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柴达木盆地荒漠地区生态位研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用定量分析的方法,对柴达木盆地南缘巴隆地区的11种主要植物进行生态位研究,通过测定各主要植物种的生态位宽度、生态位相似比例、生态位重叠,对各植物种生态位的生态学意义进行分析,目的是为此地区植被恢复工作提供理论参考.  相似文献   
通过对甘肃省天然林区5次森林资源连续清查蓄积量及用材林蓄积量变化的分析,初步得出结论:1979-1988年甘肃省天然林区蓄积量为增长阶段,1988-1996年蓄积量属减少阶段,1996-2001年为增长阶段。通过对3个阶段的分析,说明甘肃省20多年来,天然林区蓄积量呈波浪式的增长、减少、再增长趋势,也充分说明了国家实施天保工程的正确性。  相似文献   
城市的园林绿化、美化、彩化是现代化城市文明程度的重要标志。由于受东北寒冷气候条件的限制,适宜在该地区生长的优良美化、彩化树种较少,影响了园林效果。本文介绍了引进耐寒彩色树种的地理分布、形态特征、生态习性、繁殖方法、观赏价值和引种驯化结果,并对耐寒型彩色树种在我国东北寒冷地区的推广应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
牛肌肉生长抑制素(Myostatin,MSTN)主要是骨骼肌生长发育的负调节因子,能够限制肌纤维的增粗增大,其前两个外显子共同编码N-端前肽,第三外显子编码C-端多肽。突变其前肽编码序列会阻止牛MSTN基因表达蛋白与相应受体的结合,导致MSTN功能失活,促进肌肉增值,但具体突变位点仍未确定。本研究设计特定的引物对牛MSTN基因编码区进行PCR扩增并进行了克隆及测序,并假定牛MSTN基因编码序列发生E1-224-A〉C点突变,通过生物信息学的方法,对牛MSTN基因突变前后编码产物的理化性质、结构与功能进行了对比分析,为MSTN基因结构与功能的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
根据河西地区14个气象站点1961-2015年的逐月气象观测资料,基于SPEI指数采用Mann-Kendall趋势检验法、反距离加权插值(IDW)等方法分析了近55年来河西地区年代际、四季干旱及空间变化特征,并探讨了ENSO 事件与该区干旱的关系。结果表明:在年代际变化上,自20世纪90年代以来河西地区干旱次数增多、干旱程度加重。季节时间变化上,河西地区春、夏、秋季均呈干旱化趋势,春季干旱化趋势最为突出,夏季次之,冬季略呈变湿趋势。空间变化上,整个河西地区春季均呈干旱化趋势,而且大部分地区的春旱趋势极为显著,其中春旱趋势最显著的地方是金塔;冬季整个研究区趋于湿润化。各季节干旱高频区分别集中在:春季在金塔、民勤地区,夏季在河西西北部,秋季在河西中东部及西部的安西—玉门一线,冬季在101°E以西的河西地区。河西地区秋季SPEI与SSTA指数的相关性最为显著,春季次之,夏季最弱。ENSO事件发生强度与河西地区SPEI影响因子的多项式拟合关系表明,ENSO事件强度对温度的影响高于降水;其中在ENSO暖事件(厄尔尼诺事件)发生年份,气温有明显的上升趋势;在ENSO冷事件(拉尼娜事件)发生年份,少数年份降水有所增加,对气温的影响较弱。  相似文献   
Watershed development programmes carried out in different agroclimatic conditions in India resulted in beneficial impact in terms of productivity enhancement and natural resources conservation, but less attention paid to institutional and participatory aspects. This paper explored the performance of various institutions regarding execution of watershed development programmes in semi-arid region of India. Recorded observations from documents maintained at watershed level and information collected through primary survey as well as focus group discussion with different types of stakeholders were used for analysis. The results indicated lacunae in participatory aspects during programme implementation process like monitoring activities, management of common property resources and equity. Gap in linkages and differential level of performance of various watershed level functionaries indicates the necessity for corrections in the structures and linkages pattern for sustainability of the infrastructure and institutions. The study also showed unequal priorities by the implementing agencies towards institutions, land and water resources development, production enhancement activities and fodder resources development as well as rationalities of technical, economic, financial, political and social aspects among the watersheds.  相似文献   
Soil erosion is one of the main environmental problems in the Mediterranean area. This problem is becoming even more important especially in Italy, in the Apennines, where severe erosive processes occur due to the action of concentrated running water. The erodibility (K-Factor) of a soil, estimated using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), is a measure of its susceptibility to erosion and depends on several soil properties such as organic matter, texture and permeability and structure.To assess the spatial variability of soil properties and soil erodibility in hilly agricultural areas and to investigate the relationships between soil features and landscape morphodynamics, a detailed study in Molise region (southern Italy), in a small drainange basin located along its hilly Adriatic flank, was carried out. In this catchment, 63 topsoil samples (A horizons) were collected and 10 soil profiles, forming a catena crossing 3 land units, were sampled. The calculated K-Factors ranges between 0.012 and 0.048 t ha h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1 indicating a complex spatial distribution, due to the several local pedological and geomorphological factors affecting soil erodibility. The results give clear evidence about the relationships among soil characteristics, soil erodibility and landscape morpho-dynamics (land units).Comparing the soil loss rates estimated for the study area with those reported in literature, a good correspondence can be observed only for the more stable land unit, not characterized by intense erosive processes. The proposed methodology is suitable to highlight areas characterized by similar morphodynamics features, and comparable soil erodibility, for a more effective spatialization of K factor.  相似文献   
青土湖水面形成区土壤颗粒组成与化学特性变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
青土湖输水作为石羊河流域治理的一项关键措施,对保护湖区水资源和生态环境具有重要意义。在距青土湖水面边缘东南方向0-450 m的10个样点中分3层取0-60 cm土样,测定土壤粒径的质量百分比与全氮、全磷、全钾和电导率,分析青土湖水面形成后土壤颗粒组成与化学特性变化。结果表明,随着离水面边缘距离的增加,土壤颗粒与化学特性呈有规律的增减变化,土壤粘粉粒组成与其全磷、全钾之间存在正线性相关。青土湖水面形成加剧了距水面边缘0-150 m处的土壤理化性质变化;土壤细粒及养分出现富集,分别在距水面边缘100-150 m和300 m处达到最大值。因此,土壤养分与土壤细物质的良好相关性表明,土壤粘粉粒变化可作为反映该区域土壤性状变化和评价衡量水面形成后土壤恢复程度的定量指标之一。  相似文献   
山区区域特色产业的选择与培育——以铜仁市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了山区区域特色产业的概念和内涵,分析了铜仁市特色产业的现状及存在的问题,并提出了特色产业发展的思路及对策。铜仁市应从科学规划,人才引进,品牌培育及多方融资等方面促进特色产业的发展。  相似文献   
为解决北方寒地传统搅浆平地耕作模式造成稻田泡田灌溉水量大和肥料利用效率低等问题,于2018—2019年以稻田水整地环节振捣提浆机与侧深施肥机为材料,采用2种耕整地模式和2种施肥模式的正交试验设计:搅浆平地耕整地模式(WPF)、振捣提浆耕整地模式(VEP)、基肥撒施模式(CFA)和侧深施肥模式(SDF),分析振捣提浆+侧深施肥技术模式对泡田期灌水量、干物质积累量、产量指标、肥料利用率及经济效益的影响。结果表明:与常规搅浆平地耕整地+基肥撒施(WPF+CFA)相比,搅浆平地耕整地+侧深施肥(WPF+SDF)、振捣提浆耕整地+基肥撒施(VEP+CFA)和振捣提浆耕整地+侧深施肥(VEP+SDF)3种技术模式对水稻泡田灌溉量、产量性状、肥料利用效率和经济效益均产生显著的影响,以VEP+SDF增幅最大,WPF+SDF次之,VEP+CFA最小。与WPF+CFA相比,VEP+SDF模式能显著提高肥水效率,节约泡田灌溉水11.4%,减少肥料施用量10%,产量和经济效益分别提高7.3%和1628.7元/hm2。本研究表明,VEP+SDF模式显著改善肥水利用效率,提高植株产量和经济效益,是北方寒地水稻较为理想的机械化整地施肥技术模式。  相似文献   
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