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二辛可宁酸试剂定量蛋白质与口蹄疫抗原的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
二辛可宁酸(bicinchonininc acid,BCA)可用于精确定量蛋白质。用不连续蔗糖密度梯度离心的方法纯化口蹄疫146S抗原。BCA试剂定量0~200 μg/ml的白蛋白和该纯化抗原,紫外分光光度计560 nm波长读取结果(OD值),白蛋白检测结果用SPSS软件进行线性和回归分析,发现数据相关性、线性显著,计算出了回归方程,绘制出了蛋白质含量与OD值之间的标准曲线。将纯化抗原的数据代入回归方程计算出该抗原的含量。  相似文献   
The transmission risk of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Japan was evaluated using a mathematical FMD transmission model. The distance-based transmission rate between farms, which was parameterized using the FMD epidemic data in 2010 in Japan, was used to calculate the local-level reproduction numbers—expected numbers of secondary infections caused by one infected farm—for all cattle and pig farms in the country, which were then visualized as a risk map. The risk map demonstrated the spatial heterogeneity of transmission risk in the country and identified risk areas with higher possibility of disease spread. This result suggests that, particularly in high-risk areas, it is important to prepare for the smooth and efficient implementation of control measures against FMD outbreaks.  相似文献   
为全面掌握甘肃宁县猪瘟、猪和羊 O型口蹄疫、鸡新城疫等主要动物疫病的免疫效果,对宁县18个乡镇共1795份畜禽血清进行了抗体检测。结果显示,2015年度3种主要动物疫病免疫抗体合格率除鸡新城疫外,其余均超过农业部规定标准。表明宁县2015年全县主要动物疫病防控工作总体效果良好。此次检测还表明,全县不同规模养殖场中,规模养殖场主要动物疫病抗体水平普遍好于散养户,说明规模化养殖有利于疫病的防控和净化。不同地域抗体检测结果表明,全县中区免疫效果最好,东区效果不佳,建议加强2015年东部地区的补免工作。  相似文献   
采集广东省不同地区11个猪场的不同类型猪的血清样品3 108份,采用液相阻断-酶联免疫吸附法,以口蹄疫结构蛋白抗体滴度作为评估疫苗效力的指标。本试验共采集种公猪血清样品77份,结果显示平均抗体滴度为(1.859 1±0.078 1,1∶72);仔猪血清样品514份,平均抗体滴度为(1.793 3±0.027 9,1∶62);经产母猪血清样品604份,平均抗体滴度为(1.967 2±0.024 2,1∶92);后备母猪血清样品有1 913份,平均抗体滴度为(1.790 8±0.015 2,1∶61)。从统计结果来看,经产母猪的免疫状态是最好的,但总的来说,猪群的整体免疫水平不高,免疫形势不容乐观,口蹄疫的防治水平仍须提高。  相似文献   
The North American Animal Disease Spread Model is a stochastic, spatial, state-transition simulation model for the spread of highly contagious diseases of animals. It was developed with broad international support to assist policy development and decision making involving disease incursions. User-established parameters define model behavior in terms of disease progression; disease spread by animal-to-animal contact, contact with contaminated personnel or equipment, and airborne dissemination; and the implementation of control measures such as destruction and vaccination. Resources available to implement disease control strategies, as well as the direct costs associated with these strategies, are taken into consideration. The model records a wide variety of measures of the extent of simulated outbreaks and other characteristics. The graphical interface and output visualization features also make it a useful tool for training and preparedness exercises. This model is now being used to evaluate outbreak scenarios and potential control strategies for several economically important exotic animal diseases in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere. NAADSM is freely available via the Internet at http://www.naadsm.org.  相似文献   
口蹄疫诊断技术的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了口蹄疫的诊断方法,包括临床诊断、病毒分离、血清学、分子生物学及一些新型的诊断技术,尤其对ELISA、PCR和基因芯片等快速、灵敏的诊断技术做以阐述,对其优缺点进行比较。  相似文献   
从生物学试验、血清学诊断技术和分子生物学检测技术等方面概述了目前口蹄疫检测技术的研究进展及其应用。其中生物学试验包括动物试验和细胞培养;血清学诊断技术包括补体结合试验、中和试验、凝集试验、酶联免疫吸附试验和免疫胶体金快速检测技术等;分子生物学检测技术包括反转录聚合酶链式反应、核酸探针、核酸序列分析和等电聚焦等。  相似文献   
口蹄疫病毒结构蛋白P1基因植物表达载体构建及鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过RT-PCR克隆了口蹄疫病毒(FMDV)全长P1基因,然后与植物的表达盒融合构建了重组质粒pB1131SP1、pBIP1和pBIAP1,并将质粒转化到根癌农杆菌LBA4404和EHA105中,获得了植物双元表达载体。  相似文献   
为建立一种检测口蹄疫病毒(foot-and-mouth disease virus,FMDV)特异性IgA抗体的检测方法,本研究以原核表达系统表达纯化的FMDV结构蛋白VP1作为包被抗原,以鼠抗猪IgA单克隆抗体为二抗,辣根过氧化酶标记的羊抗鼠IgG抗体为三抗,建立猪A型FMDV特异性IgA抗体间接ELISA检测方法。确定抗原包被浓度为3.50 μg/mL,二抗与三抗的最佳稀释度为1∶10 000,二抗和三抗作用时间均为30 min。所建立的方法与抗猪瘟病毒、猪繁殖与呼吸道综合征病毒等病原的特异性IgA抗体间无交叉反应,A型口蹄疫感染样品的阳性检出率在90%以上,批内和批间重复性试验的变异系数介于3.16%~9.76%。该方法为监测FMDV特异性IgA抗体水平变化规律及猪的黏膜免疫效果评价及口蹄疫的早期诊断提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   
An indirect ELISA for detecting the IgA antibody against porcine foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) type A was developed by using purified FMDV structural protein VP1 as coating antigen, mouse anti-pig IgA monoclonal antibody as second antibody and HRP-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG as third antibody.The concentration of coating antigen was optimized as 3.50 μg/mL,the dilution and reaction time of second antibody and third antibody were optimized as 1:10 000 and 30 min, respectively.There was no cross-reactivity with anti-CSFV, PRRSV and other pathogen specific IgA antibodies.The positive detection rate of FMDV type A infectedsamples was above 90%.The coefficient variation of intra-and inter-assay was ranged from 3.16% to 9.76%.The ELISA method described in this study was proved to be specific and rapid for the detection of FMDV specific IgA antibody.It was potential to be applied for detection the level of FMDV specific IgA and evaluate the effect of mucosal immunity.Besides,it provided a new method for clinical diagnosis of foot-and-mouth disease.  相似文献   
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