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Historical and cultural blocks in Zhengding are important parts of China’s famous historical and cultural city.Combined with the natural geography,human geography factors and the current situation of landscape style and features of the historical and cultural blocks and through practical investigation and scientific research,the protection and development law of the historical and cultural blocks in Zhengding was discussed,the main problems existing were found out,and suggestions for the protection and improvement of the historical and cultural blocks in Zhengding was put forward based on the results of questionnaire survey and psychological evaluation,in order to create a harmonious and orderly,profound culture and distinctive historical and cultural landscape style and features.  相似文献   

By introducing cultural landscape theories and attaching importance to practical application of theories, this paper analyzed protection and development of ancient Pingyao City under the guidance of relevant theories. Taking Pingyao for example, application of theories in practices will be better understood, and the role of human geography in urban planning reflected. Referring to the protection and development cases of famous historic and cultural cities, this paper analyzed historical and cultural context, and spatial environment of Ancient Pingyao City from the perspectives of culture and geography, and proposed suggestions for the protection and development of ancient city under the guidance of human geography theories.  相似文献   

太原市晋源区历史园林保护利用现状分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张利香 《中国农学通报》2010,26(19):184-189
太原市是历史文化名城,其中晋源区是太原市内历史风貌保存最完好、自然景观与人文景观资源最为丰富的历史园林群。采用实地调查、实例分析等方法,介绍晋源区概况;对历史文化遗产进行了调查统计;以晋祠、晋阳古城遗址、天龙山等历史园林为例,从环境因素、人为因素、整体景观与局部景观的协调性、历史园林与现代景观的协调性等方面,对该区历史园林的保护和利用现状及现存问题进行调查分析;并针对所存在的问题提出相应的修复、改善措施。指出各类历史园林都应注重保护其历史原真性和完整性,协调好保护与利用的关系。对于已经逐步转化为城市公共空间的历史公共园林,在确保原有历史风貌的基础上,通过景观设计的方式对其进行科学、合理地开发,将历史园林更好地与现代景观融合。  相似文献   

为适应公园城市建设对风景园林专业人才的需要,有必要对现有风景园林专业课程体系进行改革。以徐州工程学院风景园林专业现有课程体系为例,对比其他高校风景园林专业课程体系,以气候顶级群落结合人文资源特点构建作为公园城市景观建设的目标,分析现有课程体系构成,并以公园城市建设目标为依据,改革现有风景园林专业课程体系。提出了通识必修课程、学科基础课、专业必修课、专业选修课、实践教育等课程区块的改革建议。建议增加应用气象学、森林生态学、风景园林遗产保护与管理、环境心理学、民俗学、人文地理学等有利于构建气候顶级群落和体现人文特点的相关课程,进一步完善适应公园城市建设的风景园林专业课程体系。  相似文献   

Urban color planning will not only excavate historical context to strengthen urban difference and highlight urban individuality,thereby forming urban style and features that are easy to identify and perceive,but integrate natural landscape and control urban color,open space,green space system and architectural elements to crate a splendid visual space.Adhering to the concept of inheriting the historical context and culture,urban color planning of Xuzhou City fully taps the cultural potential of the historical and cultural resources,natural landscape resources and local customs and practices and carries out a practical exploration of urban color and urban style and features as well as the heritage and development of local culture through the urban color planning of"one centre,two axes,two belts,three sections",so as to provide a constructive reference for urban color planning of other cities in China.  相似文献   

Based on the aspect of historical and cultural geography, the value of "landscape gene information chain" in the tourism development of ancient villages was verified by taking cultural landscape as the principal line, historical and cultural settlement as the carriers, and traditional buildings as the entry points. Taking Daqintou Village in Sanshui District, Foshan City for example, the theory of "landscape gene information chain" was applied to design a tourism planning scheme for Daqitou Village.  相似文献   

基于特色营造的新城社区公园规划探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以新城社区公园为研究对象,总结了新城社区公园的概念、特点,并以新城社区公园的特色营造为切入点,分别从景观要素和人文特色2个方面进行分析。在景观要素方面,通过对地形、道路、水体、植物景观的设计创造一个接近自然的社区环境;在人性关怀方面,通过对弱势群体的关怀和地域文化的挖掘体现新城的魅力。最后通过对新城社区公园建设的思考,总结出“以人为本”、“文化传承”、“公众参与”的建设原则,以期能对以后新城社区公园的规划提出一定的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Taking riverfront landscape construction of Wojiang River and its artery landscape engineering for example, the design follows the principle of "humanistic, ecological, landscape, sharable and open", respects and understands intentions of planning in the early stage, focuses on the extraction of historical elements, explores local cultural characteristics to integrate the features into riverfront landscape construction and create urban landscapes with local cultural connotations.  相似文献   

Study on the relationship between landscape beauty and ecological beauty is an important scientifi c problem that refl ects the nature of man-land relation, and current academic researches on this topic are most based on a single perspective. Therefore, this paper took the Confucius Temple–Qinhuai River Scenic Area in Nanjing City as a typical case of urban traditional cultural tourism destination, adopted landscape pattern indexes and balanced incomplete block comparison and evaluation method as the evaluation standards of ecological beauty and landscape beauty, and analyzed the coupling characteristics and rules of landscape pattern and landscape aesthetics. The results showed that(a) The overall landscape of the study area had higher fragmentation degree, but different landscape groups were infl uenced by different human interventions, landscape patches showed moderate diversity and heterogeneity, patch area, spatial distribution and spatial aggregation degree showed structural differences.(b) The locals and visitors had aesthetic perception of the study area, but preferred the beautiful natural scenery of the Qinhuai River, as well as the historical buildings and cultural landscapes that contain rich memories of the city.(c) Landscape pattern and landscape aesthetics showed coupled complementation and harmonious coexistence. The Confucius Temple–Qinhuai River Scenic Area has profound historical and cultural background, but it has witnessed gradual loss of cultural characteristics and fast "delocalization" against the background of rapid urbanization. As an urban traditional cultural tourism destination, it carries the responsibility of protecting city memories and inheriting regional cultures.  相似文献   

Wa terfront park is an important composition of current urban ecological tourism in China,which sufficiently reveals the economic development situation of the city and the leisure culture life of the masses,and embodies rich regional cultural characteristics.Taking Xianghu Lake Park of Nanchang City as the example,design features of its water landscape and building are analyzed and explored.The design fol ows the principle of utilization function combining with artistry,pa ys attention to plane layout and spatial organization,and retains classical architectural style of the building.  相似文献   

游戏理论在城市水主题公园中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
于宁  李小兵 《中国农学通报》2014,30(10):283-286
针对城市水主题公园景观设计趋同化现状,引入赫伊津哈的游戏理论,将人们在水主题公园中的行为定义为场所中的“游戏活动”。针对参与者文化背景、社会经历、知识信仰等方面的差异性,设定欣赏模式、嬉戏模式、体验模式和参与模式等4类接受方式,提出一种全新的水景设计思路:水主题公园景观设计重点应放在关注人、关注人性、关注人的精神诉求的角度,为暂时步出了“真实的”生活的人们制造快乐的体验、情感的满足、文化的洗礼,实现内心的平衡。以成都市活水公园景观设计为例,解读游戏特色水景表达方式,为城市水主题公园设计提供现实参考。  相似文献   

韩敏  段渊古 《中国农学通报》2012,28(16):310-316
城市文化主题公园的建设是诠释城市文化形象、地域特色、生态环境的重要途径。简述城市文化主题公园建设意义,总结了城市文化主题公园景观设计原则与特性,并结合宝鸡市周礼文化主题公园景观营造的实例进行梳理和分析,探讨文化内涵和公园本体景观营造在文化主题公园中的灵魂和核心地位,对中国中小城市主题公园开发、特色建设以及可持续发展提供创新思路,对其文化主题公园文化表达及景观营造具有理论价值和现实作用。  相似文献   

偶春  姚侠妹  陈杰 《中国农学通报》2009,25(21):240-243
高校校园景观是生态城市建设的重要组成部分,而随着生态园林城市建设的兴起,地方高校校园景观的建设更是生态城市建设不可或缺的有机组成部分。通过地方高校校园的生态环境建设,对于生态城市整体协调发展,促进城市建设的其他因素的发展起着至关重要的作用。以皖西北高校校园景观为例,分析生态城市背景下皖西北地方高校校园景观建设中存在的问题,从生态城市发展的角度,提出用多维的观点加强与地方城市的生态建设相衔接、发挥“生态核”景观的作用、创造和谐型与节约型的校园景观空间、紧扣地域历史文化特色的皖西北地方高校校园景观建设的发展思路。  相似文献   

乡村园林的景观规划设计,为乡村旅游业的发展注入了新的活力,是不可或缺的可持续发展产业中坚力量。设计具有独特人文气息与魅力的生态文化景观是乡村园林景观规划设计急需解决的问题。从景观规划相关理念出发,阐释了乡村园林景观的运行模式和类型,以及景观生态学等原理,提出了设计的原则和方法。以周村生态体验园的景观规划设计为实例,提出了各方详细的设计思路,得出乡村园林景观规划设计策略。乡村园林生态体验园的设计特色,决定了它与周边互相依存的生态关系。在自然环境中渗透景观设计要素,能够很好的传达当地的历史文化传统,塑造乡村旅游特色,为乡村的经济发展提供更加坚强的后盾。研究结果也可为今后乡村园林景观实际项目的可持续发展式规划和设计提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Campus landscape as an important campus green space carries such important functions as traffic, learning, communication, recreation, and entertainment. Landscape design of campus green spaces should not only be practical and beautiful, but also be able to show the natural and cultural atmosphere of campus, and the charm of the university based on its regional features, ecological environment and historical context. Through further analysis of green space landscape on Haidian Campus of Hainan University,this paper summarized the advantages and disadvantages of its green space landscape, and proposed the strategies for improving campus green space landscape of Hainan University from the perspectives of regionality, ecology and individuality.  相似文献   

王景  秦志成 《中国农学通报》2009,25(18):267-272
随着经济的发展、科技的飞跃,道路交通压力的增大,人们对道路植物景观的要求也日益重视。但是由于多种原因。在道路景观建设中,植物景观设计普遍缺少特色,更缺少地域性文化氛围。本文通过对云南元谋几条道路的现状调查分析,然后改进后的设计,从而探索地域性植物景观在实际规划中的应用及其思路、设计方法等,为今后在城市景观规划设计中提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

This paper reviewed basic definitions of residential community landscape,analyzed the differences between residential community landscapes in north and south China,and also the causes of landscape differences from the perspectives of climate,soil,vegetation species,water resources,historical and cultural background. Moreover,landscape design strategies suitable for actual conditions of China were put forward in terms of overall style,plant configuration,waterscape design,and construction details.  相似文献   

摘 要:梓树在我国栽培历史悠久,是优良的观赏和用材树种;但是目前在园林绿化中应用不多,而且资源有逐渐衰退的趋势。本文依据相关文献,概述了梓树的种质资源和生物学特性,总结了梓树的文史内涵,阐述了梓树在园林绿化中的多种应用方式,以推动其开发利用。  相似文献   

Buildings and spatial environment left by history record evolution traces of cities and significant events related to the cities, and as a particular carrier of culture, they are witnesses of city development, and show the later generations memories of the city history. In urban planning, historical images must be respected, the relation between ancient cultural relics and urban planning handled properly, city brand established, and city image improved. The author, on the basis of exploring signifi cance of urban ancient cultural relics, used practical cases to fi gure out approaches of preserving urban ancient cultural relics in urban planning.  相似文献   

Folk song as a representative of traditional Chinese folk culture is the expression of landscape culture in a certain regional space.According to landscape gene theory,gene structure of folk song cultural landscape was recognized from two dimensions:subject form and cultural environment,and quantitative data were combined to analyze spatial distribution features of folk song cultural landscape genes.According to the analysis,in terms of style,work song is mainly distributed on plains,mountain song is distributed in mountainous areas,and ditty in the eastern watershed of the Yangtze River,in terms of theme,work and production folk songs are mainly distributed in eastern regions with intensive farming,while love and marriage folk songs in regions far away from the Central Plain Culture.Folk song cultural landscape is a result of the interaction between man and geographical conditions,residents in different geographical environments have different perception spaces to create folk songs with regional cultural symbols.  相似文献   

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