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柑橘黄化脉明病毒巢式RT-PCR检测方法的建立及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索柑橘黄化脉明病毒(Citrus yellow vein clearing virus,CYVCV)引起的柑橘新病害—柑橘黄脉病的早期快速检测技术,针对CYVCV核酸结合蛋白基因的保守序列设计2对特异性引物,通过优化退火温度,建立了CYVCV巢式RT-PCR检测方法,并对采自不同柑橘品种的54个CYVCV疑似样品进行了检测。结果表明,CYVCV巢式RT-PCR检测中,以55℃和60℃分别作为第1轮和第2轮扩增的退火温度时检测效果最佳;该方法检测样品中病毒总核酸的最低浓度为2.40μg/L,灵敏度较RT-PCR提高100倍。在CYVCV疑似样品检测中,巢式RT-PCR和RT-PCR的阳性检出率分别为59.26%和57.41%,前者更适用于检测不同来源的CYVCV。当尤力克柠檬、锦橙北碚-447、天草和台湾椪柑嫁接接种CYVCV后,巢式RT-PCR比RT-PCR提前10~30 d检测出病毒。表明所建立的CYVCV巢式RT-PCR检测方法适用于田间病树的早期诊断。  相似文献   

正柑橘黄脉病是由柑橘黄化脉明病毒(Citrus yellow vein clearing virus,CYVCV)引起的一种新发病害,对柑橘产业尤其是柠檬产业危害较重。我国于2009年首次在云南省瑞丽市发现该病,四川、重庆、江西等省市也陆续发现并呈快速传播趋势。CYVCV检测方法包括指示植物鉴定、酶联免疫吸附法、直接组织点免疫法(宾羽等,2015)、RT-PCR(陈洪明等,2015)、逆转录环介导等温核酸扩增法(刘  相似文献   

柑橘黄化脉明病毒(Citrus yellow vein clearing virus,CYVCV)引起的黄脉病是威胁我国柑橘产业发展的一种重要病毒性病害.云南是我国的柑橘产区之一,为明确CYVCV在云南田间的感染情况,本研究于云南省瑞丽市、怒江州、凤仪镇和丽江市4地共采集33份疑似柑橘黄脉病样品,对其进行了PCR检测.结果显示,在33份田间疑似病样中有10份样品检测到CYVCV,总检出率为30.3%.统计表明,在不同寄主样品中CYVCV的检出率差异较大;柠檬样品CYVCV检出率最高,为50%;而香橼样品和香橙上检出率为0.各地区样品中CYVCV的检出率有一定差异性;其中瑞丽样品检出率最高,达43.5%;而怒江、凤仪及丽江样品中均未检测出CYVCV.  相似文献   

 柑橘黄化脉明病毒(Citrus yellow vein clearing virus,CYVCV)是我国新发生的危害柠檬的重要病毒。本研究对接种和未接种CYVCV的柠檬叶片样品进行了高通量小RNA测序,以甜橙基因组作为参考,采用生物信息学软件进行miRNA鉴定和靶基因预测。结果显示CYVCV侵染对13个保守miRNA和12个新鉴定的非保守miRNA的表达具有调控作用,对这些差异表达miRNA的靶基因进行预测和功能分析的结果显示,保守miRNA的靶基因功能在植物逆境反应及光合作用和能量代谢相关通路中具有明显的富集现象,推测与CYVCV侵染柠檬植株及诱导病害症状表现有关,而多数新鉴定的非保守miRNA的靶基因功能未能注释到KEGG通路。采用实时荧光定量PCR对部分miRNA的表达水平进行了分析,结果表明miRNA的表达水平在接种CYVCV后30~90 d呈时间动态变化。研究结果为进一步揭示CYVCV与柠檬互作机制提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

为查明三明地区柑橘黄化脉明病毒病发病情况,对主产区疑似感染柑橘黄化脉明病毒(Citrus yellow vein clearing virus,CYVCV)的柑橘新梢叶片样本进行实时荧光定量RT-qPCR检测及分析。结果表明,217份样品中检出CYVCV阳性样本123份,阳性检出率为57%。确定三明地区柑橘树叶脉透明(黄化)病状与树体受CYVCV侵染相关,且该病毒可侵染温州蜜柑、脐橙、芦柑、柚子等。不同果树症状表现不同,多表现为叶片皱缩(突起)、叶尖反卷、叶片畸形和新梢丛生等。  相似文献   

为明确柑橘衰退病毒(citrus tristeza virus, CTV)和柑橘黄脉病毒(citrus yellow vein clearing virus, CYVCV)在广西柑橘上的发生?分布及其遗传变异情况, 于2020年至2021年对百色?北海?崇左?贵港?桂林?河池?贺州?来宾?柳州?南宁?梧州和玉林等12个柑橘产区进行了病毒病调查?采用RT-PCR对采集样品进行了病毒检测, 并基于病毒分离物外壳蛋白(coat protein, CP)基因的核苷酸序列进行比对分析, 构建系统发育树?结果表明:采集的737份柑橘样品中, CTV的检出率为20.62%, CYVCV检出率为18.32%, CTV的检出率略高于CYVCV?病毒复合侵染的现象在采集的柑橘样品中普遍存在, CTV和CYVCV复合侵染率高达34.50%?对RT-PCR产物测序共获得12个CTV分离物和6个CYVCV分离物的CP基因序列?遗传多样性分析发现, CTV和CYVCV的CP基因序列都较保守, CTV分离物的遗传进化与地理来源?寄主来源均没有明显相关性, 但CYVCV分离物的遗传进化与地理位置具有相关性, 而与寄主来源无明显相关性?上述研究结果可为深入了解CTV和CYVCV在广西的流行情况以及柑橘病毒病的检疫和防控提供参考?  相似文献   

正柑橘黄化脉明病毒(Citrus yellow vein clearing virus,CYVCV)和柑橘褪绿矮化病毒(Citrus chlorotic dwarf-associated virus,CCDaV)是2种最近在我国发生的柑橘病毒(Chen et al.,2014;Guo et al.,2015),主要通过带病苗木和昆虫传播(陈洪明等,2015),对我国柑橘产业造成了严重损失。目前尚无防治CYVCV和CCDaV的药剂,种植无病毒苗木和加强病害检测是重要的防治途径。当前虽已建立了CYVCV和CCDaV的RT-PCR检测方法(Loconsole et al.,2012;陈洪明等,2015),但鉴于田间可能存在  相似文献   

<正>柑橘黄脉病毒(citrus yellow vein clearing virus,CYVCV)为正单链RNA病毒,属于α线性病毒科Alphaflexiviridae印度柑橘病毒属Mandarivirus成员,病毒粒子为弯曲线状,基因组大小约为7 529 nt[1]。CYVCV可侵染大部分柑橘品种,对柠檬和酸橙危害尤为严重。CYVCV 2009年在我国首次发现,现已在我国柑橘主产区均有发生,已知的传媒昆虫为柑橘粉虱(Dialeurodes citri)和棉蚜(Aphis gossypii)[2-4]。  相似文献   

侵染昆明玫瑰的李坏死环斑病毒的鉴定及其分子检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集昆明地区种植的花叶症状明显的玫瑰样品,运用现代分子生物学技术与常规技术相结合的方法,初步鉴定引起玫瑰花叶病的主要病毒病原为李坏死环斑病毒.该病毒引起玫瑰植株的系统花叶、畸形和皱缩等症状;电镜下病毒粒体为球形,直径为22~23nm;ELISA检测发现该病毒在植株芽、花粉和顶部叶片的浓度最高;同时,根据外壳蛋白的保守区利用Primer 5.0设计该病毒的特异引物,对该病毒进行分子检测,得到450bp的预期DNA片断,并在此基础上,进行了巢式RT-PCR的分子检测,表明巢式RT-PCR的检测能力最强.并通过序列的同源性分析得知该病毒的外壳蛋白与已知PNRSV的同源性为98.0%,进一步证明了该病毒为李坏死环斑病毒.  相似文献   

进境荷兰郁金香种苗中南芥菜花叶病毒的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了防止南芥菜花叶病毒(Arabis mosaic virus,ArMV)传入我国,采用血清学、分子生物学、电镜观察及生物学接种等方法对从荷兰进口的郁金香种苗进行了ArMV检测。结果表明:ArMV血清学反应为强阳性;RT-PCR反应扩增出370bp的特异性目标条带;RT-PCR产物与已报道的3个ArMV部分外壳蛋白基因的核苷酸序列同源性为91.00%~93.24%,氨基酸序列同源性为99%~100%;免疫电镜观察到叶片病汁液中含有直径约30nm的球状病毒粒体;该病毒在黄花烟、白肋烟、矮牵牛和昆诺藜等鉴别寄主上引起坏死和褪绿等典型症状,经DAS-ELISA检测,这些接种寄主均呈ArMV血清学阳性反应。故将该病毒鉴定为南芥菜花叶病毒。  相似文献   

The epidemiology ofSitobion avenae and its natural enemies in winter wheat was studied in 1975, 1976 and 1977. Immigration was important until the end of flowering. The alate immigrants had apterous offspring. These became the driving force in population growth. Their offspring were mostly alatae which usually left the field. A model of the epidemic was developed. Quantitative relations between the aphids and their environment were obtained from literature or established in laboratory trials. The model simulated population development and population composition from the beginning of June till the population peak at the end of June or early in July. Because quantitative data on relations between aphids and their natural enemies and pathogens are scarce, and since the knowledge on wing formation is still limited, the population collapse could not be predicted. In the future, prognosis over a period of three weeks seems possible.Samenvatting De toenemende betekenis van graanbladluizen (vooralSitobion avenae) gepaard gaande met een sterke toename van het gebruik van insecticiden op granen maakte verbetering van de prognose over het schadelijk optreden wenselijk. Door gedetailleerde tellingen in het veld (Fig. 1–7) werden gegevens verkregen over het verloop van de epidemie en het optreden van natuurlijke vijanden in 1975, 1976 en 1977.Een immigratieperiode tot in de bloei kon worden vastgesteld. Daarna lijkt de aantrekkelijkheid van het gewas voor alate luizen te verminderen. De alate immigranten krijgen aptere nakomelingen. Deze vormen de stuwende kracht van de populatiegroei. De nakomelingen van apteren zijn merendeels alaat. Zij verlaten het gewas.Een model van de populatieontwikkeling gedurende de epidemie werd opgesteld. De relatiediagrammen Fig. 9 en 10 laten groei en ontwikkeling vanS. avenae en een predator (Syrphus corollae) zien. Kwantificering van de betrekkingen werd mogelijk door literatuurgegevens en laboratoriumexperimenten.Met het model kon de populatieontwikkeling vanS. avenae vanaf begin juni tot aan de populatiepiek in 1975, 1976 en 1977 vrij goed worden gesimuleerd (Fig. 12). Ook de populatieopbouw kon worden gesimuleerd (Fig. 14). De teruggang van de populatiedichtheid blijkt moeilijker te voorspellen door het ontbreken van gegevens over natuurlijke vijanden.Het lijkt waarschijnlijk dat in de toekomst met het model een prognose over de piek van de bladluispopulatie circa 3 weken tevoren mogelijk zal zijn.  相似文献   

In 1975 many tumours were observed in plants ofBegonia Schwabenland grown in Aalsmeer. Submersion of the roots ofNicotiana megalosiphon seedlings in a homogenate of tumorous tissue, induced tumours after two weeks. Short periods of submergence yielded results similar to those obtained after longer periods. Tumour homogenates lost their infectivity after ten min at 50°C. Aphids transmitted the infectious agent.Treatment with propylene oxide did not inhibit infectivity completely. Filtration through a 450 nm filter removed the infectious agent.Tobacco tumor virus or a viroid could not be isolated. Cultures ofCorynebacterium fascians, isolated from tumours ofN. megalosiphon were highly infectious and induced tumours in healthyN. megalosiphon andBegonia. Tumorous tissue homogenates ofPelargonium zonale, Dahlia sp.,Gladiolus sp., andLilium sp. also caused tumours inN. megalosiphon, from whichC. fascians was isolated. It was not possible to produce tumours inN. megalosiphon with homogenates from roses with symptoms of bud proliferation.Samenvatting In 1975 werden vele tumoren waargenomen inBegonia Schwabenland op Aalsmeerse bedrijven (Fig. 1). De infectiositeit van tumorweefsel kon goed en snel worden vastgesteld door de wortels van zaailingen vanNicotiana megalosiphon in een homogenaat van tumorweefsel te dompelen. Tumoren ontstonden na twee weken, de eindbeoordeling geschiedde na een maand (Fig. 2). Ook verschillende andereNicotiana spp.,Melilotus officinalis (Fig. 3) enPisum odoratum (Fig. 4) werden aangetast.Bij de infectiositeitstoets gaven zeer korte dompeltijden even goede resultaten als langere (Tabel 1). Infectieus sap verloor zijn infectievermogen na 10 min verhitting bij 50°C. Bladluizen brachten de smetstof over. Propyleenoxide verminderde de infectiositeit wel, doch onderdrukte deze niet totaal. Bij filtratie door een 450 nm filter bleef het infectieuse agens op het filter achter. Het tumor-inducerende agens was ook aanwezig in die delen van planten met tumoren welke gezond leken en het ging voor een gering deel over met zaad (Tabel 2).Uit tumoren konden wij geen tabakstumorvirus of een viroïde isoleren. Culturen vanCorynebacterium fascians, geïsoleerd uit tumoren vanN. megalosiphon bleken zeer infectieus en veroorzaakten tumoren inN. megalosiphon enBegonia. Homogenaten van tumorweefsel vanPelargonium zonale, dahlia (Fig. 5), gladiool (Fig. 6) enLilium Mid Century Hybrid Enchantment (Fig. 7) veroorzaakten ook tumoren opN. megalosiphon, waaruitC. fascians werd geïsoleerd. Met sap van kroeskopzieke rozen konden wijN. megalosiphon niet besmetten.  相似文献   

Organic amendments and green manure are potential alternatives to the harmful chemical control means currently used against plant-parasitic nematodes. In this work, Chrysanthemum coronarium was applied to the soil as a green manure to control the root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica. Chrysanthemum coronarium significantly reduced nematode infection of tomato roots and improved plant-top fresh weight, both in the greenhouse and in microplots. Other green manures, derived from Anthemis pseudocotula, wild chickpea (Cicer pinnatifidum), Geranium spp. and wheat, were not as effective as C. coronarium. Chrysanthemum coronarium, retained its nematicidal activity even when applied as a dried material. Only mature C. coronarium plants, in their flowering stage, exhibited nematode control activity, but the green plant parts were more effective than the flowers. An aqueous extract of C. coronarium exhibited in vitro, nematostatic activity towards M. incognita and M. javanica second-stage juveniles and inhibited their hatching from eggs and egg-masses; its nematostatic activity was expressed also against other phytonematode species such as Heterodera avenae and Pratylenchus mediterraneus, but did not affect the beneficial entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema feltiae.  相似文献   

Samples of heavily infested crop residues were incorporated in static compost heaps (2.5–4.6 m3) of the Indore type. Temperature increased to 50–70°C within 6 days depending on the type of crop residues used and the location within the heap. The heat phase (>40 °C) lasted 2–3 weeks and was followed by a c. 5-months maturation phase (<40 °c).=" among=" the=" 17=" pathogens=" tested,=">Olpidium brassicae and one of the four formae speciales ofFusarium oxysporum that were tested survived composting, but also their inoculum was greatly reduced.Survival during specific phases of composting was studied by incorporation and retrieval of samples at various stages of the process.F. oxysporum f. sp.melonis was completely inactivated andO. brassicae andPlasmodiophora brassicae were almost completely inactivated during the short heat phase. The three pathogens survived the long-lasting maturation phase without loss of viability. Heat evolved during composting was found to be the most important factor involved with sanitation of crop residues. The possible involvement of fungitoxic conversion products and microbial antagonism is discussed.  相似文献   

浅黄恩蚜小蜂和丽蚜小蜂对温室白粉虱的寄生潜能分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
浅黄恩蚜小蜂Encarsia sophia GiraultDodd和丽蚜小蜂Encarsia formosa Gahan是防治粉虱类害虫的优势寄生蜂,通过生命表技术方法分析了2种寄生蜂对温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood)的防治潜能。结果表明,丽蚜小蜂在羽化第3天和第10天出现2次寄生高峰,占其总寄生量的13.7%和8.0%,在2次高峰之间逐日寄生粉虱数量比较平稳,单雌逐日平均产雌数保持在10.6~13.4头,10 d后寄生量呈明显的下降趋势;而浅黄恩蚜小蜂羽化10 d内逐日寄生粉虱量变化不大,单雌逐日产雌数稳定在4.2~5.4头,羽化14 d后寄生量呈明显下降趋势。丽蚜小蜂和浅黄恩蚜小蜂的R0、T、rm、λ值分别为171.5、18.0、0.2854、1.3303和61.6、16.2、0.2544、1.2897;粉虱若虫充足时,丽蚜小蜂平均单雌寄生若虫数是浅黄恩蚜小蜂的2.7倍,而后者平均单雌取食若虫数为60.6头,明显高于前者42.7头,总的来看,丽蚜小蜂通过寄生和取食杀死粉虱总量220.8头,明显高于浅黄恩蚜小蜂的127.9头。表明在应用寄生蜂防治温室白粉虱时,单独释放丽蚜小蜂比浅黄恩蚜小蜂显示出更好的防治潜能。  相似文献   

The effects of the saprophytic mycoflora and its interference with cereal aphids on growth and yield of winter and spring wheat was studied in field experiments in 1980, 1981 and 1982.Yields varied between 5000 and 8000 kg dry matter of kernels per ha. The effect of the saprophytic mycoflora on yield was determined in different treatments: A) no control measures against cereal aphids and saprophytic and necrotrophic fungi, B) no control of cereal aphids, control of saprophytic and necrotrophic fungi, C) control of cereal aphids and control of saprophytic and necrotrophic fungi, D) control of cereal aphids and stimulation of saprophytic mycoflora and E) control of cereal aphids, no control of saprophytic and necrotrophic fungi nor stimulation of saprophytic mycoflora.Considerable differences in top densities of saprophytic mycoflora (10 times as large in A and D as in B and C) were determined. The consequences of these differences for the growth and productivity of wheat were minor. A negative effect of saprophytic mycoflora on the yield could not be detected in 1981 and 1982, whereas a small positive significant effect was found in 1980. This stimulation may have been due to competition between necrotrophic fungal pathogens and saprophytic mycoflora. As a result of favourable weather conditions necrotrophic fungal pathogens were very numerous in 1980 and could form an important yield reducing factor. Yield levels may effect the importance of the necrotrophic and saprophytic mycoflora as yield reducing factors. Additionally, in the presence of aphid honeydew captafol was found to be relatively ineffective against saprophytic fungi.  相似文献   

Mango sudden decline is a recently introduced, economically serious disease in Oman. Affected mango trees have wilting symptoms that usually begin on one side and later spread to involve the entire tree. Trees exude amber-coloured gum from the bark of their trunks or branches and vascular tissues are discoloured. Having entered Oman in the recent past, survey data is presented that shows the disease to have spread throughout the northern part of the country. Evidence is presented that the vascular wilt pathogen Ceratocystis fimbriata causes mango sudden decline disease in Oman, possibly in concert with Lasiodiplodia theobromae and the recently described Ceratocystis omanensis. Isolates of these fungi from affected trees, cause infection and can be recovered from inoculated seedlings. Bark beetles (Hypocryphalus mangiferae) are shown to carry C. fimbriata and L. theobromae and are presumably responsible for transmitting both pathogens to healthy mango trees. Acting as a wounding agent and vector, the bark beetle is likely to have assisted the rapid spread of the disease across Oman.  相似文献   

Botryodiplodia theobromae, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides andGliocephalotrichum microchlamydosporum are the causal fungi of the rambutan postharvest diseases stem-end rot, anthracnose and brown spot, respectively. Two different treatments of rambutan fruits(Nephelium lappaceum) against the three pathogens were compared: potassium metabisulphite (250 ppm) or cinnamaldehyde (30 ppm), each combined withTrichoderma harzianum (TrH 40). The application of TrH 40 and potassium metabisulphite effectively controlled the incidence and severity of the three postharvest diseases and maintained the overall quality and color of the fruit under low temperature storage at 13.5°C and 95% r.h. for 18 days. The greatest effect of this treatment was shown onG. microchlamydosporum. Cinnamaldehyde affected the growth and germination of TrH 40, whereas potassium metabisulphite did not. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Nov. 4, 2001.  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic method was developed to quantify the phytotoxin prehelminthosporol, which is a sesquiterpene metabolite of the plant pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana. The toxin was extracted from mycelium or culture filtrates, pre-cleaned using solid phase extraction, and analyzed by gas chromatography as a trimethylsilyl-derivative. The detection limit of the method was 5ngl–1 (signal to noise ratio 4:1) which corresponds to ca. 15ng prehelminthosporol per mg dry weight of mycelium or 15ng prehelminthosporol per ml culture filtrate. The total amount of prehelminthosporol (mycelium plus culture filtrate) increased with cultivation time when examined in six isolates of B. sorokiniana after 6, 9, 12 and 15 days of incubation. The screening experiment of 17 isolates for prehelminthosporol production after 8 days of incubation revealed significant differences in the toxin production between the isolates. The isolates with low toxin production had lower virulence towards barley roots compared to those with higher production of the toxin. However, the virulence did not increase with prehelminthosporol level among the high producing isolates. Prehelminthosporol was also analyzed in a number of related Bipolaris and Drechslera species. In addition to B. sorokiniana, three out of six Bipolaris species (B. setariae, B. zeicola, B. victoriae) produced prehelminthosporol, which indicates that ability to produce prehelminthosporol is conserved among closely-related Bipolaris species.  相似文献   

Five Pythium species (Pythium irregulare, P. mamillatum, P. myriotylum, P. spinosum and P. ultimum var. ultimum) were isolated from the hypocotyls and roots of kidney bean plants with damping-off from a commercial field and from experimental plots that have undergone either continuous cropping with kidney bean or rotational cropping with arable crops. In inoculation tests, all five Pythium species were pathogenic to kidney bean. This is the first report of damping-off of kidney bean caused by Pythium species; we named this disease damping-off of kidney bean. The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession numbers AB291811, AB291944 and AB291945.  相似文献   

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