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榕树粉蚧是一种重要的入侵害虫,对果蔬和园林植物存在巨大的潜在威胁。为满足开展检疫处理、防控、生物学和生理学等研究的需要,本研究以南瓜为饲养材料,在室温条件下(26±1℃,RH 65%±5%)观察榕树粉蚧的生物学特性与发育历期。结果表明,榕树粉蚧具有典型的雌雄二型现象。雄虫主要经历卵、12龄若虫、预蛹、蛹、雄成虫阶段;雌虫经历卵、13龄若虫、雌成虫(产卵前期、产卵期)阶段,其发育历期(mean±SE)分别为8.51±0.03 d、9.79±0.09 d、7.46±0.10 d、6.52±0.11 d、12.13±0.11 d、8.16±0.11 d,世代发育历期54.4±0.25 d。雌成虫产卵量483651粒,平均550.87±51.07粒,卵期711 d,孵化率95.19%±0.75%。该研究结果表明榕树粉蚧繁殖能力强,应高度重视其防控工作。  相似文献   
  目的  叶面滞尘会影响植被光谱特征,削弱植被指数对植被的响应能力,影响反演评估的准确性。为探究叶面滞尘量对植被光谱响应特征及预测模型的影响,本文以北京市常见常绿绿化树种大叶黄杨为研究对象展开研究。  方法  从封闭区域、半封闭区域、开放区域,采集叶片样本,并收集环境灰尘。通过室内控制试验,利用ASD FildSpec Handheld光谱仪测量不同滞尘量叶片的高光谱数据,选取5个特征波段,通过光谱角的方法研究了叶面滞尘量对叶片光谱特征的影响,以及滞尘量对叶面滞尘量预测模型的精度和稳定性影响。  结果  随着叶面滞尘量的增加,植被光谱曲线特征逐渐减弱,灰尘的特征逐渐增强,但光谱曲线的总体变化趋势基本一致。当叶面滞尘量 > 120 g/m2时,光谱曲线的基本表现为灰尘的光谱特征。当叶面滞尘量较少时,预测模型的模拟精度相对较高,随着滞尘量的增加,所有模拟预测模型的决定系数均减小;当叶面滞尘量 > 120 g/m2时,预测模型对叶面滞尘量的模拟预测能力将更差,并且均方根误差(RMSE)随着叶片单位面积滞尘量的增加而增大,模拟预测模型的稳定性及预测精度逐渐降低。光谱角对滞尘叶片350 ~ 1 770 nm波段区间的光谱变化十分敏感,利用叶片光谱角检测滞尘程度不需要分区域讨论,只需与阈值做简单的比较,方法简便易行。  结论  本研究通过室内控制试验,研究叶面滞尘量对植被光谱响应特征,可为建立滞尘植被光谱反射物理模型提供参考与借鉴。   相似文献   
In order to reveal the effects of different altitudes on the nutritional quality of wild forage in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,this study used Elymus nutans as the tested plants to evaluate the changes of nutrient contents and the correlation between the nutrient contents and altitudes.Four sampling sites were set up at altitudes of 2 562,2 660,2 775 and 2 905 m with the vertical distance among each sampling point was about 100 m.The results showed that the crude protein,ash and phosphorus contents of Elymus nutans decreased significantly with an increase in altitudes.The crude protein contents decreased by 1.87 % with each 100 m increase in altitudes.The variation rule of crude protein contents with altitudes in the simulated curve was "y=–0.0187x+63.244 (R~2=0.9557)".The crude ash contents decreased by 1.77% with each 100 m increase in altitudes.The variation rule of crude ash contents with altitudes in the simulated curve was "y=–0.0177x+56.144 (R~2=0.978)".Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) showed an overall increasing trend with the increase of altitudes,but the most obvious increase was at 2 775 m.The contents of crude fat and Ca did not change regularly with altitudes.  相似文献   
随着我国社会经济的飞速发展,在石油生产装置建设的过程中,由于其规模数量巨大,所以易燃易爆化学产品引发火灾事件屡屡发生。所以需要对自动报警系统进行严格的管控,从而保证化工生产装置的安全性。因此,针对由PCL做核心控制器的火灾报警系统自动化做出描述,并与消防系统联动控制的同时对其组成部分工作原理及相关工作进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   
为了解决马铃薯致病疫霉侵染马铃薯导致其死亡,进而造成马铃薯单位种植产量低的问题。本文从拮抗菌入手,归纳分析细菌类拮抗菌中的主要拮抗菌中芽孢杆菌、假单胞菌和粘细菌对马铃薯致病疫霉的抑制作用。同时,在总结前人研究的基础上,笔者认为在拮抗菌应用方面,可以采用多对一的新型平板对峙筛菌模式来模拟复杂条件下拮抗菌的拮抗作用,以期得到稳定的拮抗菌;并指出应从定植能力和根际微生物影响方面对拮抗菌实际应用的可行性进行研究;此外,提出未来对拮抗菌抑制马铃薯致病疫霉的探究应从表型层面的研究深入到分子层面,以期能成功从源头找寻抑制马铃薯致病疫霉的答案。  相似文献   
强化型EM菌剂对金针菇菌糠堆肥的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高EM菌剂在菌糠堆肥中的应用效果,加速腐熟进程,改善堆肥质量,采用纤维素酶与木聚糖酶高产菌株黑曲霉SNH-7、蛋白酶高产菌株枯草芽孢杆菌SNK-103与EM菌剂进行复配,研制强化型EM菌剂,并研究其对菌糠堆肥的影响。结果表明:与普通EM菌剂相比,接种强化型EM菌剂的处理堆肥过程中微生物代谢更加旺盛,温度、pH、EC值、总有机碳、可溶性有机碳、总氮、铵态氮、硝态氮、C/N、腐植酸和黄腐酸含量等理化指标的升高或降低幅度更大,腐熟进程加快;成品堆肥的GI提高,C/N降低,总氮、硝态氮、总腐植酸和游离腐植酸的含量升高,生物安全性更好、肥效更高。说明在EM菌剂中补充纤维素酶、木聚糖酶和蛋白酶高产菌株,可强化其对纤维素、木质素和蛋白质的降解能力,在无辅料、高C/N、低pH的不利条件下,添加该菌剂能加速堆肥进程,提高堆肥质量。  相似文献   
蛋白质是食品加工中的重要原料,其乳化性对食品品质非常重要。本文综述了通过物理改性、化学改性、生物酶法改性、基因工程改性及复合改性等方法技术来提高食品蛋白质的乳化功能性,并为今后食品蛋白质加工过程中利用改性方法来提高乳化性提供一定理论基础和新的思路。  相似文献   
为了鉴定青贮玉米品质性状间的相关和依附关系,对14份青贮玉米材料的22个品质性状检测分析,并进行一般描述统计、遗传变异、相关性及主成分分析。结果表明,参试青贮玉米各品质性状中,脂肪、钾、木质素、淀粉含量的变异系数较大,分别为0.20、0.19、0.17和0.16,表明这些性状在品种遗传选育进程中有较大的改良空间;消化率及能量品质相关性状的变异系数介于0.03~0.08,表明这部分性状难以得到遗传改良;青贮玉米品质性状间相关性较大,适宜采用主成分分析保留品质性状的最重要方面。对测试的22个品质性状进行主成分提取,前3个主成分的累积贡献率达到91.29%,分别代表了青贮玉米的饲用价值、微量元素及粗蛋白成分。  相似文献   
This report describes successful surgical correction and long-term survival of a case of large colon atresia in a 24-h-old Warmblood colt, referred with signs of unrelenting abdominal pain and a suspicion of meconium impaction. Radiographic and ultrasonographic examination was indicative of large colon meconium impaction with secondary ileus. Due to deterioration of the foal, surgery was recommended. An atretic segment was found between the left ventral and dorsal large (ascending) colon. A band of fibrous tissue with no identifiable lumen connected the segments. Surgical correction was done by performing a stapled side-to-side anastomosis. Twelve days after surgery, the foal was discharged. Twenty-two months after discharge, the owner reported the foal developing as expected compared with its peers, but had a mild, self-limiting episode of colic at 20 months of age.  相似文献   
High occurrence of Fusarium poae (FP) and Fusarium langsethiae (FL) and their mycotoxins nivalenol (NIV) and T-2/HT-2 have been observed in Swiss oats. Early prediction of mycotoxin levels is important for farmers and the cereal industry to minimize the risk of contaminated food and feed. Therefore, climate chamber experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of different temperatures (10, 15, 20 °C) and durations (4, 8, 12 h) at 99% relative humidity (RH) on the infection of oats with FP and FL. In addition, to discover the most susceptible period of oats, artificial FL inoculations were conducted at different growth stages. Field experiments were performed to observe the dispersal of these fungal species within the field and to investigate the weather conditions that influence the dispersal. The climate chamber experiments revealed higher contamination with NIV and T-2/HT-2 in the 10 °C treatments and with a prolonged humidity duration of 12 h 99% RH. Inoculations of oat plants at early (DC 61) and mid (DC 65) anthesis, led to higher FL infection and T-2/HT-2 accumulation in the grains compared with treatments at earlier growth stages, which might be due to an increased susceptibility during anthesis. No indication for spore dispersal was observed in the field experiments. The results obtained, together with the cropping factors that influence infection and mycotoxin production, could be used as a first step in developing forecasting models to predict the contamination of oats with the mycotoxins NIV and T-2/HT-2.  相似文献   
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