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以无核白葡萄干为原料,对无核白浓缩汁的生产工艺进行研究,确定最佳的工艺条件。结果表明,料液比1∶3,复水温度50℃,复水时间4 h为无核白葡萄干最佳复水条件;酶解最佳工艺条件酶解时间60 min,pH值3,酶解温度40℃;旋转蒸发最佳条件温度80℃,浓缩无核白汁可溶性固形物为40 Brix。  相似文献   
中国是荔枝的原产地,是荔枝产业第一大国,拥有全球最丰富、最优质的荔枝品种。同时荔枝历史上有"百果之王"等美称,是中国文化底蕴最为深厚的果品之一。荔枝文化遗产极具中国特色且拥有全球影响力,对其保护与发展开展研究具有重要意义。本文以中国重要农业文化遗产岭南荔枝种植系统(增城)为案例,采用实地调查、深度访谈等研究方法,对荔枝文化遗产的特点、价值及保护进行了探讨。遗产地荔枝栽培历史悠久,‘挂绿’驰名中外,种质与古树资源丰富,拥有完备的生产技术体系,荔枝文化资源厚重多元。岭南荔枝种植系统(增城)是一个生态、经济与文化价值俱佳,具有南亚热带特色的生产和文化系统,但当前面临着城镇化与现代农业发展的冲击、古荔树保护力度不够、遗产价值认知不足等威胁。提出以下遗产保护与发展的建议:选择山枝与水枝的代表性区域,建设田园空间博物馆;实施古荔树保护工程,强化古树的管理与护养;加大荔枝文化普及力度,提升民众文化自觉能力;以荔枝产业园、特色小镇、果场为重点,推动荔枝产业升级发展。荔枝相关遗产地应联合申报全球重要农业文化遗产,以推动中国荔枝文化遗产的进一步保护与宣扬。  相似文献   
经过长时间的工艺优化,国内不同地区的黑茶风味已趋于稳定,为了进一步改善发酵茶品质,生产更具特色的发酵茶,利用课题组前期已筛选出的一株适用于茶叶发酵的优良产香菌ZYF3单菌发酵青砖茶原料(一芽四五叶)。在实验室条件下,以灭菌后青砖茶为发酵原料,探究该菌株在不同接菌量、不同茶坯含水量、不同发酵温度和不同发酵时间下对发酵茶感官品质和理化品质的影响。结果表明:在不同发酵条件下,产香菌ZFY3发酵茶品质差异显著,当接种量为1.2%~1.3%(mL/g)、茶坯含水率为45%、发酵温度为32℃、发酵时间为20 d时,发酵茶综合品质最佳。不同发酵条件能明显改善荔枝产香菌发酵茶品质,并且促进发酵茶特殊风味的形成。  相似文献   
对糯米糍荔枝进行螺旋环剥与不同方法环割研究螺旋环剥与不同的环割方法对糍米糯荔枝冬梢的控制促花、保果增产效应的影响。研究结果表明螺旋环剥和不同环割方法在控稍促花方面能有效的控制糯米糍荔枝冬梢的萌发与促进花和花穗的生成;在保果增产方面,螺旋环剥、环割2处与同株50%主干枝条环割2处都能增加糯米糍荔枝的果穗枝条数与株产量,但环割1处反而降低了糯米糍荔枝的果穗枝条数与株产量。  相似文献   
“井岗红糯”是由国家荔枝龙眼产业技术体系荔枝育种岗位选育,并于2009年通过广东省农作物品种审定委员会审定命名的优质晚熟荔枝新品种。2011年以高接换种方式引入广东省惠来县华湖镇美园村。“井岗红糯”在惠来地区引种4年的表现为:能适应当地气候条件;接穗和砧木能完全亲和;嫁接后枝条生长势旺盛;易成花坐果;成熟期在7月中旬,较当地糯米糍晚10天,较当地怀枝晚5-7天;成熟期果皮鲜红色,果实呈心形,果形指数1.10,焦核率90%,平均单果重28.18g,果皮厚度1.48mm,可食率77.35%,可溶性固形物含量(TSS)20.00,果实性状及品质优于原产地,初步判定引种成功。  相似文献   
The estimation of crop nitrogen status in fresh vegetation leaf using field spectroscopy is challenging due to the weak responses on leaf/canopy reflectance and the overlapping with the absorption features of other compounds. Although the spectral indices were proposed in the literature to predict leaf nitrogen content (LNC), the performance of selected spectral indices to estimate the LNC is often inconsistent. Moreover, the models for nitrogen content estimation changed with the growth stage. The goal of this study was to evaluate the performance of published indices, ratio of data difference index (RDDI) and ratio of data index (RDI) developed by band iterative-optimization algorithm in LNC estimation. The correlation analysis, linear regression and cross validation were used to analyze the relationship between spectral data and LNC and construct the best performed estimation model. The study was conducted by the data of five growing seasons of litchi from the orchards in Guangdong Province of China. Results showed that the relationship between chlorophyll (Chl) related spectral indices and LNC varied with the growth stage. Even in flower bud morphological differentiation stage and autumn shoot maturation stage, there were not significant correlations between the proposed spectral indices and LNC. Besides it is difficult to estimate the LNC by the general model across the growth stages due to the integrated effects of cultivar, biochemical, canopy structure, etc. The band iterative-optimization algorithm can improve the sensitivity of spectral data to LNC to some extent. The optimal RDDI performed better than other indices for the synthetic dataset and the dataset in each growth stage. And the sensitive bands selected in the optimal indices at each growth stage are not consistent, which are not only related to the Chl absorption but also other biochemical components, such as starch, lignin, cellulose, protein, etc. In general, the LNC can be estimated by the optimized CR-based RDDI indices in autumn shoot maturation stage, flower spike stage, fruit maturation stage, and flowering stage with the R2 > 0.50 and RMSE < 0.14. Although there were the significant relationship between RDIs and RDDIs in flower bud morphological differentiation stage, the highest R2s of the model developed by RDDIs and RDIs were less than 0.50 in cross validation. This study indicated that the applicability of canopy reflectance to estimate litchi LNC was closely related to the growth stage of litchi. Growth stage-specific models will be preferred for estimating litchi LNC estimation.  相似文献   
为了研究疏花对无核荔枝果实和树体营养的影响,以不疏花为对照,在初花期对其进行疏花处理,统计疏花量、记录果实发育情况及成熟日期,并测定果实成熟时的品质和整个过程中树体叶片营养变化情况。据统计,每株树的平均疏花量达到80%-90%左右,疏掉的小穗数、支穗数和侧穗数分别为89.81%、89.74%、81.82%。试验结果表明,疏花使无核荔枝的果实发育情况及果实成熟时的可食率、单果重、总糖、维生素C、还原糖均高于对照;果实成熟时,平均单株产量提高70.59%;疏花处理的果实成熟期较对照提前7天左右;该过程中树体叶片N、P、K、S、Ca、Mg含量在前期高于而后期稍低于对照。疏花加快了无核荔枝果实生长发育,并提高了果实的产量和品质。  相似文献   
前期研究中发现了一个果肉低表达而叶片中高表达的荔枝基因FKBP16-2。本文克隆了该基因1 578 bp的启动子片段并对其功能进行了初步分析,结果表明:荔枝FKBP16-2基因启动子序列中含有大量的TATA-box和CAAT-box保守元件,以及TCA-element,ARE,HSE,GCN4_motif,O2-site等各种转录调控相关的顺式作用元件。该启动子能驱动GUS基因在荔枝的花、叶、根、果皮以及种子中表达而在果肉中不表达,表达具有组织特异性。  相似文献   
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