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针对延安旱塬气候特点,土壤营养状况,农药污染及生产中有关问题,提出加强果园农业管理,实施种草、覆盖、沼气池腐熟肥料、生物控制等措施,开展苹果生态化生产,成为旱地果业可持续、绿色化、生态化生产的独特模式.  相似文献   

山东省枣庄市山亭区桑村镇地处枣庄西北部,周围5公里内没有大型工厂,土壤肥沃,水质优美,是全市典型的无污染区,使无公害黄花菜(又称金针菜)种植获得了得天独厚的地理优势。因为种金针菜比种植其它农作物赚钱多(一般情况下,露地一级黄花菜卖到12元/千克,特级卖到15-16元/千克;大棚早期卖36-38元/千克。),且省时、省力,黄花菜便成了农民们的“香饽饽”。山亭区桑村镇王庙村青年农民、区农广校优秀学员陈家珍栽种的1亩黄花菜,年收益八千余元。现将其栽培技术介绍如下。1繁育壮苗黄花菜主要采用分株繁殖,时间在花蕾采毕后到冬苗萌发前,也可在冬苗枯萎后春苗抽生前的一段时间,但以前者为好。挖苗分苗时应尽量少  相似文献   

卢素玉 《百姓》2006,(11):64-64
去美国不久,我搬进了表哥的公寓,我们的邻居名字叫汉森,表哥和他比较熟。他们最近还一起参加了一个电脑网络培训班,老师让他们去买一本参考书,表哥和汉森跑遍了当地所有的书店都没买到,他们只好去图书馆,每人借了一本。过了两个星期,我发现汉森把这本书全部复印了下来,原书归还了图书馆,表哥借的那本书却还没有还,表哥说,“这书我不打算还了。复印这本书需要大概50美元,而我只用到图书馆办个遗失书的手续,只需交纳10美元。”在一旁的汉森听了这话惊讶地说“:可图书馆里的书是公共资源呀,你怎么可以占为己有?”当地图书馆有规定,如果读者不慎…  相似文献   

根据英国某权威医学杂志公布的美国军医的一项调查显示,部署在亚洲某地的美国海军陆战士兵中,90%都曾受到过攻击,大多数人都看到过战友阵亡或受伤.由于常期处于紧张状态和时刻面临危险,陆战队员的心理健康受到了严重的损害.该调查表明,1/6的上兵在完成任务后出现了心理问题,这个比例和"越战"时期不相上下.  相似文献   

底栖鱼类对水田上覆水中磷素动态的扰动效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]研究底栖鱼类泥鳅对水田上覆水中磷素动态的扰动效应,探讨生物扰动机制.[方法]基于模拟试验,使用离子色谱法和分光光度法,对比分析上覆水中磷素含量在有/无泥鳅活动时的差异.[结果]扰动组的TP、DTP和PP浓度在试验开始阶段与对照组无显著差异,在试验中、后期显著高于对照(P<0.05).扰动组要的PP/TP高于对照组,扰动组中TP浓度的增加主要是由于PP的增加,扰动组的DIP/DT在试验中、后期显著高于对照(P<0.05).[结论]底栖鱼类对水田上覆水中的磷素产生了扰动作用,增加了水稻生长可利用的的磷素养分. Abstract: [Objective] The research aimed to investigate the bioturbation effects of benthic fish Misgurnus anguillicaudatus on phosphorus dynamic in overlying water of paddy field,as well as to explore the bioturbation mechanism.[Method]Based on simulation experiment,the phosphorus contents in overlying water were analyzed comparatively with and without Misgurnus anguillicaudatus by the using of ion chromatography and spectrophotometry. [Result] The concentrations of total phosphorus (TP),dissolved total phosphorus(DTP)and particular phosphorus(PP) in bioturbation group had no significant differences with those in control group in initial stage of experiment,and became significantly higher than control group in middle and late stages of experiment(P<0.05).The PP/TP ratios in bioturbation group were bigger than those in control group,the increase of TP concentration in bioturbation group was mainly due to the increase of PP.The ratios of dissolved inorganic phosphorus(DIP) to DTP (DIP/DTP) were significantly bigger than those in control group in middle and late stages of experiment (P<0.05). [Conclusion] The benthic fish had bioturbation effects on phosphorus in overlying water of paddy field,which increased the available phosphorus for rice growth.  相似文献   

王守红是安徽省临泉县长官镇人,在经历几次创业失败后,决定养牛.刚开始,王守红对养牛一窍不通,就去咨询畜牧专家,专家说:"养牛和养猪是不一样的,牛是草食动物,夏天你就多喂些青草,冬天就喂酒糟加青贮饲料."王守红跑到临泉一家酒厂,发现墙外扔掉的酒糟堆积如山,他如获至宝,雇辆大卡车,将酒糟拉回家.  相似文献   

非洲茉莉的扦插技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非洲茉莉,原名华灰莉木,别名还灰莉木、箐黄果等,原产于我国南部及东南亚等国,马钱科灰莉属,为常绿(攀援)灌木或小乔木.在园林中可长至5~12米,常附生;叶对生,草肉质,长圆形、椭圆形至倒卵形,长7~13厘米,宽3~4.5厘米,顶端渐尖头,色若翡翠、油光闪亮;上面深绿色,背面黄绿色.花序直立顶生,有花1~3朵,有极短的总花梗,花冠白色,漏斗状,有芳香,上部5裂,整个花冠呈小喇叭状.花期5月,果期10~12月.  相似文献   

氨基酸广泛应用于药品、饲料(鱼饲料、猪饲料)及添加剂,是氨基酸叶面肥的主要原料,武汉都兴农资有限公司开发出直接应用于农作物作肥料施用的"都兴隆"氨基酸原粉,其优点有:1.养分含量高内含17种氨基  相似文献   

2006年3月24日,主题为“关注中国,消费中国,相信中国”的“200‘5中国创造奖’颁奖典礼暨中国创造年度论坛”在北京喜来登长城饭店宴会厅隆重举行。水井坊作为代表着中国白酒行业新风尚的开创者,在此次评选中以唯一的白酒品牌荣膺“组委会特别推荐创造力产品奖”。“中国创造”  相似文献   

根据有关法律法规的规定,国家质量监督检验检疫总局2005年5月23日发布公告,允许产自台湾地区进入大陆销售的水果种类由原来的12种增加到18种。新增加的6种水果有椰子、枇杷、梅、李、柿子和桃,自即日起,获准进入大陆市场。此前允许进入大陆市场销售的12种台湾水果是:菠萝、香蕉、番荔枝、木瓜、杨桃、芒果、番石榴、莲雾、槟榔、橘、柚、枣。质检总局有关负责人表示,台湾地区盛产优质热带水果,上述18种水果基本涵盖了台湾生产的主要水果种类。  相似文献   

Anatomical and physiological observations in monkeys indicate that the primate visual system consists of several separate and independent subdivisions that analyze different aspects of the same retinal image: cells in cortical visual areas 1 and 2 and higher visual areas are segregated into three interdigitating subdivisions that differ in their selectivity for color, stereopsis, movement, and orientation. The pathways selective for form and color seem to be derived mainly from the parvocellular geniculate subdivisions, the depth- and movement-selective components from the magnocellular. At lower levels, in the retina and in the geniculate, cells in these two subdivisions differ in their color selectivity, contrast sensitivity, temporal properties, and spatial resolution. These major differences in the properties of cells at lower levels in each of the subdivisions led to the prediction that different visual functions, such as color, depth, movement, and form perception, should exhibit corresponding differences. Human perceptual experiments are remarkably consistent with these predictions. Moreover, perceptual experiments can be designed to ask which subdivisions of the system are responsible for particular visual abilities, such as figure/ground discrimination or perception of depth from perspective or relative movement--functions that might be difficult to deduce from single-cell response properties.  相似文献   

原花青素的性质、功能、纯化和利用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
原花青素广泛分布于高等植物的多种器官和组织中,是黄烷-3-醇的游离、寡聚或多聚物,存在侧基修饰、异构性质、聚合方式、聚合度等的多样性,可采用多种色谱和质谱技术进行纯化和鉴定。原花青素对于植物具有抗紫外线、清除自由基、抗病驱虫、影响种子休眠等功能,影响作物品质等性状,对人体也具有多种生理功效,在药物、化妆品、食品等领域有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The primary rocks are a sequence of titanium-rich basic volcanics, composed of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and ilmenite with minor olivine, troilite, and native iron. The soil and microbreccias are respectively loose and compacted mixtures of fragments and aggregates of similar rocks, minerals, and glassy fragments and spheres. Impact events are reflected by the presence of shock metamorphosed rock fragments, breccias, and glasses and their resulting compaction to form complex breccias, glass-spattered surfaces, and numerous glass-lined craters. Chemistry of the glasses formed by the impact events is highly variable, and the high iron and nickel content of a few moundlike features suggests that at least some of the projectiles are iron and nickel-rich meteorites.  相似文献   

通过野外调查、标本采集、分类学研究及资料考证,基本摸清了贵州樟科、莲叶桐科、景天科、堇菜科、柳叶菜科、鹿蹄草科、柿科、山矾科、木犀科等9个科药用植物资源的种类与地理分布.结果发现贵州现有樟科药用植物49种4变种,莲叶桐科药用植物5种,景天科药用植物21种,堇菜科药用植物19种1变种,柳叶菜科药用植物20种4变种,鹿蹄草科药用植物7种1变种,柿科药用植物9种1变种,山矾科药用植物12种,木犀科药用植物30种3变种.其中,4种为贵州特有药用植物,40种5变种为贵州药用新资源.  相似文献   

重金属Pb、Cr、Cd对烟草生长的影响及其分布规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]研究重金属Pb、Cr、Cd对烟草的生理作用及其在烟草中的吸收累积规律.[方法]采用盆栽试验方法,测定烟草根、茎、叶等器官中Pb、Cr、Cd含量,分析不同重金属污染程度下烟草的株高及叶片干物质重的变化.[结果]重金属处理的土壤中烟草的株高都显著低于对照,呈现抑制作用,添加外源Pb和Cr处理下,烟草叶片干重随添加浓度的升高而降低,Cd处理则呈现出先升高后降低的趋势.Pb、Cr、Cd重金属在烟草器官中的含量均为根>茎>叶,根系中Pb、Cr、Cd的浓度与添加浓度具有较好的相关性,而叶片中只有Cd含量与添加浓度具有较好的相关性.[结论]烟草植株中的重金属主要来源于土壤,烟草对重金属的传输过程具有一定的滞阻作用.  相似文献   

A corn-soybean meal diet (CSB) (or Diet 1) containing 23% crude protein (CP) was used as the positive control, and another corn-soybean meal diet containing 21% CP and 15% wheat middlings (WM) (or Diet 2) was used as the basal diet, which was treated with four different treatments. Digestibility experiment was employed to discuss the collective effect of citric acid, and intrinsic and microbial phytase. By comparing and analyzing effects of them in the low-nutrient broiler diets, the results showed five treatments had similar effects on Tibia ash (%) (mg) (P〉0.05). Under the supplementation of bacterial phytase or citric acid, the daily body weight gain (ADG), gain:feed (G:F) ratio, and calcium (Ca) utilization were similar to that of standard-nutrient CSB diet (Diet 1) (P 〉 0.05). And, fecal phosphorus (P) and CP utilization were lower than (P〈0.05) that of Diet 1. But P utilization was significantly higher than (P〈0.01) that of Diet 1. However, the ADG, G:F, and CP utilization produced by supplementation of intrinsic phytase were lower than those of Diet 1, but other aspects were similar to those produced by Diet 1 (P〉0.05). In Diet 5, citric acid, intrinsic and bacterial phytase were added to the diet, which produced a 1.4% decrease on fecal P, a 7.2% increase on Ca utilization, which was significantly higher than (P〈0.01) those of the other four Diets, a 3.9% increase on G:F, which was similar to that of Diet 1, and a 2.3% increase on CP utilization, which was higher than (P〈0.05) that of the other three diets. In summary, the results of this study indicated that citric acid, intrinsic and bacterial phytase might have some additive or synergistic effects, and low-nutrient CSB diets with 15% wheat middlings, 750 U kg^-1 phytase, and 3% citric acid might substitute completely for standard CSB in broilers.  相似文献   

[目的]研究氮、磷、钾、镁、锌、硼肥对木薯养分吸收及生长的影响.[方法]采用田间试验,设最佳施肥处理OPT(N+P+K+Mg+Zn+B)、减氮施肥OPT-N、减磷施肥OPT-P、减钾施肥OPT-K、减镁施肥OPT-Mg、减锌施肥OPT-Zn、减硼施肥OPT-B处理和不施肥处理,测定各处理木薯产量以及块根、茎、叶养分吸收量和养分吸收强度.[结果]OPT处理木薯所吸收的N、P、K、Zn养分主要累积在茎部,Ca、Mg养分主要累积在叶片和茎部,B养分主要累积在叶片部位中.木薯对N、P、K养分的吸收强度呈抛物线状,在块根膨大期前呈逐渐提高,块根膨大后,木薯对N、P、K养分的吸收强度逐渐下降.增施N、P、K、Mg肥,木薯产量分别提高38.01%、13.09%、23.14%和8.99%;增施1 kgN、P2O5、K2O、MgO木薯产量分别增加101、54、22和49 kg; OPT处理产值最高(13217元/ha).[结论]施肥均可提高木薯的养分吸收量,但K、Za、B肥会抑制Mg的吸收.不同施肥条件对木薯产量有显著的影响.  相似文献   

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