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在鄂尔多斯市产业结构优化的基础上,对该地区进行了虚拟水贸易研究和虚拟水评价指标分析。结果表明:2020年鄂尔多斯市是一个虚拟水净出口地区,该地区工业产品虚拟水净输出量最大,占虚拟水输出总量的63.87%,消耗虚拟水量较大的粮食和牲畜等农业产品的净出口比例明显降低,由现状年的42.42%下降到36.13%;2020年鄂尔多斯市的水资源进口依赖度为3.42%,水资源自给率为69.76%,说明规划年鄂尔多斯市的水资源可以自给,能够满足本区域居民所消费的所有产品和服务的水资源需求,但水匮乏度为147.80%,从虚拟水角度来看要实现社会经济的可持续发展,还须通过区域外调水来保障。  相似文献   

和田地区是典型的内陆干旱区,研究区域水资源安全对指导水资源开发利用,促进社会经济与水资源可持续发展具有重要意义.本文基于水足迹理论,研究和田地区1989—2018年农作物生产和动物产品生产的农业生产水足迹的组成及时空变化,通过水足迹强度和水资源压力指标从水资源消耗和污染两个角度分析和评价水资源安全状态的时空变化.结果表...  相似文献   

陕西省2003年水资源足迹测评与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水足迹由于考虑了社会经济系统中的虚拟水消费量,较完整刻画了人类对水资源的真实占用和消费情况,为水资源的科学管理提供了一个崭新的视角。利用水足迹模型计算2003年陕西省全省资源水足迹和人均水足迹,结果表明:陕西省2003年的水足迹为248.862亿m3、人均水足迹为671.656 m3,水资源集约利用度为9.638元/m3,2003年陕西水资源压力指数为331.4%。提出了降低水足迹以缓解水资源压力的几条途径,探讨了今后水足迹研究的方向。  相似文献   

水资源短缺已成为制约内陆干旱区农业可持续发展的关键因子。本文在借鉴罗默的“增长阻力”概念模型的基础上,以地处黑河中游的民乐县和临泽县为典型研究区域,利用2000—2010年的农业生产面板数据集,度量了水资源紧缺对内陆干旱区农业生产的制约程度。结果表明,由于水资源要素的限制,民乐县和临泽县的农业总产值平均每年的增速要比上年降低0.9979个百分点和0.6228个百分点。在此基础上,对“增长阻力”的影响因素进行了进一步分析,并从节水设施改造,构建农田水利设施的长效机制,发展特色节水农业,提高水资源社会化管理水平和营造节水型社会建设的氛围五个方面,就如何减少水资源要素对农业发展的“增长阻力”提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

以石羊河流域为例,依据流域社会经济-水资源-生态复合系统的现状和存在的突出矛盾,分析了流域缺水的严重性,提出了缺水地区经济发展的水资源管理.首先要协调好流域经济社会-水资源-生态与环境的关系,遵循缺水地区经济发展规律、内陆河流域水循环规律和干旱区生态规律,拟定了作为缺水地区的内陆河流域经济发展的水资源管理6项原则,强化水资源统一管理,实施流域水资源定量分配方案、明晰水权、合理开发利用有限的水资源、保障生态用水,并采取保护水源、加强管理、优化节水和增辟水源等措施,才能使石羊河流域走出缺水地区的经济发展道路.  相似文献   

杨波  邓伟 《干旱区研究》2006,23(3):405-409
水资源的更新再生和可持续性存在的能力,是靠水循环过程年复一年、周而复始补给的.维持水的可持续性,保障水循环过程的正常运转,是自然社会持续发展的一项重要任务.水循环过程中,水的类型和资源属性变化与地理地质要素空间组合及其相互作用密切相关,水资源的形成、存在、迁移和转化需要一定的空间介质和场所,以满足水量调蓄、赋存、补给、更新以及水质保护的空间需求.这些空间介质和场所在流域尺度上,是指河流和其支流及与之相连接的湖泊、湿地等各种水体、那些受洪水波及的洪泛平原和部分坡地,以及此范围内的地下含水层系统所共同占据的空间.流域发展过程中,人类往往关注自身社会经济发展需求,而忽略了水系统的空间要求,流域内土地利用程度和范围不断扩大,水流在流域下垫面土层中的垂向和侧向运行路径受阻,干扰了流域中各种径流成分的生成过程和流域下垫面对降水的再分配过程,流域空间上水调节能力降低,滞洪能力减弱,陆地承载水量越来越少,加剧了水资源的时空分布不均,流域水质恶化,生物多样性降低,严重威胁着水资源安全.基于此,在流域水空间概念的基础上,提出流域水空间规划原则和规划程序,并以霍林河流域为例,建议对干旱和半干旱区流域采用水空间规划和管理措施,试图通过规范流域水空间管理,实现流域水和土的联合管理.  相似文献   

基于水足迹理论的内蒙古1990~2016年水资源评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水足迹是基于消费基础的水资源占用情况的指示器,能深刻揭示社会经济系统对水资源的真实消费,为水资源的科学管理提供了新视角。文中采用自下而上的水足迹法,从时空范畴的角度出发,对内蒙古水资源状况进行了定量分析与评价。结果表明:1990~2016年内蒙古水资源总量和人均量的波动趋势总体一致,人均水足迹增长了131.88m3/人,虚拟水足迹占优势地位,未超出水资源承载力范围;各盟(市)的人均水足迹差异显著,巴彦淖尔的最小,阿拉善的最大,且实体水足迹中农业用水占比较大;除呼伦贝尔、通辽、兴安盟和锡林郭勒外,各盟(市)水资源利用均处于超载状态。内蒙古水资源的时空分配极不平衡,协调各盟(市)间的用水关系和优化用水结构迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

建立节水型社会是我国的一项基本政策,也是解决渭干河—库车河三角洲绿洲水资源问题可持续利用的战略选择。渭干河—库车河三角洲绿洲水资源开发利用中存在的问题:主要由于社会、经济的发展及不合理的用水导致水资源短缺、水资源过度开发,水资源利用效率低、生态环境恶化等。渭干河—库车河三角洲绿洲是典型的灌溉农业区,农业灌溉大部分仍采用粗放型的宽河大渠输水、田间大水漫灌方式,灌溉定额普遍偏高,农业节水潜力很大。本文重点定量分析了该绿洲农业用水效益、农业节水潜力,建议农业节水的途径及节水灌溉技术应从骨干工程改造节水、中低产田改造节水、降低地下水位节水、改造作物灌溉制度节水、加强管理节水等几个方面进行。最后提出渭干河—库车河三角洲绿洲水资源可持续利用的对策措施。  相似文献   

敦煌1980-2012年农业水足迹及结构变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用水足迹模型,从生产水足迹角度计算评价了1980-2012年敦煌市农业水足迹及水资源的可持续性,并进行敦煌农业水足迹结构的合理性研究.研究表明:(1) 1980-2012年敦煌市农业水足迹从1980年的1.26×108m3增加到2012年5.43×108m3,对水资源的真实占用是农业用水统计量的1.72倍;敦煌以经济作物为主的农业结构不合理,耗水作物占经济作物种植的50%以上.(2)水足迹研究为解决干旱区水资源在本流域或更大范围内的合理配置提供了借鉴.敦煌市水资源利用呈不可持续状态,调整经济作物种植结构、实施虚拟水战略,实现农业水资源的高效利用是缓解敦煌水资源紧缺问题的主要措施.  相似文献   

陕北地区水资源安全及需求预测分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在社会经济系统中,水资源是基本生活和生产资料,正日益成为地区社会经济进一步发展的限制因子。陕北地区是我国黄土高原的主体部分,水资源短缺是其面临的主要问题。本文通过计算陕北地区水贫困指数(WPI)、水资源压力指数(WSI),对该区的水资源安全状况作出初步分析;预测了陕北地区在2010、2020年的生活、生产和生态环境需水量,结合2010、2020年陕北地区水资源可利用量,得到预测年内地区水资源承载力供需平衡指数(IWSD),其值分别为-0.13、-0.16,说明陕北地区在现状水资源开发利用条件下,2010、2020年水资源对应的社会经济系统是不可承载的,应提高水资源开发利用程度和效率,增加可利用水资源量,保证水资源足以支撑地区社会经济系统。  相似文献   

GONG Yidan 《干旱区科学》2020,12(3):462-472
Soil water is a critical resource, and as such is the focus of considerable physical research. Characterization of the distribution and spatial variability of soil water content(SWC) offers important agronomic and environmental information. Estimation of non-stationary and non-linear SWC distribution at different scales is a research challenge. Based on this context, we performed a case study on the Chinese Loess Plateau, with objectives of investigating spatial variability of SWC and soil properties(i.e., soil particle composition, organic matter and bulk density), and determining multi-scale correlations between SWC and soil properties. A total of 86 in situ sampling sites were selected and 516 soil samples(0–60 cm depth with an interval of 10 cm) were collected in May and June of 2019 along the Yangling-Wugong-Qianxian transect, with a length of 25.5 km, in a typical wheat-corn rotation region of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Classical statistics and empirical mode decomposition(EMD) method were applied to evaluate characteristics of the overall and scale-specific spatial variation of SWC, and to explore scale-specific correlations between SWC and soil properties. Results showed that the spatial variability of SWC along the Yangling-Wugong-Qianxian transect was medium to weak, with a variability coefficient range of 0.06–0.18, and it was gradually decreased as scale increased. We categorized the overall SWC for each soil layer under an intrinsic mode function(IMF) number based on the scale of occurrence, and found that the component IMF1 exhibited the largest contribution rates of 36.45%–56.70%. Additionally, by using EMD method, we categorized the general variation of SWC under different numbers of IMFs according to occurrence scale, and the results showed that the calculated scales among SWC for each soil layer increased in correspondence with higher IMF numbers. Approximately 78.00% of the total variance of SWC was extracted in IMF1 and IMF2. Generally, soil texture was the dominant control on SWC, and the influence of the three types of soil properties(soil particle composition, organic matter and bulk density) was more prominent at larger scales along the sampling transect. The influential factors of soil water spatial distribution can be identified and ranked on the basis of the decomposed signal from the current approach, thereby providing critical information for other researchers and natural resource managers.  相似文献   

节水型社会的内涵及评价指标体系研究初探   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
陈莹  赵勇  刘昌明 《干旱区研究》2004,21(2):125-129
建立节水型社会是水资源管理的重要内容。在对概念充分理解的基础上 ,考虑到区域或流域间经济社会发展的不平衡现状 ,借鉴国际上先进节水水平标准和国内用水部门节水水平 ,遵循科学、实用及简明的原则 ,构建节水型社会评价指标体系 ,用于指导实际工作以及正确评估建设节水型社会的推广价值  相似文献   

水资源是国民经济和社会发展的重要条件和制约因素之一。水利作为国民经济的基础产业, 具有战略意义。乌兰察布盟地处干旱半干旱地区, 水资源严重紧缺,水源问题不仅制约着社会经济的健康快速发展,而且影响着生态环境的平衡。本文对全盟水资源与经济社会发展的供需在进行预测分析的基础上, 提出搞好水利规划, 优先发展水利产业; 合理布局水利工程, 加快水利工程建设; 加强水资源的管理与保护; 建立以市场为导向, 综合效益为中心的水利经营管理机制, 推广节水技术, 合理利用水资源, 促进社会经济可持续发展的建议  相似文献   

Soil water content(SWC) is a key factor limiting ecosystem sustainability in arid and semi-arid areas of the Hexi Corridor of China, which is characterized by an ecological environment that is vulnerable to climate change. However, there is a knowledge gap regarding the large-scale spatial distribution of SWC in this region. The specific objectives of this study were to determine the spatial distribution patterns of SWC across the Hexi Corridor and identify the factors responsible for spatial variation of SWC at a regional scale. This study collected and analyzed SWC in the 0–100 cm soil profile from 109 field sampling sites(farmland, grassland and forestland) across the Hexi Corridor in 2017. We selected 17 factors, including land use, topography(latitude, longitude, elevation, slope gradient, and slope aspect), soil properties(soil clay content, soil silt content, soil bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity, field capacity, and soil organic carbon content), climate factors(mean annual precipitation, potential evaporation, and aridity index), plant characteristic(vegetation coverage) and planting pattern(irrigation or rain-fed), as possible environmental variables to analyze their effects on SWC. The results showed that SWC was 0.083(±0.067) g/g in the 0–100 cm soil profile and decreased in the order of farmland, grassland and forestland. The SWC in the upper soil layers(0–20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm) had obvious difference when the mean annual precipitation differed by 200 mm. The SWC decreased from southeast to northwest following the same pattern as precipitation, and had a moderate to strong spatial dependence in a large effective range(75–378 km). The SWC showed a similar distribution and had no significant difference between soil layers in the 0–100 cm soil profile. The principal component analysis showed that the mean annual precipitation, geographical position(longitude and latitude) and soil properties(soil bulk density and soil clay content) were the main factors dominating the variance of environmental variables. A stepwise linear regression equation showed that plant characteristic(vegetation coverage) and soil properties(soil organic carbon content, field capacity and soil clay content) were the optimal factors to predict the variation of SWC. Soil clay content could be better to explain the SWC variation in the deeper soil layers compared with the other factors.  相似文献   

黑河中游用水与流域水资源利用的博弈分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
水资源问题一直是影响西北干旱区经济、生态、社会持续发展的限制性因素.黑河流域随着人口增长和社会发展,中游水资源的供需矛盾和下游地区生态恶化的问题呈加剧趋势.通过对影响流域水资源因素的博弈分析,解决中游和下游用水的矛盾.从流域内理性行为主体看,需要借助外界力量的引导,处理好区域经济发展与流域水资源利用和保护的关系;从中游与流域关系看,需要水资源管理部门的介入和中游地区的合作,协调好局部与整体的关系;从政府在流域水资源管理的作用看,政府可以通过制定法律法规、行政管理、改进节水技术和宣传教育等手段来协调流域水资源的供需矛盾,提高水资源利用效率,促进流域水资源的可持续利用.  相似文献   

关于水资源管理的几个问题的探讨   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
水资源持续开发和永续利用是实现经济、社会和生态环境持续、协调发展的前提条件之一。加强水资源管理是实现水资源持续开发和永续利用的关键。本文认为要实现水资源的科学管理必须明确以下几个问题:水资源管理是以实现水资源的持续开发和永续利用为最终归宿;水资源管理应尽快完成由供给管理向需求管理的转变;明确水资源经济价值管理和环境价值管理方式的差异性;水资源管理应尽快上升为水资源资产化管理;我国干旱地区更要重视水资源的科学管理。  相似文献   

黄土区坡沟系统容重、饱和导水率和土壤含水量变化分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
切沟是黄土高原侵蚀沟的重要类型之一,对流域水文、植被、地貌和生态等地表过程具有深刻影响。为明确土壤物理参数对切沟地形、坡位和深度的响应,在陕北黄土高原选择典型切沟,根据其走向设置沟道、沟缘及坡面3条样线,对40个样点按照10 cm深度间隔采集0~30 cm各土层原状土样,利用定水头法和烘干法对土壤容重、饱和导水率和土壤含水量进行测定并分析。结果表明:(1)地形对容重、饱和导水率和土壤含水量具有显著或极显著影响,3个参数随坡位自下而上均呈波浪式变化趋势;沟缘和坡面位置容重随坡位上升总体呈微弱减小趋势,沟缘表层坡下土壤含水量较其他坡位明显偏低;(2)沟缘和坡面位置不同土层深度饱和导水率及容重的大小变化规律与沟道恰好相反;(3)对于各土层深度而言,沟缘和坡面土壤含水量均与沟道内差异显著,且沟缘土壤含水量总是低于坡面。以上结果表明,切沟分布改变了土壤容重、饱和导水率和土壤含水量在坡面的空间格局,在黄土区坡沟系统内不同地形条件对相关土壤物理参数的影响不应忽视。  相似文献   

Soil water is an important compositionof water recyclein the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. However, intense water exchange between soil-plant and soil-atmosphereinterfacesonly occurs in a certain layer of the soil profile. For deep insight into wateractive layer (WAL, defined as the soil layer with a coefficient of variation in soil water content>10% in a given time domain)inthe Loess Plateau of China,we measuredsoil water content (SWC)in the 0.0-5.0 m soil profile from 86 sampling sites along an approximately 860-kmlong south-north transect during the period 2013-2016. Moreover, a datasetcontainedfourclimatic factors (mean annual precipitation, mean annual evaporation, annual mean temperature and mean annual dryness index) andfivelocalfactors (altitude, slope gradient, land use, clay content and soil organic carbon)ofeachsampling sitewasobtained.Inthisstudy, three WAL indices (WAL-T (the thickness of WAL), WAL-CV (the mean coefficient of variation in SWC within WAL) and WAL-SWC (themean SWC within WAL)) were used to evaluate the characteristics of WAL. The results showed that with increasing latitude, WAL-T and WAL-CV increased firstly and then decreased. WAL-SWC showed an oppositedistribution pattern along the south-north transect compared with WAL-T and WAL-CV. Average WAL-T of the transect was 2.0 m, suggesting intense soil water exchange in the0.0-2.0 m soil layer in the study area. Soil water exchange was deeper and more intense in the middle region than in the southern and northern regions, with the values of WAL-CV and WAL-Tbeing27.3% and 4.3 m in the middle region, respectively. Both climatic (10.1%) and local (4.9%) factors influenced the indices of WAL, with climatic factors having a more dominant effect.Compared with multiple linear regressions, pedotransfer functions (PTFs) from artificial neural network can better estimate theWAL indices. PTFs developed byartificial neural network respectivelyexplained 86%, 81% and 64% of the total variations in WAL-T, WAL-SWC andWAL-CV. Knowledge of WAL iscrucial for understanding the regional water budgetandevaluatingthe stable soil water reserve, regional water characteristics and eco-hydrological processes in the Loess Plateau of China.  相似文献   

在古尔班通古特沙漠引水渠沿线建植5a的人工固沙区内,选择自然生长的沙蒿和沙拐枣灌丛,依据冠幅大小设置5个水平距离梯度和4个土层深度梯度.对比研究了二者的土壤水分特征.结果表明,随土层深度的增加,两种灌丛土壤含水量均呈增加趋.,中下部2层(20~40 cm和40~60 cm)土壤含水量显著(P<0.05)高于上部2层(0...  相似文献   

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