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为探明斑点叉尾[鱼回](Ictalunes punctatus)溃烂症的病因,从4尾患鱼肝脾中分离纯化出4株优势菌株,并进行病原鉴定、毒力基因检测、动物回归感染和药敏试验。4株优势菌经鉴定并命名为杀鲑气单胞菌无色亚种(Aeromonas salmonicida subsp achromogenes)X-G1,杀鲑气单胞菌杀鲑亚种(A.s subsp salmonicida)X-P2、X-P3和嗜水气单胞菌(A.hydrophila)X-P4。15℃时,杀鲑气单胞菌X-G1、X-P2和X-P3的世代时间(约14 min)均小于嗜水气单胞菌X-P4(约20 min);25℃时,杀鲑气单胞菌X-G1、X-P2和X-P3株的世代时间(约20 min)均大于嗜水气单胞菌X-P4株(约16 min)。X-G1株可检到弹性蛋白酶、溶血素和甘油磷脂胆固醇酰基转移酶等3种毒力基因;X-P2株仅可检到弹性蛋白酶1种毒力基因;X-P3株可检测到弹性蛋白酶、溶血素、细胞毒性肠毒素、丝氨酸蛋白酶、酯酶、气溶素和甘油磷脂胆固醇酰基转移酶等7种毒力基因;X-P4株可检测到鞭毛、弹性蛋白酶、气溶素、细胞毒性肠毒素、热不稳定性肠毒素、丝氨酸蛋白酶和溶血素等7种毒力基因。分离株X-G1、X-P2、X-P3和X-P4在15~17℃水温下腹腔注射攻毒的半数致死浓度(LD 50)依次为0.49×10^4、0.78×10^4、0.53×10^4、3.84×10^4 CFU/g;而在23~26℃水温下测得的LD 50依次为1.48×10^4、1.80×10^4、0.82×10^4、0.68×10^4 CFU/g。分离株混合感染比单一株感染均表现出更强的致死能力。分离菌株对多西环素、恩诺沙星、氟苯尼考均敏感,但因患病鱼不能摄食药饵而导致治疗失败。  相似文献   

为了分子鉴定6株鱼源嗜水气单胞菌,并从分子层面验证通过检测毒力基因以推测嗜水气单胞菌潜在致病性的可行性。实验采用PCR扩增16 S rDNA和gyrB基因并结合系统发育树的构建和分析进行菌种的分子鉴定,检测气溶素( aerolysin, aer)、溶血素( haemoly-sin, hly)、丝氨酸蛋白酶( serine protease, ahp)、热稳定细胞肠毒素( heat-stable cytotonic enterotoxin, ast)和热敏感细胞肠毒素( heat-labile cytotonic enterotoxin, alt)5种毒力基因,且使用Mega 5.2对核苷酸和氨基酸序列进行分析。结果显示6株菌均为嗜水气单胞菌Aero-monas hydrophila,检测出5种毒力基因中的至少4种,其中均检测出溶血素和2种肠毒素,序列分析表明气溶素、溶血素和丝氨酸蛋白酶的氨基酸序列高度保守。本研究基于16 S rD-NA和gyrB基因可以准确地对嗜水气单胞菌进行分子鉴定,6株菌的毒力基因丰富预示着一定的致病性, aer、 hly和ahp基因相对保守,编码的毒力因子高度同源,在临床分子诊断中建议使用aer、 ahp和hly基因对嗜水气单胞菌的潜在致病性进行检测。  相似文献   

为探讨广西南宁市、浦北县和玉林市暴发性死亡胡子鲶的病原菌及其所携带6种毒力基因对其致病力的影响,用常规方法从病鱼的心脏、肝脏等部位分离细菌,人工感染实验确定病原菌的致病性,以API 20NE生化鉴定和16S r RNA分子鉴定相结合的方法对病原菌进行鉴定,采用PCR扩增法检测病原菌的6种毒力基因携带情况。结果显示,从患病鱼中共分离到5株病原菌,其中嗜水气单胞菌3株,温和气单胞菌2株。3株嗜水气单胞菌与标准菌株Aeromonas hydrophila ATCC 7966(CP000462)的亲缘关系最近,相似性均为99.8%,2株温和气单胞菌与标准菌株Aeromonas sobria NO.106(AB472903.1)的亲缘关系最近,相似性均达99.9%。6种毒力基因在5株病原菌中的阳性检出率分别为Act和Aer基因100%,ahal、hly和Alt基因均为80%,ahp基因仅20%;毒力基因型共3种,在5株气单胞菌中分布情况为Act+ahal+hly+Alt+ahp-Aer+3株,占实验菌株的60%,为主要的毒力基因,Act+ahal+hly+Alt+ahp+Aer+和Act+ahal-hly-Alt-ahp-Aer+各1株,各占20%。携带全部所检6种毒力基因的菌株致病力最强,只携带Act和Aer 2种毒力基因的菌株致病力最弱。ahp基因在菌株的致病力中起重要作用,病原菌的致病力是多种毒力基因协同作用的结果。  相似文献   

为确定患病翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus)的病原,本研究从患病鱼肝脏中分离到一株优势菌株CQ200825,对该菌进行形态学观察、生理生化鉴定、16S rRNA和gyrB基因序列分析、人工感染实验、毒力基因检测、组织病理观察以及药敏试验。结果显示,菌株CQ200825为短杆状的革兰氏阴性菌,通过16S rRNA和gyrB基因序列比对、系统进化树的构建和生理生化特性,确认为维氏气单胞菌(Aeromonas veronii)。人工感染实验组与自然发病鱼都表现为鳍条基部出血、肝脾肿大、有腹水等症状,同时从人工感染濒死鱼体内分离到与菌株CQ200825理化及分子特性一致的优势菌株,表明CQ200825为患病翘嘴鲌的病原菌,并计算出菌株CQ200825对翘嘴鲌的半数致死量为2.7×106 CFU/mL。毒力基因检测结果显示,菌株CQ200825携带外膜蛋白(ompA)、溶血素(hlyA)、热稳定性肠毒素(ast)和细胞毒性肠毒素(act) 4种毒力基因。组织病理观察发现,患病翘嘴鲌的肝、脾、肾和肠均有不同程度的病变,即肝细胞肿胀、坏死,血管中血细胞凝集,脾脏红白髓界限不清、胞核有轻微肿胀,肾小管上皮细胞发生颗粒变性,肠绒毛大部分坏死脱落。药敏试验结果显示,菌株CQ200825对多西环素等17种抗菌药物高度敏感,对复方新诺明等4种抗菌药物中度敏感,对阿莫西林等12种抗菌药物表现为耐药。本研究可为翘嘴鲌维氏气单胞菌病的诊断与防治提供参考依据。  相似文献   

鲫源嗜水气单胞菌毒力基因多重PCR检测及ERIC-PCR分子分型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为快速了解鲫源嗜水气单胞菌株毒力基因携带情况及与菌株基因型的相关性,建立多重PCR法和ERIC-PCR分子分型,为临床快速检测、菌株分型和菌株致病性分析提供依据。通过单重PCR法检测出标准菌株ATCC7966内5个毒力基因气溶素(aerolysin,aer)、溶血素(hemolysin,hly)、细胞毒性肠毒素(cytotoxic enterotoxin,alt)、胞外蛋白酶(extracellular protease,ahp)和细胞肠兴奋性肠毒素(intestinal cells of excitatory enterotoxin,act),其扩增产物长度依次为300 bp、592 bp、442 bp、856 bp和500 bp。在此基础上,优化并建立特异性高,敏感度达7.2×102cfu·m L-1多重PCR法,用于检测从江苏射阳地区患病水产动物体内分离的17株嗜水气单胞菌5个毒力基因携带率。结果显示,毒力基因act的携带率为100%,而80%的菌株5个毒力基因均有检出。采用ERIC-PCR分子分型技术,以标准菌株ATCC7966为对照,对17株鲫源致病性嗜水气单胞菌进行基因分型,获得两种基因型,分别描述为A型和B型,其中B型菌株14株,带型与ATCC7966一致,认为是当地的主要流行株。探究菌株基因型与毒力基因分布相关性,携带5个毒力基因的均为B型菌株,而所有A型菌株存在一或多个毒力基因缺失,有可能是此类菌株更易发生毒力基因漂变,但还需进一步研究。  相似文献   

查明广西南宁、贵港和桂平养殖山瑞鳖细菌性败血症的病原菌及其6种毒力基因的携带情况,为有效防控山瑞鳖细菌性败血症提供参考。本研究以常规方法从患病山瑞鳖的心脏和肝脏取样、分离细菌,人工感染方法确定分离菌株的致病性,细菌鉴定采用API 20NE生化鉴定和16S rRNA分子鉴定相结合的方法进行,PCR扩增法对菌株的溶血素基因(hemolysin gene,hly)、气溶素基因(aerolysin gene,Aer)、细胞兴奋性肠毒素基因(cytotonic enterotoxin gene,Alt)、细胞毒性肠毒素基因(cytotoxic enterotoxin gene,Act)、黏附素基因(major adhesin gene,ahal)和丝氨酸蛋白酶基因(serine protease gene,ahp)6种毒力基因进行检测。结果显示,从患病山瑞鳖心脏和肝脏中共分离到4株优势菌SRB125、SRB142、SRB143和SRB345,对健康山瑞鳖的平均致死率为97.50%~100.00%,是引起山瑞鳖细菌性败血症的病原菌;生化和分子鉴定结果显示,4株分离菌均为嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila),与A.hydrophila L3-5(KP716701)菌株的亲缘关系最近,同源相似性均达到99.9%;6种毒力基因共包含2种毒力基因型,在4株菌株中的分布为hly~+Aer~+Alt~+Act~+ahal~+ahp~+和hly~+Aer~+Alt~+Act~+ahal~+ahp~–各2株,来源于南宁的SRB143和桂平的SRB345菌株均缺失ahp基因。  相似文献   

方兵 《水产学报》2005,29(4):473-477
粘附素(aha1)、气溶素(aerA)和细胞兴奋性肠毒素(alt)是气单胞菌的主要毒力因子。根据aha1、aerA和alt基因序列设计三对引物建立了可同时检测三种毒力基因的多重PCR方法(MPCR)。该方法扩增出气单胞菌的aha1大小为1087bp,aerA为721bp,alt为480bp,其敏感度为102CFU·mL-1。而对金黄色葡萄球菌、恶臭假单胞菌、拟态弧菌以及非致病性气单胞菌均未扩增出任何条带。用限制性内切酶EcoRⅤ、BamHⅠ和FbaⅠ分别酶切PCR扩增产物,均获得与预期一致的酶切图谱。用建立的MPCR对15株水生动物源气单胞菌安徽分离株进行毒力基因检测,结果显示在13株致病性气单胞菌中10株细菌的毒力基因型为alt aha1 aerA ,2株为alt aha1-aerA-,1株为alt aha1 aerA-;alt、aha1和aerA基因在气单胞菌中的携带率分别为100%、84.62%和76.92%。表明气单胞菌安徽分离株的主要毒力基因型是alt aha1 aerA 的高毒力表型,alt毒力基因普遍存在于不同表型种气单胞菌中。  相似文献   

怀头鲇体表溃烂症病原鉴定及致病性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨黑龙江流域怀头鲇体表溃烂症的病因及防控措施,本研究采用常规方法从患病鱼的肝脏、脾脏和肾脏等部位分离病原菌,通过人工感染试验确定分离菌株的致病性,并对菌株的基本形态、理化特性、分子特征、毒力基因携带情况及耐药性等进行了系统研究。结果显示,从患病鱼体内分离得到3株病原菌,分别命名为NY-8、NY-9和NY-12;人工感染试验发现,NY-8和NY-9株对试验鱼有较强的致病力,NY-12株毒力较弱;3株细菌混合感染后,鱼体发病症状与临床自然发病症状一致,试验鱼死亡率高达到100%。综合理化特征和16S r RNA基因序列分析结果,确定NY-8、NY-9和NY-12株分别为气单胞菌属的维氏气单胞菌、杀鲑气单胞菌和嗜水气单胞菌。5种毒力基因在3株气单胞菌中的分布表现为两种基因型,h l y+/a e r+/a c t+/a l t+/G C A T+和h l y+/a e r-/act+/alt+/GCAT+,同时携带5种毒力基因的NY-8和NY-9分离株致病性显著高于NY-12株。3株细菌在耐药谱上有一定差异性,NY-8和NY-9株均对4种氟喹诺酮类药物敏感,对氨基糖苷类、呋喃类等药物耐药;NY-12株仅对左氧氟沙星和氟苯尼考等2种药物敏感。  相似文献   

为调查鱼源气单胞菌毒力基因与其致病力的相关性,以2009—2018年从不同患病鱼分离的173株气单胞菌为研究对象,通过检测毒力相关基因、测定溶血活性、腹腔注射感染异育银鲫等方法开展评价。通过管家基因gyrB分子鉴定结果显示,173株气单胞菌中维氏气单胞菌(119/173,68.9%)和嗜水气单胞菌(50/173,28.9%)是主要流行的菌株。10个毒力基因aer(162/173,93.64%)、act(131/173,75.72%)、ast(55/173,31.79%)、alt(58/173,33.53%)、lip(152/173,87.86%)、exu(154/173,89.02%)、fla(143/173,82.66%)、gcaT(148/173, 85.55%)、 eprCAI(41/173, 23.70%)和ahyB(51/173, 29.48%)普遍存在于173株气单胞菌中。依据检测到的毒力基因数量从多到少分布情况,这些菌株可分为7大类(Ⅰ~Ⅶ)53个毒力基因型。大部分嗜水气单胞菌检测到8~10个毒力基因,主要分布于Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ类基因型;维氏气单胞菌的eprCAI、ahyB、 ast和alt等4个毒力基因检测率低,主要分布于Ⅳ、Ⅴ和Ⅵ类基因型。大部分气单胞菌(94.22%,163/173)具有溶血活性。代表性毒力基因型的38株维氏气单胞菌和20株嗜水气单胞菌腹腔注射异育银鲫攻毒结果显示,3.0×106 CFU/尾的剂量下,3株维氏气单胞菌使鲫死亡率达80%~100%,16株嗜水气单胞菌使鲫死亡率达90%~100%。研究表明,维氏气单胞菌是目前最主要流行的气单胞菌,但其检测到的毒力基因普遍少于嗜水气单胞菌,且对异育银鲫的致病力普遍弱于嗜水气单胞菌。本研究能够为气单胞菌败血症的流行病学调查和疫苗研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

一株致病性异育银鲫源维氏气单胞菌的分离鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从急性患病异育银鲫Carassius auratus gibelio肝胰脏中分离到一株优势菌。对该菌株进行了显微和超微结构观察、生理生化表型鉴定、16S rRNA和毒力基因分析及人工感染实验。结果显示:分离菌呈短杆状、两头钝圆、端生鞭毛,为革兰氏阴性菌;发酵葡萄糖产酸,氧化酶、触酶试验阳性,高盐浓度不生长;16S rRNA序列与气单胞菌属Aeromonas的基因相似性为98%以上,系统发育分析进一步表明该菌为维氏气单胞菌A.veronii,在该菌中可检测到肠毒素基因,且回接感染能导致健康银鲫发病,表明该菌具有致病性。  相似文献   

Burbot (Lota lota maculosa) are a potential new species for commercial aquaculture. As burbot culture expands, there is a need to further define pathogen susceptibility and characterize aspects of the burbot immune response in an effort to assess fish health. A recent clinical diagnostic case from juvenile burbot reared at a commercial production facility resulted in the isolation and identification of Flavobacterium columnare along with several Aeromonas spp. The F. columnare isolate was assigned to genetic group 1 via multiplex PCR, a genetic group commonly associated with columnaris disease cases in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Virulence of the F. columnare isolate was assessed in vivo in both juvenile burbot and rainbow trout. Additionally, several of the Aeromonas sp. case isolates were identified via sequencing (16S rRNA, gyrB and rpoD) and a putative A. sobria isolate (BI-3) was used to challenge burbot, along with a known virulent Aeromonas sp. (A141), but BI-3 was not found to be virulent. Burbot were refractory to F. columnare when challenged by immersion, and it is likely that this is a secondary pathogen for burbot. Although refractory in burbot, the identified F. columnare isolate (BI-1) was found to be virulent in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Nineteen strains of Vibrio anguillarum were examined by means of several immunological methods. Nine other strains belonging to the genera Vibrio, Aeromonas and Pseudomonas were also examined for comparison.Lipopolysaccharides were prepared from seven of the V. anguillarum strains. The lipopolysaccharides seem to be species-specific for V. anguillarum, not being detected in any of the other strains examined. Common antigens are also found in V. anguillarum and other species of marine bacteria.The strains of V. anguillarum fall into three different serological groups according to the type of lipopolysaccharide in the cell wall. One of the groups comprises only one strain, this strain being the only one not isolated from diseased fish.The lipopolysaccharides were used in an indirect haemagglutination test. Inhibition of this haemagglutination with tissue extracts from diseased fish can be used for practical purposes in the diagnosis of vibriosis.  相似文献   

In October 2005, an infectious disease occurred as outbreaks of high mortality within one week, which was responsible for important economic losses in intensive culture of Trachinotus ovatus around the Gulf Coast of Yangjiang city (Guangdong Province, China). The present study documented the causative agent of the diseased fish suffering from external haemorrhages and ulcers, haemorrhagic gills, livers and intestine. The strain was isolated from the diseased fish by ZoBell 2216 E agar and confirmed the pathogenicity by challenge experiments. Biochemically, the strain showed properties and biochemical characteristics similar to Vibrio vulnificus, with the exception of several atypical biochemical characteristics, especially the sucrose-positive. Meanwhile, sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene and the hemolysin gene revealed that the isolated strain was highly homogeneous with V. vulnificus. To sum up, the isolated strain was confirmed as V. vulnificus on the basis of phenotypic characteristics, phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA sequences and sequence analysis of the hemolysin gene. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the V. vulnificus infection in T. ovatus.  相似文献   

The concept of the use of probiotic organisms or prebiotic compounds to modify the fish gut microflora is becoming a popular topic for investigation. A major flaw in many such studies is a failure to consider fully the nature of the established microflora, which is to be modified pre-, or probiotically. Since it is widely accepted that a large proportion of bacteria are non-culturable, the use of conventional bacteriological (culture) techniques alone to investigate fish intestinal microflora may be expected to bias results. We report a study designed to investigate the normal intestinal microflora of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using both conventional bacteriological and molecular methods.Over an 18 month period, the intestinal microflora of a single population of laboratory-raised rainbow trout was investigated. Bacteria isolated using bacteriological techniques were identified using the BiOLOG system and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Dominant bacteria consistently were Aeromonas sp. and Carnobacterium piscicola, demonstrating that the microflora is stable in fish kept in defined conditions. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis was used to investigate anaerobic and non-culturable bacteria. An obligate anaerobe, Clostridium gasigenes, was shown to be among the dominating intestinal microflora.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the inclusion of three seaweeds Gracilaria bursa-pastoris (GP), Ulva rigida (UR) and Gracilaria cornea (GC) as dietary ingredients on the performance, nutrient utilisation and body composition of European sea bass juveniles. Six experimental diets were formulated to replace 5% (GP-5, UR-5, and GC-5 Diets) and 10% (GP-10, UR-10 and GC-10 Diets) fish protein hydrolysate (CPSP) by each of the three seaweeds. A control diet was used, without inclusion of any seaweed. Diets were fed to duplicate groups of 25 European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles (IBW = 4.7 g) for 10 weeks. Growth performance was only significantly reduced (P < 0.05) in fish fed the GC-10 diet, whereas the feed conversion ratio increased significantly in those fish. The apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter and lipid were significantly lower in fish fed diet GC-10 relative to those fed the control diet. Carcass composition was similar among treatments, although fish fed GC-10 exhibited significantly higher ash content.The results obtained in this study suggest that the inclusion of G. bursa-pastoris (GP) and U. rigida (UR), up to 10%, can be considered as very interesting ingredients in diets for sea bass juveniles, as no negative consequences on growth performance, nutrient utilization or body composition were observed. On the other hand, the inclusion of G. cornea (GC) should be limited to 5% of the diet.  相似文献   

Aeromonas spp. are ubiquitous in the aquatic environment, acting as facultative or obligate pathogens for fish. Identifying Aeromonas spp. is important for pathogenesis and prognosis in diagnostic cases but can be difficult because of their close relationship. Forty‐four already characterized isolates of Aeromonas spp. were analysed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, by gyrase B sequencing, by analysing their fatty acid profiles, by biochemical reactions and by MALDI‐TOF MS. To determine their pathogenicity, cytotoxicity, adhesion to mucus and the expression of 12 virulence factors were tested. The susceptibility of the isolates towards 13 different antibiotics was determined. MALDI‐TOF MS was found to be an acceptable identification method for Aeromonas spp. Although the method does not detect all species correctly, it is time‐effective and entails relatively low costs and no other methods achieved better results. A high prevalence of virulence‐related gene fragments was detected in almost all examined Aeromonas spp., especially in A. hydrophila and A. salmonicida, and most isolates exhibited a cytotoxic effect. Single isolates of A. hydrophila and A. salmonicida showed multiple resistance to antibiotics. These results might indicate the potentially pathogenic capacity of Aeromonas spp., suggesting a risk for aquatic animals and even humans, given their ubiquitous nature.  相似文献   

西伯利亚鲟海豚链球菌的分离鉴定及毒力基因检测   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
2013年8-9月,四川雅安汉源湖养殖的西伯利亚鲟发生一种以体表溃疡、内脏出血和心外膜囊肿为特征的传染病.为明确其病因,本研究从自然发病鱼的肝、脾和肾进行了病原菌的分离、人工感染、分离菌的表型特征和分子生物学特征的检测.结果从患病鱼体内分离到一株G+链状球菌(Ab130920),人工感染实验证实了其病原性,生理生化特性与海豚链球菌(ATCC29178)基本一致;16S rDNA序列(GenBank登录号:KJ162337)与GenBank中S.iniae 16S rDNA序列同源性最高,在以16S rDNA序列及其GenBank中同源性较高的相关序列构建的系统发育树上,分离菌与海豚链球菌聚为一支;同时,在基于S.iniae lctO基因的特异性PCR检测中,从分离株基因组DNA扩增出预期大小的870 bp条带,进而鉴定分离菌Ab130920为S.iniae.在对cpsD、simA、sagA、pdi和scpI等5种S.iniae毒力基因的多重PCR检测中,分离菌均扩增出相应大小的特异性片段,表明其为一毒力较强的菌株,与人工感染实验的高致病性结果相佐证;药物敏感性检测发现其对阿莫西林、强力霉素、氟苯尼考等抗菌药物敏感,但对新生霉素、利福平、氧氟沙星耐药.  相似文献   

This study investigated: 1) susceptibility differences to infection by Neobenedenia girellae (Capsalidae) between amberjack Seriola dumerili (Carangidae), yellowtail S. quinqueradiata and Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus (Paralichthyidae); 2) growth and egg production of N. girellae on each fish species; 3) acquired protection of each fish species against this parasite. The number of N. girellae on S. dumerili was significantly higher than on S. quinqueradiata and P. olivaceus when these fishes were exposed to oncomiracidia in the same aquarium. Neobenedenia girellae growth on S. dumerili was fastest and, thus the number of eggs laid by parasites on S. dumerili was greater than on the other two species. Seriola dumerili and P. olivaceus, which were previously infected with N. girellae and treated by freshwater bath, acquired partial protection against re-infection by N. girellae. The relative re-infection of three S. dumerili individuals out of eleven individuals was markedly low compared with the initial infection, and the relative initial infection and re-infection on two P. olivaceus out of eleven individuals was markedly low. The results of this study could be useful to control N. girellae infections when cultivating S. dumerili, S. quinqueradiata and P. olivaceus.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate the distribution of Listonella anguillarum in a Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) hatchery. A total of 2704 isolates were obtained from the developing fish, live diets and artificial feeds of Japanese flounder and their rearing water, 439 of which were identified as L. anguillarum by the combining incubation on thiosulfate-citrate-bile salt-sucrose (TCBS) agar at 35 °C overnight with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection for the VAH1 hemolysin gene. L. anguillarum was detected in all seven rotifer samples, with densities of 2.5 × 103 to 4.6 × 106 colony forming units (CFU) g− 1. Both the analyzed samples of Nannochloropsis oculata contained this bacterium at densities of 1.6 × 104 to 1.4 × 105 CFU g− 1. L. anguillarum was detected in only one of four samples of Artemia nauplii with a density of 4.8 × 105 CFU g− 1 (35%) and it was not detected in the two analyzed artificial feed samples. L. anguillarum was detected in 11 of 18 specimens of larval and juvenile Japanese flounder at densities of 5.0 × 101 to 7.4 × 105 CFU g− 1, while it was not detected in the two analyzed egg specimens of Japanese flounder. These results indicate that L. anguillarum associated with the developing Japanese flounder is likely derived from rearing water and live diets such as rotifers. Further, it is strongly suggested that L. anguillarum is a transient bacterium of the intestinal microflora for the Japanese flounder but is a permanently indigenous one for the Japanese flounder hatcheries.  相似文献   

为了示踪研究拟态弧菌感染草鱼的动态过程,将增强型绿色荧光蛋白编码基因EGFP克隆至质粒pBAD24,并转化到拟态弧菌04-14菌株构建荧光标记重组菌.重组菌经阿拉伯糖诱导后,能高效表达EGFP蛋白;荧光显微镜观察和流式细胞仪检测均发现重组菌能够发出明显的绿色荧光信号,且传至30代后质粒稳定率仍为100%;生物学特性检测结果显示,与野生株相比,重组菌的形态、生长特性和细胞黏附性均未发生明显改变.用标记重组菌浸泡感染草鱼,定点采集鳃、肠道、肌肉、头肾、脾脏和肝脏,借助荧光信号检测4d内细菌在不同组织脏器中的动态分布.结果发现感染4h后即可在肠道和鳃中检测到绿色荧光信号,标记菌检出量分别为3.60×108和2.36×106 CFU/g,直至10 h,其含量无明显变化,12 h后含菌量逐渐下降,但持续存在直至鱼死亡.标记菌在肌肉、头肾、脾脏和肝脏中呈现相似的动力学,感染24 h后才检测到荧光信号,24~ 85 h时间段含菌量呈现先增加后下降的变化,48 h达到峰值,检出量分别为9.58×104(肌肉)、8.75×104(头肾)、1.50×104(脾脏)和4.50×104 CFU/g(肝脏),但均低于肠道中的检出量,结果表明肠道是拟态弧菌黏附定植与繁殖的主要靶器官.  相似文献   

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