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祖国各地温室养鳖的重大改革──无沙养鳖法鳖喜在沙中栖息和隐蔽,因此国内外人工养鳖均在池底铺沙。可是,在密集型养鳖的情况下,沙很易被鳖粪、残饲污染,且不容易清洗打扫;严重时,底沙发黑发臭,并导致池水变质,环境恶化。据测定,被鳖粪等污染的水,溶氧量可降低...  相似文献   


光合细菌对鳖的促长作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设3个饵料组,即添加光合细菌(PSB)的配合饵料组、不添加PSB的同一配方饵料组、全动物性饵料组,均放养规格213~220g的鳖种,在水温30±1℃的池内,经90天的养殖对比.以添加PSB配饵组生长最快,平均每只鳖日增重4.75g,日增重率为1.47%。证明投喂添加PSB配饵对养鳖有明显促长作用。  相似文献   


闽南渔场大黄鱼年间生殖群体组成相似程度的模糊识别   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张澄茂 《水产学报》1994,18(4):335-339
闽南渔场大黄鱼年间生殖群体组成相似程度的模糊识别张澄茂(福建省水产研究所,厦门361012)关键词闽南渔场,大黄鱼,生殖群体,模糊识别AFUZZYDISTINGUISHABILITYONSIMILARDEGREEOFCOMPOSITIONOFSPAW...  相似文献   

斑节对虾(Penaeus monodon)暴发性病害的病原超微结构观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

低酶水解法提取无苦味鳀鱼水解蛋白   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
低酶水解法提取无苦味鳀鱼水解蛋白王长云,薛长湖,陈修白(青岛海洋大学水产学院,266003)关键词鳀鱼,水解蛋白,无苦味,低酶水解法PREPARATIONOFFISHNON-BITTERHYDROLYSATEFROMANCHOVY(ENGRAULIS...  相似文献   

在微机上建立渔捞产量数据库   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在微机上建立渔捞产量数据库孔兰香,仝龄,陈绵通,戴芳群(中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,青岛266071)关键词数据库,渔捞产量,马面,监测,预报DATABASEOFFISHCATCHONIBM-PCCOMPUTERKongLanxiangTong...  相似文献   


褐菖鮋的染色体核型及其自发畸变率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We investigated the effects of temperature, age class, and growth on induction of aestivation in the Japanese sandeel (Ammodytes personatus) by means of rearing experiments and field surveys in Ise Bay, central Japan. Acoustic surveys and sampling of shoaling and aestivating sandeels indicated that the sandeels completed aestivation when the water temperature increased to 17–20°C. A rearing experiment showed that the mortality of sandeels reared without sand was greater than it was with sand, under replete feeding conditions. In a non‐aestivation rearing experiment without sand, the condition factor of the sandeels decreased when water temperatures exceeded 20°C, although they were fed to repletion. These results suggest that aestivation is induced by rising seawater temperature and plays an important role in energy conservation. The age‐1 group tended to start aestivation earlier than the age‐0 group in the field. Within the age‐0 group, larger sandeels tended to enter aestivation earlier. These observations indicate that fat reserves are an important cue to start aestivation.  相似文献   

微生态调节剂(PSB)对温室内巴西彩龟促生长的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将微生态调节剂PSB添加剂在试验龟饲料中和泼洒于龟池内,经100天观测,施用PSB的试验组龟的增重率平均为37.5%,饵料系数平均为1.84;对照组分别为27.34%和2.38。表明PSB对巴西彩龟具有促生长和降低系数的作用。  相似文献   

光合细菌在虾病防治中的作用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文着重研究光合细菌(PSB)在虾病防治中的作用,结果表明:对虾养殖池施用光合细菌后,随PSB浓度的增加水质、底泥中弧菌和异养细菌数量而逐渐减少,表明了PSB具有调节和改善养殖的微生态环境的作用。PSB还能降低底泥中的有机质和硫化物含量,降低COD含量,并提高养殖水体的溶解氧,改善水生环境。本文还分析了PSB在长毛对虾幼体培育中的应用效果,光合细菌的营养通过食物链的传递,促进对虾生长,增强对虾抗病能力,降低发病率和死亡率。  相似文献   

鳖池一些环境因子变化特征及其对鳖生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对鳖池水体进行理化处理,分析了主要的环境因子对养殖鳖生长的影响。结果表明鳖池水体溶解氧的提高对鳖池水质和底质改善及养殖鳖的生长具有明显的促进作用,但对皮肤病的治疗没有明显的作用;大换水后鳖池水体pH值昼夜变化较大,午后出现较高的pH值高峰;午后高pH值对正常养殖鳖虽无明显的不适反应,但在随后的养殖过程中出现较多的疖疮病和白底板病。利用外加电源提高鳖池氧化还原电位,试图改善鳖池底质和水质的方法,未能得到满意效果。  相似文献   

对照1995年10月《全国甲鱼越冬期的健康养殖研讨会》的典型材料,介绍了有关甲鱼安全越冬的营养生理、养殖设施、环境与水质条件、饲养管理和健康养殖等方面的一些情况,提出了作者自己的看法。  相似文献   

固定化光合细菌在中华绒螯蟹人工育苗中的应用   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
王怡平 《水产学报》1999,23(2):156-161
用包埋法制备固定化光合细菌,并通过制备方法及使用方法的改进,使净化水质效果得到改善。四种不同包埋载体的试验结果表明,含3%沸石的海藻酸钙凝胶珠强度最大,净化水质活性最高。水体中NY3-N,NO2-N的含量及COD值的下降度随包埋比的增大而增大。对固定化光合细菌的用量及活化处理方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Abstract.— The effect on growth and survival of the initial stocking density (50, 100, 150, and 200 larvae/ L) in larval rearing of spotted sand bass was evaluated over 30 d in a closed recirculating system. Larvae were fed with rotifers, copepods, nauplii and adult Artemia , and spotted sand bass yolk-sac larvae. Water quality was monitored daily. The notochordal or standard length of sampled larvae was measured by image analysis. Specific growth rates at each density were compared by covariance analysis. Survival was estimated from day 15 to the end of the experiment, when a resistance test was used to evaluate the juvenile quality among densities. At the end of the experiment, mean standard length of larvae at lower densities was significantly larger ( P < 0.05) than at higher densities. Higher specific growth rates were found at lower densities. Significantly higher survival ( P < 0.05) was recorded for the lowest density, but the highest number of harvested fish was obtained with the highest densities (150 and 200 larvae/L). The lowest density also showed the significantly ( P < 0.05) higher survival after using a resistance test. We conclude the highest density can be used in larval rearing of spotted sand bass. However, better survival, growth, and seed quality are obtained at the lowest density. To recommend an optimal density for this specie, it is necessary to improve the water quality in the culture system and to make a cost-benefit study.  相似文献   

The rearing environment is important for a stable production of good quality lobster juveniles. By providing an environment excluding pathogens and dominated by mutualistic bacteria, the probability of developing healthy host-microbe relationships and produce healthy juveniles is increased. Disinfection of water and sudden increase in the supply of organic matter in culture tanks are processes that open for uncontrolled microbial regrowth in the rearing water. This increase the variability in the development of the microbiota between replicate rearing tanks and promotes selection for potentially harmful opportunistic bacteria. In two start feeding experiments with European lobster (Homarus gammarus) we compared the bacterial environment in three types of rearing systems: a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) with UV treatment directly in front of the rearing raceways, a RAS without disinfection, and a conventional flow through system (FTS). The RAS with no disinfection was hypothesised to stabilise the microbiota of the rearing water, select against opportunistic bacteria, and reduce variability in production outcome between replicate tanks compared to the other systems. As predicted, the three different systems developed significantly different compositions of the microbiota in the rearing water and the larvae. On average, the survival of larvae in RAS without disinfection increased with 43 and 275 %, in the first experiment, and 64 and 18 % in the second experiment, compared to RAS with UV and FTS, respectively. Also, the RAS without disinfection showed less variability in the survival of larvae between replicate tanks and batches compared to the other treatments. The results are promising for controlling the microbiota of the rearing water to improve, increase and stabilise the production of marine larvae by competent use of water treatment and selection regimes. Based on the presented and previous work, RAS is recommended over FTS, and in RAS it is recommended to avoid point-disinfection of the recirculating water, to provide a stable and beneficial microbial environment in the cultivation of marine larvae.  相似文献   

稚、幼鳖饲料配方的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了9种稚、幼鳖饲料,共进行4次饲养试验。软颗粒饲料(自然干燥,含水率约10%)可以取得极高的饲料利用率,获得1000g鳖肉仅需耗费饲料蛋白570g,远优于市售商品饲料1200g的值。唯稚鳖对其嗜好性差,摄食量少,致生长速度缓慢。以国产鱼粉和秘鲁鱼粉(均为褐色鱼粉)作为主要蛋白源加工成的软颗粒饲料和粉状饲料(制成面团)均未取得好的饲养效果。饲料中含有38.7%的植物蛋白(豆粕、生物蛋白粉),同时减少鱼粉用量,稚鳖的生长和饲料效率这两个主要指标均有下降,但成本可大幅度降低,表明植物蛋白在饲料中应占有适当份额,比例过高并不适宜。生物蛋白粉的适口性优于豆粕。通过调整粘结剂的种类与数量等方法,可以较大幅度地改变现行鳖饲料的配方模式,达到提高水稳定性、降低成本并获取良好饲养效果的目的。本文报导的D和B1饲料即属这一类型,其试养实绩明显优于某品牌市售商品饲料。  相似文献   

江河船体式网箱养鱼的评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者认为,江河船体式网箱养鱼作为一种新型的养殖方式,应对饲养对象的选择,流量控制,汛期的环境变化(水位,泥沙含量,固体污染物侵袭),以及船体的材料结构等进行深入研究,取得必要的基础资料,以促进江河船体式网箱养鱼稳步健康地发展。  相似文献   

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