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为了充实河北雾灵山自然保护区的野生动物资源本底资料,提高监测能力和监测水平,雾灵山保护区自2015年开始将红外相机技术应用到野生动植物的资源调查和管护中。目前应用红外相机技术发现兽类5目10科14种,鸟类4目6科10种,掌握了区内主要物种猪獾(Arctonyx collaris)、狍(Capreolus)和勺鸡(Pucrasia macrolopha)的日活动节律,补充了保护区的本底调查资料,为保护区进一步开展金钱豹(Panthera pardus)、斑羚(Naemorhedus goral)和鸟类多样性等科学研究奠定了基础,为保护区制定关于野生动物资源的相关管护政策提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
为研究树脂对改性材性能的影响,采用2种不同工艺合成三聚氰胺-脲醛树脂(MUF),测试了树脂的相关性能。结果表明,不同合成工艺路线下制备的 MUF 树脂在固体含量、粘度、固化时间、游离甲醛含量间存在显著差异。最终树脂的分子结构类型相似性极高,但相同结构组分在不同树脂中所占比例各有差异。羟甲基基团在MUF2中所占比例高,而亚甲基桥键及醚键在MUF1中含量高。MUF1改性材的增重率(weight percent gain,WPG)值更大,但MUF2改性材的抗溶胀性(anti-swelling efficiency,ASE)和体积膨胀率(bulking rates,B)更高,MUF2改性材的尺寸稳定性更好。  相似文献   
基于机器视觉的温室番茄裂果检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文通过对温室番茄果实进行定位及裂果检测,可为番茄裂果率预估及后续裂果自动筛选提供参考。针对自然光照下采集的各类番茄图像,在相关颜色空间中进行阈值预分割,利用前期支持向量机训练得到的纹理特征分类器对预分割区域进行二次判别;之后在前景区域利用显著性角点分割构造边缘轮廓集,利用基于最小二乘法修正的改进霍夫变换拟合单个番茄目标;最后利用二维Gabor小波算子对拟合的单个番茄区域进行纹理特征提取及裂果判别。文中共采集82幅番茄图像,其中50幅图像作为训练集图像,32幅图像作为验证集,所提算法对测试集中总共128个番茄的果实正确检出率为91.41%,对其中35裂果的正确判别率为97.14%,裂果判别部分平均耗时21 ms。试验结果表明,该方法具有较好的鲁棒性与可靠性,对成熟期番茄裂果率的估计研究及采摘过程中裂果的自动分级筛选具有较好的指导意义,为未来实现温室番茄果实生长状态在线监测提供参考。  相似文献   
以230份玉米自交系为样本,采用旋光法与一阶导数及去一条直线的光谱预处理法,构建玉米粉样淀粉含量的近红外分析(NIRS)模型。研究标明,该模型可显著提高子粒淀粉含量预测的准确性。该模型的定标标准偏差(RMSEE)、交叉验证标准偏差(RMSECV)、外部验证标准偏差(RMSEP)、定标相关系数(Rcal2)、交叉验证相关系数(Rcv2)、外部验证相关系数(Rcv2)分别为0.609、0.722、0.738、0.909、0.864和0.854。建立的玉米粉样NIRS模型可将预测值与化学值偏差控制在1.7%内,能够准确定量分析玉米子粒淀粉含量,应用于育种材料早期筛选及群体水平粗淀粉分析。  相似文献   
为保证田间甜菜种子的出苗率和生产潜力,需要在种植前对种子进行活力检测,挑选出活力高的甜菜种子进行推广种植。利用高温处理法对甜菜种子进行老化处理,再基于标准正态变换(SNV)、去趋势校正(DET)、Savitzky-Golay平滑处理(SG)、一阶差分(1D)和二阶差分(2D)5种近红外高光谱预处理方法,构建种子活力智能检测模型得出预测的种子发芽率,再利用老化处理后的甜菜种子进行发芽实验得出实际的发芽率。研究发现,甜菜种子经过一阶差分预处理建立的智能检测模型预测性能最好,其预测准确率达到91.92%。将未处理的甜菜种子的实际发芽率与一阶差分预处理法建立的智能模型预测结果进行对比,发现模型的预测准确率为88.2%。近红外高光谱技术是一种快速、无损的作物种子活力测定的新方法。  相似文献   
开关磁阻电机(SRM)特殊的结构使建立其磁链模型比较困难。根据SRM运行的周期特点,从数学角度用傅里叶级数模型对其进行解析,通过权系数将傅里叶级数模型与传统指数模型结合,得到一个新的改进模型。用提出的改进模型与指数函数模型、傅里叶级数模型分别对Ansoft Maxwell仿真得到的磁链数据进行拟合。对比解析结果,证明提出的改进模型具有更高的解析精度,适合解析磁链。  相似文献   
Plant parasitic nematodes are generally soilborne pathogens that attack plants and cause economic losses in many crops. The infested plants show nonspecific symptoms or, often, are symptomless; therefore, diagnosis is performed by taking soil and root tissue samples. Here, we show that a combination of different infrared spectra analysis and machine learning algorithms can be used to detect plant parasitic nematode infestations before symptoms become visible, using leaves instead of roots and soil as samples. We found that tomato and guava plants infested with Meloidogyne enterorlobii produced different spectral patterns compared to uninfested plants. Using partial spectra from 1,450 to 900/cm as the "fingerprint region", principal component analyses indicated that after 5 (tomatoes) or 8 weeks (guava), plants with no visible symptoms of infestations were positively diagnosed. To improve the early detection response, we used machine learning modelling. A support vector machine (SVM) was used to obtain more robust, accurate models. The SVM model contained 34 support vectors, 17 for each level. The overall performance of the model was >97% and the total accuracy was significantly higher, demonstrating the absence of chance prediction. The best prediction of infestation was obtained at the second and fourth weeks for tomatoes and guavas, respectively, reducing the diagnostic time by half. The combined application of these techniques reduces the processing time from field to laboratory and shows enormous advantages by avoiding root and soil sampling.  相似文献   
为研究龙须菜(Gracilaria lemaneiformis)细胞壁多糖对硼的吸附作用机制及官能团之间的交互作用,本试验分别采用电感耦合等离子发射光谱(ICP-OES)和傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)技术对其细胞壁多糖组分在吸附试验中进行硼的测定和表征。结果表明,细胞壁去琼胶后,硼吸附量减少50.13%,半纤维素去除后,硼吸附量减少21.20%,故可得纤维素吸附量占细胞壁总硼吸附量的28.67%。同时,通过细胞壁不同组分脱硼及硼胁迫后的红外光谱表征结果可知,龙须菜细胞壁及多糖在吸附硼的过程中,羟基、羧基、多糖碳链C-C为硼离子的主要结合位点,其中,琼胶、半纤维素中起主要作用的官能团为羟基、羧基,纤维素中起主要作用的官能团为多糖碳链C-C。本研究结果为进一步探究龙须菜多糖组分与硼的内在结合机制提供了基础依据。  相似文献   
This paper explores the feasibility of particle-based detection and grading of seed vigor based on a self-built seed single-granulation device using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Sweet corn with uniform kernel size was used for this study. The seed samples were divided into three types, they were normal seeds, artificially aged seeds and heat-damaged seeds. A 2-part spectral acquisition of each seed were performed, one for the collection of seeds that fall into the detection zone within the separation pipe, another was on the static platform, whose collection was performed on 5 faces of each seed. Partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was used to classify the original data of the seeds. In the 2 parts, the discriminant results of the unprocessed normal seeds and the artificial accelerated aging seeds, the untreated normal seeds and the heat-damaged seeds showed that classification accuracy was higher than 98%. The research indicates that the spectral data of different positions of seeds can reflect their activity information, and it is feasible to detect and classify seeds in real time in the detection area of the separation pipeline.  相似文献   
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