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当前农村仔猪生产中存在的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王怀禹 《畜禽业》2008,(9):34-36
通过对部分农村地区当前仔猪生产情况进行调查,发现在仔猪生产上存在着盲目引种;种猪利用不当、饲养管理差;仔猪培育措施及管理不科学;环境差、上市体重过小;忽视卫生防疫等诸多问题。针对这些问题进行了原因分析,并提出了相应的应对措施。  相似文献   

"母猪好,好一窝",能繁母猪的生产性能是种猪场的生命,培育优良的种猪、提升母猪的繁殖性能和延长母猪的繁殖寿命一直是养猪从业者探讨的问题。从种猪选育、饲养管理和疫病防控等方面探讨各生产阶段母猪饲养的技术要点,以期为养猪从业者提供参考。  相似文献   

一个猪场生产效益的关键是母猪的生产水平,因此,种猪的繁殖性能很大程度上就能够反映其生产水平。在种猪的饲养管理过程中,由于疾病带来的损失较大,不仅会导致母猪发情异常、受胎率低、妊娠母猪出现流产、死胎,严重的还可能导致母猪死亡,就猪繁殖期的常见疾病与诊治进行概述。  相似文献   

金定鸭在不同的地理环境、不同的饲养管理条件下,其外貌特征、体重体尺可能发生一些变化或变异,并对其生产性能产生影响。石狮市水禽保种中心分别于1981年和2010年从金定鸭原产地龙海引入两批金定鸭进行饲养。本试验就这两个在不同地点多个世代繁育下来的金定鸭保种群的体重体尺及产蛋性能进行测定和分析比较。结果表明:石狮保种群公鸭的龙骨长、胸宽、胸深及胫长大于龙海种群公鸭,体重则小于龙海种群公鸭,差异均显著(p<0.05);石狮种群母鸭的胸宽、骨盆宽、胫长和体重大于龙海种群母鸭,体斜长、龙骨长、胸深小于龙海种群母鸭,差异均显著(p<0.05);石狮种群母鸭的267~296日龄产蛋率大于龙海种群母鸭,差异显著(p<0.05)。  相似文献   

卜书林 《畜禽业》2009,(11):53-54
<正>种猪的精细饲养与管理,是提高种猪生产力的关键和保证,通过精细饲养与管理可提高母猪年生产力,增加窝产活仔数和提高母猪的抵抗能力,控制繁殖障碍疾病的发生。在配种前搞好免疫接种,定期做好抗体监测,提高母猪的免疫力。通过观察母猪的  相似文献   

<正>1掌握母猪的生殖活动规律1.1母猪的适宜配种年龄在正常的饲养管理条件下,我国本地猪6~8月龄时体重50~60kg;培育品种及杂种猪8~10月,体重70~90kg开始配种较好。瘦肉型猪多要求在8~10月龄,体重在100kg以上开始配种。后被母猪初情期后,再隔2~3个情期开始配种,此时母猪的体重达到成年体重的70%左右时开始配种,配种效果  相似文献   

种猪的饲养管理和利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何建中 《畜禽业》2007,(1):30-31
种猪质量是影响受孕率、产仔数、猪肉品质、饲料报酬、日增重的一个重要因素。优良的种猪能为养殖场创造更好的经济效益,如何养好和用好种猪就成了我们养殖的关键。本文就种猪的选择,营养需要,饲养管理和合理利用进行了综述,提出了怎样才能培育出品种好,质量优,效益佳的种猪。  相似文献   

目的解析酉州乌羊与渝东白山羊杂交后代生长发育规律。方法以酉州乌羊为父本,与渝东白山羊母本进行杂交,选取日龄相近、体况优良的健康羔羊,在全舍饲饲养条件下进行全程跟踪测定其体重、体尺等生长发育数据。结果①酉州乌羊(♂)与渝东白山羊(♀)杂交后代公、母羊体重随月龄增加呈上升趋势,公羊体重均大于同时期母羊。杂交后代各年龄段公羊绝对增重大于同时期母羊。而杂交后代相对增重呈现随月龄增加呈下降趋势,在12月龄降至最低。②酉州乌羊(♂)与渝东白山羊(♀)杂交后代公、母羊体尺(体长、体高、胸围、管围等)生长发育数值均随月龄增加呈上升趋势,且各月龄公羊体尺数值均大于同期母羊。结论酉州乌羊(♂)与渝东白山羊(♀)杂交后代山羊体重及体尺各项生长发育指标均随月龄增加呈上升趋势。在此期间应注意加强饲养管理及营养调控,制定科学的疫病防控措施,从而充分保证其正常的生长发育。  相似文献   

<正>优良的种源、优质的饲料、科学的防疫体系是畜牧业生产的三大要素。优良的种猪是保障获得良好猪苗的前提。种猪的精细饲养与护理,是提高种猪生产力的关键和保证,通过精细饲养与护理可提高母猪年生产力,增加窝产活仔数和提高母猪的抵抗能力,控制繁殖障碍疾病的发生。  相似文献   

<正>1发病情况2009年1月福建省某养猪场反映:饲养的26头种猪(其中母猪25头,公猪1头),体重均在100kg以上,在食用了新进的一批外观质量尚好的玉米配制而成的全价饲料,在加工过程中未添  相似文献   

The fundamentals of paramunization are briefly discussed to provide better understanding of paramunization of pigs. Veterinary practice and experimental studies demonstrate the usefulness, efficacy and harmlessness of paramunization of pigs. Mortality, morbidity as well as weight gain in piglets are used to evaluate the effect of the inducers PIND-AVI and/or PIND-ORF on piglets which have been treated shortly after birth. The therapeutic effect of paramunization has been studied in herds with enzootic pneumonia. Paramunization is especially suitable in stimulating the immune system, in treating immune deficiencies, in the prophylaxis of the stress syndrome (e.g. induced by transport, weaning, changing stalls, etc.) and in treating pluricausal, multifactorial infectious diseases such as enzootic pneumonia, rhinitis atrophicans, "crowding" disease. Paramunization of pigs is discussed, using PIND-ORF as an example of a biological inducer. Paramunization as a biological method to stimulate immunity provides a new concept of prophylaxis and therapy opposed to the uncontrolled use of chemicals in pig production.  相似文献   

针对当前传统人工晾晒海贝柱效率低下、容易造成污染等问题。设计了海贝柱自动晾晒机械,采用阶梯式晾晒生产线对湿海贝柱分级晾晒,多条晾晒生产线分时、高效的工作,机器上方设有遮板以保证晾晒作业不被污染而且不受天气条件的影响。整机采用stm32单片机、传感器等技术实现自动化作业,机器控制系统监测到生产线发生故障或海贝柱出现堆积时会立即停止工作以便于检查故障、减少损失。试验结果表明:机械晾晒不会造成海贝柱内的营养成分的流失,机械晾晒海贝柱的干基含水率达到30%仅需12h,机械晾晒海贝柱能节省大量的干燥时间,显著的提高了晾晒效率,避免了人工晾晒过程导致的二次污染和损失。该研究为海贝柱自动晾晒机械的研制提供了技术参考。  相似文献   

为了精确且批量测定草鱼肠系膜脂肪(肠脂)沉积量,避免传统人工刮取称量方法耗时费力、量化粗糙等问题,本研究利用脂溶性染料油红O可特异性着色脂肪的特性,探索开发出一种便捷定量草鱼肠脂含量的新方法。测试发现,麻醉解剖200尾平均体质量约80 g的草鱼,取出整个内脏团简单处理并塞入PIT个体识别标记后,样品集中进行多聚甲醛固定、无水乙醇脱水、油红O染液定染,可在维持样品组织完整的基础上,实现肠脂组织的特异性、均一化批量染色处理。各染色样品再分别通过无水乙醇溶剂完全萃取,萃取液吸光度测定,并依据绘制的标准曲线(y = 0.0276x + 0.0403, R2 = 0.9997),即可精确获得个体肠脂沉积的相对含量,是以萃取出的油红O质量来表示。对比发现,样品肠脂组织染色-萃取量化结果与传统刮取称量数据保持了较高的相关性(n = 20,r = 0.80)。进一步的统计分析显示,对于同塘养殖体质量变异系数8.93%的草鱼群体(n = 200),萃取测定的肠脂沉积量变异系数达到24.49%,预示该性状具有丰富变异特征及遗传改良潜力。相关与聚类分析显示,肠脂沉积量与内脏质量相关性最高(r = 0.60),并且聚为一类,符合二者同属脏器关联指标的预期。多元线性回归分析显示,利用简单易测的形态指标只能解释肠脂沉积量的少量变异(R2 = 0.20),表明基于表型性状的拟合回归方程进行间接预测的效果不佳,直接测定是该性状精准量化的有效途径。本研究为草鱼体脂性状改良提供了一种性状精确测定方法。  相似文献   

生物发酵床养猪的利与弊   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物发酵床养猪技术的出现和推广,改变了现有的养猪模式,在一些科学试验及实际生产中得出了高效益、低污染、省劳力等结论,同样也出现了费时、费力、高成本等说法。发酵床养猪在广大养殖户心中仍然存在不少的阴影或者疑问,围绕着其利与弊产生了一场争论,本文将利用所获得的资料对生物发酵床养猪技术进行论述。  相似文献   

针对人工泼洒渔药工作劳动强度大、施药效率低、对人身危害大等问题,设计了一种新型的基于水力推进的渔药自动喷施装置。该装置以玻璃钢船为载体,由直流自吸水泵驱动,采用锂电池供电,利用喷水推进原理行进。整机由船体、推进装置、转向系统、施药系统、无线遥控系统以及配套的管路系统组成。样机测试结果表明,该装置作业平均前行速度为1.0 m/s,总体混药稀释比例整数范围达1∶1000~1∶5000,实际施药效率达460 m~2/min,较传统人工泼洒效率提升160%。通过遥控渔药喷施作业,可以保证操作人员的安全,也可避免喷施药液配置过多造成浪费和污染环境。研究表明,该装置提供了一种移动式在线混药水下施药方法,对精准化水产养殖具有促进作用。  相似文献   

Coastal shrimp (Penaeus monodon) aquaculture in Bangladesh is mostly practiced in a special type of field/pond situated by the side of a river -- called a Gher -- that is used to cultivate rice in winter and shrimp in summer. Ghers of different sizes are managed in different ways. In order to understand the effects of Gher size and their corresponding management practices on the production and economic returns of shrimp farming, we conducted an on-farm study in three small (1–5 ha), three medium (6–10 ha) and three large (>10 ha) Ghers located in the coastal Southwest region of Bangladesh. The mean harvest weight of shrimp was similar in all Ghers, but survival rates were higher in the small (50%) and medium (37%) ones than in the large (18%) ones. The high mortality in the large units led to a production that was lower than one-half of that in the small Ghers (about 80 and 200 kg/ha, respectively). The total variable costs per unit area were similar in all Ghers, but the importance of different items varied with Gher size. In the small Ghers, there are relatively high investments on inputs and labor. This expenditure results in lower shrimp mortality and higher production, which in turn results in gross returns that are larger than the total costs -- hence, a positive and high net return. In large Ghers, the fixed costs are larger than in the small ones simply because of the size of the pond. Variable costs include higher investments in post-larvae and labor than in small Ghers, and lower inputs applied only at pond preparation. This results in higher shrimp mortality and lower production, which in turn results in gross returns that are smaller than the total costs -- hence, a negative or low net return. These findings have positive implications for the future policy formulation of coastal shrimp aquaculture in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Milkfish has been farmed in Taiwan for over 300 years. Faced with limited land resources, a labor shortage, decreasing demand, and growth of imported fisheries products, the industry is looking at the problem of how to maintain a sustainable and efficient production. This study specifies a stochastic production frontier function to estimate potential milkfish farm output and efficiency by using 1997–1999 data from a survey of 433 aquaculture milkfish farms. Both Translog and Cobb–Douglas frontier production models are estimated using the maximum likelihood estimation method. Empirical results show that the Translog stochastic production function model fits the data better and that milkfish farming in Taiwan exhibits diminishing returns to scale. We also compare estimated maximum potential milkfish production per hectare under various pond conditions to provide managers with information about how to boost efficiency. In addition, this study estimates substitution elasticities and complementarity of input factors for milkfish farms to provide helpful information for milkfish farmers on how to reallocate input resources and help raise milkfish productivity through improvements in technical efficiency.  相似文献   

嗜水气单胞菌是水产动物的常见致病菌,本研究利用在生理生化和PCR鉴定的基础上确定为嗜水气单胞菌,并经PCR和药物敏感性实验确定对多种抗菌药物具有耐药性的嗜水气单胞菌多重耐药株。用该菌株制备细菌疫苗对框镜鲤进行免疫实验,免疫方法采用浸洗2 min,1.5、3、6个月后分别进行注射攻毒,攻毒实验结果显示免疫保护率60%~95%,实验室安全性检测结果为安全可靠。该方法避免了逐尾鱼注射造成的较大的工作强度,为在生产实践中广泛应用预防多重耐药嗜水气单胞菌所引起的疾病奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Comparative examinations of renal function using inulin- and endogenous creatinine-clearance tests in 5 pigs showed nearly identical values of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Based on this relation 79 healthy pigs, weighting 2 kg to 230 kg were investigated using the creatinine-clearance test for determination of normal values of GFR and urine flow rate (Vu) as well as renal excretion (E), renal clearance (Clr) and fractional excretion (FE) of urea, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, glucose and lactate. The renal excretion of creatinine (E-Creat) was closely correlated with the body weight. Therefore it is possible to use the body weight for estimation of E-Creat and to calculate GFR and Vu using plasma and urine concentrations of creatinine independent of a timed volumetric urine collection. Subsequently E, Clr and FE of electrolytes or other endogenous substances can be evaluated. Finally the practicability of this procedure for detection of disturbed glomerular filtration or tubular reabsorption was demonstrated in piglets suffering from colidiarrhoea and/or transmissible gastroenteritis.  相似文献   


Economic evaluations of commercial milkfish (Chanos chanos) growout systems were made based on current Hawaiian fishpond, pond and tank culture techniques in Hawaii. Based on the observed practices of milkfish culture as a secondary or tertiary crop, capital costs and several operating costs were pro‐rated to accurately depict current farm practices. For a target harvest weight of 0.80 lb, the study estimates the total production cost for milkfish production at $3.31/lb for the pond system, $3.81/lb for the tank system and $1.84/lb for the Hawaiian fishpond system. At a sale price of $3.00/lb and seed cost of $0.25/fingerling, only the Hawaiian fishpond system is profitable under a 20‐year project life. When considering variable costs alone, the production cost is $1.78/lb for the pond system, $2.33/lb for the tank system and $1.53 for the Hawaiian fishpond system, yielding returns on variable costs of 67%, 30% and 59% respectively. Analyses of profit sensitivity to sale price, production yield, labor, feed and stocking indicate that sale price, as expected, has the largest impact on profitability, followed by feed. The results of this study are consistent with the Hawaii farmers’ view of milkfish as a secondary specie to core production based upon current market conditions and input requirements.  相似文献   

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