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黄鳝温和气单胞菌病病原的分离鉴定及免疫应答   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从患病黄鳝苗种的肝脏、消化道、血液中分离到2株细菌,经腹腔人工注射及浸浴感染试验均出现与自然病例相似的症状,并从病鳝体内重新分离到生理生化特性与原菌株相同的细菌.经多项形态、生理生化测试,此2株细菌均鉴定为温和气单胞菌(Aeromionas sobria).该菌对先锋霉素Ⅵ、复达欣、头孢呋肟、菌必治、氟嗪酸等药物高度敏感,可选用这些药物拌饵投喂黄鳝苗种,来防治黄鳝苗种的温和气单胞菌病.免疫试验表明,黄鳝在免疫后7 d可以检测到抗体,滴度为25(32),以后逐渐上升,21 d达最大值212,随后下降,免疫保护率较对照组有明显提高.  相似文献   

黄鳝温和气单胞菌病病原的分离鉴定及免疫应答   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从患病黄鳝苗种的肝脏、消化道、血液中分离到2株细菌,经腹腔人工注射及浸浴感染试验均出现与自然病例相似的症状,并从病鳝体内重新分离到生理生化特性与原菌株相同的细菌。经多项形态、生理生化测试,此2株细菌均鉴定为温和气单胞菌(Aeromonas sobria)。该菌对先锋霉素Ⅵ、复达欣、头孢呋肟、菌必治、氟嗪酸等药物高度敏感,可选用这些药物拌饵投喂黄鳝苗种,来防治黄鳝苗种的温和气单胞菌病。免疫试验表明,黄鳝在免疫后7d可以检测到抗体,滴度为2^5(32),以后逐渐上升,21d达最大值2^12,随后下降,免疫保护率较对照组有明显提高。  相似文献   

2010年11月沈阳市一奶牛小区奶牛发生猝死,在病料中分离到1株有荚膜、芽孢的革兰氏阳性粗大杆菌,分离菌株在绵羊血琼脂平板上培养后能形成溶血圈。根据发病奶牛临床症状、病理变化以及生化试验结果鉴定出该分离菌株为一株魏氏梭菌;动物回归试验证实,该菌菌株可致小白鼠发病死亡,并从试验致死的小鼠病料中分离到了与死亡奶牛病料相一致的细菌。从而确诊这起奶牛猝死是由魏氏梭菌感染所致。  相似文献   

为了探讨2020年初吉林省查干湖分支甩湾子出现鲢大面积死亡现象的原因,从发病鲢中分离纯化出1株具有生长优势的菌株,并对分离菌株进行细菌形态观察和生理生化试验,用16SrDNA和管家基因的序列分析进行分子水平鉴定及系统进化树分析,之后对分离株进行携带毒力基因情况、生长曲线测定、人工感染试验及药敏试验.结果显示,分离菌株为...  相似文献   

为了解大理州鸡群沙门氏菌的流行和耐药情况,对15份采自大理州的疑似沙门氏菌感染发病鸡的病料进行细菌分离鉴定,通过染色镜检、生化试验、血清型试验及多重PCR鉴定等确诊为沙门氏菌感染,并通过药敏试验了解分离菌株的耐药状况.结果表明:此次共分离到6株沙门氏菌菌株,其中4株为鸡伤寒沙门氏菌,2株为鸡白痢沙门氏菌;不同菌株间表现...  相似文献   

2012年初,山东菏泽某羊场的羊群发病,从发病羊器官分离到2株病原细菌。对病原细菌进行鉴定,并对其与已知同种异源菌株相似性差异进行分析。从患病山羊内脏器官分离细菌,经形态特征、培养特性、生化试验、血清学试验及致病性试验进行鉴定;再通过设计通用引物扩增16S-23SrRNA ISR(intergenic spacer region)序列,将PCR产物经HinfⅠ单酶切获得3条可视条带,同时对扩增条带中的主带测序并进行系统发育分析。结果表明,分离菌株为奇异变形杆菌;分离菌株同本实验室保存的兔源与鸡源奇异变形杆菌PCR-RFLP结果一致;分离菌株PCR产物同GenBank收录的HI4320株奇异变形杆菌及本实验室保存的兔源与鸡源奇异变形杆菌进行序列比较,分离羊源菌株与兔源菌株相似性为94.8%、与鸡源菌株相似性为96.0%~98.2%,与人源HI4320株相似性为96.9%。研究证实发病羊致病病原为奇异变形杆菌,其与鸡源、兔源和人源奇异变形杆菌的亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   

从江西省南昌市某规模化猪场发病的保育仔猪病例中,分离到1株革兰氏阳性短链状球菌,通过革兰氏染色、生化鉴定、培养特性观察及PCR鉴定,确定该病原菌为猪链球菌;药敏试验结果表明,分离菌株对头孢唑啉、头孢噻肟、阿莫西林等抗生素高度敏感。综合该场流行病学、临床症状和细菌分离鉴定结果,确诊该场仔猪发病原因是由猪链球菌感染所致。  相似文献   

四川遂宁某养猪场送检病猪2只,通过临床解剖、细菌分离鉴定、PCR、RT-PCR等方法进行实验室诊断,综合判定为猪瘟和副猪嗜血杆菌混合感染,并从发病猪体内成功分离到一株副猪嗜血杆菌.采用K-b法检测副猪嗜血杆菌分离菌株对28种常用抗菌药的敏感性,结果显示,该菌株耐药性比较严重,仅对复达欣、头孢肤肟、左旋氧氟沙星敏感.  相似文献   

从四川某鸭场发病种鸭的肝脏组织中分离到1株革兰阳性杆菌,通过形态特征、培养特性、生化特性进行鉴定,并进行药敏试验,应用通用引物对其16S r RNA基因进行克隆与序列分析。结果显示,分离细菌在血琼脂平板生长良好,能发酵部分糖类。系统进化分析显示,分离菌株与棒状杆菌属细菌遗传进化关系较密切,其16S r RNA基因序列与棒状杆菌代表菌株的同源性在87.1%~98.9%之间,分离菌鉴定为棒状杆菌。  相似文献   

为确定导致江苏某奶牛场蹄部感染的病原,采集发病奶牛蹄部感染病灶的病料进行细菌分离培养,使用MALDI Biotyper微生物快速鉴定系统进行细菌鉴定,并对分离菌株进行药物敏感性试验。结果显示,病灶中的分离株为污蝇解壳杆菌(Wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica),血平板上呈β型溶血。药敏试验结果显示,该菌株对阿莫西林钠-克拉维酸钾、多西环素、四环素、头孢氨苄、链霉素、青霉素和复方新诺明7种抗生素耐药,对多黏菌素、丁胺卡那、庆大霉素、环丙沙星、克林霉素5种抗生素敏感。污蝇解壳杆菌作为一种人畜共患的病原菌,其在奶牛蹄部的感染需要引起奶牛场的关注,同时其耐药性增加更具有公共卫生学意义。该病原的分离鉴定和药敏试验为指导奶牛养殖场合理用药和提高公共卫生管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Freshwater mud eel, Amphipnous cuchia, were injected intraperitoneally daily with 100 ng of vitamin D3/100 g body weight and maintained in media containing either no calcium or different calcium concentrations. The eels were killed after 1, 3, 5, 10 and 15 days following the treatment and their serum calcium levels were measured. The ultimobranchial glands were fixed and processed using the routine paraffin method for histological studies. The results of the present study indicate that vitamin D3 can induce hypercalcaemia in eels kept in different calcium environments. Also, the ultimobranchial glands became hyperactive following vitamin D3 treatment. It is concluded that in mud eels, the gland has a calcium-regulating function.  相似文献   

黄鳝消化道的组织学与组织化学研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
用肠卷石蜡法 ,对幼鳝和成鳝的消化道全长作纵切片 ,HE染色显示消化器官组织结构 ,嗜银法显示消化道内分泌细胞。结果显示 ,黄鳝消化道为一直形管道 ,主要由食管、胃、前肠和后肠组成。消化道的组织结构与哺乳类有许多相似之处 ,基本上由 4层组成。但食管上皮为含有大量杯状细胞的复层上皮 ,除胃体部外 ,其余器官内均缺腺体。本研究还显示了各器官连接部的结构变化。上述器官内均有散在分布的消化道内分泌细胞 ,表明黄鳝消化道还是一个主要的内分泌器官  相似文献   

鸭腺病毒1型病毒可作为优良的重组疫苗载体。为了筛选低毒力的鸭腺病毒1型病毒毒株,分别用病毒QU株和HS株对20日龄SPF鸡进行攻毒,4d后检测其血清生化指标的变化情况并与对照组进行比较,同时取其肝脏进行病理组织学观察。发现QU组的各项生化指标均没有明显变化,肝组织形态与对照组相同;HS组的谷草转氨酶、碱性磷酸酶、胆碱脂酶和血淀粉酶显著降低,总蛋白、白蛋白和球蛋白极显著降低,并且肝细胞大量坏死。结果表明,HS株病毒主要引起鸡肝脏和胰腺的损伤,具有较强的致病性;QU株病毒对雏鸡的生理状况几乎没有影响,毒力很弱,适合作为重组疫苗载体。  相似文献   

根据GenBank中猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)美洲株(VR-2332)基因序列,设计合成了ORF2a、ORF3、ORF4、ORF5、ORF6和ORF7基因的引物.利用RT-PCR扩增出PRRSV HS株各基因的cDNA片段,将扩增的各cDNA片段克隆入pMD18-T载体并测序.应用DNA Man软件,将测序结果与国内外已发表野毒株和疫苗株(VR-2332、Resp MLV、16244B、HN1、BJ-4、CH1-a、HB-1、HB-2、LV)的相应基因进行序列比较,并绘制系统进化树.结果表明,PRRSV HS株与美洲型的相应基因核苷酸同源性为83.6%~99.7%,与LV株的相应基因核苷酸同源性为38.9%~49%;推导的氨基酸与美洲型相应基因的同源性为86.6%~99.6%,与LV株的同源性为54.2%~78.2%.系统进化树表明,PRRSV HS株属于美洲型,与HN1、VR-2332、RespMLV、16244B、BJ-4亲缘关系较近.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To clarify the serological identity of the prototype strain of a group of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae isolates that could not be serotyped in previous studies and to establish the serovar of 378 isolates of A pleuropneumoniae obtained from pigs in Australia over the period 1993 to 1996. DESIGN: After initial validation, QGD and IHA tests were used to characterise the prototype isolate (HS143) selected to represent the cross-reacting isolates that were found in a previous study. Next, 378 recent field isolates of A pleuropneumoniae were characterised using the existing gel diffusion serotyping technique and/or the IHA or QGD tests. RESULTS: The indirect haemagglutination test was shown to be capable of correctly recognising the reference strain for all serovars except serovar 11. While the quantitative gel diffusion test was not as effective as indirect haemagglutination, it could recognise serovar 11. When the two tests were used to examine the prototype strain (HS143) of the cross-reactive isolates, the results indicated that HS143 is serologically distinct from all 12 of the recognised serovars of A pleuropneumoniae. However, as HS143 was subsequently identified as serovar 12 by one of the leading international reference laboratories, the antiserum to isolate HS143 was used as the serovar 12 antiserum. A total of 346 of the 378 A pleuropneumoniae field isolates examined could be confidently serotyped with almost 90% of the isolates being either serovar 1 (104 isolates); serovar 7 (83 isolates) or serovar 12 (142 isolates). A range of other serovars and some cross-reactive isolates made up the remainder of the isolates. CONCLUSION: The serovar 12 antiserum produced against the international reference strain (1096) does not recognise Australian serovar 12 isolates. The antiserum raised against isolate HS143 does recognise the Australian serovar 12 isolates. The dominant serovars of A pleuropneumoniae infecting Australian pigs are (in decreasing order) serovars 12, 1 and 7.  相似文献   

Colostrum-deprived, neonatal, 2 days old pigs were inoculated with the attenuated HT-/SK or the virulent 90HS strain of porcine parvovirus (PPV) by the oral or subcutaneous route and sacrificed 2, 4 or 6 days after inoculation. Then, comparison was made on viral multiplication in pigs between the two strains. Pigs inoculated with the HT-/SK strain showed no detectable viremia or HI antibody responses against PPV within 6 days after inoculation. Only in pigs inoculated by the subcutaneous route, a small amount of virus was recovered from the spleen, liver, or mesenteric lymph nodes. These viruses were distinguished from the parental virulent 90HS strain, as examined for rct maker in vitro. When pigs were inoculated with the virulent 90HS strain, viremia appeared in all of them 1 day after inoculation and continued for up to the sacrificed day. Moreover, a considerable amount of virus was also detected from all tissues, including brain, lung, liver, spleen, pancreas, small intestine, and lymph node tissues, in all pigs tested. HI antibodies were first detected 6 days after inoculation.  相似文献   

The avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) strain Beaudette is an embryo-adapted virus that has extended species tropism in cell culture. In order to understand the acquired tropism of the Beaudette strain, we compared the S protein sequences of several IBV strains. The Beaudette strain was found to contain a putative heparan sulfate (HS)-binding site, indicating that the Beaudette virus may use HS as a selective receptor. To ascertain the requirements of cell-surface HS for Beaudette infectivity, we assayed for infectivity in the presence of soluble heparin as a competitor and determined infectivity in mutant cell lines with no HS or glycosaminoglycan expression. Our results indicate that HS plays a role as an attachment factor for IBV, working in concert with other factors like sialic acid to mediate virus binding to cells, and may explain in part the extended tropism of IBV Beaudette.  相似文献   

伪狂犬病病毒HS株tk基因的PCR扩增与克隆   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
参照伪狂犬病病毒(Pseudorabiesvirus,PRV)NIA-3株tk基因序列,设计并合成1对长22mer的引物,引物间距1.5kb,其内包含完整的PRVtk基因。以BHK21细胞繁殖的PRV湖北地方强毒株(HS-9304)基因组为模板进行PCR扩增。琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测显示扩增主带清晰,长约1.5kb,符合设计要求。扩增片段克隆至由pUC18质粒改制而成的T载体中,限制性内切酶BamHI、SmaⅠ、XhoⅠ、HindⅢ酶切分析证实,扩增片段的酶切位点与tk基因一致,说明扩增和克隆片段包含PRVtk基因。  相似文献   

Antigenic structure and relationship between serotypes 1 and 2 of Haemophilus paragallinarum were analyzed by the rapid plate agglutination and cross-absorption tests. Encapsulated strain forming iridescent colony type of both serotypes 1 and 2 had at least three antigens: heat-labile and trypsin-sensitive (L), heat-labile and trypsin-resistant (HL), and heat-stable and trypsin-resistant (HS). The L was a major antigen located in a surface and divided serologically into three parts: L1, L2, and L3. The L1 was specifici to serotype 1, the L2 was specific to serotype 2, and the L3 was a common antigen shared by serotypes 1 and 2. The HL and HS were common antigens between serotypes. By trypsinization or heating at 121 C, L antigen lost its agglutinability and agglutinin-producing ability. Nonencapsulated organisms forming noniridescent colony type lacked the L antigen. These results suggested that antigenic structure of H paragallinarum serotypes 1 was L1, L3, HL and HS, while serotype 2 was L2, L3, HL, and HS.  相似文献   

Avian hepatitis E virus (avian HEV) is the primary causative agent of Hepatitis–Splenomegaly (HS) syndrome in chickens. Recently, a genetically unique strain of avian HEV, designated avian HEV-VA, was recovered from healthy chickens in Virginia. The objective of this study was to experimentally compare the pathogenicity of the prototype strain recovered from a chicken with HS syndrome and the avian HEV-VA strain in specific-pathogen-free chickens. An infectious stock of the avian HEV-VA strain was first generated and its infectivity titer determined in chickens. For the comparative pathogenesis study, 54 chickens of 6-week-old were assigned to 3 groups of 18 chickens each. The group 1 chickens were each intravenously inoculated with 5 × 102.5 50% chicken infectious dose of the prototype strain. The group 2 received the same dose of the avian HEV-VA strain, and the group 3 served as negative controls. Six chickens from each group were necropsied at 2, 3 and 4 weeks post-inoculation (wpi). Most chickens in both inoculated groups seroconverted by 3 wpi, and the mean anti-avian HEV antibody titers were higher for the prototype strain group than the avian HEV-VA strain group. There was no significant difference in the patterns of viremia and fecal virus shedding. Blood analyte profiles did not differ between treatment groups except for serum creatine phosphokinase levels which were higher for prototype avian HEV group than avian HEV-VA group. The hepatic lesion score was higher for the prototype strain group than the other two groups. The results indicateded that the avian HEV-VA strain is only slightly attenuated compared to the prototype strain, suggesting that the full spectrum of HS syndrome is likely associated with other co-factors.  相似文献   

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