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通过人工感染建立了ALV—J、REV单独感染和混合感染1日龄肉仔鸡的病理模型。初步研究表明混合感染使试验鸡的生长发育障碍、免疫器官萎缩、对细菌易感性及死亡率等指标显著升高。 动态病理学研究表明:REV感染主要引起骨髓网状细胞及淋巴样细胞弥漫性或灶状浸润,ALV—J感染主要引起骨髓髓系细胞灶状或弥漫性显著增生,混合感染时骨髓病变与REV感染基本一致,但相对较严重,并见ALV—J感染病变。各病毒感染组免疫器官均发生了严重的实质萎缩性病变,病变以混合感染组最重,REV组次之。在某些组织器官ALV—J组见嗜酸性粒细胞样的瘤细胞浸润增生,REV组见网状细胞及淋巴细胞样瘤细胞浸润增生,而混合感染组见以上两种瘤细胞增生。从混合感染组的病变来看,在致病性上ALV—J与REV之间的确存在明显的协同促进作用,导致机体的免疫抑制加重,但混合感染早期尚未发现REV对ALV—J致瘤的促进作用。  相似文献   

肉种鸡MDV和REV人工共感染的动态病理学与抗原定位研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 【目的】深入了解MDV与REV人工共感染肉种鸡后疾病的发生、发展状况,为二者临床复杂的混合感染提供确实的鉴别诊断方法和明确的诊断时间。【方法】MDV和REV强毒株人工共感染1日龄肉种鸡,定期剖检,进行病理组织学、细胞凋亡、免疫组化和肿瘤组织的超微结构观察。【结果】肝、胰腺、腺胃、盲肠扁桃体、心肌在感染后1周出现以小淋巴细胞浸润为主的炎症,2~9周时,大部分实质器官出现以幼稚淋巴细胞、大中小淋巴细胞为主的渐进性增生灶,部分增生灶中可见原始网状细胞和马立克氏病细胞;10周后免疫器官实质细胞出现明显的凋亡;免疫组化显示,肝、脾、法氏囊、胸腺等在2周时呈双抗原阳性;电镜下,肝脏肿瘤组织中可见多形态淋巴细胞,核分裂相和细胞凋亡同时存在,同一细胞中可见MDV和REV两种病毒粒子。【结论】MDV与REV共感染对病程起协同和促进作用,发病早,病变明显;免疫酶及荧光方法可用于共感染的早期诊断(2周以前);而后期(4周以后)可通过病理组织学进行鉴别诊断,两种病毒粒子、马立克氏病细胞、原始网状细胞、多形态和幼稚淋巴细胞可作为诊断依据。  相似文献   

The aim of present investigation is to study the effect of single- and co-infection with REV and ALV-J on T lymphocytes bioactivities and histopathology in broiler chickens. The bioactivities of blood and spleen T lymphocytes including lymphoproliferation responses, cytotoxicitic responses, and histopathology of spleen were detected in broiler chickens singly- or co-infected with REV and ALV-J at different days post inoculation and the virus expressions in spleen of infected broiler chickens were detected with immunofluorescence assay (IFA). The results indicated that blood and spleen T lymphocytes proliferation responses and cytotoxicity in broilers infected with REV or/and ALV-J were inhibited in the whole observed period compared with controls. In the co-infected chickens they were highly inhibited than in the single-infected. The histopathology of spleen in infected chickens at 17 and 37 d post inoculation (dpi) indicated that cell interium increased, the numbers of lymphocytes decreased, and the regrowth were destroyed or decreased, especially more significantly at 17 than at 37 dpi. The different numbers of virus were detected in spleen lymphocytes in REV- infected and/or ALV-J-infected chickens. In the spleen of co-infected chicken, both REV and ALV-J were detected and the total numbers of viruses were more than in chickens singly-infected with REV or ALV-J. Thus, the co-effect of REV and ALV-J caused more immunosuppression on T lymphocytes bioactivities in broiler chickens than single-effect of ALV-J or REV, which contributed to the sever histopathology and the product of tumor cells. This study will be helpful for understanding the effect of co-infection with many viruses and control them in poultry.  相似文献   

 【目的】研究致瘤性病毒REV、ALV-J单一感染和共感染肉鸡后血液和脾T淋巴细胞的免疫功能与脾组织病理学的变化。【方法】用一定剂量的REV和ALV-J单一感染及共感染1日龄肉鸡,取感染后不同日龄鸡的血液和脾组织,无菌分离淋巴细胞,用3H-TdR掺入法和MTT法分别检测T淋巴细胞增殖活性和细胞毒T淋巴细胞(CTL)的杀伤活性,并对脾脏进行组织切片、H.E染色检测组织病理学变化,通过免疫荧光抗体结合试验(immunofluorescence assay,IFA)分析组织病毒感染量变化。【结果】感染REV和ALV-J的肉鸡血液和脾T淋巴细胞的增值活性和CTL杀伤活性在整个感染监测期出现降低,单一感染比,共感染两种病毒的肉鸡在某些阶段出现T淋巴细胞免疫功能抑制加重;检测感染后17 d和37 d的脾脏组织病理学变化表明感染病毒的脾脏组织出现间质稀疏,淋巴细胞数量减少,生发层被破坏或减少,17 d较37 d出现病理变化更为明显;同时采用荧光标记的单克隆抗体进行IFA检测发现脾内淋巴细胞含有大量病毒粒子,在共感染两种病毒的肉鸡脾细胞内均检测出两种病毒,且含有病毒数量明显多于单一感染一种病毒的肉鸡。【结论】REV和ALV-J共感染后肉鸡T淋巴细胞功能抑制更为严重,这可能与两种病毒在肉鸡体内数量积聚增加、互为促进有重要关系;同时这两种病毒感染后造成T免疫细胞增殖活性和对肿瘤细胞的杀伤活性降低,可能是病毒持续感染、增殖及组织病变、产生肿瘤细胞的前提,本研究为家禽临床生产中防治REV和ALV-J感染提供免疫学基础。  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are a group of highly conserved molecules which initiate the innate immune response to pathogens by recognizing structural motifs of microbes. Understanding the changes in chicken Toll-like receptors (ChTLRs) and signal adaptors expression that occur with Eimeria tenella infection will help to elucidate the molecular basis of immune control of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria. The present study detected the dynamic changes in the expression of ChTLRs and associated signal adaptors in the spleen and cecum ofE. tenella-infected chickens during the early stage of infection. The results showed that the expression peak for ChTLRs, MyD88 and TRIF occurred at 12 h post-infection (hpi), ChTLR3, ChTLRI 5 and MyD88 mRNA expression in the spleen ofE. tenella infected chickens were significantly higher (P〈0.05) than that of negative control chickens, and there were similar tendencies of these molecules expression in the cecum and spleen of E. tenella-infected chickens. The expression of MyD88 was upregnlated at four time points in the cecum of E. tenella-infected chickens. The results of this study indicate that ChTLR3, ChTLR15 and MyD88 play a role in young chickens infected with E. tenella.  相似文献   

江西省主要养鸡地区4种鸡免疫抑制病的血清学调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对江西省11个地市主要养鸡地区的24个鸡群的460份血清样品用ELISA方法进行了鸡传染性贫血(CIA)、禽网状内皮细胞增生症(RE)、禽呼肠孤病毒感染(ARV)血清抗体的检测,并对其中的368份血清样品用ELISA方法进行了J-亚型禽白血病(ALV-J)血清抗体的检测,结果CIAV、REV、ALV-J、ARV(ELISA)抗体总阳性率分别为80.65%、21.30%、6.52%、96.30%。结果表明目前江西省各地饲养的鸡群中这4种免疫抑制病的感染相当普遍,而且多为混合感染,感染一种及以上免疫抑制病的个体为99.13%,同时感染两种及以上免疫抑制病的个体为56.96%,同时感染3种及以上免疫抑制病的个体为20.43%,同时感染4种免疫抑制病的个体为2.17%。  相似文献   

【目的】长链非编码RNA(long non-coding RNA,lncRNA)是一类二、三级结构高度保守,长度>200 nt且不具蛋白编码能力的RNA,在转录和转录后水平广泛参与调控剂量补偿、细胞分化和生长发育等生命活动。本研究基于前期获得的蜜蜂球囊菌(Ascosphaera apis,简称球囊菌)菌丝和孢子混合样品的高质量lncRNA组学数据进行球囊菌lncRNA的顺式(cis)作用、反义lncRNA(antisense lncRNA)作用和竞争性内源RNA(competing endogenous RNA,ceRNA)作用的分析和探讨,以期揭示lncRNA在球囊菌中的潜在功能。【方法】基于lncRNA基因在染色体上的位置,预测lncRNA上下游100 kb以内的蛋白编码基因;使用Blast软件将上下游基因比对到GO和KEGG数据库,以获得功能和通路注释。利用LncTar软件对反义lncRNA的靶mRNA进行预测,并使用Blast软件将上述靶mRNA比对到KEGG和eggNOG数据库。利用TargetFinder软件预测lncRNA靶向结合的miRNA及miRNA靶向结合的mRNA,根据靶向结合关系建立lncRNA-miRNA和lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA调控网络,进而通过Cytoscape v3.7.1软件进行调控网络的可视化。利用RT-PCR对调控网络中的lncRNA、靶miRNA和靶mRNA进行表达验证。【结果】共预测出371个lncRNA的5 852个上下游基因,可注释到细胞进程、代谢进程和应激反应等48个功能条目,以及新陈代谢途径、次生代谢产物的生物合成和抗生素的生物合成等121条通路,表明部分lncRNA可通过顺式作用调节上下游基因的表达,从而参与调控球囊菌的生长发育及物质能量代谢等基础生命活动。球囊菌的7个lncRNA与7个靶mRNA存在序列互补关系,其中5个mRNA在eggNOG数据库中仅注释为假定蛋白,仅gene3444在KEGG数据库注释为核孔复合体蛋白An-Nup120和假定蛋白,表明上述1个反义lncRNA可能参与调控核孔复合体蛋白的生物合成等生物学过程。此外,共预测出227个lncRNA与73个miRNA之间存在靶向结合关系,其中多数lncRNA(79.02%)仅能结合1—2个miRNA,部分miRNA可被多个lncRNA靶向结合;进一步构建氧化磷酸化通路和MAPK信号通路相关的lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA调控网络,分析结果显示氧化磷酸化通路相关的222个lncRNA靶向78个miRNA及50个mRNA,MAPK信号通路相关的222个lncRNA靶向76个miRNA及46个mRNA,表明部分lncRNA通过ceRNA作用调控此两条通路,从而影响球囊菌的能量合成、环境适应以及生长发育等过程。【结论】部分lncRNA可能通过顺式作用和ceRNA作用调节球囊菌的生长发育、物质能量代谢以及环境适应等生物学过程;MSTRG.5393.1可能作为反义lncRNA调控球囊菌的核孔复合体的蛋白合成。  相似文献   

雏鸡感染网状内皮组织增殖病病毒后免疫病理的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
 研究了 1日龄 SPF雏鸡感染网状内皮组织增殖病病毒 ( REV)后 ,胸腺和脾脏 T细胞增殖反应及 T细胞数量、法氏囊和脾脏 B细胞增殖反应和抗体生成细胞数量、胸腺和脾脏 IL- 2及 IFN诱生活性的动态变化。结果发现 ,雏鸡感染 REV后 ,胸腺和脾脏 T细胞增殖反应及数量、法氏囊和脾脏 B细胞增殖反应和 Ig G+、Ig M+、Ig A+抗体生成细胞数量均明显低于未感染对照雏鸡 ;胸腺和脾脏 IL- 2及脾脏 IFN诱生活性显著下降 ,表明感染 REV后雏鸡中枢和外周免疫器官细胞免疫和体液免疫降低及细胞因子 IL- 2及 IFN免疫调节减弱。  相似文献   

【目的】长链非编码RNA(lncRNA)在真核生物的基因表达、表观遗传和细胞周期调控等方面发挥重要功能。本研究旨在探究意大利蜜蜂(Apis mellifera ligustica,简称意蜂)工蜂中肠发育过程中lncRNA的表达谱及其作用。【方法】利用RNA-seq技术和链特异性建库方法对意蜂7和10日龄工蜂中肠(Am7、Am10)进行深度测序,下机的原始数据经过Perl脚本过滤得到高质量有效读段。利用bowtie工具将有效读段比对核糖体数据库,进一步利用Top Hat2软件将未比对到核糖体数据库上的数据比对到参考基因组。利用CPC和CNCI软件对转录本的编码能力进行预测。通过RT-PCR对部分lncRNA进行鉴定。利用edgeR软件进行差异表达lncRNA(DElncRNA)分析,进而预测lncRNA的上下游基因,并对上下游基因进行GO及KEGG代谢通路富集分析。联用RNAhybrid、Miranda和Target Scan软件预测DElncRNA靶向结合的mi RNA及mi RNA靶向结合的靶基因,并通过Cytoscape软件构建DElncRNAs-mi RNAs-m RNAs的调控网络。最后,通过RT-qPCR验证测序数据的可靠性。【结果】Am7和Am10的深度测序分别获得134 802 058和147 051 470条原始读段,经严格过滤分别得到134 166 157和146 293 288条有效读段;共得到3 890个DElncRNA,包括2 005个上调lncRNA与1 885个下调lncRNA。RT-PCR验证结果显示共有8个lncRNA能扩增出符合预期的目的片段,表明预测出的lncRNA真实存在。DElncRNA的上下游基因数为1 793个,它们涉及42个GO条目,包括代谢进程、发育进程、细胞进程、应激反应和免疫系统进程等;这些上下游基因还涉及251条代谢通路,包括碳代谢、嘌呤代谢和脂肪酸的生物合成等物质代谢通路,硫代谢、甲烷代谢和氧化磷酸化等能量代谢通路,Hippo信号通路、Wnt信号通路和Notch信号通路等信号通路,溶酶体、内吞作用和泛素介导的蛋白水解等细胞免疫通路,以及MAPK信号通路、Jak-STAT信号通路和NF-kappa B信号通路等体液免疫通路,上述结果表明DElncRNA在意蜂中肠发育过程中参与物质和能量代谢、细胞生命活动和免疫调控。进一步分析发现TCONS_00020918可通过调控西方蜜蜂王浆主蛋白1编码基因在意蜂工蜂中肠的营养吸收、级型分化中发挥功能。DElncRNA的调控网络分析结果显示DElncRNA与mi RNA、m RNA间存在复杂的调控关系,部分DElncRNA处于调控网络的中心位置且能靶向结合较多的mi RNA,也有部分mi RNA可被多个DElncRNA共同靶向,表明这些DElncRNA可能在中肠发育中发挥重要作用。随机挑取5个DElncRNA进行RT-qPCR验证,结果显示它们的表达量变化趋势与测序结果一致,证实了本研究测序数据的可靠性。【结论】差异表达长链非编码RNA(DElncRNA)广泛参与意蜂工蜂中肠的新陈代谢、细胞活动和免疫调控并作为竞争性内源RNA(ce RNA)发挥作用,研究结果为关键lncRNA的筛选和功能研究提供了必要的数据支持。  相似文献   

 【目的】验证FPV野毒株是否存在REV基因整合现象,初步研究整合毒株致病鸡群REV的抗体变化规律、FPV感染组织细胞的病变及发病鸡的病理组织学变化特征。【方法】自泰安及周边地区搜集的9例典型FP临床病例取其病变组织分离FPV,电镜观察FPV形态特征、PCR扩增REV-env和LTR序列、ELISA检测FP发病鸡群血清REV抗体变化特征及病理组织学检查病鸡的病理学变化。【结果】9株FPV野毒株均有REV基因片段的整合,整合毒株使感染组织细胞的核由原来紧密球状变成较松散的螺旋状;FP患病鸡REV抗体阳性率显著升高;发病鸡除FP的一般病变外,同时显示脾脏、胸腺、法氏囊等免疫器官的淋巴组织严重萎缩,网状内皮细胞增生;肝脏、十二指肠、肺脏等器官内的淋巴组织亦表现相应的病理变化;用分离纯化整合REV基因的FPV毒株对SPF鸡试验性感染表明:整合REV基因的FPV毒株试验性感染SPF鸡患痘后期REV抗体水平的变化及组织器官的病理变化与野毒株FPV自然感染鸡所致病变相同。【结论】泰安及周边地区流行的FPV野毒株普遍存在REV基因的整合现象,整合有REV基因的FPV野毒株的致病性已发生改变,具有REV的某些致病特征。  相似文献   

为探究捻转血矛线虫伊维菌素耐药分子标记和关键调控元件,通过高质量的长链非编码RNA(Long non-coding RNA,lncRNA)表达谱对捻转血矛线虫敏感与耐药虫株lncRNA的顺式调控(Cis-regulation, cis)和竞争性内源RNA(Competing endogenous RNA,ceRNA)调控进行分析,筛选影响虫体伊维菌素耐药机制的微小调控分子。本研究利用RNA-seq技术对捻转血矛线虫伊维菌素敏感虫株和耐药虫株进行测序,根据生物学软件预测结果,筛选出位于蛋白编码基因上下游10 kb以内的lncRNA作为顺式调控作用的元件。对差异lncRNA进行GO和KEGG富集分析,并将显著差异的lncRNA和miRNA通过Target finder和Cytoscape v3.7.1软件建立lncRNA-miRNA调控网络和可视化分析。根据miRNA调控元件对lncRNA-circRNA-miRNA-mRNA调控网络进行连通性分析,结合耐药相关信号通路的富集结果构建lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA可视化网络,同时对随机选取的10个差异lncRNA进行qRT-PCR验证。...  相似文献   

In order to investigate the immunomodulatory effects and the mechanism of a Chinese herbal medicine, Zengmiansan (Astragalus immunomodulator), on immune function of chickens, three hundred 1-day-old chickens were assigned randomly into 5 groups, i.e., the blank control group, the Chinese herbal medicine Zengmiansan (ZMS)-treated group, the cyclophosphamide group, the cyclophosphamide plus levamisole group, the cyclophosphamide plus ZMS group and the control group. All chickens were immunized with Lasota vaccine by nosedrip or eye-drop at the age of 6 days. Newcastle Disease (ND) antibody titers, growth indexes of the spleen, thymus and bursa of Fabricius, the concentrations of CD4 + lymphocytes and CD8 + lymphocytes in spleen, thymus and peripheral blood, and the apoptosis of splenocytes, thymocytes and bursa of Fabricius cells were observed at the ages of 14, 21, 28 and 35 days, respectively. Our results indicated that the NDV antibody titers of chickens in the Chinese herbal medicine ZMS-treated group at the ages of 14 and 21 days were significantly higher than that of the other groups (P<0.01). The growth indexes of immune organs, the concentrations of CD4 + lymphocytes and the ratio of CD4 +/CD8 + T lymphocytes of chickens in the Chinese herbal medicine ZMS- treated group at the ages of 14, 21 and 28 d were significantly higher than those of the other groups (P<0.01). The apoptotic splenocytes, thymocytes and bursa of Fabricius cells of chickens in the ZMS-treated group were significantly lower than the other groups (P<0.01) at the ages of 14, 21 and 28 days.  相似文献   

To further understand the generation and development of coinfection of Marek's disease virus (MDV) and reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) in broiler breeders, and then find the method and optimal time of differential diagnosis for complex clinic multiple infection, the authors studied the pathohistological changes, apoptosis, immunohistochemistry (immunofluorescence), and ultrastrueture of tumor tissues of broiler breeders inoculated with MDV and REV. The study showed that proliferation of small lymphocytes was seen in the main organs at the age of 1 week, then immature lymphocytes, all kinds of lymphocytes, primitive reticulum cells, and Marek's disease cells (MDCs) were observed at 2-9 weeks. Apoptosis of lymphocytes could not be seen until the age of 10 weeks in the immune system. Immunohistochemistry detection showed that the positive signs of MDV and REV antigen were observed in the main organs at 2 weeks of age. Multi-morphology lymphocytes, MDV, and REV, mitotic figures and apoptosis of lymphocytes were observed with the help of transmission electron microscopy. MDV cooperating with REV promotes the course of disease of coinfection. Differential diagnosis can be done by immunohistochemistry in the early stage (before 2 weeks), and histopathology in the late stage (post 4 weeks). MDCs, primitive reticulum cells, immature lymphocytes, and two kinds of virions can serve as a basis for histopathology differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

Germline transmission of exogenous genes in the chicken   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Difficulties associated with in vitro manipulation and culture of the early chicken embryo have restricted generation of transgenic chickens to approaches that use replication-competent retroviruses. The need to produce transgenic chickens in the absence of replicating virus prompted development of a new method of gene transfer into the chicken. Microinjection of the replication-defective reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) vector ME111 beneath unincubated chicken embryo blastoderms results in infection of germline stem cells. This vector contains genetic information exogenous to the chicken genome, including both the herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase gene and the Tn5 neomycin phosphotransferase gene. About 8 percent of male birds hatched from injected embryos contained vector DNA in their semen. All four positive males tested passed vector sequences onto their progeny. Analysis of G1 offspring showed that gonads of G0 male birds were mosaic with respect to insertion of vector provirus. Thus, primordial germ cells present in the unincubated chicken embryo blastoderm are susceptible to infection by defective REV vectors.  相似文献   

山东某鸡场饲养的10000只父母代海兰蛋种鸡于育成前期出现进行性消瘦、生长发育不良等症状;剖检以腺胃肿胀、淋巴器官萎缩为特征,至70日龄发病率达90%;经ELISA方法检测抗体及间接免疫荧光原位病原检测证明该病与网状内皮组织增殖病病毒(REV)感染有关。取7只病鸡肝脏研磨处理后接种鸡胚成纤维细胞(CEF),用REV单抗11B118进行间接免疫荧光检测,结果均呈阳性;根据REV-HA株前病毒基因组DNA env囊膜糖蛋白基因序列设计引物,提取阳性CEF基因组DNA作为模版,PCR扩增后得到438 bp的目的片段;PCR产物测序结果比对显示,该毒株与其他中国野毒株的同源性高于与REV-HA株的同源性。综合诊断判定该病可能与鸡群早期感染致病力较强的REV有关。  相似文献   

While SlPti5 has been shown to play a crucial role in the regulation of antagonistic genes in Solanum lycopersicum and Arabidopsis against pathogen infection, there have been no comprehensive studies on the effects of SlPti5 on the regulatory response mechanism of reactive oxygen species (ROS) system and hormone pathways during growth and disease resistance of tomato plants. Here, we investigated the function of SlPti5 in the defense response of tomato against Botrytis cinerea utilizing a virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS)-based system. Expression profile analysis showed that SlPti5 was significantly induced upon B. cinerea infection, with high expression levels in the leaves and fruit of tomato. VIGS-based silencing of SlPti5 inhibited early vegetative growth, increased the plant's susceptibility to infection, promoted the development of ROS, affected the expression of genes involved in the ROS scavenging system, and attenuated the expression of genes associated with pathogenesis and the ethylene/jasmonic acid signaling pathways. In sum, our data demonstrated that SlPti5 stimulates the immune response of tomato plant to Botrytis cinerea infection by involving the ethylene (ET)- and jasmonic acid (JA)-mediated pathways and modulating the expression of some key pathogenesis-related (PR) genes.  相似文献   

本项研究对雏鸡感染传染性法氏囊病毒(IBDV)后,1~8周外周血液的 ANAE~+淋巴细胞(T 细胞)、淋巴细胞和白细胞数量的动态变化进行了检测。结果表明,1日龄雏鸡感染 IBDV 后,其血液中 ANAE~+,淋巴细胞数量明显低于对照雏鸡,表明其细胞免疫机能降低;4周龄雏鸡感染 IBDV 后,其 ANAE~+淋巴细胞数量呈一过性降低,变化不如1日龄感染雏鸡明显,说明 IBDV 对雏鸡存在感染年龄差异;对 ANAE~+淋巴细胞绝对数的检测较百分比能更真实地反映 IBD 鸡的细胞免疫功能变化的实质。  相似文献   

2′-5′-Oligoadenylate synthetase like protein(OASL) plays a key role in response to viral infections through selectively activating the OAS/RNase L or OASL/RIG-I signaling pathway. Although classic pathway of OASL is well-known, its regulated genes or co-actors are largely unknown. To study the possible molecular mechanism of duck OASL(dOASL), we performed RNA-sequencing(RNA-seq) and immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry(IP-MS) at the level of mRNA and protein, respectively. For RNA-seq, we used DF1 cell lines(DF1 dO ASL+/+, DF1 cO ASL–/–, and DF1) with or without the CK/0513 H5 N1 virus(A/chicken/huabei/0513/2007) infection. 1 737 differentially expressed genes(DEGs) were identified as candidate target genes regulated by dOASL. Gene Ontology(GO), Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG) analysis and Weighted Correlation Network Analysis(WGCNA) were performed. We identified one important yellow co-expression module correlated with antiviral immune response. In this module, Ankyrin repeat and FYVE domain containing 1(ANKFY1), harboring a BTB domain similar to the methyl CpG-binding protein 1(MBD1) which bound to OASL in human, was regulated by dOASL. At protein level, 133 host proteins were detected. Interestingly, ANKFY1 was one of them binding to dOASL protein. Further phylogenomic and chromosomal syntenic analysis demonstrated MBD1 was absent in birds, while mammals retained. It is suggested that OASL-ANKFY1 interaction might act as a compensatory mechanism to regulate gene expression in birds. Our findings will provide a useful resource for the molecular mechanism research of dOASL.  相似文献   

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