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基于河南省人居环境现状,分别对郑州、洛阳、商丘和漯河四地市进行了实地调研,通过建立二元Logistic模型,分析了影响居民垃圾分类意愿高低的因素。结果表明:文化程度、经济发展、政策支持对提高居民垃圾分类意愿具有较强的正相关影响,而居民人居环境满意度对提高垃圾分类意愿具有负相关影响;女性相比男性的垃圾分类意愿更高,城市居民相比农村居民的垃圾分类意愿更高。基于此结论,从政府和社会两个方面分别提出了相关建议,以供参考。  相似文献   
耕地低碳利用对于减少农业温室气体排放,促进农业持续健康发展具有积极意义。建立资本禀赋、技术认知的理论分析模型和研究假说,利用湖北省347户农户的调研数据,在测度农户资本禀赋、耕地低碳利用技术认知的基础上,采用Logit模型、中介效应模型、调节效应检验方法,就资本禀赋、技术认知与农户耕地低碳利用意愿的关系进行实证研究。结果发现,资本禀赋不仅对农户耕地低碳利用意愿在1%水平上有显著的直接正向影响,还会通过技术认知这一中介变量在1%水平上产生显著的间接正向影响,环境素养在农户自我效能认知和耕地低碳利用意愿间发挥正向调节作用。据此,建议从经济资本、社会资本、文化资本3个角度提升农户的资本禀赋,通过多种渠道提升农户对耕地低碳利用的认知水平,提高农户环境素养。  相似文献   
【目的/意义】通过探索五感体验需求对潜在游客体验意愿的驱动影响,以期能够准确理解与把握潜在游客的行为意向,为森林康养步道设计提供理论参考。【方法/过程】以潜在游客为研究对象,借助AMOS构建结构方程模型,并引入“认知程度”这一调节变量进行层级回归分析。【结果/结论】结果表明:五感体验需求对潜在游客选择体验森林康养步道的意愿具有正向显著影响;在森林康养步道中,对五感体验需求影响最大的为触觉体验需求,其次为嗅觉体验需求、视觉体验需求和听觉体验需求,影响最小的是味觉体验需求;潜在游客对森林康养的认知程度对于五感体验需求与体验意愿之间的关系具有正向调节作用。  相似文献   
Agricultural extension is an approach to rural development and agricultural transformation in which training, demonstration and technology transfer are key to reducing rural poverty, ensuring food security, and sustainably managing natural resources. During recent decades, different extension approaches have been tested and validated by the Ethiopian government and non-governmental organizations to stimulate participation in the agricultural extension system (AES). The most recent was a German-funded project entitled “Integrated Soil Fertility Management Project” (ISFM+), which employed a novel approach to piloting and upscaling proven technology and best practice. The purpose of this study was to analyze and document the modalities of ISFM+ and illustrate its effects on technology uptake and dissemination. The study used a mixed methods approach to collect data. ATLAS.ti and SPSS were used for data management and analysis. Farmer Research and Extension Groups and Farmer Field Schools were found to be central to the participation process. Also, the ISFM+ was found to aid technology transfer and helped to increase grain and residue yields as well as farmer livelihoods. Based on these empirical findings, it is argued that the ISFM+ approach and technology should be integrated and institutionalized in the mainstream AES in order to promote their extensive application.  相似文献   
农民工返乡创业能够有效培育农村经济发展的内生力量,对促进乡村振兴战略具有重要现实意义。在当前信息时代背景下,社会资本因互联网的嵌入已分化为现实社会资本和虚拟社会资本,这对农民工返乡创业意愿的影响效应可能不同。基于互联网嵌入视角,利用西安市406个农民工的微观调查数据,运用结构方程模型,分析现实社会资本和虚拟社会资本对农民工返乡创业意愿的影响效应。结果表明,农民工返乡创业意愿较为强烈;现实社会资本对农民工返乡创业意愿具有直接正向影响;虚拟社会资本对农民工返乡创业意愿具有直接负向影响、间接正向影响;虚拟社会资本可以转化为现实社会资本;虚拟社会资本正在逐步取代部分现实社会资本成为提升农民工返乡创业意愿的重要推力;互联网嵌入对于现实社会资本具有直接负向影响,对虚拟社会资本具有直接正向影响,对农民工返乡创业意愿没有直接影响。据此,提出加快农村地区经济组织发展,增加现实社会资本的累积;建立并完善信息服务平台,加强互联网信息审核机制的政策建议。  相似文献   
风险管理是现代农业经营中的重要问题,随着农业市场化程度的加深,肉鸡产业面临着多种风险来源的冲击。农业保险作为有效的现代风险管理工具,在保障产业可持续发展、减少农户家庭收入波动方面发挥了重要作用。基于行为金融理论,利用江苏、安徽、山东、河南和辽宁5个肉鸡主产区的调研数据,运用有序Logit模型,分析风险感知与保险认知对养殖户保险购买意愿的影响,探讨两者间的交互影响机制。结果表明,尽管66.43%的农户认为肉鸡养殖保险在风险管控中的必要性较强,但86.43%的农户对保险内容的了解程度不高,仅有20.71%的农户具有强烈的保险购买意愿。生产风险感知对养殖户的保险购买意愿有促进作用。保险认知中,农户对保险重要性认知程度对其保险购买意愿有促进作用;农户对保险内容的了解程度对其保险购买意愿具有显著的抑制作用,主要由于当前肉鸡保险产品设计不合理,保险内容与农户需求不匹配,保险理赔效果不佳,对保险内容了解程度越高反而会降低农户的购买意愿。风险感知和保险认知间存在交互影响,即风险感知对农户保险购买意愿的提高效果会随着对保险重要性认知程度的提高而增强,随着对保险内容了解程度的提高而减弱。因此,政府应加强农户的风险管理教育与培训,提高其风险管理意识,同时完善和优化当前肉鸡保险的内容,使之与农户需求相匹配,并通过更广泛的宣传来提高养殖户对于肉鸡保险的认知,从而增强农户对保险的购买意愿。  相似文献   
文章以用户参与为理论基础,以融入科研管理为实践目标,创新性地提出一种适合科研院所的机构知识库建设模式,并以江苏省农业科学院为例进行了实证研究,该模式兼具传统机构知识库功能,又能体现科研机构特色、解决科研机构成果管理问题.在此基础上,还分析明确了适用于科研院所成果管理和共享的数据审核流程、元数据标准规范、功能模块、系统架构、管理运行机制等.  相似文献   
巨大的食物浪费会造成严重的环境、社会和经济后果,阻碍社会的发展。消费者是食物浪费产生的主要原因,为了有效减少食物浪费,就必须了解消费者食物浪费行为的影响因素。基于计划行为理论,利用961个消费者的调查数据,从食物和环境相关行为两个角度,分析消费者食物浪费行为,探讨消费者食物浪费行为的影响因素。结果表明,消费者食物浪费量较大,占总食物量的16.52%。一般态度、金钱态度、环境态度、主观规范、个人规范和知觉行为控制均显著正向影响消费者减少食物浪费意愿,其中,环境态度对减少浪费意愿的影响最大,其次是食物浪费的一般态度和知觉行为控制,个人规范影响最小。而减少食物浪费意愿则显著负向影响消费者的食物浪费行为。因此,为有效减少食物浪费,提出加强沟通宣传、改变消费者对食物浪费的行为态度;规范相关条例制度、强化消费者减少食物浪费的规范;同时加强相关培训教育、提高消费者对食物浪费行为的知觉行为控制的建议。  相似文献   
Public participation is crucial for sustainable forest management. In particular, in urban forest areas, it is an important tool for overcoming conflicts among diverse needs regarding the forests through collaboration between citizens and governments. Such collaboration requires social learning. Social learning is dependent upon the presence of social networks that serve as an infrastructure for social capital. This study analyses the role of the social network in a participatory forest management approach of the Nopporo Forest Regeneration Project (NFRP) in the urban Nopporo National Forest in Hokkaido, northern Japan, aimed at restoring a typhoon damaged forest.Within the framework of the participatory approach the project hascreated a network of several citizen organizations for exchanging information. Outside this formal NFRP network several additional citizenorganizations are concerned about the Nopporo Forest management. The article describes the overall social network that has evolved around the Nopporo Forest and compares the attitudes and evaluations of the NFRP network organizations and the not formally NFRP related organizations towards their collaboration with government agencies and other citizen organizations. The overall social network around the Nopporo Forest had a multi-nodal character with the National Forest Agency and Hokkaido Prefectural Government acting as main central nodes. Only a few citizen organizations had direct relations to both central nodes; many organizations had links to either the National Forest Agency or the Prefectural Government. The organizations involved in the formal NFRP network had close ties with the National Forest Agency. This contributed to a positive evaluation of present forest management approach and the collaborative activities of the government agencies. In contrast, the organizations that were not involved in the formal NFRP network were found to have fewer ties with the National Forest Agency. The lack of opportunity to form a direct social learning relation hindered the formation of social capital and resulted in a lower evaluation of the participatory management approach as well as of the collaborative activities. Thus, although the participatory forest management approach of establishing formal social networks enhanced collaboration between the National Forest Agency and several citizen organizations and social learning, it was less successful in encouraging a democratic process involving all interested citizen organizations.  相似文献   
我国财政支出绩效评价存在问题的研究及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绩效评价作为一项新的财政支出管理举措,由于认识、制度和管理等原因,导致了绩效评价在评价程序等方面出现了一些问题。作者通过对财政支出项目绩效评价的案例研究,提出现阶段财政支出绩效评价中存在问题的解决思路。  相似文献   
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