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论我国非粮生物质原料的非粮属性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
能源安全与粮食安全既相互依赖又相互影响,发展生物质能源具有非常重要的战略地位,而非粮原料供应是生物质能源产业发展的最大瓶颈。非粮原则的本质是不能影响粮食安全,因而狭义的非粮生物质应定义为谷物籽粒以外的生物质。以谷物为粮食生产统计的国际口径,我国已基本实现了粮食自给,而且,据预测2029年当我国人口达到最多时,仍能保持基本的粮食安全。因此,谷物类籽粒毫无疑问不属于非粮生物质原料的种类,谷物籽粒类以外的农林业产品属于非粮生物质原料。豆类作物籽粒、薯类作物薯块、油料作物类籽粒和糖料作物含糖器官,属于受限制发展的非粮生物质原料种类;非食用的动植物产品及其他有机废弃物属于鼓励发展的非粮生物质原料种类。  相似文献   

国外兽用抗生素减量化实践经验及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兽用抗生素减量化行动对畜禽养殖业绿色健康发展具有重要意义,由于我国兽用抗生素减量化行动起步较晚,目前尚无具体的行动指南,同时畜禽养殖环境差异较大导致全面推行也较困难。因此,在借鉴国际相关组织和畜牧业发达国家兽用抗生素减量化实践经验的基础上,结合我国畜禽养殖业发展现状,提出以下建议:普及安全用药知识,健全法律法规体系,添加畜产品“减抗、无抗”标签,开展动物性食品兽用抗生素残留风险评估工作,建立养殖场与兽医关系网,指导养殖场做好生物安全防控,完善兽用抗生素使用监控管理网络,以期为我国全面开展兽用抗生素减量化行动提供参考依据。  相似文献   

包军 《农学学报》2018,8(1):187-193
畜牧业中的动物福利影响着动物源食品的质量安全,进而影响人们的健康。中国的动物福利发展落后于西方发达国家,体现在人们对动物福利的态度、立法、科学研究、教育及生产实践等诸多方面,这与中国现阶段的畜牧养殖发展水平有关,也与中国国情现状有关。近年来,随着广大消费者对畜产品质量安全的关注,政府、学界及企业界开始重视养殖过程中的动物福利问题,以动物福利理念为指导的健康养殖快速发展,建立健全的福利标识机制和法律规范,引导人们重视动物福利。  相似文献   

中外食品安全监管体制比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了美国、欧盟、加拿大、日本4个主要发达国家和地区的食品安全监管体制,并与我国现食品安全监管体制进行了对比分析。结果表明,国外在食品安全监管过程中做的努力都是必须尽可能的为其民众提供安全的食品供给,这一理念可为我国食品安全监管体制改革提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

The application of mineral and organic phosphorus fertilizers to arable land has greatly increased crop yield to meet the world food demand. On the other hand, impurities in these fertilizers, such as heavy metals, are being added to agricultural soils, resulting both from the raw materials themselves and the processes used to obtain the final product. Cadmium, a non-essential and toxic heavy metal, has been found in relatively high amounts in common P fertilizers obtained from sediments. This metal poses a high risk for soil fertility, crop cultivation, and plants in general. Furthermore, human health might be compromised by the cadmium concentrations in agricultural and livestock products, due to the bioaccumulation effect in the food web. The accumulation in the different matrixes is the result of the high mobility and flexible availability of this harmful metal. This review summarizes risks to human health, the factors influencing cadmium movement in soils and crop uptake, as well as common plant responses to its toxicity. In addition, it summarizes cadmium balances in soils, trends, long-term experiments, and further studies. Cadmium inputs and outputs in arable soil, together with their calculated concentrations, are compared between two different regions: the European countries (in particular Germany) and China. The comparison appears useful because of the different proportions in the inputs and outputs of cadmium, and the diverse geographical, environmental and social factors. Moreover, these variables and their influences on cadmium contamination improve the understanding of the pollution from phosphate fertilizers and will help to establish future mitigation policies.  相似文献   

植物营养与人畜健康有着密切的联系,该文从控制植物营养提高粮食产量,提高农作物品质,减少有害物质进入动植物体内和避免对生态系统的破坏的视角出发,系统地探讨了植物营养与人畜健康的关系,探讨了如何从这个方面促进人蓄健康,以期为我国农业发展方向提供理论依据。  相似文献   

刘玉朋  王萌  胡宝贵 《安徽农业科学》2014,(19):6373-6375,6378
为了对我国畜产食品安全风险进行有效管理,搜集了2001 ~ 2013年共计278个畜产食品安全事件,并将这些事件按照生产、加工、流通、餐饮消费4个环节进行梳理,每个环节归纳出多个风险因素,并运用风险矩阵分析方法对这些因素进行等级评估.结果显示,“使用有害投入品”、“兽药残留”、“使用不合格原料”等因素最为突出,基于此提出了我国畜产品安全风险管理的相关的对策建议.  相似文献   

蒋荣华  韦信贤 《广西农业科学》2009,40(10):1384-1387
动物产品药物残留不但影响人身健康,还会导致细菌耐药性增强及危害生态环境,已成为国际社会关注的公共卫生问题。文章概述了兽药残留的危害性,提出加大对兽药、饲料和饲料添加剂生产企业的监管力度,从源头保障动物产品质量安全;加大对非法生产和使用禁用药物、添加剂企业的处罚力度;加强对动物、动物产品药物残留的检测,严禁不合格产品进入市场;加快企业诚信体系建设,增强全社会的食品安全诚信意识;开发新的兽药残留检测方法及技术,并在基层中推广应用;推广绿色畜产品生产技术,扶持绿色畜牧业发展;加大对抗生素替代品的投入和研发力度,以绿色兽药和添加剂替代有较高残留量的抗生素或化学合成药物;加大宣传力度,提高人们的安全意识等对策,以促进我国养殖业的健康发展。  相似文献   

为阐明作物秸秆作为生物质原料的可持续利用潜力,基于可持续发展理论,构建了以生物质原料可持续生产和供应系统为基础的生物质产业可持续发展模式。在此基础上,构建了作物秸秆生物质原料可持续利用模式,并分析了中国作物秸秆生物质原料可持续利用潜力。在中国现代生物质产业发展过程中,需要控制作物秸秆生物质原料利用比例整体上不超过25%,即使部分适宜规模化开发利用地区亦不能超过35%;生物质产业发展应该兼顾生物质原料需要与传统利用方式需要之间的平衡,尤其是要满足作物主产品可持续生产的需要。  相似文献   

大麻是重要的纤维、油料以及粮食作物。近年来,随着人们回归自然,更加重视环保和健康等理念,对工业大麻的特性有了深入的了解,世界各国对工业大麻资源的利用与开发越来越重视。据联合国粮农组织统计,目前世界上种植工业大麻的国家有27个。随着基因工程的快速发展,大麻组织培养技术被广泛的应用到大麻育种工作中,文中主要简述工业大麻(汉麻)组织培养技术的研究进展,为培育优良的大麻新品种奠定基础。  相似文献   

Within a given culture – whether industrialized or more tradition oriented – essentially the same fundamental medical theories, practices, and pharmacopoeia tend to be applied to human and non-human sickness and patients. In modern industrialized societies, however, healthcare services are sharply divided between human and veterinary medicine. There is likewise a sharp division between practitioners in these two health sectors: medical doctors and veterinarians. Yet in non-Western, traditional or indigenous medical systems, the same practitioners often treat both humans and animals. There is a growing body of literature that attests to the efficacy of traditional health practices and herbal medicines for the prevention and treatment of both human and livestock ailments.The authors argue for an intersectoral approach to human and veterinary health services in poor countries, especially those targeted to rural people with LIMITED access to modern health services. Extension of conventional medical and veterinary services is particularly difficult and costly in Third World countries where the necessary infrastructure (roads, clinics, labs, cold chains, etc.) is poorly developed and where much of the populace and their livestock reside in remote, rural areas, or where people may be nomadic or transhumant. Consideration should therefore be given to the joint delivery of human and livestock healthcare and related services, as well as to linking informal, ethnoveterinary practices and practitioners with more formalized systems of veterinary AND medical practice. Several advantages of such an approach are identified and explored.  相似文献   

畜禽粪污重金属污染的现状与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国畜禽养殖的规模化程度不断提高,养殖总量不断增加,由此带来的养殖污染问题也日益凸显, 规模化养殖场产生的大量粪便和污水带来的环境压力越来越大,其中尤以重金属污染较为严重。饲养环境污染 及生产过程中添加含有重金属的饲料添加剂是造成畜禽粪便重金属超标的主要原因。由于重金属难以迁移和降 解且容易富集,对土壤生态环境造成极大影响。而且金属元素可随食物链进入人体危害健康,因此加强治理畜 禽粪污重金属污染势在必行。通过阐述畜禽粪污重金属污染的现状、危害及现今可使用的治理方案,找出存在 的问题,提出有效的措施,能更好做到预防与治理相结合,为今后粪污重金属污染的治理提供参考。  相似文献   

Research Progress and Prospect of Life Cycle Assessment in Animal Husbandry   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a generally accepted method to evaluate the overall environmental burden and production efficiency during the entire life cycle of a product, which is widely used for production management structure optimization in the enterprises and policy formulation in governments. In recent years, for food safety and environmental protection considerations, more and more studies emphasize that the LCA method should be used in animal husbandry to comprehensively assess the environmental burden and resources consumption during the animal-source food production. In China, LCA research and application of animal husbandry are rare, especially in the northern grassland pastoral area, which are the main livestock produce region, and no LCA research on the local livestock production system has been carried out. This paper reviewed the framework and research status of livestock production LCA methods on the main sections and processes, including (1) the goal and scope definition of livestock husbandry LCA; (2) life cycle inventory (LCI); and (3) life cycle impact assessment (LCIA). Through review the domestic and foreign LCA literatures on animal husbandry production, we noticed that the frame and methodology of animal husbandry LCA had been constructed well in developed country. It had an importance instructing significance for the research and practical application of Chinese animal husbandry LCA. However, we also needed to recognize that due to the differences in the specific situations of the livestock industry between domestic and foreign country, foreign LCA experience should not be applied directly in China. First of all, in the northern pastoral areas of China, family farm is the main production system mode of local livestock production, unclear boundaries between herdsmen's life needs and livestock production inputs exist in this system, therefore, it is difficult to apply the foreign experiences directly. Secondly, it is really a challenge to collect the data required for livestock husbandry LCA, which is the biggest restrictive factor of LCA application in livestock production in China. Third, compared with the animal husbandry developed countries, such as European countries, the United States and Australia, due to the gaps in livestock production technology and management methods, the livestock production in the northern pastoral areas of China is affected more by natural factors, such as precipitation, and various marketing factors, including the market supplies and demands. This is also an important issue that must be considered in the research and application of animal husbandry LCA in China. In order to widely practice Chinese livestock husbandry LCA, the following aspects should be improved: (1) the investigation about material input and output of livestock husbandry production in the northern pastoral areas of China should be carried out to collect necessary data; (2) the Chinese animal husbandry LCA database should be established in order to improve the accuracy of livestock husbandry LCA; and (3) we should strengthen the interdisciplinary study to clarify the natural and social driving factors in the development of animal husbandry, and to provide data reference and technology support for the sustainable development of animal husbandry in the northern pastoral areas of China.  相似文献   

生命周期评价(life cycle assessment,LCA)作为一种全程评价产品总体环境影响和生产效率的方法,被广泛应用于企业优化生产经营结构和政府政策制定等方面。近年来,出于粮食安全保障和生态环境保护的考虑,LCA在农牧生产中的应用越来越受到重视。但我国相关方面的研究和应用并不多见,特别是作为畜牧业重要产区的北方草原牧区,尚没有开展针对当地畜牧生产体系的LCA研究。在这一背景下,本文围绕主要环节和流程对国内外畜牧生产LCA方法框架和研究现状进行了综述,主要从LCA研究目的与范围的确定、生命周期清单分析和影响评价三个方面展开。国内外文献综述表明,国外畜牧产业中LCA的应用已相当普遍,无论从方法上还是技术上都已经相当成熟和完备,对我国畜牧产业LCA科学研究和实际应用均有较强的借鉴意义。然而,由于国内外畜牧产业的具体情况差异,国外LCA经验难以直接应用到国内。首先,在我国北方牧区,家庭牧场是当地畜牧生产的主要经营方式,具有季节性放牧与圈养舍饲结合、不同牲畜混养、牧民生活和生产经营界限不明确等特点,难以直接套用国外方法。此外,在我国开展畜牧生产LCA研究所需的数据收集非常困难,这是制约我国畜牧生产LCA应用的最大短板。最后,由于畜牧生产技术及经营方式的差距,相比于欧美澳等畜牧业发展成熟国家,我国北方牧区畜牧生产受降水等自然因素及市场供求价格因素影响年际间差异更大,这也是我国开展畜牧生产LCA研究必须考虑的问题。为了使 LCA 能够精准且广泛地应用于我国畜牧产业,应从以下几个方面进行改进:首先,开展我国北方牧区不同规模畜牧生产经营系统物料投入和产出的调查和研究,为畜牧产业LCA研究收集必要数据;其次,根据我国畜牧产业的特征建立并完善适合国情的畜牧业LCA标准方法和数据库,提升我国LCA结论的准确性;第三,在我国畜牧LCA研究中还应加大学科交叉力度,理清畜牧产业发展中的自然和社会驱动因素,为我国北方牧区畜牧产业的可持续发展提供数据参考和科技支撑。  相似文献   

畜禽产品数字化安全监控体系,是在畜禽高度集约化生产方式下,实施由畜禽养殖至终端产品的所谓"农场到餐桌"的全程质量控制.在比较世界发达国家畜禽产品数字化安全监控体系的的基础上,建立了以二维条码塑料耳标为标识物的猪肉溯源数字系统和以批次记录鸡肉可追溯电子文档管理系统,将这两个系统分别在南京天环集团和山东民和牧业有限公司实施、验证.  相似文献   

Sensing technologies for precision specialty crop production   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
With the advances in electronic and information technologies, various sensing systems have been developed for specialty crop production around the world. Accurate information concerning the spatial variability within fields is very important for precision farming of specialty crops. However, this variability is affected by a variety of factors, including crop yield, soil properties and nutrients, crop nutrients, crop canopy volume and biomass, water content, and pest conditions (disease, weeds, and insects). These factors can be measured using diverse types of sensors and instruments such as field-based electronic sensors, spectroradiometers, machine vision, airborne multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing, satellite imagery, thermal imaging, RFID, and machine olfaction system, among others. Sensing techniques for crop biomass detection, weed detection, soil properties and nutrients are most advanced and can provide the data required for site specific management. On the other hand, sensing techniques for diseases detection and characterization, as well as crop water status, are based on more complex interaction between plant and sensor, making them more difficult to implement in the field scale and more complex to interpret. This paper presents a review of these sensing technologies and discusses how they are used for precision agriculture and crop management, especially for specialty crops. Some of the challenges and considerations on the use of these sensors and technologies for specialty crop production are also discussed.  相似文献   

大麦是鹤庆县最主要的小春作物,在全县粮食生产、养殖业和酿酒产业中占有举足轻重的地位。随着产业结构的调整,大麦面积大幅减少,导致酿酒原料不足和养殖业饲料短缺等问题,本文通过对大麦在鹤庆县的作用、现状和制约因素等内容进行分析,提出了发展思路和应对措施,确保全县大麦相关产业健康、稳定、持续增长,为鹤庆及相邻县域大麦产业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

知物性之宜与“三才理论”一起,构成了中国古代农业生产理论的四大要素。通过对“三才理论”的分析认为,知物性之宜的提出,不仅革新了中国传统农学的认识方法,促进了农学对作物特性的不断认识,而且为近代西方农业科学进入中国创造了环境与条件。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对畜产品肉、蛋、奶的质量要求越来越高,如何规范养殖场兽药的使用,发展健康绿色养殖,减少兽药残留和违规违禁药物对人体健康的影响,确保舌尖上的食品安全,成为养殖过程中的重要环节。  相似文献   

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