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酵母培养物在养猪上的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
酵母和酵母培养物(Yeast cultures,简称YC)作为动物的补充饲料已经有60多年的历史.YC是一种经过干燥的产品,既含有酵母菌又含有酵母菌赖以生长的培养基.YC含有丰富的维生素、酶、各种营养成分和某些重要的协同因子,在厌氧环境中能保持代谢活性,并能耐受干燥、加热和酸性等应激环境,在动物饲料中已应用多年.它具有使用方便、安全无毒无副作用等特点.  相似文献   

<正>酵母培养物(YC)是一种经过干燥的产品,既含有酵母菌又含有供其生长的培养基,并且含有丰富的维生素、酶、各种营养成分和某些重要的协同因子,在厌氧环境下可以保持代谢活性。反刍动物饲料中使用YC已经有相当长的历史,在奶牛配  相似文献   

酵母培养物(Yeast culture,简称YC),是指在一种含有酵母菌赖以生长的培养基中利用酵母菌的新陈代谢和繁殖菌体,经过发酵和干燥等特殊工艺制成的含有活菌和酵母细胞代谢产物的安全、无污染、无残留的优质饲料。它营养丰富,含有维生素、矿物质、消化酶、促生长因子和较安全的氨基酸,适口性极好,是集营养、保健为一体的生物活性添加剂。  相似文献   

酵母培养物研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
时建忠 《饲料工业》1998,19(3):11-14
酵母和酵母培养物(Yeastcultures,简称YC)作为动物的补充饲料已经有60年的历史。YC是一种经过干燥的产品,既含有酵母菌又含有酵母菌赖以生长的培养基。早期应用这种产品主要是依据经验观察.即日粮中添加少量的酵母和YC可以提高动物的生产性能。在过去10年中,大量的研究都把YC的有效作用与改变反刍动物瘤胃和马后肠微生物的活性相联系,使我们加深了YC对动物消化过程的影响及其在现代动物生产中作用的理解,YC正向日粮特异性菌株发展。这篇综述概括了近几年YC应用于动物生产中的一些试验结果以及当前用来阐明其作用机制的一些试…  相似文献   

反刍动物生物饲料添加剂研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
饲料添加剂是饲料的核心部分,用量少,作用大,技术含量高,是国内外研究的重点.反刍动物不同于单胃动物,在其消化代谢过程中,复杂的微生物菌群发挥了独特的作用.研究生物饲料添加剂对于提高反刍动物的生产性能,特别是高产动物的生产性能具有重要意义.1 酵母培养物酵母和酵母培养物(Yeast Cultures,简称YC)作为动物的补充饲料已有60年的历史.YC是一种经过干燥的产品,既含有酵母菌又含有酵母菌  相似文献   

酵母培养物在反刍动物上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>酵母培养物(YC)是指在严格控制条件下由酵母菌在特定的培养基上经过充分的厌氧发酵后形成的微生态制品,含有酵母菌及其赖以生长的培养基及其代谢产物。基于我国的国情,抗生素类添加物在动物饲料中已经被列为限制使用产品,所以酵母培养物已经成为替代抗生素的重要  相似文献   

酵母培养物(yeast culture,YC)营养丰富,含有多种未知促生长因子和免疫因子,其作为饲料添加剂已经广泛地应用于畜禽、反刍和水产动物的饲料中,具有促进生长、提高饲料转化效率、改善肠道环境以及提高机体免疫力和抗病力等作用。文章对YC在水产动物中的主要功能及作用机理进行了综述,以期为YC在水产养殖中的应用及下一步研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

酵母培养物对隐性乳房炎奶牛乳品质及体细胞数的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
酵母培养物(Yeast Culture,YC)是由酵母细胞、细胞外代谢产物以及变性培养基组成的混合物,其代谢产物中含有丰富的维生素、氨基酸、寡糖、小分子肽、醇类、酯类及其他一些重要的辅助因子.近期的研究表明,YC含有免疫活性物质,能够增强绒山羊的抗氧化功能和免疫功能[2],而YC的这种免疫增强功能在隐性乳房炎奶牛方面的应用鲜见报道.本试验研究YC对隐性乳房炎奶牛产奶量、乳汁成分及体细胞数的影响.  相似文献   

酵母培养物在反刍动物饲料中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>酵母培养物(Yeast Culture,YC)是一种在特定工艺条件控制下由酵母菌在特定的培养基上经过充分的厌氧发酵后形成的微生态制品,它主要由酵母菌及其代谢产物以及经过发酵后变异的培养基和少量已  相似文献   

酵母培养物对蛋雏鸡肠壁结构及免疫机能的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
酵母培养物(YeastCulture,YC)是由酵母菌及其代谢产物以及培养基所组成的一种可直接饲用的绿色饲料添加剂,富含氨基酸、维生素、酶、其它营养物质和一些重要“未知生长因子”,其中酵母细胞壁含丰富的甘露寡糖和葡聚糖。近年来很多报道认为甘露寡糖和葡聚糖具有改善胃肠道环境、  相似文献   

酵母细胞中的甘露聚糖是一种非淀粉多糖,存在于酵母细胞壁的外层中。酵母甘露聚糖通常与蛋白质以共价键的形式相连,被称为甘露糖蛋白。酵母甘露聚糖在动物营养中具有重要的生物学功能,是酵母源生物产品中的关键功能性成分之一。甘露聚糖含量是评价酵母提取物、酵母水解物、酵母培养物等产品品质的重要指标。本文就饲用酵母甘露聚糖的检测方法研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

余丹 《四川畜牧兽医》2012,39(10):30-32
硒是动物的必需微量元素之一.对动物的生产和健康具有重要的作用。酵母硒较无机硒有更高的吸收率和安全性。本文综述了酵母硒在猪、鸡、奶牛和水生动物上的应用研究进展。  相似文献   

Yeast culture is widely used in animal feed and has been linked to beneficial effects on animal health and production. This study examined the anti-oxidant and immunomodulating effects of a consumable yeast culture, XP, in vitro. An aqueous extract of XP contained anti-oxidants able to enter living cells and quench free radicals. The XP extract induced an increased expression of CD69 and CD25 on NK and NKT cells, and an increased cytotoxic response to K562 tumor cells. The XP extract amplified ProteinA-induced B cell activation in vitro, as measured by induction of the CD86 antigen on B lymphoblasts in 7-day cultures. The data show an anti-inflammatory effect of the XP extract in conjunction with activation of NK cells and B lymphocytes in vitro. Further in vivo studies are needed to examine the impact of XP in animals with bacterial and viral infections, as well as around the time of vaccination.  相似文献   

益康XP对奶牛产后日粮适应及生产性能影响的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
选取围产期(产前3~4周以内)健康奶牛20头和泌乳前期(泌乳天数小于56天)健康奶牛66头,按照胎次、泌乳天数和产量相同或相似的原则进行配对,分为围产期和泌乳期两个处理,每个处理又分为试验组和对照组。试验组和对照组的日粮组成相同,日粮由精料、羊草、苜蓿干草、青贮、混合料及一些糟粕类组成,试验组牛每天另添加酵母培养物益康“XP”60g,一次性投喂,试验期180天。结果表明:泌乳期试验牛产奶比对照组平均高2.10kg(p<0.05),差异显著;围产期试验牛产奶日平均比对照组高1.21kg(p>0.05),益康XP组泌乳期试验牛和围产期试验牛的乳脂率和乳蛋白均有一定的改善,但差异不显著。泌乳期试验中,两组体细胞数数据跳越性大,无明显改善效果,而在围产期试验中试验组初期(前60天)低于对照组,但整体高于对照组(P>0.05),且两组均值都小于35万/ml;本研究中,情期受胎率,两个处理中试验组和对照组无明显差异;泌乳期试验组乳房炎发病少于对照组,但围产期试验组乳房炎稍多,蹄病发病率却正好与乳房炎发病相反;产科疾病中试验组出现1次(死胎),对照组出现5次(4次胎衣不下,1次倒生助产)。  相似文献   

Supplementation of yeast culture to equine diets has improved digestion of nutrients in some studies but not others. Improving the digestibility of lower-quality forages could be advantageous both for the producer and for the horse's health. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of yeast culture on digestibility of high- and low-quality forage in mature horses. Sixteen geldings (483.6 ± 25.5 kg and 6.8 ± 3.2 years), of Quarter Horse (n = 14) and Thoroughbred (n = 2) breeding, were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design with 28-day treatment periods. Russell Bermuda grass hay of either high (13.1% crude protein (CP), 73.1% neutral detergent fiber (NDF), 35.3% acid detergent fiber (ADF), and 6.0% ash) or low (8.1% CP, 75.3% NDF, 37.6% ADF, and 4.3% ash) quality was offered at 1.35% of body weight (BW, dry matter [DM] basis). Diets consisted of high-quality forage with the addition of yeast culture (HY), high-quality forage without yeast culture (HC), low-quality forage with the addition of yeast culture (LY), and low-quality forage without yeast culture (LC). All horses were fed a commercial grain mix (12.6% CP, 25.4% NDF, 12.1% ADF, and 4.0% ash) offered at 0.45% of BW (DM basis) daily. Yeast culture was added to the grain mix during the morning feeding at a rate of 56 g per horse. Body weight was measured weekly and feed intake was adjusted accordingly. Fecal samples were obtained every 6 hours on the last 3 days of each treatment period. Horses receiving low-quality hay (LY and LC) had greater (P < .01) intake expressed as a percentage of BW compared with horses receiving high-quality hay (HY and HC). No influence of yeast culture supplementation was seen on intake of grain or forage (P < .23 and P < .62, respectively). Digestibility of DM, organic matter (OM), CP, and NDF were greater (P < .01, P < .01, P < .01, and P < .01, respectively) for the diets with high-quality forage compared with the diets with low-quality forage. Dry matter, CP, and NDF digestibilities were greater (P < .09, P < .03, and P < .05, respectively) for horses receiving LY compared with LC. Supplementation of yeast culture to mature horses improved digestibility of lower-quality Bermuda grass hay.  相似文献   

酵母蛋白饲喂泌乳奶牛试验报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李凌岩 《中国奶牛》2011,(10):24-28
本试验通过在荷斯坦泌乳牛日粮中添加酵母蛋白部分替代豆粕,研究其对泌乳牛干物质采食量、产奶量、乳成分及身体健康情况的影响,选取400头胎次、产奶量相近的中国荷斯坦泌乳牛分为对照组和试验组各200头,试验组每头牛每天饲喂500g酵母蛋白,通过60d的试验,结果表明试验组和对照组奶牛平均日产奶量差异不显著(P〉0.05),分别为32.54kg/d与32.34kg/d。在产奶量不变的基础上,试验组平均干物质采食量降低1.7kg(DM)/d,产奶效率提高,与对照组相比差异极显著(P〈0.01)。  相似文献   

G. Kogan  A. Kocher 《Livestock Science》2007,109(1-3):161-165
Polysaccharides are the major components of the yeast cell wall and play multiple functions, ranging from the carriers of immunochemical specificity and marker molecules, by which cells recognize each other and interact with the environment, to the skeletal substances that define stability, shape, and morphology of the cell. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the two major polysaccharides, constituting up to 90% of the cell wall dry weight, are -d-mannan and β-d-glucan, which have remarkable properties to interact with the immune system of the host. Modulation of mucosal immunity by the binding of these two polysaccharides to the specific receptors of immune cells provides beneficial effects on animal health and resistance to diseases. Specific commercial yeast cell wall polysaccharides supplied in feed (Bio-Mos®, Alltech Inc.) are able to block fimbriae of pathogenic bacteria, and thus prevent their adhesion to the mucous epithelium. Since adhesion presents the first step in microbial invasion, blocking of the receptors may prevent or eliminate infection. Yeast cell wall polysaccharides are also able to adsorb mycotoxins, thus decreasing their toxic effect and mediating their removal from the organism. Commercial yeast polysaccharides (MTB100®, Alltech Inc.) have been shown to absorb a wide range of mycotoxins at low inclusion levels. Thus, especially if the ban on antibiotic growth promoters becomes global, use of yeast polysaccharides as natural growth stimulators becomes a very urgent and rewarding issue.  相似文献   

本文综述了国内外大量有关酵母培养物影响反刍动物生产性能的研究,主要探讨其对采食量、产奶量、增重的影响。  相似文献   

The study evaluated the effects of feeding urea treated/supplemented wheat straw-based diets with addition of yeast culture (YC) as a dry season feed for dairy cows. Wheat straw diets with 3.6 % urea and 5.8 % molasses were formulated to upgrade nonprotein nitrogen levels and fibre degradation in the rumen. Yeast culture was included at 0 and 10 g/cow/day in mixer with commercial dairy meal to improve on fibre degradation and milk yield. Two experiments were conducted. Firstly, an in sacco dry matter degradability (DMD) trial with three steers in a completely randomized design (CRD) with a 3?×?2 factorial arrangement to determine the effects on intake and rumen degradation parameters. Secondly, feeding trial with 18 lactating cows in a 3?×?2 factorial arrangement at two levels of yeast culture (0 and 10 g/cow/day) and three types of urea interventions: No intervention (WS); addition of urea to straw at the time of feeding (USWS); and 7 days incubation of straw with urea (UTWS). Yeast cultures addition had no effect on rumen pH and NH3-N, but urea intervention showed an effect on rumen pH with USWS being lowest (p?<?0.05). Both urea interventions and yeast culture addition had no effect (p?>?0.05) on dry matter intake, milk yield, and milk composition but they increased (p?<?0.05) propionate yields.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the fecal fermentation of partial replacing steam rolled corn with soybean hulls (SH) or prickly pear cactus (PC) as energy source in horse diets, in the presence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Steam rolled corn was replaced with SH at 0% (control), 7.5% (SH75), and 15% (SH150) in the first trial, whereas it was replaced with PC at 0% (control; the same of the first trial), 7.5% (PC75), and 15% (PC150) in the second trial. Yeast of S. cerevisiae was added at 0, 2, and 4 mg/g dry matter (DM) of incubated substrates. Fecal inoculum was obtained from four adult English Thoroughbred horses fed on an amount of commercial concentrate and oat hay ad libitum. Interactions observed between PC rations and yeast doses for the asymptotic gas production (GP), the rate of GP and carbon dioxide (CO2) production during some incubation hours. Moreover, with no effect due to SH rations (P > .05), increased (P < .05) rate of GP was observed with the ration PC75 compared with other rations. Besides, PC75 and PC150 rations with 0 mg yeast/g DM linearly decreased (P < .05) CO2 production at some incubation hours. However, SH75 and SH150 ration had increased (P = .005) DM degradability (DMD). Yeast addition at 2 mg/g DM increased the asymptotic GP (P = .048) with the SH75 and PC150 rations. The level of 4 mg yeast/g DM increased the asymptotic GP (P = .048) from the SH150 ration. Yeast addition at 2 and 4 mg/g DM increased (P < .05) ​the asymptotic GP from PC75 and PC150 rations, respectively, with increasing DMD with the both doses. Yeast addition increased (P < .05) CO2 production from SH75, SH150, PC75, and PC150 rations. It could be concluded that SH and PC can replace steam rolled corn at levels of 7.5% to 15% without negative effect of fermentation kinetics and with better fermentation performance in the presence of yeast at 2 mg/g DM of substrates.  相似文献   

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