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为研究大蒜素对鸡皮刺螨的驱避效果和持效时间,本试验使用滤纸片法进行体外试验,测定0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0、3.0和4.0 mg/mL大蒜素溶液对鸡皮刺螨的驱避效果,并绘制驱避活性曲线;使用0.5%、1.0%、3.0%大蒜素水乳剂和长效驱避剂作为处理组,OFF驱蚊液和1.0%驱蚊酯长效驱避剂作为对照组,蒸馏水作为空白对照组,对不同浓度和剂型的大蒜素进行比较,在14 d内每2 d测定1次驱避率,并绘制驱避率变化曲线进行差异性分析。结果显示,大蒜素溶液驱避50%鸡皮刺螨时的大蒜素使用浓度(RC50)和驱避100%鸡皮刺螨时的大蒜素使用浓度(RC100)分别为1.98和3.74 mg/mL。随着大蒜素浓度增加,其驱避率升高,持效时间变长;3.0%大蒜素水乳剂在0~4 d内驱避效果优于0.5%和1.0%的大蒜素水乳剂,1.0%和3.0%大蒜素长效驱避剂在0~8 d内驱避效果优于0.5%大蒜素长效驱避剂。大蒜素长效驱避剂在相同时间内的驱避效果优于同浓度大蒜素水乳剂。与市售驱避剂相比,1.0%和3.0%大蒜素长效驱避剂驱避效果更好,且3.0%大蒜素长...  相似文献   

植物生长期布氏田鼠种群密度波动特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦姣  施大钊 《草地学报》2008,16(1):85-88
依据1983-2004年布氏田鼠(Lasiopodomys brandtii)捕尽法或标志重捕法调查资料。该鼠在植物生长期的种群波动特征为:不同密度年度间增长幅度差异显著,其高密度年份的增长率137.39%,低于其他密度年份206.63%,且秋季田鼠种群下降幅度34.09%,小于其他年份37.20%;布氏田鼠春季种群密度将显著影响当年高峰期(r=0.643,P<0.05)以及越冬鼠数量(r=0.769,P<0.05);年际与季节波动密切相关,高低数量年可从季节波动中反映出来。布氏田鼠季节消长曲线为单峰型,峰期在7-8月;在高密度年无明显波峰,为持续增长趋势。  相似文献   

侯希贤  董维惠 《草业科学》1993,10(4):34-35,10
氯鼠酮钠盐是国内近年合成的抗凝血杀鼠剂,用它对草原主要害鼠布氏田鼠作了毒力测定。急性LD_(50)为1.882±0.7537毫克/公斤,回归方程y=2.2476x+4.3826;慢性LD_(50)为0.20±0.0302毫克/公斤,回归方程y=2.4396x+6.7051。用0.004%、0.008%和0.016%氯鼠酮钠盐小麦毒饵作了现场灭鼠试验,其效果分别为75.83±5.90%、70.81±5.96%和98.41±4.62%。用氯鼠酮钠盐防治布氏田鼠一次投饵时宜用浓度为0.01%~0.016%。  相似文献   

应用流感病毒A/WSN/33(H1N1),通过人工滴鼻接种的方式感染布氏田鼠,评估其对流感病毒的易感性,并在其易感性较强的基础上,进一步对建立流感病毒感染布氏田鼠疾病动物模型的可能性及其评价指标进行研究。通过对感染的布氏田鼠进行体内病毒分离及鉴定等方法,成功分离到了流感病毒,证实了流感病毒在布氏田鼠组织中的存在。试验结果表明,流感病毒对布氏田鼠具有很强的感染性,其主要侵害的靶器官为肺脏。综合感染布氏田鼠的临床症状及病理变化、体质量变化、死亡率、流感病毒的分离及鉴定等指标,表明成功建立了流感病毒感染布氏田鼠的疾病动物模型。  相似文献   

分别利用白车轴草、芹菜和薄荷在有机蓝莓果园进行生草栽培,研究不同生草对蓝莓果蝇成虫的驱避效果。结果表明:白车轴草、芹菜和薄荷对蓝莓果蝇均有较强驱避效果,其中薄荷驱避效果最好,在蓝莓盛果期和盛果末期驱避效果显著,平均驱避效果为79.73%;其次为芹菜,在蓝莓盛果期和盛果末期驱避效果较强,平均驱避效果为74.74%;白车轴草在蓝莓初结果期和盛果末期驱避效果较好,平均驱避效果为66.41%。  相似文献   

2013年5-9月,在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟东乌珠穆沁旗草地研究贝奥不育剂、溴敌隆灭鼠剂对草原主要害鼠布氏田鼠的控制作用。通过早春一次性足量投饵(贝奥不育剂野外有效期30~60 d;溴敌隆灭鼠剂野外有效期30 d),按月铗捕调查的方法研究贝奥不育剂和溴敌隆杀鼠剂对该地布氏田鼠种群增长的控制效果。结果表明,5月不育剂组布氏田鼠的家系大小较杀鼠剂组的家系更大且差异显著(P<0.05),6月差异不显著,杀鼠剂组布氏田鼠种群恢复速度比不育剂组快。贝奥不育剂改变了布氏田鼠种群的性比,其幼体出生率比杀鼠剂组低。因此,贝奥不育剂对布氏田鼠有更好的防治效果。  相似文献   

布氏田鼠是内蒙古典型草原的主要啮齿类动物,其活动既可以改变植物群落组成和多样性,又可以改变土壤理化性质,进而潜在影响与绝大多数草原植物共生的重要土壤微生物-丛枝菌根真菌(AMF),但目前关于啮齿动物活动对AMF群落组成和多样性影响的研究鲜有报道。基于此,依托内蒙古自治区锡林浩特市毛登牧场的大型野外布氏田鼠围栏实验平台,选择其中3个田鼠密度处理(低、中、高密度,对应的初始投放布氏田鼠数量分别为12、24和48只·样地-1),利用Illumina Miseq测序技术分析不同密度布氏田鼠处理对AMF群落的影响,采用标准网格交叉法测定根系侵染率和土壤菌丝密度,探究布氏田鼠活动对典型草原AMF群落的影响机制和作用途径。主要结果表明:1)在土壤样品中共鉴定到6科9属的AMF,其中优势属为球囊霉属(Glomus);2)高密度布氏田鼠处理显著降低了植物生物量、植被盖度、群落丰富度和多样性,显著降低土壤水分、pH,显著增加土壤硝态氮含量;显著降低AMF侵染率、菌丝密度、丰富度和多样性;3)相关性分析表明,菌丝密度与植物丰富度、多样性指数、土壤pH和含水量显著正相关,与硝态氮含量显著负相关;侵染率与植物多样性指数、土壤pH和含水量显著正相关;AMF多样性指数与土壤pH和含水量显著正相关,不同操作分类单元(OTU)丰富度与植物多样性指数和pH显著正相关;4)NMDS 和 PerMANOVA 分析显示AMF群落结构在低密度和高密度处理间差异显著,其中土壤NO3-和pH是影响AMF群落组成的主要因子。因此,布氏田鼠密度过高会导致植物群落生物量、多样性以及土壤养分含量下降,同时两者的改变导致了AMF群落多样性显著降低,可能会加速典型草原的退化。  相似文献   

柞园中蜱对饲养人员的危害十分严重,传统的驱避药剂避蚊胺对其具有良好的驱避作用,但对人体易造成不适,而避蚊酯被认为是其替代药品。通过这两种药物对柞园蜱的驱避效果试验和野外现场观察,发现在相同浓度下,避蚊胺的驱蜱活性高于避蚊酯,且10%避蚊酯不能有效驱蜱。  相似文献   

依据2008-2010年在中蒙2国的实地调查,研究了布氏田鼠(Lasiopodomys brandtii)对栖息地的选择特点,以期为该鼠的综合防治提供依据。选择316个样点,记录每个样点的布氏田鼠密度,并随机调查5~10个1m×1m的样方,记录海拔、植被盖度、植被高度、枯草盖度、植被优势种、郁闭指数和退化级别。利用相关性分析及因子分析选取布氏田鼠栖息地选择影响较大的因子。结果表明:布氏田鼠密度与植被盖度、枯草盖度、退化等级及郁闭指数相关;冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)、羊草(Leymus chinensis)和多根葱(Allium polyrhizum)3种植物多度、枯草盖度、植被盖度、草场退化程度和植被郁闭指数5个因子对该鼠选择栖息地影响显著,即布氏田鼠倾向于选择以冷蒿、羊草、多根葱为优势种,放牧利用程度高、植被低矮的退化草场。  相似文献   

养殖场中滋生的大量蚊蝇可以在畜禽之间和人畜之间传播蚊媒病毒,不仅会对养殖场造成经济损失,而且还会严重威胁人类健康。本试验为了观察三种复方植物精油在实验室驱蚊的效果。我们根据国标GB/T 13917.9-2009规定的攻击力试验方法,通过使用小鼠模型来测定三种复方植物精油对白纹伊蚊的驱避时效。本试验结果显示在该试验中,以白纹伊蚊作为本次试验蚊虫,两种驱蚊花露水在2 h以内对昆明小鼠有效保护率在70%以上;复方植物精油(APEX)在2 h内对昆明小鼠的有效保护率达到40%;通过调整植物精油成分,复方植物精油(APEX-1)对昆明小鼠有效保护时间为2 h,而且在4 h内有效保护率均可达到80%以上;复方植物精油(APEX-2)型对昆明小鼠有效保护时间为2 h,而且在4 h内有效保护率均可达到90%以上。结果表明,复方植物精油(APEX)是一种有效的蚊蝇驱避剂,通过调整植物精油成分后,有效保护率达到80%以上,其高效绿色环保的优势在养殖场蚊蝇驱避方面有较大应用前景。  相似文献   

The hemlocks, Conium maculatum (poison-hemlock) and Cicuta spp. (waterhemlock), are poisonous plants that cause sizeable losss to the livestock industry. Clinical signs of poisonhemlock toxicosis are similar in all species of livestock and include muscular weakness, incordination, trembling, initial central nervous system stimulation, depression and death from respiratory paralysis. Poison-hemlock also causes skeletal defects in the offspring of cattle, pigs and sheep and cleft palate in pigs when ingested during specific periods of gestation. The primary toxicants in poison-hemlock are coniine and gamma-coniceine. Coniine predominates in mature plants and seed, whereas gamma-coniceine predominates in early growth of the plant. Waterhemlock is the most violently toxic poisonous plant known. The toxicant is cicutoxin, which acts on the central nervous system, causing violent convulsions and death. Clinical signs of poisoning appear within 15 min after ingestion of a lethal dose and include excessive salivation, nervousness, tremors, muscular weakness and convulsive seizures interspersed by intermittent periods of relaxation and a final paralytic seizure resulting in anoxia and death. Elevated activities of lactic dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase and creatine kinase in blood are observed, indicative of muscular damage. Toxicoses from poisonhemlock and waterhemlock generally occur in early spring when both plants emerge before other, more palatable plants begin to grow. All parts of the poison-hemlock plant are toxic. The root or tubers of waterhemlock are toxic; however, experimental evidence concerning the toxicity of other plant parts is inconclusive.  相似文献   

It is reported of botanical intoxications in 1379 ruminants (dairy cattle, beef cattle and ewes) in north-eastern Germany. The intoxications of these animals were caused by consumption of the following plants: meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale L.), cowbane (Cicuta virosa L.), sweet clover (Melilotus alba MED.), sheep's sorrel (Rumex acetosella L.), bracken (Pteridium aquilinum KUHN) and St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum L.). In all the five described cases animals died as a result of plant intoxications. The authors come to the conclusion that periodical inspections of the meadows are necessary, checking the plants in cooperation with veterinary surgeons.  相似文献   

雌性动情状态和雄性等级对布氏田鼠社会行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
张建军  梁虹  施大钊 《草地学报》2006,14(3):280-283
在雄性竞争条件下,不同动情雌性布氏田鼠与雄鼠之间行为观察表明:(1)雌鼠动情状态下,优势雄鼠的攻击、自我修饰行为以及交配频次与交配时间均显著高于从属雄鼠,并具有交配优先权;优先被动情雌性选择交配。而从属雄鼠则表现出更频繁的上跳(逃跑或亢奋)行为。(2)当雌鼠处于非动情状态下,雌鼠与优势雄鼠间的相互嗅问行为频次显著高于雌鼠与从属鼠;优势鼠对雌鼠和从属雄鼠的攻击行为频次均显著高于从属鼠对雌鼠和优势雄鼠的攻击;从属鼠也表现出频繁的上跳行为。(3)在与不同雌鼠动情状态下共栖时,从属雄鼠对动情雌鼠的攻击行为频次显著高于对非动情雌鼠;优势雄鼠和从属雄鼠,与非动情雌鼠的友好行为频次均高于雌鼠;与非动情状态雌鼠共栖,雄鼠之间的友好行为频次显著高于动情雌鼠状态。(4)雌鼠动情状态和雄鼠等级会影响雌雄鼠之间的相互行为,动情雌鼠优先与优势雄鼠交配。  相似文献   

PCR方法筛选布氏田鼠小片断插入微卫星文库   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王登  施大钊 《草地学报》2007,15(3):278-282

在模拟条件下研究了不同密度的布氏田鼠Lasiopodomys brandtii啃食对植物群落结构及根系生物量的影响。结果表明:1)低密度鼠对植被群落结构的影响不显著,而高密度鼠可改变草地植被群落结构,植被在每100 m2 5只出现退化演替表现为优质牧草的比例降低而其他杂类草的比例增高,使之向退化草地方向演替。2)鼠类啃食促进茎叶枯萎,加速植被演替。茎叶枯萎率与鼠密度呈线性正相关。3)植被根系生物量与布氏田鼠密度关系呈现“高-低-高”的变化趋势;鼠密度为每100 m2 8只时,根系生物量降至最低。随鼠密度的增加,其须根系植物所占比例降低,其他杂草类轴根系植物比例增加。  相似文献   

"头孢沙星"对小鼠的急性毒性试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用150只清洁级昆明系健康小鼠,进行“头孢沙星”原药1、0 g/L制剂口服及腹腔注射急性毒性试验。结果表明,其原药LD0在10 g/kg~15 g/kg之间,LD100大于15 g/kg;其10 g/L制剂LD50=527.38 mg/kg,95%可信限范围391.84 mg/kg~696.44 mg/kg。“头孢沙星”原药属于实际无毒,10 g/L制剂按2 mg/kg临床应用安全。  相似文献   

Fifteen mature meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) were assigned to each of four diets: 1) basal; 2) basal + .001% pilocarpine (PLCN); 3) basal + .01% PLCN; 4) basal + .10% PLCN in a completely randomized design to measure the effect of PLCN on liver, kidney and parotid gland histopathology and feed intake. Meadow voles were fed each treatment for 14 d prior to euthanasia. Serum glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase, glutamic pyruvate transaminase and alkaline phosphatase levels were unaffected by dietary PLCN. Liver fresh weight tended to decrease with PLCN treatment, but kidney weight was not consistently affected. Parotid gland fresh weight decreased by 31% as the dietary level of PLCN increased from 0 to .10%. One of 15 voles on the control treatment died. Twelve of the remaining 14 voles showed no histopathological changes in the organs studied, but one showed segmental cystic dilation of some convoluted tubules and one showed chronic cortical interstitial nephritis. One vole of the 15 on the .001% PLCN treatment died. Eleven of the 14 remaining voles showed no histopathological changes in the organs studied, while two voles showed segmental cystic dilation of some convoluted tubules and one showed slight hydropic degeneration of hepatocytes. There was no mortality among voles fed .01% PLCN. Nine of the 15 voles showed no histopathological changes in the organs, while four showed slight hydropic degeneration of hepatocytes and one showed segmental cystic dilation of some convoluted tubules. Three of 15 voles died while fed .10% PLCN. The remaining 12 voles showed no histopathological changes in the above-mentioned organs, although three voles showed slight hydropic degeneration of hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Rodents, including common voles (Microtus arvalis) and house mice (Mus musculus) cause immense pre‐harvest and post‐harvest losses. Therefore, developing methods that mitigate these losses while maintaining their role in ecosystems is a priority. Several plant secondary metabolites (PSM) which significantly reduce food intake of both species under laboratory conditions have been identified. However, before these can be used in rodent pest management, they must be tested under more natural conditions where other food sources are available. In this study, the odors of 4 PSMs were evaluated for their repellent effects in experiments conducted in semi‐natural enclosures. Soil treated with PSMs or untreated soil (experimental control) was placed in an underground box containing food (rolled oats). We quantified the number of visits to each box and could demonstrate that all 4 PSMs reduced the number of visits to treatment boxes in both rodent species. For common voles the combination of methyl nonyl ketone + black pepper oil was the most repellent PSM. House mice made fewer visits to all PSM boxes; boxes with the anthraquinone were visited least. Furthermore, house mice consumed less food from boxes containing soil treated with all 4 PSMs. Our results suggest that PSMs are repellent in murid and microtine rodents under semi‐field conditions. In addition, the future use of PSM odors for repelling both pest species, especially house mice, seems promising. Further investigations with other PSMs, different concentrations as well as alternative application methods are needed to repel common voles from attractive crops.  相似文献   

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