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The present study investigated the effects of sequential collection of milt, time of post-mortem storage and anesthesia on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) sperm motility parameters (using computer-assisted sperm analysis – CASA) as well as seminal plasma osmolality and sperm concentration. The post-mortem storage and time of anesthesia altered motility characteristics of rainbow trout sperm to different extents. The moderate impact of time of anesthesia was manifested in a shortened duration of sperm motility after 10 min exposure of fish to anesthetic. The prolonged post-mortem storage (≥40–60 min), in addition to lowering sperm motility duration, also significantly influenced sperm motility parameters, such as sperm velocities, percentage of motile sperm and sperm trajectory parameters. These results clearly demonstrate that when milt from sacrificed fish is used for sperm motility studies, the time of post-mortem storage significantly alters sperm motility characteristics. Since sperm motility rate and swimming velocity could predict fertilizing ability, detrimental effects of prolonged post-mortem storage may lead to reduced fertilization success. Sperm concentration and seminal plasma osmolality were lower in the first fractions and increased with successive collections of milt. It suggests the presence of urine contamination of the first milt fractions which were collected by stripping. Therefore, testing of sperm concentration and/or seminal plasma osmolality should be mandatory while handling stored milt.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the relationships between egg viability and ovarian fluid composition, egg physiology and egg metabolism in lake trout, Salmo trutta lacustris, to obtain biomarkers for egg quality determination. The ovarian fluid pH, protein levels and activities of aspartate aminotransferase and -d-glucuronidase were significantly correlated with egg viability expressed as the number of eyed stage embryos. Regression models demonstrated that an ovarian fluid pH between 8.44 and 8.57, protein levels below 235.56 mg 100 ml–1ovarian fluid, aspartate aminotransferase activity below 31.65 m min–1 l–1ovarian fluid and -d-glucuronidase activity below 8.62 m min–1 l–1 ovarian fluid characterized egg batches with high viability (80%).The increase in the egg wet weight during water hardening was also significantly correlated with the number of eyed stage embryos, and egg batches with high egg viability (80%) increased in wet weight by 13% during water hardening.From the investigated metabolic parameters the number of eyed stage embryos was significantly correlated with activities of NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (egg viability 80% at 2.07 nM min–1 mg–1 protein) and NAD-dependent malate dehydrogenase (egg viability 80% at 47.25 nM min–1 mg–1 protein), with the respiration rate (egg viability 80% at 8.71 nM min–1 mg–1 protein), with the ratio of NADH to NAD levels (egg viability 80% 0.872), with the levels of free, non-esterified fatty acids (egg viability 80% 72.34 g mg–1 protein), and the ratio of non esterified to esterified fatty acids (egg viability 80% at 0.749). Also, subjective and visual control methods were described to distinguish between batches with viable and non viable eggs.  相似文献   
泵站正向进水前池底坎整流机理数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
罗灿  成立  刘超 《排灌机械》2014,(5):393-398
为研究正向进水前池存在的不良流态,基于N-S方程和Realizable k-ε紊流模型,采用SIMPLE算法,数值模拟了正向进水前池中无任何措施和增设底坎整流措施的流态.CFD计算结果表明:原方案的前池两侧出现了大面积的回流区,泵站两侧机组进水条件差,水流偏斜较为明显;加底坎,且当底坎离进水池较远时,整流效果并不明显,前池内仍有大面积的回流产生,偏流依然严重;当底坎离进水池较近时,坎后旋涡直接影响到进水池的流态;通过CFD优化,底坎设在离进水池入口(7~10)D处,能明显改善前池的流态,水流能较均匀地流入各台机组;随着底坎坎高的增大,底层回流区会逐渐变小,较大回流区发生的位置也由坎后变为坎前,坎高的取值约为0.3H'时,前池内流态较好;底坎的顶宽尺寸对前池流态的影响较小.CFD计算结果与试验结果基本吻合,研究成果对正向扩散前池流态改善有借鉴价值和实际意义.  相似文献   
[目的]研究供试沼渣、沼液的养分含量及安全性。[方法]通过检测正常使用中的大型沼气工程产生的沼渣、沼液,根据相关国家标准进行对比分析,进而得出沼渣、沼液的养分情况和安全情况。[结果]沼渣的有机质含量超过国家有机肥标准,总养分基本达到国家制定的指标,沼液有机质含量和总养分低于国家有机肥标准,沼液、沼渣适宜与其他营养元素混合施用。供试沼渣和沼液中重金属含量低于国家复合肥标准,是可以用于农事生产的安全养分供应来源。供试沼渣和沼液中血吸虫、钩虫卵和寄生虫卵为零,表明沼气工程发酵过程能够杀灭有害虫卵。[结论]该研究可为沼渣、沼液应用于农业生产提供理论基础。  相似文献   
An 13 bit lattice gas automata model has been investigated from fluid discrete dynamics. By gaining the moment equations from lattice Boltzmann equation and using Chapman Enskog expansion, the fluid dynamics equation and energy equation of 13 bit lattice gas automata model with polyvelocity have been deduced. The validity of the model using for non isothermal fluid dynamics has been proved . Finally, simulation results for non isothermal flow pass plate have been shown  相似文献   
Polystyrene/layered silicate nanocomposites were prepared by melt intercalation. To examine the distribution of the clay in polymer matrix, small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used. Intercalated nanocomposites were obtained and their rheological properties were investigated. Microcellular nanocomposite foams were produced by using a supercritical fluid. As clay contents increased, the cell size decreased and the cell density increased. It was found that layered silicates could operate as heterogeneous nucleation sites. As the saturation pressure increased and the saturation temperature decreased, the cell size decreased and the cell density increased. Microcellular foams have different morphology depending upon the dispersion state of nanoclays.  相似文献   
将导出的旋涡运动积分恒等式应用于涡动力学微分方程,分别建立了不可压缩粘性流体在外力有势条件下的流体质量体(系统)及控制体的旋涡运动积分方程,并对不可压缩粘性流体、外力有势条件下质量体的旋涡运动积分方程及其涡强度和矢量的随体导数予以讨论。其结论可对旋涡运动宏观动力学特性的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   
液力偶合器三维涡识别方法及流场时空演化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
精细刻画液力偶合器内部非定常多尺度三维涡结构对于揭示液力偶合器流场时空演化规律与能量损耗机理具有重要意义。该研究基于计算流体动力学理论,采用应力混合涡湍流模型多尺度解析模拟制动工况下液力偶合器三维旋涡流场。通过3种不同的涡识别方法提取涡轮内部多尺度涡系结构,从空间重构效果、阈值选择范围及敏感性角度分析不同涡识别方法的适用性。依托粒子图像测速(Particle Image Velocimetry,PIV)流场试验验证数值模拟及涡结构辨识结果的准确性与可靠性。围绕三维涡结构特征解析结果和二维流场图谱信息,分析并揭示流道内部湍流的时空演化规律及能量损耗机理。结果表明:Q准则方法的阈值选择盲目性大,难以同时识别强涡与弱涡结构,丢失很多涡结构细节特征,无法准确预测三维涡空间连续性运动趋势;Ω方法能够在阈值范围为0.51~0.59内精确辨识弱涡结构,但涡系空间重构后涡的运动趋势感不强;ΩL方法对阈值不敏感,在阈值范围为0.51~0.67内该方法空间涡系重构效果最好,强涡、弱涡结构特征识别度高。制动工况下涡轮内部整体流动为逆时针大尺度环流,并伴有小尺度涡流等局部流动现象,与主流涡运动相同旋向的旋涡促进主流旋涡运动,相反旋向的旋涡阻碍主流旋涡运动,由于涡的撕裂、破碎、分离、碰撞、摩擦、挤压等作用,导致流体能量损失,以热能形式耗散。研究结果可为液力偶合器结构设计与优化提供理论与技术指导。  相似文献   
传统的阀控液压系统是利用液压阀节流孔来控制流量,存在很大的节流损失。基于数字液压的思想及受高速开关阀全开和全关状态理论上无节流损失的启发,本文提出二维脉宽调制转阀构型,将液压系统流量以流体脉宽调制的方式进行控制及分配,降低节流损失,同时通过主动溢流方式极大地消除溢流损失。在高压(负载)支路和低压(油箱)支路之间通过阀芯旋转快速高频切换输出离散流量;通过阀芯轴向位移控制占空比(恒定转速下,负载支路连通时间与回油支路总连通时间的比)以实现输出平均流量的控制。通过数学模型、仿真以及实验验证了高频二维脉宽调制转阀可将流体连续性流动转变为离散、可控的流动,从流体系统工作介质离散化的角度实现了一种新的流量控制方式。  相似文献   
速冻方式不同对鱼肉温降速率、均匀性以及解冻后品质的影响不同,最佳速冻方式选取已成为行业内提升鱼类速冻效率与维持鱼肉品质的主要方式之一。以罗非鱼为例,结合3D扫描逆向建模与计算流体力学数值模拟等技术直观获取冷风式速冻、氯化钠和氯化钙浸渍速冻方式下罗非鱼温度时空分布规律,并通过与实验值比较验证模拟结果的准确性与可靠性,综合对比分析不同速冻方式对罗非鱼冻结速率、均匀性以及水分流失的影响规律,确定最佳速冻方式并提出优化设计方案。研究结果表明,温度模拟值与实测值最大偏差为1.81℃,最大均方根误差与平均绝对百分比误差分别为1.017℃、18.9%,且冻结过程罗非鱼温度降至-15℃时,3种速冻方式所需冻结时间模拟值与实测值最大相对偏差仅为6.89%。其次,氯化钠和氯化钙两种浸渍速冻方式下罗非鱼冻结速率基本相同,相比冷风式速冻冻结时间约降低73%,冻结均匀性提升10~40倍。两种浸渍速冻方式下罗非鱼解冻后水分流失率仅为3.89%和3.92%,分别比冷风式速冻方式降低10.37%和9.68%左右。最后,提出了一种氯化钠液流化速冻方式优化方案,通过综合考虑冻结速率、均匀性及能耗确定最佳流速为2.5m/s,且相比鱼体头朝入口水平放置与竖直放置,鱼体背朝入口水平摆放方式的冻结效率最优。  相似文献   
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