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沙蚕(Nereid)属环节动物门、多毛纲、游走目、沙蚕科的一种海产无脊椎动物,又称海虫、海蛆、沙虫、方格星虫。现已查明中国近海就有80余种,其中作为优势采捕与增养殖对象的多为围沙蚕(Perinereis kinberg)、刺沙蚕(Neanthes kinberg)等属的大型种类。  相似文献   

刺参俗称海参,属棘皮动物门,游走亚门,海参纲,楣手目,刺参科,仿刺参属(Apostichopus)。刺参以其极高的营养和保健价值,受到市场高度认可。近年来,刺参陆基工厂化养殖作为一种高效可控的养殖生产方式,在山东、辽宁、河北等地均广泛开展。抗菌类多肽最初从昆虫中发现,其后相继在细菌、真菌、植物、动物(包括人类)中发现。多肽属特定基因编码产物,抗菌机理与抗生素类药品不同,不会产生药残风险。  相似文献   

中层拖网类渔具,是我国大型水库捕捞中上层鱼类的主要渔具之一。其渔具结构及渔法特点种类繁多,各具特点。为便于同行交流和推广使用,这里简介一项59kW中层拖网渔具。该渔具属双船中层有翼单囊拖网类渔具,采用大尺寸网目四片式结构,曳行时依靠调整浮、沉力和曳纲长度控制网具作  相似文献   

<正>刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)分类学上隶属于棘皮动物门、游走亚门、海参纲、楯手目、刺参科,是重要的经济海参物种[1]。刺参含有丰富的蛋白质、酸性黏多糖、维生素、氨基酸、海参皂苷以及多种微量元素和生理活性物质,具有很高的营养、保健和药用价值。其中以产于我国辽宁、山东沿海的刺参营养、药用价值最高。随着人们生活水平的提高,刺参市场需求量显著增加。20世纪80年代以来,随着海洋经济快速发展,我国刺参  相似文献   

陈淑玲 《齐鲁渔业》2005,22(10):16-16
沙蚕属环节动物门、多毛纲、游走目、沙蚕科的一种无脊椎动物.是很好的水产养殖饵料生物,在养殖生产中被广泛应用。沙蚕具有舒筋活血、温健脾胃等多种功能。近年来还被人们当作美食和营养保健品。这里介绍沙蚕的几种养殖方法。  相似文献   

正(ray),属于软骨鱼纲(Chondrichthyes),辐鳍亚纲(Actinopterygii),鲼形目Myliobatiformes,河科Potamotrygonidae种类,是名贵的观赏鱼类~([1]),与鲨鱼近缘。其身体扁平成盘状,5对鳃孔和口通常位于身体的下侧,胸鳍巨大,翼状,生于身体及头的侧面,为其运动器官,利用喷水孔吸水进行呼吸。尾部一般细长,很多种类的尾有一个甚至多个尖锐且具  相似文献   

地球上有五千多种不同种类的海绵,但仅约15种具有经济价值。海绵可分为四大类:钙质海绵纲、寻常海绵纲、六放海锦纲和硬骨海绵纲。  相似文献   

复殖吸虫属吸虫纲、复殖吸虫目,全营寄生生活。种类繁多,大小、形态、生活习性各异,虫体小的可在0.5毫米以下,最大可达10厘米以上。一般为扁平叶状或卵形、肾形等。具吸盘。生活史过程中需要更换中间宿主,中间宿主为软体动物腹足类及瓣鳃类、环节动物多毛类、水生昆虫、植物和鱼类等。复殖吸虫分布极为  相似文献   

我国的海洋捕鱼工具和作业方法非常繁杂,技术又非常精巧奥妙,这是我国广大渔业劳动者在多年生产实践中积累起来的宝贵经验.我国海洋渔具可分为网具、钓具、猎具和杂具四大类.根据不同的鱼类习性、活动规律以及水域的自然情况等要素,决定了各种渔具的不同形式和使用特点.兹以网、钓具为主简单介绍如下:(一)、网具——网具主要是由网衣,纲索,浮  相似文献   

正禾虫是河口区特有沙蚕种类,学名疣吻沙蚕(Tylorrhynchus heterochaetus),属环节动物门、多毛纲、游走目、沙蚕科、疣吻沙蚕属,在我国广东、广西、浙江、福建等省市均有分布。禾虫只生长在河口水域禾田表土层里,以腐烂的禾根为食,在早晚两造水稻孕穗扬花时性成熟,破土而出,故名禾虫。禾虫又被称为水中的"冬虫夏草",在珠三角地区一向被视作  相似文献   

水域沉积物氮磷赋存形态和分布的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据国内外近年来相关的调查和研究资料,对沉积物氮磷赋存、分布及影响因素进行了较为详尽的阐述,以期为沉积物氮磷的转化过程以及其与水体"内负荷"的潜在关系研究提供基础资料。沉积物氮磷分布主要受到地域分布、水域类型、水域利用类型、水体污染状况、沉积物—水界面氮磷交换通量和沉积物生物扰动等因素影响。在较为稳定的水域中,微生物、温度和DO是影响沉积物氮释放的主要因素;氧化还原电位、pH、温度及有机质含量是影响沉积物磷释放的主要因素。氮磷循环对生态环境的影响、氮磷测定方法的改进、沉积物氮磷特性的实验室模拟和沉积物氮磷含量的控制是下一步研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

Marine ecosystems evolve under many interconnected and area‐specific pressures. To fulfil society's intensifying and diversifying needs while ensuring ecologically sustainable development, more effective marine spatial planning and broader‐scope management of marine resources is necessary. Integrated ecological–economic fisheries models (IEEFMs) of marine systems are needed to evaluate impacts and sustainability of potential management actions and understand, and anticipate ecological, economic and social dynamics at a range of scales from local to national and regional. To make these models most effective, it is important to determine how model characteristics and methods of communicating results influence the model implementation, the nature of the advice that can be provided and the impact on decisions taken by managers. This article presents a global review and comparative evaluation of 35 IEEFMs applied to marine fisheries and marine ecosystem resources to identify the characteristics that determine their usefulness, effectiveness and implementation. The focus is on fully integrated models that allow for feedbacks between ecological and human processes although not all the models reviewed achieve that. Modellers must invest more time to make models user friendly and to participate in management fora where models and model results can be explained and discussed. Such involvement is beneficial to all parties, leading to improvement of mo‐dels and more effective implementation of advice, but demands substantial resources which must be built into the governance process. It takes time to develop effective processes for using IEEFMs requiring a long‐term commitment to integrating multidisciplinary modelling advice into management decision‐making.  相似文献   

Temporary aquatic habitats are not widely appreciated fish habitat. However, fish navigate the transient waters of intertidal zones, floodplains, intermittent and ephemeral streams, lake margins, seasonally frozen lakes and streams, and anthropogenic aquatic habitats across the globe to access important resources. The selective pressures imposed by water impermanence (i.e., freezing, drying, tidal fluctuations), however, operate similarly across taxa and ecosystems. These similarities are formalized into a conceptual model relating habitat use to surface water phenology. Whereas all necessary life history functions (spawning, foraging, refuge, and dispersal) can be accomplished in temporary habitats, the timing, duration, and predictability of water act as a “life history filter” to which habitats can be used and for what purpose. Habitats wet from minutes to months may all be important—albeit in different ways, for different species. If life history needs co‐occur with accessibility, temporary habitats can contribute substantially to individual fitness, overall production and important metapopulation processes. This heuristic is intended to promote research, recognition and conservation of these frequently overlooked habitats that can be disproportionately important relative to their size or brevity of existence. There is a pressing need to quantify how use of temporary aquatic habitats translates to individual fitness benefits, population size and temporal stability, and ecosystem‐level consequences. Temporary aquatic habitats are being impacted at an alarming rate by anthropogenic activities altering their existence, phenology, and connectivity. It is timely that scientists, managers and policymakers consider the role these habitats play in global fish production.  相似文献   

Identifying the spatial patterns of fish diversity in streams is basic for the conservation and management of stream fishes. The “upstream–downstream” patterns in the taxonomic α-diversity of stream fishes have been widely surveyed. However, the longitudinal patterns in the functional diversity and β-diversity of stream fishes have been given less attention. In this study, we surveyed fishes along an upstream–downstream gradient in a headwater stream of the Qiantang River, China, and examined the longitudinal variations in fish diversity. Our aims were to assess whether the longitudinal patterns in fish diversity were consistent between the taxonomic and functional metrics and between the α- and β-aspects of diversity. We found that both species richness and functional richness of fishes showed a hump-shaped relationship with the distance from headwaters, while both taxonomic and functional β-diversities presented the U-shaped distributions along the river continuum. Functional diversity related more to the distance from headwaters than taxonomic diversity. Despite their similar relationship with the distance from headwaters, taxonomic and functional β-diversities were dominated by species turnover and function nestedness components, respectively. Our results suggest that, along the river continuum in a subtropical stream, the α- and β-aspects of fish diversity present different longitudinal variations. Although the taxonomic and functional diversity shows similar relationships with distance from headwaters, their spatial variations are driven by different ecological processes.  相似文献   

对虾白黑斑病的防治技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对虾白黑斑病已被证实为一种生理性疾病,与细菌等生物性病原没有直接关系。根据这一结果作者一改过去以抗菌素为主治疗该病的方法,而采取生成防中强对虾营养的措施,在实验室小水体及生产养虾池进行防治试验,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

罗非鱼综合加工利用与质量安全控制技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经过多年发展,目前中国罗非鱼产业正处于从规模产量型向质量效益型转变的关键时期,对罗非鱼原料进行高值化综合加工利用,同时确保产品的质量安全,是提高中国罗非鱼产业竞争力的必由之路。要实现这一目标必须依靠技术创新来实现产业升级,以保障中国罗非鱼产业可持续稳定发展。文章综述了近年来国内外在罗非鱼综合加工利用与质量安全控制方面的研究进展及发展趋势,旨在为中国罗非鱼产业的健康发展提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

A monitoring program for the prevalence and intensity of sea lice infestations of wild and escaped farmed salmon has been underway on the Magaguadavic River since 1992. Fish are screened in a fish ladder trap located in freshwater a short distance above the head of tide. No trends with time were evident in observed sea lice burdens, and in all years the majority of salmon, both wild and escapees, had no or low levels of infestation with sea lice. In the spring of 2002, 23 landlocked salmon moving to sea from the Magaguadavic River were acoustically tagged. Two fish returned to the river after a brief period of residence in Passamaquoddy Bay, with significant dermal damage from sea lice. These fish were tracked to areas close to commercial salmon farms.  相似文献   

鲟形目鱼类和渔业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了国内外鲟形目鱼类和渔业.包括三部分:1.鲟形目的种类和分布:2.鲟形目的生物学特征;3.世界上鲟鱼和白鲟渔业,并着重讨论该鱼类资源在我国的开发和利用.  相似文献   

硇洲马尾藻人工育苗常见敌害生物及防治初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾柽  杨彬  谢恩义 《水产养殖》2012,33(7):35-39
本文调查了硇洲马尾藻人工育苗期间的主要敌害生物,并初步探讨了不同物理方法和化学药剂对其敌害生物的清除效果,旨在为人工育苗栽培提供基础资料。调查发现硅藻、刚毛藻、石莼、浒苔等附生藻类对硇洲马尾藻生长影响较大,蓝子鱼、麦秆虫和藻钩虾的摄食是硇洲马尾藻幼苗海区培育的主要危害。苗帘用5%硫酸铵药浴5min可抑制刚毛藻的生长,以2%柠檬酸药浴5min、0.3%醋酸药浴3min、3%硝酸铵药浴5min等均可药杀石莼、浒苔等附生绿藻,用640mg/L敌百虫浸泡10min可杀灭藻钩虾。  相似文献   

虾蟹类遗传育种学研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
邱高峰 《水产学报》1998,22(3):265-274
虾蟹类在分类学上属十足目(Decapoda)甲壳动物,在水产养殖业中占有极为重要的地位。六十年代以来,随着众多经济虾蟹类(如对虾、罗氏沼虾、中华绒螯蟹)人工培育苗种的成功,其养殖业发展迅猛,特别是近年来特种水产养殖业的兴起,使虾蟹类的身价倍增。据不完...  相似文献   

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