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日粮纤维对猪肠道微生物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日粮中纤维水平能够影响动物的消化功能、生产性能等,同时日粮中添加纤维能够显著影响肠道微生物菌群的结构。本文综述了猪肠道微生物结构特征及日粮中添加纤维对仔猪、生长猪、母猪肠道微生物的影响,为今后探究日粮纤维在猪饲料上的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

日粮纤维可为动物提供一定能量,且配合日粮中适宜的纤维水平对动物胃肠道的生长发育、正常消化机能的维持以及动物健康等方面都有较为积极的作用。但作为一种抗营养因子,日粮纤维可降低饲料转化率,限制饲粮中的使用配比。阐述了日粮纤维的理化特性及其在单胃动物中的营养作用,并讨论了在动物生产中提高纤维利用率的可行性措施。  相似文献   

饲粮纤维是自然界年产量巨大的可再生资源,而来源不同和理化性质相异的饲粮纤维对动物机体营养物质代谢的影响及作用机理并不一致。为了促进不同类型饲粮纤维的合理开发和利用,可通过添加纤维素酶来提高动物机体对饲粮纤维的消化利用率,改善动物肠道健康,提高动物生产性能,以缓解饲料资源危机。文章就饲粮纤维的分类和消化特性、对营养物质消化代谢的调节机制,饲粮纤维对动物肠道菌群结构和免疫功能的影响,以及纤维素酶在单胃动物中的应用研究等方面进行了综述,以促进饲粮纤维在单胃动物中的合理开发和利用,为纤维素酶在单胃动物中的推广与应用奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

本文综述了日粮纤维对非反刍动物肠黏膜形态和上皮细胞更新的影响及其作用机理和对动物消化功能的影响。  相似文献   

日粮纤维对单胃动物消化生理功能的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
饲料中的日粮纤维会影响单胃动物的消化生理功能,不同类型的日粮纤维对其消化生理功能的影响不同,这主要取决于日粮纤维的理化性质及化学组成。近年来的大量研究表明:饲料中的日粮纤维会影响单胃动物的采食量、消化器官的结构和组织形态、胃肠道的运动与排空速率、消化液的分泌、消化道的pH值、消化酶的活性以及消化道内的微生物区系,但这些影响与日粮纤维的种类和含量有很大关系。本文将就上述方面进行讨论。  相似文献   

家兔营养粗纤维的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在相当长的时间内,人们普遍认为单胃动物难以消化日粮纤维的营养成分,它本身不仅没有营养价值,而且还会增加能量消耗,使饲料的营养价值降低.直到20世纪70年代,人们才认识到日粮纤维对动物的生产性能和健康状况都有重要意义.对日粮纤维在家兔上的应用进行综述,以期为今后进一步研究家兔日粮纤维提供有价值的参考.  相似文献   

纤维对单胃动物消化生理功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日粮纤维在过去相当长的时间内,被认为是难以被单胃动物消化的物质,而且还会增加能量消耗,使饲料的营养价值降低。直到20世纪70年代,人们才认识到日粮纤维对动物的生产性能和健康状况都有重要意义。近年来,人们认识到某些种类的日粮纤维可以替代抗生素。另外随着人畜(禽)争粮形势的严峻,人们研究如果能够利用日粮纤维含量高的饲料资源为动物提供能量,则可大大缓解这一矛盾。随着研究的深入,人们认识到日粮纤维的作用,应予以更加科学的评价,既要看到其不利方面,又要看到其有利方面,科学合理地利用日粮纤维。1 日粮纤维的定义迄今为止,营养学…  相似文献   

<正>日粮纤维是家畜饲料的重要组成部分。益生木质纤维素(eubiotic lignocellulose)由新鲜木材制成,是一种相对较新的饲料原料,试验证明它是一种非常有价值的饲用纤维原料,对动物营养有众多的益处。日粮纤维是单胃动物消化调节的必需物质。高淀粉日粮易于快速发酵,通常在消化过程的早期就几乎被完全发酵,到达大肠时极少或已无物可发酵。在日粮中添加纤维能够使发酵进程后移至结肠,并且促进有益菌的增殖。益生菌所产生的挥发性脂肪酸能够提高肠道的健  相似文献   

<正>功能性纤维在仔猪日粮中发挥着多种作用。它们自然存在于天然饲料原料中,或以纯合的形式加入日粮中,这两种形态的功能纤维均会对仔猪的肠道健康和生产性能产生积极影响。纤维是仔猪日粮中的一个重要组成部分,它对动物获得最佳的健康和消化极为重要(图1)。某些类型的纤维具有促进肠道壁的成熟以及影响肠道内微生物菌群组成的功能性作用。某些纤维经细菌的发酵可以产生能被仔猪用作能量来源的短链脂肪酸。与此相反,日粮纤维含量不足会对肠道健康产生不良的影响,  相似文献   

猪营养中日粮纤维对环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管由于纤维型日粮较低的蛋白质和能量消化率会对猪的生产性能带来不利影响,但是因为日粮纤维(Dietary Fibre,DF)具有多种生理功能,在过去十年中,DF在猪营养领域还是得到了越来越多的关注。本综述研究了DF对消化过程和对猪的蛋白质和能量营养、以及健康和环境的影响。DF被认为是一类植物多糖,它不易消化,并且很可能会成为单胃动物肠道细菌发酵的基质。抗性淀粉(ResistantStarch,RS)也被认为是一种日粮纤维。经细菌发酵后产生的短链脂肪酸可以为宿主提供能量,并且对菌群区系构成和肠壁细胞的生长也起调控作用,尤其是在有丁酸存在时这种作用更明显。通过发酵,细菌获得生长,同时将宿主排出的尿氮转变为粪氮。除了发酵性能外,日粮纤维的物理特征,如持水能力、粘度和可溶性也会影响动物的消化、饱感和食糜的转运时间。本综述揭示了DF与动物消化过程之间的互作,讨论了猪日粮中大量添加纤维以及在更为热带地区的粗放型生产系统中使用纤维型日粮的时机和方法。使用DF的确是一种可减少生产单位的氮损失、改善猪肠道健康和动物福利的有效方法。本文最后,讨论了体外发酵方法在研究DF在动物消化系统中最终代谢产物上的潜在作用。  相似文献   

Dietary fiber is associated with impaired nutrient utilization and reduced net energy values. However, fiber has to be included in the diet to maintain normal physiological functions in the digestive tract. Moreover, the negative impact of dietary fiber will be determined by the fiber properties and may differ considerably between fiber sources. Various techniques can be applied to enhance nutritional value and utilization of available feed resources. In addition, the extent of fiber utilization is affected by the age of the pig and the pig breed. The use of potential prebiotic effects of dietary fiber is an attractive way to stimulate gut health and thereby minimize the use of anti-microbial growth promoters. Inclusion of soluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) in the diet can stimulate the growth of commensal gut microbes, inclusion of NSP from chicory results in changes in gut micro-environment and gut morphology of pigs, while growth performance remains unaffected and digestibility was only marginally reduced. The fermentation products and pH in digesta responded to diet type and were correlated with shifts in the microbiota. Interestingly, fiber intake will have an impact on the expression of intestinal epithelial heat-shock proteins in the pig. Heat-shock proteins have an important physiological role in the gut and carry out crucial housekeeping functions in order to maintain the mucosal barrier integrity. Thus, there are increasing evidence showing that fiber can have prebiotic effects in pigs due to interactions with the gut micro-environment and the gut associated immune system.  相似文献   

日粮纤维是非淀粉多糖和木质素的总和。近年来研究发现,日粮纤维能通过调控肠道健康来缓解仔猪断奶应激。本文综述了日粮纤维在仔猪生产中的应用效果及作用机制。  相似文献   

The last few decades have been marked by a rapid genetic improvement in chicken growth rates. The modern-day chicken is more efficient in converting feed into muscle mass than their predecessors. This enhanced efficiency emanates from better nutrient digestion, absorption, and metabolism. The gut has therefore become a research focus especially after the ban on the use of antibiotics as growth promoters (AGP) in poultry. In pursuance of better gut health in the post-AGP era, many different strategies are being continuously sought and tested. The gut is inhabited by more than 900 bacterial species along with fungi and archaea, and they play an important role to maintain a conducive milieu for the host. A beneficial shift in the microbial ecosystem of the chicken can be promoted by many dietary and non-dietary interventions, however, diet is ranked as one of the most important and potent regulators of gut microbiota composition. Therefore, the constituents of the diet warrant special attention in the modulation of the gut ecosystem. Among dietary constituents, fiber possesses a significant ability to modulate the microbiota. In this review, we will highlight the importance of fiber in poultry nutrition and will also discuss the effects of fiber on gut microbiota and its resultant ramifications on the liver and brain.  相似文献   

近年来由于抗生素在临床上的滥用,使得抗菌药物的抗菌效果大大降低,抗生素滥用还会导致有害菌定殖增加,影响人和动物的健康。因此,很多国家开始禁止用抗生素作为饲料添加剂,且在饲料中添加低剂量的抗生素作为肠道微生态调节剂已不再受欢迎,而探寻新的抗生素替代品来调节畜禽肠道微生物区系和维持肠道健康显得非常重要。人们一直误认为饲粮纤维是一种抗营养因子,指出纤维能稀释饲粮能量水平,影响家禽的生产性能。但最新研究表明,在家禽饲粮中添加适量纤维是改善家禽肠道健康、减少家禽肠道紊乱的一种有效的营养调控措施。本文从家禽肠道发育、肠道黏膜形态及上皮组织健康、肠道消化生理、肠道微生物区系等方面综述饲粮纤维对家禽肠道健康的影响,为进一步研究纤维对家禽肠道健康的调控机制提供参考,也为今后在家禽饲粮中添加纤维性物质提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

饲粮纤维影响猪肠道健康的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肠道健康包括有效的营养物质吸收、稳定的肠道微生物群落及健全的免疫功能等多个方面。肠道的健康状况决定了动物的健康状况。肠道健康取决于饲粮、肠道黏膜和肠道微生物群落3个主要方面。饲粮纤维是由纤维素、半纤维素、果胶和木质素等组成的成分和结构复杂的混合物,具有改善肠道营养物质吸收、降低肠道环境p H、改变有益菌与潜在致病菌比例、优化肠道微生物群落组成及加强黏膜屏障作用等功能。来源不同和理化性质相异的饲粮纤维对肠道健康的影响及作用机理并不一致。本文就饲粮纤维的分类、理化性质及其对肠道健康影响的研究进展进行综述,以促进饲粮纤维在猪饲粮生产上的进一步广泛合理利用。  相似文献   

Colonization and development of the gut microbiome is a crucial consideration for optimizing the health and performance of livestock animals. This is mainly attributed to the fact that dietary and management practices greatly influence the gut microbiota, subsequently leading to changes in nutrient utilization and immune response. A favorable microbiome can be implanted through dietary or management interventions of livestock animals, especially during early life. In this review, we explore all the possible factors (for example gestation, colostrum, and milk feeding, drinking water, starter feed, inoculation from healthy animals, prebiotics/probiotics, weaning time, essential oil and transgenesis), which can influence rumen microbiome colonization and development. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of potential strategies used to manipulate gut development and microbial colonization to improve the production and health of newborn calves at an early age when they are most susceptible to enteric disease. Moreover, we provide insights into possible interventions and their potential effects on rumen development and microbiota establishment. Prospects of latest techniques like transgenesis and host genetics have also been discussed regarding their potential role in modulation of rumen microbiome and subsequent effects on gut development and performance in neonatal ruminants.  相似文献   

采用先进的微生物体外累积发酵产气法和分子生物学鉴定技术研究了天然多糖--香菇,银耳和黄芪多糖对鸡肠道微生物菌群及其发酵动力学的影响,观察了中药多糖作为抗生素替代品对鸡的抗病促生长作用以及它们对肠道微生态体系和免疫系统的影响。结果表明,中药多糖经微生物发酵产生挥发性脂肪酸(VFA),使有益菌大量增生,同时发酵产生的酸性物质降低整个肠道pH值,抑制有害菌的生长;多糖还可减少氨气等有害气体产生,减少对环境的影响;多糖能显著提高鸡的细胞和体液免疫应答,增强动物防御系统的作用,可以部分替代抗生素添加剂应用于肉仔鸡的生产。饲养试验表明,多糖和抗生素对健康鸡的促生长作用都不明显,而对感染鸡具有显著的抗病促生长作用。  相似文献   

A high intake of easily fermentable carbohydrates and a low intake of fiber material are generally regarded as major factors affecting the health of captive langurs. The effect on fecal consistency of excluding fruits and vegetables from the diet was evaluated in Javan langurs (Trachypithecus auratus auratus). Cross-over trials were carried out at Rotterdam Zoo and at the Apenheul Zoo, The Netherlands. During the first and third dietary period, the langurs were fed their usual diet, which contained fruits, vegetables, langur pellets, and browse. During the second period, the vegetables and fruits were excluded from the diet and the diet essentially consisted of pellets and browse. Feces consistency was scored using a fecal score chart developed for langurs. During the second feeding period the feces consistency improved significantly in animals at both zoos. Across all trials, a firmer feces consistency was correlated with an increase in dietary cell wall (measured as neutral detergent fiber) and a decrease in dietary water. It is suggested that the combined decrease in the intake of soluble sugars, the increase of fiber intake, and a lower amount of dietary water in the diet resulted in more solid stools. The results indicate that a dietary neutral detergent fiber content of approximately 46% in dry matter will result in a feces consistency indicative of undisturbed gut function.  相似文献   

The goal of prebiotic applications from different sources is to improve the gut ecosystem where the host and microbiota can benefit from prebiotics. It has already been recognized that prebiotics have potential roles in the gut ecosystem because gut microbiota ferment complex dietary macronutrients and carry out a broad range of functions in the host body, such as the production of nutrients and vitamins, protection against pathogens, and maintenance of immune system balance. The gut ecosystem is very crucial and can be affected by numerous factors consisting of dietary constituents and commensal bacteria. This review focuses on recent scientific evidence, confirming a beneficial effect of prebiotics on animal health, particularly in terms of protection against pathogenic bacteria and increasing the number of beneficial bacteria that may improve epithelial cell barrier functions. It has also been reviewed that modification of the gut ecosystem through the utilization of prebiotics significantly affects the intestinal health of animals. However, the identification and characterization of novel potential prebiotics remain a topical issue and elucidation of the metagenomics relationship between gut microbiota alteration and prebiotic substances is necessary for future prebiotic studies.  相似文献   

Considering the different potential benefits of divergent fiber ingredients, the effect of 3 fiber sources on energy and macronutrient digestibility, fermentation product formation, postprandial metabolite responses, and colon histology of overweight cats (Felis catus) fed kibble diets was compared. Twenty-four healthy adult cats were assigned in a complete randomized block design to 2 groups of 12 animals, and 3 animals from each group were fed 1 of 4 of the following kibble diets: control (CO; 11.5% dietary fiber), beet pulp (BP; 26% dietary fiber), wheat bran (WB; 24% dietary fiber), and sugarcane fiber (SF; 28% dietary fiber). Digestibility was measured by the total collection of feces. After 16 d of diet adaptation and an overnight period without food, blood glucose, cholesterol, and triglyceride postprandial responses were evaluated for 16 h after continued exposure to food. On d 20, colon biopsies of the cats were collected under general anesthesia. Fiber addition reduced food energy and nutrient digestibility. Of all the fiber sources, SF had the least dietary fiber digestibility (P < 0.05), causing the largest reduction of dietary energy digestibility (P < 0.05). The greater fermentability of BP resulted in reduced fecal DM and pH, greater fecal production [g/(cat × d); as-is], and greater fecal concentration of acetate, propionate, and lactate (P < 0.05). For most fecal variables, WB was intermediate between BP and SF, and SF was similar to the control diet except for an increased fecal DM and firmer feces production for the SF diet (P < 0.05). Postprandial evaluations indicated reduced mean glucose concentration and area under the glucose curve in cats fed the SF diet (P < 0.05). Colon mucosa thickness, crypt area, lamina propria area, goblet cell area, crypt mean size, and crypt in bifurcation did not vary among the diets. According to the fiber solubility and fermentation rates, fiber sources can induce different physiological responses in cats, reduce energy digestibility, and favor glucose metabolism (SF), or improve gut health (BP).  相似文献   

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