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为了探究银杏单体在脱壳过程中的受力变形规律与脱壳效果间的内在关系,获取提高银杏脱壳率,降低碎仁率的有效途径,需要对银杏脱壳过程的运动规律做出分析.设计制造透明材质的动碾盘,将其安装于银杏脱壳机试验装置上,利用架设的摄像装置,对少数涂色处理后的银杏单体的脱壳过程进行图像采集,运用MATLAB对银杏单体脱壳运动轨迹进行分析.结果显示,在银杏脱壳过程中,银杏几何中心运动轨迹在垂直于动碾盘轴线平面内分解的两个正交方向上按照正弦规律变化,沿动碾盘轴线方向上的运动轨迹也类似于正弦规律变化,但幅值相对较小.  相似文献   

银杏脱壳技术与设备研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了银杏的脱壳方法,并以脱壳率(出现脱壳银杏所占的比率)、整仁率(完整果仁所占的比率)和碎仁率(碎果仁所占的比率)为观测指标,进行了银杏挤压脱壳试验,结果表明,采用碾搓法脱壳,可使银杏一次脱壳率(P1)不低于65%、碎仁率(P3)不高于10%.在此基础上研制了银杏脱壳设备.  相似文献   

针对银杏物料特性和脱壳要求,分析对比了主要的脱壳方法,设计了一种手摇链传动碾搓式银杏脱壳机.通过对不同预处理银杏的脱壳对比试验,发现脱壳效果主要取决于动、定碾搓砂轮之间的间隙和动砂轮的转速.当碾搓砂轮外缘间隙12 mm,转速50~60 r/min时,分别经水煮、微波、晒干处理和未经预处理的银杏破壳率接近100%,整仁率分别为58%、73%、45%和43%.  相似文献   

银杏种核品质主要包括商品品质、食用品质与贮藏品质。银杏种核品质的形成主要受种质基因、环境条件和栽培管理等因素的影响。银杏核用生产中,主要通过品种单株选优、适地适栽、优质安全标准化栽培管理和商品化处理等改善种核的品质。根据银杏种核的解剖结构和超微结构观察结果,采用相应贮藏保鲜处理,不仅可延长银杏种核的供应期,而且可降低种仁中氢氰酸、银杏酸等成分的含量,提高种核食用品质与贮藏性能。  相似文献   

取普通油茶的花为试材,对油茶单花开放情况进行观察,并研究了不同条件对油茶花粉萌发率 的影响。结果表明:所选油茶单株的单花开放时间为5~16 d,且单花寿命受天气影响;花粉萌发的适宜培养 基为10% 蔗糖+0.005% 硼酸+1% 琼脂;不同的采花时间花粉萌发率差异较大,而不同的花朵保鲜方式花 粉萌发率差异不大;各种干燥处理的花粉萌发率均高于对照,适度的加热处理有助于花粉萌发;不同储藏条 件下,花粉生活力差异较大,-20℃冷冻条件下储藏效果最佳,而室温干燥箱储藏的花粉萌发率下降迅速, 至150 d 全部失活,-4℃冷藏条件下储藏的花粉萌发率为39.43%,-20℃冷冻条件下储藏的花粉萌发率仍在 55% 以上。  相似文献   

高明  陈丙生  朱蕊 《北京农业》2011,(Z1):48-54
为筛选出提高黑山羊冷冻精液质量的最佳冷冻稀释液配方,试验分别用4个不同的稀释液配方,对15只湘东黑山羊进行精液的冷冻处理,通过观测平衡后精子活率、解冻后精子活力、顶体完整率、精子畸形率等几个特征性指标,可以看出稀释液配方Ⅳ效果最好,是用于黑山羊精液冷冻的最佳稀释液配方。其配方Ⅳ冷冻保存精液解冻后活力平均为0.3627、冻后顶体完整率为42.93%、精子畸形率为12.93%。  相似文献   

本研究探讨了不同冷冻方法、不同冷冻液和冷冻前CB处理对辽宁绒山羊胚胎低温保存效果的影响,以筛选适合于辽宁绒山羊胚胎冷冻保存的方法与技术.常规冷冻时以1.5 mol/L EG为保护液的保护效果较好,解冻后胚胎发育率为62.86%,孵化率为54.29%;玻璃化冷冻(细管法和OPS法)以EFS40为保护液可以获得较好的冷冻效果,玻璃化细管法和OPS法解冻后胚胎的发育率分别为65.79%和57.89%;冷冻前CB处理能改善辽宁绒山羊胚胎低温保存的效果.  相似文献   

苦荞麦非热脱壳机试验研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为克服传统的熟化脱壳工艺中热处理造成苦荞麦营养损失严重的问题,基于对苦荞麦结构特性和现存脱壳机缺点的分析,提出苦荞麦动态调压磨削非热脱壳方法,并研制了脱壳机。该机具有脱壳室压力动态调整机构。通过单因素试验,明确了影响因素的取值范围,在此基础上采用二次正交旋转组合试验分别建立了脱壳率和整仁率与各因素的回归模型。采用多指标优化,确定的最佳参数组合为:磨削间隙2.6mm,磨削气囊压强22.3kPa,揉搓间隙4.0mm,揉搓气囊压强5.1kPa,主轴转速470r/min。在最优参数组合条件下进行验证试验结果表明,整仁率为31.8%,脱壳率为88.1%。脱壳效果不理想的主要原因是脱壳室压力动态调整机构不灵活。  相似文献   

花生气爆脱壳试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用花生壳本身的透气性,将花生果置于容器内,密封后充入较高压力的气体,然后突然释放,实现花生果气爆脱壳试验,分析了影响气爆脱壳的主要因素,找出了提高花生气爆脱壳率的最佳充气压力和稳定压力维持时间,确定了小花生果接缝处的许用应力值。  相似文献   

以银杏花粉为试验材料,研究了花粉在离体培养条件下,培养基中蔗糖、硼、钙对其萌发率的影响,优化了培养基配方;并比较了3种不同的染色法对银杏花粉生活力的测定效果。结果表明:培养5d是进行花粉萌发率测定的最佳时期,蔗糖对银杏花粉萌发至关重要,在培养基中添加3%蔗糖可有效提高花粉萌发率,达到50%左右;硼和钙对银杏花粉萌发有一定的促进作用,最佳培养基配方为蔗糖3%+硼60mg/L+钙100mg/L。TTC染色法测定的银杏花粉生活力与离体萌发法测定的结果可以相互代替和印证,是一种较为准确的测定银杏花粉生活力的染色法。4℃冰箱干燥保存利于保持银杏花粉生活力。  相似文献   

The harvest method of shelling corn(Zea mays L.) kernels in the field decreases labor costs associated with transporting, drying and threshing the crop. However, it was previously found that the kernel moisture content increased after field harvest, which decreased the value of corn kernels. To identify the reasons underlying the increase, we conducted a multiyear and-area trial in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, China and performed a staged-harvest test at several phases of kernel dry-down. The test investigated a range of parameters such as the kernel moisture content pre-and post-harvest, the kernel breakage rate, the amount of impurities, and the moisture content of various other plant tissues. An analysis of 411 pairs of pre-and post-harvest samples found that kernel moisture content after harvest was 2.2% higher than that before harvest. In the staged-harvest test, however, a significant increase was only observed when the kernel moisture content before harvest was higher than 23.9%. The increase in post-harvest kernel moisture content was positively associated with the pre-harvest kernel moisture content, breakage rate and impurity rate. Typically, at harvest time in this region, there is a significant fraction of immature crops with a high moisture content, resulting in kernels that are prone to breakage or impurities that ultimately lead to increases in water content after harvest. Therefore, we suggest using hybrids that quickly wither late in the growing stage. Additionally, farmers should delay harvest in order to minimize the pre-harvest kernel moisture content and thus reduce breakages and impurities, thereby improving the quality of kernels after harvest and the efficiency of corn kernel farming in China.  相似文献   

白果蛋白过敏动物模型的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】对白果蛋白致敏的小鼠模型进行研究,以明确白果蛋白是否具有致敏性。【方法】以Tris-HCl缓冲液为阴性对照、卵白蛋白为阳性对照,设置白果蛋白低剂量组和高剂量组,每隔7d经口灌胃致敏1次共3次,末次致敏7d后腹腔注射激发,致使小鼠过敏。【结果】经白果蛋白及阳性对照激发后的小鼠血清产生高水平IgE及IgG抗体,体外激发小鼠致敏肥大细胞组胺释放率显著高于阴性对照,免疫期间血浆中组胺也显著升高,小鼠肠、肺、肝均见炎症病灶,高剂量处理及阳性对照的肾脏也呈炎症细胞浸润。【结论】该模型可用于研究白果蛋白致小鼠发生的IgE介导的Ⅰ型过敏反应。  相似文献   

为了在我国铁岭地区选育出坚果品质优良的平榛单株,通过实地调查与室内测量的方法,初选出栽培平榛优良单株87株和野生平榛优良单株58株。对初选优良平榛单株坚果品质进行复选,结果表明,平榛坚果形态指标变异程度较大,具有很大的改良潜力。栽培平榛的坚果品质高于野生平榛,栽培平榛果仁质量平均值比野生平榛果仁质量平均值高26.67%,出仁率平均值比野生平榛出仁率平均值高2.51%,说明栽培管理措施可以提高野生平榛的品质。平榛坚果形态的相关性分析表明,坚果大小与果皮厚显著影响坚果的质量,可通过改良果实的大小,降低果皮厚来提高出仁率。通过聚类分析可将栽培平榛分为7类,野生平榛分为5类,从栽培平榛的第五类和野生平榛的第四类中可以选育出果皮薄、出仁率高的优良单株;从栽培平榛第六类和野生平榛第五类可以选育出大果、果实和果仁质量较大的优良单株。通过主成分分析选出坚果品质综合性状优良的栽培平榛单株6株,野生平榛单株4株。  相似文献   

The filling rate and the starch accumulation in developing maize kernel were analyzed. The changes of enzyme activities associated with sucrose metabolism and starch biosynthesis were investigated. The purpose is to discuss the enzymatic mechanisms responsible for starch synthesis. Two types of maize cultivars (Zea mays), high starch maize (Feiyu 3) and normal maize (Yuyu 22), were grown in a corn field. The factors involved in starch synthesis were performed during the growth period. The kernel filling rate, the sucrose content, the starch accumulating rates and the activities of SS (sucrose synthase), GBSS (granule-bound starch synthase), SBE (starch branching enzyme) of Feiyu 3, which has high starch content, were significantly higher than those of Yuyu 22, which has low starch content, after 10 DAP (days after pollination). Correlation analysis indicated that ADPGPPase (ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase) and DBE (starch debranching enzyme) were not correlated with the starch accumulating rates and the kernel filling rate, but the SS activity at the middle and late period were highly significantly correlated with the starch accumulating rates and the kernel filling rate. The GBSS activity was highly significantly correlated with the amylose accumulating rate, but not correlated with the kernel filling rate. The SBE activity was highly significantly correlated with the amylopectin accumulating rate and the kernel filling rate. It was not ADPGPPase and DBE, but SS was the rate-limiting factor of starch biosynthesis in developing maize kernels. GBSS had an important effect on amylose accumulation, and SBE had a significant effect on amylopectin accumulation.  相似文献   

挤压式莲子机械脱壳机理试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对莲子挤压式机械脱壳机理进行了研究,结果表明在莲子根部切割出适当的割痕后进行挤压就可以实现莲子的机械脱壳,脱壳效果好,果仁完好率高.  相似文献   

The rate of corn kernel breakage in the grain combine harvesters is a crucial factor affecting the quality of the grain shelled in the field.  The objective of the present study was to determine the susceptibility of corn kernels to breakage based on the kernel moisture content in order to determine the moisture content that corresponds to the lowest rate of breakage.  In addition, we evaluated the resistance to breakage of various corn cultivars.  A total of 17 different corn cultivars were planted at two different sowing dates at the Beibuchang Experiment Station, Beijing and the Xinxiang Experiment Station (Henan Province) of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.  The corn kernel moisture content was systematically monitored and recorded over time, and the breakage rate was measured by using the grinding method.  The results for all grain samples from the two experimental stations revealed that the breakage rate y is quadratic in moisture content x, y=0.0796x2−3.3929x+78.779; R2=0.2646, n=512.  By fitting to the regression equation, a minimum corn kernel breakage rate of 42.62% was obtained, corresponding to a corn kernel moisture content of 21.31%.  Furthermore, in the 90% confidence interval, the corn kernel moisture ranging from 19.7 to 22.3% led to the lowest kernel breakage rate, which was consistent with the corn kernel moisture content allowing the lowest breakage rate of corn kernels shelled in the field with combine grain harvesters.  Using the lowest breakage rate as the critical point, the correlation between breakage rate and moisture content was significantly negative for low moisture content but positive for high moisture content.  The slope and correlation coefficient of the linear regression equation indicated that high moisture content led to greater sensitivity and correlation between grain breakage and moisture content.  At the Beibuchang Experiment Station, the corn cultivars resistant to breakage were Zhengdan 958 (ZD958) and Fengken 139 (FK139), and the corn cultivars non-resistant to breakage were Lianchuang 825 (LC825), Jidan 66 (JD66), Lidan 295 (LD295), and Jingnongke 728 (JNK728).  At the Xinxiang Experiment Station, the corn cultivars resistant to breakage were HT1, ZD958 and FK139, and the corn cultivars non-resistant to breakage were ZY8911, DK653 and JNK728.  Thus, the breakage classifications of the six corn cultivars were consistent between the two experimental stations.  In conclusion, the results suggested that the high stability of the grinding method allowed it to be used to determine the corn kernel breakage rates of different corn cultivars as a function of moisture content, thus facilitating the breeding and screening of breakage-resistant corn.  相似文献   

选育玉米大粒自交系,对提高杂交种粒重有着明显的作用。自交系大粒形成机制是不同的。除了种质遗传的作用外,一种是由灌浆速率高形成的大粒,遗传稳定性较强;另一种是由有效灌浆期延长形成的大粒,遗传稳定性较弱,受环境影响或产。选用高灌浆速率的大粒材料作选系亲本,在大粒选择压下,自交各代均可保持高灌浆速率遗传性,从而育成新的一般配合力更高的大粒自交系,在一定条件下甚至可育成超大粒自交系。  相似文献   

鲜莲剥壳技术研究进展与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于莲子的种类繁多,尺寸大小不同、外壳坚韧、莲子壳与仁间隙较小等问题的存在,现有的脱壳技术适应性不高,存在着损伤莲子、效率低下等问题。为了改善鲜莲子剥壳机的加工现状,分析总结了莲子的物理机械特性及脱壳技术的研究现状,指出了现有脱壳技术存在的不足,为鲜莲子脱壳机械关键机构设计和试验研究提供了依据,并提出一种鲜莲子脱壳新技术方法。  相似文献   

玉米籽粒脱水速率研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
玉米籽粒脱水速率是决定玉米收获时籽粒含水量的主要因素之一。全面系统深入研究玉米籽粒脱水速率这个关键性状,能够有效提高玉米机收籽粒育种效率,迅速加快中国玉米生产全程机械化步伐。因此,本文从玉米籽粒脱水速率测定方法、玉米籽粒脱水速率与其它农艺性状关系、遗传改良及其遗传机制研究等方面,探讨了近年来国内外玉米籽粒脱水速率研究进展。同时,对目前研究中存在的问题进行了分析,并针对每个问题提出其解决对策,这为深入玉米籽粒脱水速率研究提供有利信息。  相似文献   

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