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This study adds to the literature on the gendered culture of the forest sector by examining testimonies of sexual harassment in relation to the gendering of forestry-related competence and organisations and the consequences that the sexualisation of social relations in organisations has, mainly for women. The empirical base of the study comprised testimonies within the campaign #slutavverkat published on Instagram to highlight experiences of sexual harassment of women in the Swedish forest sector. Qualitative content analysis of the testimonies suggested that the situations described in the testimonies in #slutavverkat comprise controlling actions that diminish women’s power in the forest sector. Sexualised forms of male control and harassment thus work to remind women that they are first and foremost a representation of women, rather than of forestry professions and knowledge. In that sense, sexualised forms of male control and harassment are part of, rather than deviating from, the overall gendering of forestry as a men-dominated sphere. The study adds to organisational understandings and policy developments on discrimination and harassment and suggests that researchers and policy-makers interested in reducing inequality in forestry need to pay more attention to issues of harassment and sexualisation of social relations.  相似文献   
以金钱鱼为对象,测定1龄雌、雄个体日摄食量(IDF)、特定生长率(SGR)、食物转化率(FC)、性腺成熟指数(GSI),及不同年龄阶段(1龄以下、1~2龄和2龄以上)金钱鱼胃、肝胰脏和肠等组织中胃蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶、淀粉酶和脂肪酶的比活力。结果显示:雌性金钱鱼日摄食量、特定生长率和食物转化率均显著高于雄鱼(P<0.05);3-5月期间雌、雄金钱鱼GSI均上升,且实验结束时(5月底)雌鱼GSI显著大于雄鱼(P<0.05)。对不同年龄阶段雌、雄金钱鱼消化酶比活力的研究发现,1龄以下和1-2龄组金钱鱼,雌鱼胃蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶(后肠除外)、肝胰脏和前肠淀粉酶比活力均显著高于雄鱼(P<0.05),而2龄以上金钱鱼雌鱼上述消化酶及各年龄阶段脂肪酶比活力与雄鱼相比均无显著差异(P>0.05)。雌、雄金钱鱼胃蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶、淀粉酶在不同年龄阶段的比活力均表现为1龄以下组>1-2龄组>2龄以上组,而脂肪酶表现为2龄以上组>1-2龄组>1龄以下组,且1龄以下与2龄以上组(除个别组织外)有显著差异。结果表明2龄以下雌性金钱鱼生长快于雄鱼与其具有较高的摄食量、食物转化率及较高的蛋白酶和淀粉酶活性有关,而2龄以上金钱鱼雌、雄间生长速度出现差异与消化酶活性无关。  相似文献   
2011年11月至2012年3月,在江西婺源采用瞬时扫描法探讨性别和温度对中华秋沙鸭行为的影响.中华秋沙鸭越冬期的主要行为是取食、休息、游泳和修整.时间分配方面,雌雄中华秋沙鸭仅社会行为[雌:(2.13±1.40)%和雄:(3.24±1.55)%]存在显著性差异(t=-2.258,df=34,P<0.05),其他行为差异不显著(P>0.05).原因有:(1)非繁殖期雌雄中华秋沙鸭主要任务均为生存;(2)雌雄个体大小差异不大,对能量的需求量相似.日活动节律方面,雌雄的取食和休息行为均存在显著的节律性变化,分别为雌:取食(F(10,165)=5.19,P<0.05)、休息(F(10,165)= 2.56,P<0.05)和雄:取食(F(10,165)= 7.55,P<0.05)、休息(F(10,165)= 3.48,P<0.05),其他行为节律均不显著(P>0.05).温度对中华秋沙鸭越冬行为的影响较大,时间分配方面,在<10℃月份环境下,取食(t=-2.166,df= 16,P<0.05)行为显著高于>10℃月份,而游泳(t=5.096,df= 16,P<0.05)行为则相反,其他行为差异不显著(P>0.05).这一结果表明,平均温度降低时,中华秋沙鸭需要摄取更多的食物以补充寒冷天气能量的消耗,并减少游泳行为降低耗能.日活动节律方面,>10℃月份中华秋沙鸭日活动节律,仅警戒(F(10,77)=1.96,P<0.05)行为存在显著的节律性变化,其他行为的节律性变化不显著(P>0.05).<10℃月份中华秋沙鸭取食(F(10,86)= 5.93,P<0.05)和休息( F(10,86)= 3.42,P<0.05)行为存在显著的节律性变化,其他行为的节律性变化不显著(P>0.05).研究结果表明,温度可以改变中华秋沙鸭的日活动节律,低温使中华秋沙鸭在夜间消耗较多能量,因此中华秋沙鸭在上午花更多的时间取食来补充能量.休息行为在>10℃月份,中午和傍晚均有一个小的高峰,而在<10℃月份从11:00开始(除13:00-13:59)均保持较高的水平.中华秋沙鸭采取这种对策,可能是<10℃月份,晚上和下午温度较低,为了减少消耗,从下午就开始增加休息行为.低温条件下,中华秋沙鸭增加修整和休息行为,这一结果支持“鸟类在低温环境下通过减少行为活动以降低能量消耗和热量损失”这一观点.  相似文献   
Male pigs are significantly more often found to be tail-bitten at slaughter than are females. Age is also thought to be a crucial factor in relation to the ontogeny of tail-biting among slaughter pigs. Tail-in-mouth behaviour (TIM) among young pigs is probably the precursor of the damaging tail-biting in older pigs. Hence, this experiment aimed to elucidate the frequency of TIM in relation to gender, age and group composition regarding gender in weaner pigs. Pigs were reared in groups of 24 until 5 weeks of age and then divided into three groups: (A) eight female pigs, (B) eight castrated male pigs and (C) four female and four castrated male pigs (mixed pen). Observations was performed through video-recording 12 h per day, 1 day per week, for 4 consecutive weeks. The number of TIM events (counts) as well as the identity of the performer and the receiver of TIM were recorded. The results showed that the level of TIM activity in the single-gender pens was significantly lower than in the mixed pen (P<0.05). In the mixed pen, TIM tended to be more directed towards the opposite gender and female pigs tended to perform more TIM than the males. Finally, the frequency of TIM increased significantly with age in all three pens (P<0.01).  相似文献   
为了解决作为弱势群体的农业高校大学生普遍存在的就业难问题,尤其是在当前竞争压力下,能够进一步提高农业高校的自主创业竞争力,文章以农业高校在校生为调查对象,呆用问卷调查及数据分析方法,运用SPSS17.0统计软件,对不同性别和专业类别农业高校大学生创业意愿的差异进行了分析,指出农业高校大学业的性别差异对学生创业态度和创业意愿具有显著性影响,理工类专业与农业类专业学生的创业态度在置信度为95%的水平下没有显著性差异,但农业类专业学生的创业意愿低于理工类专业学生;进而提出农业高校应针对不同专业背景学生的特点,因材施教,鼓励不同专业学生在创业活动中积极开展合作,并根据不同专业和不同性别的大学生,有针对性地开展创业教育课程,同时加强对女大学生的创业动机教育,营造良好的创业氛围。  相似文献   
为研究日本光叶楮及发酵构树叶在动物饲喂上的特点,将72只小白鼠雌雄各半,均分为6组,分别采用日本光叶楮、野生构树的未发酵树叶粉以及发酵构树叶取代等量基础日粮,进行49 d饲养试验。结果表明:光叶楮组料肉比大部分低于野生品种及对照组。发酵组料肉比大部分高于对照组,且随着浓度增加,料肉比先增加后降低。雌性小白鼠在10%构树叶配比(包括光叶楮树叶、野生构树叶以及发酵构树叶)下,第3周起与对照组的体重无显著差异;而雄性小白鼠在试验期内,未发酵构树叶与30%发酵构树叶饲喂对雄性小白鼠的生长影响较明显,未发酵的构树叶饲喂对雄性小白鼠生长的影响相对于雌性来说更显著。适量比例的发酵构树叶(20%)可以促进睾丸增大。30%及以下构树叶配比的饲料对雌雄小白鼠的肝功能均无明显损伤。构树叶毒性对雄性小白鼠影响更大。  相似文献   
体式语属非语言交际形式,在交际中具有重要作用。由于存在着性别差异,男女两性在体式语交际中的眼神、面部表情、手势、姿势等方面都有所不同。这种不同与与男女两性的生理因素、心理因素、长期以来所形成的性别角色定位和性别文化的影响相关。  相似文献   
The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the factors affecting water intake in modern genetic lines of broilers that might contribute to problems of wet litter. A total of 128 Ross 308 one-day-old chicks (equal numbers of males and females) were fed commercial grower and finisher rations ad libitum from 10 to 39 d of age, containing 0.2% Ti2 O3 as an inert marker. Birds were housed in groups of 4 in metabolism cages. Body weight and feed consumption were recorded weekly from d 10, and water intake was recorded daily. Excreta from each cage were collected daily and, at the end of each week, the DM content of a sample of pooled excreta from each cage was measured. The results showed that male broilers consumed more water (P < 0.001) and produced excreta that had a lower mean DM content (P < 0.05) compared with females. Males grew significantly faster (P < 0.05) compared with females. There was a significant correlation between feed intake, and hence the intake of N and the major minerals, and water intake (r = 0.623, P = 0.001). Despite a higher apparent retention of DM, CP, and feed efficiency in favor of males, variation among cages was high, and differences between gender were not statistically significant. Water intake tended to be correlated to mean live weight gain of the cage (r = 0.301, P = 0.06), and when live weight gain was used as a covariate in the analysis, the gender difference in water intake was no longer significant. In conclusion, it appears that the higher water intake and lower excreta DM content for males is related to their higher feed and water intake. Mineral excretion was similar for males and females; however, males retained significantly more P compared with females. Male broilers had greater tibia bone size and strength parameters, which indicate higher bone mineral deposition compared with females.  相似文献   
State fish and wildlife agencies are particularly interested in attracting female participation because of the potential to offset declining participation in hunting. Understanding female hunters’ motivations will be critical for designing effective recruitment and retention programs for women hunters. Although female participation in hunting is increasing, males still outnumber females by about tenfold. Gender differences in deer hunters were explored by comparing ratings of eight motivations (social, nature, excitement, meat, challenge, trophy, extra hunting opportunity, and solitude). Hunter types were defined by hunters’ selection of the most important motivation for why they like Black Hills deer hunting. Overall, females and males were relatively similar in their ratings of the eight motivations, and we found 85% gender similarity in the selection of the most important motivation. Women were slightly more motivated by the food aspect of the hunt while men placed slightly more value on the hunt as a sporting activity.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To examine and compare some family issues and work experiences of males and females who graduated as veterinarians 15 years ago. PROCEDURE: Questionnaires were completed by 134 of 137 veterinarians who graduated 15 years ago, and who had been surveyed in their first and final years as students, and 1, 5, 10 and 15 years after they graduated. Comparisons were made with official statistics, information from earlier surveys in this longitudinal study, and data from a previously published national study. RESULTS: By 15 years after they graduated, 82% had been married or in a comparable long-term relationship, and 23% of these were to another veterinarian. Thirteen percent of those who had been married were now separated or divorced, and 50% of them had remarried, a similar proportion to official statistics for Australians of comparable age. Approximately 20% of both males and females were doing no veterinary work, but more males (68%) than females (37%) were doing veterinary work full time. Most who were doing veterinary work were in private practice, and of these, small animals represented 76% of the work of the males and 88% of the work of the females. Females in private practice were more likely to be employees, especially if working part time, but those working full time were just as likely as males to be practice owners. In general males earned more than females. CONCLUSION: By 15 years after graduation, the percentages of males and females doing some veterinary work are similar, although males are more likely than females to be working full time. Females and males in full time private practice are equally likely to be practice owners, but female owners and female employees earn less than comparable males. Males and females have similar attitudes to having done the veterinary course.  相似文献   
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