19.5cm之间,以湘7最高,达19.5cm,其次是湘9和湘4,赣种源家系平均苗高为11.2cm,湘种源家系平均苗高比赣种源高36.6%。千粒重与苗高、发芽率及保存率呈负相关。  相似文献   

微量元素对油松苗生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘晓东 《林业研究》2002,13(4):285-288
于年间在哈尔滨园林研究所苗圃,用不同的微量元素和不同浓度浸泡种子和喷洒苗木进行了微量元素对油松苗木生长刺激作用的实验。实验结果表明,用1%和02%浓度的Mn浸泡的种子发芽效果最好,与对照组相比,1%浓度Mn处理的种子发芽率提高了9%~19%,0.2%浓度Mn处理的种子发芽率提高了12%-14%。用硼处理的种子的发芽率最低。对用微量元素施表肥(叶部喷洒)而言,Mn和Mo微量元素效果较好,且低浓度处理效果更好。用低浓度Mn和Mo喷洒的苗木的高度和叶绿素含量均比未处理的苗木高。与种子浸泡法相比,叶部喷洒的效果更好。表7参7。  相似文献   

通过多年的园林苗圃试验与生产实践 ,对一些厦门地区常见的绿化树种的采种期、种子处理、种子贮藏、育苗方法及苗木抚育等种苗培育技术进行了较为全面的探讨  相似文献   

对湿加松F2代母株进行修剪促萌试验,结果表明,最好的修剪方式是截顶,主茎留高约10cm,从基部剪除生长细弱且过密的侧枝;对比较粗壮的侧枝,采取截顸,侧枝剪口与主茎的剪口保持在同一水平面,控制分枝级数到3~4级,形成主茎短、侧枝长的平台状植株。以此种方式修剪的母株,保存率高且萌穗数量多,保存率达到96.7%,3个月后平均每株产萌稳95.8条。  相似文献   

采用种衣剂拌种进行沙棘育苗试验,当年秋季进行沙棘苗生长量和苗木产量的调查,探讨种衣剂拌种对沙棘种子繁苗效果的影响。结果表明:包衣剂拌种能够显著提高沙棘苗木生长量,比对照多繁育27万株·hn-2;种衣剂拌种后繁育的苗木苗高、地径与对照差异显著,苗高比对照提高48.65%,地径提高33.34%;主根长较对照提高43.7%,差异达极显著水平;侧根数提高18.8%,差异不显著;种衣剂拌种后沙棘苗木根系腐烂率为8.9%,比对照低4.3个百分点。种衣剂拌种是半干旱区繁育沙棘优质苗木的有效技术措施。  相似文献   

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