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斜带石斑鱼病原菌(哈维氏弧菌)的分离与鉴定   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
从患病斜带石斑鱼 (Epinepheluscoioides)肝脏组织分离到EcGY0 2 0 4 0 1菌株 ,经人工感染、回归感染实验证实为致病菌。通过API系统和菌体常规形态特征、培养特性和生理生化反应指标测定以及 16SrRNA测序分析等综合鉴定 ,Ec GY0 2 0 4 0 1菌株为弧菌属哈维氏弧菌 (Vibrioharveyi) ,其半致死剂量LD50 为 2 .7× 10 6CFU/g鱼体重。药敏试验结果表明 ,EcGY0 2 0 4 0 1菌株对利福平、四环素、喹诺酮类及头孢曲松等抗生素较为敏感  相似文献   

网箱养殖青石斑鱼的溃疡病病原   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28  
覃映雪 《水产学报》2004,28(3):297-302
2002年夏季厦门同安湾一带气候炎热,降雨量少,海水盐度偏高,同安湾刘五店的网箱养殖石斑鱼大面积暴发溃疡病.本研究调查了石斑鱼溃疡病暴发的特征和症状,主要表现为肌肉溃疡坏死、眼球脱落、鱼骨暴露等.从病鱼体表及内脏分离出优势菌群命名为TS-628,经回归感染证实TS-628就是引发本次石斑鱼溃疡病的病原菌.对病原菌进行鉴定发现,该菌革兰氏染色呈阴性,电镜下观察菌体呈短杆状,极端单鞭毛,综合研究该菌在形态、生理生化、16S rDNA同源性及药物敏感性等方面的特性,基本确认分离到的病原菌为哈维氏弧菌(Vibrio harveyi),该菌对氯霉素、壮观霉素等多种抗生素敏感,对万古霉素、青霉素G等抗生素不敏感.哈维氏弧菌是水产养殖病害常见病原菌,但作为养殖石斑鱼的病原菌在国内属首次报道.  相似文献   

2011年7月,福建省晋江某养殖场养殖的斜带石斑鱼( Epinephelus coioides )发病,病鱼体重3~10 g,症状为鱼体色变深,拒食,离群缓慢游动,背鳍下方局部鳞片脱落、表皮溃烂,肝脏点状发红。2011年7月从濒死病鱼肝脏、肾脏中分离到2株细菌,分别命名为201107-I与201107-II,经生理、生化指标和16S rRNA 基因鉴定,这两株均为哈维氏弧菌( Vibrio harveyi )。毒性实验发现这两株菌都能引起斜带石斑鱼表皮溃烂症,其中201107-II毒性较强,被用于后续感染实验。通过肌肉注射、腹腔注射与创伤浸浴3种方式进行回归感染实验,得到3种方式对石斑鱼的半致死量LD50分别为4.3×104、2.9×105和5.4×106 cfu/g鱼体重。从人工感染的石斑鱼肾脏中再次分离到该菌,经生理、生化指标和16 S rRNA 基因鉴定,为同株菌。药敏实验结果表明,该菌株对红霉素、大观霉素、氯霉素等16种抗生素高度敏感,对呋喃唑酮、克拉霉素、环丙沙星等9种抗生素中度敏感,对苯唑西林、青霉素G、万古霉素等13种抗生素不敏感。本研究对石斑鱼病害防治与健康养殖具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

采用平板趋化和毛细管趋化的方法,研究了病原性哈维氏弧菌TS-628菌株的趋化性。哈维氏弧菌对青石斑鱼肌肉、表皮黏液、肠黏液及血清的趋化性研究结果表明,该菌对青石斑鱼肌肉提取物的趋化性最强,且哈维氏弧菌的趋化运动明显受到温度、pH及盐度等环境因子的影响。哈维氏弧菌对青石斑鱼肌肉18种主要氨基酸的趋化性研究表明,该菌对其中多种氨基酸均表现出很强的趋化性,但氨基酸浓度也会对该菌的趋化性造成影响,浓度过高趋化性反而减弱。  相似文献   

养殖中患有"突眼症"的美洲黑石斑鱼(Centropristis striata)的症状表现为眼球白浊、充血、异常增生。从眼球病灶部位分离纯化得到1株优势菌,在TCBS培养基上生长迅速,菌落中部隆起,黄色,有黏性,杆状菌,端生单鞭毛,属于革兰氏阴性菌,定名为CJG01。人工感染实验证实,其对美洲黑石斑鱼有较强的致病性,可引起幼鱼眼球突出、脱落,肌肉溃烂,骨胳外露。解剖感染组的幼鱼发现,患病幼鱼的肝脏、肾脏红肿,脾脏肿大,肠道内有淡黄色液体。其半致死浓度LD50为2.67×10~5 CFU/ml。API 20NE快速鉴定及相关生理生化实验结果显示,菌株CJG01的生长温度为28–37℃,最适温度为28℃,在含盐量为0–5%之间的TSB培养基可生长,对弧菌抑制剂O/129敏感,氧化酶反应阳性,鸟氨酸脱羧酶反应阳性,V-P反应阴性,可同化甘露醇、麦芽糖、苹果酸,不能同化葡萄糖、阿拉伯糖、甘露糖、癸酸、已二酸、柠檬酸、苯乙酸等,菌株CJG01的生理生化特性与哈维氏弧菌(Vibrio harveyi)一致。对病原菌的16S r DNA序列对比分析及系统进化树分析显示,菌株CJG01与哈维氏弧菌序列同源性最高,达99%。药敏实验证实,该菌株对氨苄西林、头孢氨苄、头孢拉定、诺氟沙星、青霉素、多粘菌素B、阿奇霉素等药物不敏感,对头孢唑林、恩诺沙星、链霉素、红霉素、克拉霉素等药物中度敏感,对抗生素头孢哌酮、头孢曲松、头孢他啶、氧氟沙星、洛美沙星、氟罗沙星、环丙沙星、氯霉素、新生霉素、新霉素、庆大霉素、卡那霉素、呋喃唑酮、利福平、四环素、米诺环素等种药物敏感。  相似文献   

本研究对辽宁4家刺参育苗场患“化板症”的稚参进行了病原学分析,从患有“化板症”的稚参体表病灶处分离得到一株优势菌Aj2010072802A90.人工回接感染试验证实,该细菌能使稚参发生厌食、萎缩、降低附着力、溃烂、死亡等现象,具有较强的致病性,为此次“化板病”的病原菌.在此基础上,利用细菌形态观察、生理生化及16S rDNA分子生物学方法对该菌株进行了鉴定,结果显示,该菌为副溶血弧菌Vibrio parahaemol yticus.这是副溶血孤菌导致海参感染的首次报道.此外,本研究针对该病原菌进行了药敏学测试,证实所分离的副溶血弧菌菌株对氟苯尼考等药物高度敏感,相关研究结果将为刺参疾病防控和健康养殖提供了理论依据和技术支撑.  相似文献   

养殖中患有“突眼症”的美洲黑石斑鱼(Centropristis striata)的症状表现为眼球白浊、充血、异常增生.从眼球病灶部位分离纯化得到1株优势菌,在TCBS培养基上生长迅速,菌落中部隆起,黄色,有黏性,杆状菌,端生单鞭毛,属于革兰氏阴性菌,定名为CJG01.人工感染实验证实,其对美洲黑石斑鱼有较强的致病性,可引起幼鱼眼球突出、脱落,肌肉溃烂,骨胳外露.解剖感染组的幼鱼发现,患病幼鱼的肝脏、肾脏红肿,脾脏肿大,肠道内有淡黄色液体.其半致死浓度LD50为2.67× 105 CFU/ml.API 20NE快速鉴定及相关生理生化实验结果显示,菌株CJG01的生长温度为28-37℃,最适温度为28℃,在含盐量为0-5%之间的TSB培养基可生长,对弧菌抑制剂O/129敏感,氧化酶反应阳性,鸟氨酸脱羧酶反应阳性,V-P反应阴性,可同化甘露醇、麦芽糖、苹果酸,不能同化葡萄糖、阿拉伯糖、甘露糖、癸酸、已二酸、柠檬酸、苯乙酸等,菌株CJG01的生理生化特性与哈维氏弧菌(Vbrio harveyi)一致.对病原菌的16S rDNA序列对比分析及系统进化树分析显示,菌株CJG01与哈维氏弧菌序列同源性最高,达99%.药敏实验证实,该菌株对氨苄西林、头孢氨苄、头孢拉定、诺氟沙星、青霉素、多粘菌素B、阿奇霉素等药物不敏感,对头孢唑林、恩诺沙星、链霉素、红霉素、克拉霉素等药物中度敏感,对抗生素头孢哌酮、头孢曲松、头孢他啶、氧氟沙星、洛美沙星、氟罗沙星、环丙沙星、氯霉素、新生霉素、新霉素、庆大霉素、卡那霉素、呋喃唑酮、利福平、四环素、米诺环素等种药物敏感.  相似文献   

赤点石斑鱼的普通变形菌病原学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对2002年7~9月在广东省阳西县发生大规模死亡的赤点石斑鱼进行病原学研究,现场调查发现养殖赤点石斑鱼平均死亡率高达80%,病鱼的体征为鱼体体表有轻度溃疡,明显的腹部膨胀。解剖发现内脏严重病变,肠坏死,有少量腹水。组织切片观察发现病鱼的心、肝、肠、脾脏中存在大量的细菌,菌体呈现弥漫分布,透亮,个体为球状或短杆状。从以上器官及血液分离到3个优势菌株,分别通过肌肉注射的方法感染健康赤点石斑鱼,筛选出其中毒力较强的1株。用法国梅里埃公司的API20E试剂盒,结合专用电脑软件进行鉴定,确定为普通变形菌(Proteusvulgaris)。用该菌株配制成梯度浓度的菌悬液,再次用肌肉注射的方法对健康赤点石斑鱼进行感染试验,得到其LD50为6.7×104cfu/ml,证实了普通变形菌对赤点石斑鱼具有强毒性,可能是引起这次大规模死亡的致病菌。  相似文献   

为确定绿鳍马面鲀烂嘴症的致病菌及筛选敏感药物,通过平皿划线法将患病组织内的细菌进行分离纯化,得到1株优势菌,命名为QZG3。该菌株在硫代硫酸盐柠檬酸盐胆盐蔗糖琼脂(TCBS)弧菌选择性培养基上为绿色、圆形、黏稠状菌落,经革兰氏染色判断为革兰氏阴性菌;对该菌株的16S rRNA基因进行测序、鉴定,并经系统进化树分析,发现该菌株与阿尔法克弧菌(Vibrio alfacsensis)聚为1支,因此判断该菌株为阿尔法克弧菌。人工回感试验表明,该菌株为绿鳍马面鲀烂嘴症的致病菌;药敏试验结果显示,该菌株仅对氟苯尼考、恩诺沙星两种抗生素高度敏感,对土霉素、青霉素、头孢氨苄、庆大霉素、卡那霉素、四环素以及红霉素均表现出耐药性。因此建议养殖生产上选用氟苯尼考和恩诺沙星进行药物防治。  相似文献   

2016年7月,山东省长岛县深水网箱养殖许氏平鲉(Sebastes schlegeli)暴发严重皮肤溃疡症。作者对病鱼进行病原菌分离。通过形态学观察、常规生理生化试验、gyrB和16S rDNA基因克隆测序等方法对分离菌株进行鉴定。在病灶溃疡处分离到一株绝对优势菌BZ01,该菌株在TSB固体培养基上呈半透明菌落,在TCBS选择性培养基上菌落呈绿色。透射电镜观察为短棒状,具有单根极生鞭毛。人工回接感染证明,该菌株对许氏平鲉具有较强的致病力,可以引起皮肤溃疡等症状,且与自然感染症状一致,其LD_(50)为2.07×10~6 CFU/ml。通过gyrB和16S rDNA基因序列测定并构建系统发育树显示,菌株BZ01与弧菌属同源性最高,并在系统发育树中与轮虫弧菌(Vibrio rotiferianus)聚为一枝,结合形态及生理生化表型测定结果,将该菌株鉴定为轮虫弧菌(V.rotiferianus)。药敏试验结果显示,该菌株对四环素类、喹诺酮类、香豆素类、肽酰转移酶类高度敏感,而对大环内酯类、多肽类、磺胺类、β-内酰胺类、氨基糖苷类中度敏感或不敏感。  相似文献   

There are a number of reports documenting skeletal development in groupers, but surprisingly little is known about muscle development. We have documented muscle development in the seven-band grouper Epinephelus septemfasciatus (Thunberg), focusing primarily on the cranial muscles from 0 days post-hatching (dph) to 28 dph, using a modified whole mount immunohistochemical staining method. The eye muscles developed first followed by the cheek muscles, which completed development prior to first feeding. The muscles associated with the opercle and the levator internus 1 developed gradually and were not linked to first feeding. Later, between 12 and 16 dph, the muscle composition in the dorsal branchial arches changed to the adult form. We observed a number of cultured larvae that exhibited abnormal musculature in the body and jaw. Our results provide the first documentation of muscle development in larval seven-band grouper. This information can be used to detect abnormalities during development and provide a marker to assess the effect of changes in larval rearing techniques.  相似文献   

The effects of rearing temperature (23–29 °C) during the larval and juvenile stage on survival, growth and skeletal malformations in the seven-band grouper Epinephelus septemfasciatus were investigated. The survival rate of juveniles 30–40 mm in total length emerging from eggs was higher at 25 and 26 °C (0.1–1.3 %) than at 23 °C or 27–29 °C (0.004–1.5 %). Growth (increase in total length) was accelerated at higher temperatures. The frequency of malformed individuals was lower at 25–27 °C (36.0–61.5 %) than at 23, 28 or 29 °C (65.3–76.9 %). Specific incidences of spinal curvature and centrum fusion or defects in juveniles were not related to rearing temperature. However, incidences of twisted or compressed vertebrae (6.5–64.0 %) were higher at higher temperatures, while the incidence of bifurcated neural spine was significantly higher at 23 °C (43.6–54.4 %) than at other temperatures (3.3–22.7 %). The incidence rate of spinal curvature (23.3 %) was significantly higher in juveniles with a deflated swim bladder, regardless of rearing temperature. The results of this study suggest that the optimum culture temperature for seven-band grouper is 25–26 °C, collectively considering the survival, growth and incidences of abnormalities. Our results also demonstrate the significance of identifying the conditions for swim bladder inflation to prevent spinal curvature in seven-band grouper.  相似文献   

We conducted screening tests to determine whether enzyme activity is a suitable biomarker for assessing the physiological condition of marine fish larvae. The rearing experiments consisted of three trials, of which two were conducted using the seven-band grouper Epinephelus septemfasciatus for a period of 5 days after hatching (DAH), and one was conducted using the devil stinger Inimicus japonicus for 10 DAH. The trials were conducted under three different rearing-tank environments (shallow tank, intermediate tank, deep tank) in a water volume of 100 l and an aeration rate of 50 ml/min. We determined survival, surface death, growth, and enzyme activities (trypsin, esterase, and alkaline phosphatase). The highest survival rates and lowest surface deaths in both species occurred among the larvae grown in the deep tank. There was a significant and negative correlation between survival at 5 DAH and alkaline phosphatase activity at 0 DAH in the seven-band grouper. The same correlation was found between survival at 10 DAH and trypsin and alkaline phosphatase activity at 1 DAH in the devil stinger. Based on these results, we conclude that the activity of a specific enzyme is a candidate for assessing the physiological condition of marine fish larvae.  相似文献   

七带石斑鱼人工繁育技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
七带石斑鱼(Epinephelus septemfasciatus)具有经济价值高、生长速度快和低温耐受性强等特点,是东北亚温带海域理想的网箱养殖品种之一,已成为中、日、韩三国海水鱼类繁育研究的热点。由于存在雄鱼性成熟年龄高、人工驯养条件下难以实现自然产卵和初孵仔鱼弱小等难题,其稳定和高效的种苗规模化繁育技术尚未完全建立起来。本文综述了七带石斑鱼人工繁育技术研究现状,重点总结日本近20年在亲鱼繁殖、仔稚鱼培育和苗种中间培育等方面取得的研究进展,并就其发展前景进行分析,旨为中国七带石斑鱼苗种规模化繁育技术研发提供参考。  相似文献   

The water flow in larval rearing tanks has been indicated to cause mass mortality of the seven-band grouper Epinephelus septemfasciatus larvae. Therefore, a new aerating method was tested in an actual scale intensive rearing tank (8.0 m in diameter, 1.87 m of water depth, 100 m3 of volume), in which an aerator was positioned at the center of the rearing tank surrounding cylindrical drain (1.2 m in diameter) to generate the flow field, and seven larval rearing trials were performed. The survival rate with the former aeration methods were compared, in which several aerators were located in the rearing tank. The survival rate at 10 days after hatching with the new aeration method (61.5±5.1%, n=7) was approximately three times higher than the former methods (21.2±13.7%, n=6). The flow environment of rearing tanks was also examined by quantifying the flow field, and the relationship between the flow field in the rearing tank, behavior of larvae and survival discussed. It was confirmed that the vertical circulating flow was observed in rearing tanks, and determined effectively the survival and the behavior of grouper larvae in patchiness.  相似文献   

两种杂交石斑鱼子一代杂种优势的微卫星标记分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
使用6对微卫星引物对两种杂交子一代(青龙斑和虎龙斑)及其亲本(斜带石斑鱼、棕点石斑鱼和鞍带石斑鱼)共5个群体进行微卫星分析,计算等位基因频率、有效等位基因数、基因杂合度、多态信息含量、相似指数和Nei氏遗传距离。结果显示,在5种石斑鱼中,棕点石斑鱼的平均有效等位基因数最大(6.849 3),最小的是鞍带石斑鱼(2.608 6)。6对微卫星引物在这5个群体中具有丰富的多态性,平均多态信息含量(PIC)分别为0.666 7、0.751 3、0.441 9、0.664 0、0.542 6。在平均观测杂合度(Ho)中,虎龙斑和青龙斑的最高均为0.940 0,鞍带石斑鱼的最低为0.508 3。遗传距离和遗传相似率结果显示,青龙斑和虎龙斑均与父本鞍带石斑鱼的亲缘关系较近。杂交子一代群体的等位基因基本来自父母本群体双方,可推断杂交子一代的遗传物质来自父母双方,属两性融合生殖,是真正意义上的杂交种。杂交后代的遗传变异水平明显增强,这是杂种优势得以形成的重要遗传物质基础。  相似文献   

The gram‐negative bacterium, Vibrio alginolyticus, has frequently been identified as the pathogen responsible for the infectious disease called vibriosis. This disease is one of the major challenges facing brown‐marbled grouper aquaculture, causing fish farmers globally to suffer substantial economic losses. The objective of this study was to investigate the proteins involved in the immune response of brown‐marbled grouper fingerlings during their initial encounter with pathogenic organisms. To achieve this objective, a challenge experiment was performed, in which healthy brown‐marbled grouper fingerlings were divided into two groups. Fish in the treated group were subjected to intraperitoneal injection with an infectious dose of V. alginolyticus suspended in phosphate‐buffered saline (PBS), and those in the control group were injected with an equal volume of PBS. Blood samples were collected from a replicate number of fish from both groups at 4 h post‐challenge and analysed for immune response‐related serum proteins via two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis. The results showed that 14 protein spots were altered between the treated and control groups; these protein spots were further analysed to determine the identity of each protein via MALDI‐TOF/TOF. Among the altered proteins, three were clearly overexpressed in the treated group compared with the control; these were identified as putative apolipoprotein A‐I, natural killer cell enhancement factor and lysozyme g. Based on these results, these three highly expressed proteins participate in immune response‐related reactions during the initial exposure (4 h) of brown‐marbled grouper fingerling to V. alginolyticus infection.  相似文献   

利用活菌制剂,以闭路内循环方式净化水质,养殖点带石斑鱼。试验结果表明:3种活菌制剂对NH4 -N的降解率分别为:NMX菌39.0%,科恩菌30.5%,EM菌20.4%;对NO2--N的降解率分别为:NMX菌45.7%,EM菌40.4%,科恩菌13.6%。活菌制剂不仅能调节水质,而且还能促进养殖个体的生长,提高饵料转化率,NMX菌、科恩菌和EM菌试验组日增重分别为5.5 g/尾、5.1 g/尾、4.9 g/尾,而对照组为3.9 g/尾;相应饵料系数分别是1.00、1.02、1.02,对照组为1.06。  相似文献   

Nervous necrosis virus (NNV) infection in susceptible grouper larvae has been reported to cause high mortalities, leading to great economic losses in aquaculture industry. Although the effects of NNV vaccines on grouper have been broadly investigated, vaccination strategies have not been fully established. To this end, we introduced the parsimonious epidemiological models that explored the assessment of key epidemiological parameters and how they changed when vaccinations showed the effects. We showed that the models capture the published cumulative mortality data accurately. We estimated a basic reproduction number R0 = 2.44 for NNV transmission in grouper larvae without vaccination. To effectively control NNV transmission by vaccination, a model for disease control was also generalized to attain the goals of controlled reproduction number less than 1. Our results indicated that at least 60% of grouper population needed to be immunized for ~75 min. Our data-driven modelling approach that links the transmission dynamics of NNV and vaccination strategies for grouper has the potential to support evidence-based planning and adaptation of integrated control measures. We encourage that the epidemiology-based framework introduced here can be further implemented for establishing effective vaccination and mitigation actions aimed at controlling diseases in fish farming practices.  相似文献   

Piscine nodaviruses (betanodaviruses) have been tentatively divided into four genotypes (SJNNV, RGNNV, TPNNV and BFNNV) and it is suggested that host specificity is different among these genotypes. In the present study, a betanodavirus [sevenband grouper nervous necrosis virus (SGNNV)] belonging to the redspotted grouper nervous necrosis virus (RGNNV) genotype, to which most betanodaviruses from warm water fish are identified, was evaluated for its pathogenicity to hatchery-reared juveniles of several marine fish species. When challenged with the virus by a bath method (10(5.1) TCID50 mL(-1)), sevenband grouper, Epinephelus septemfasciatus, Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, and tiger puffer, Takifugu rubripes, displayed behavioural abnormalities and mortalities with distinct histopathological signs of viral nervous necrosis and heavily immunostained cells were observed in the central nervous tissues and retina. Bath-challenged rock fish, Sebastiscus marmoratus, and a hybrid of sevenband grouper and kelp grouper, E. moara, did not display any behavioural abnormality or mortality during the experimental period, although many fish showed slight signs of viral infection in nerve cells. Kelp grouper and red sea bream, Pagrus major, showed no behavioural abnormality, mortality or immunohistopathological changes after the virus challenge. These results are, in part, consistent with the natural host range of RGNNV, indicating the complexity in the host specificity of betanodaviruses.  相似文献   

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